World of Wuling

Chapter 703: The Last Evil (5)


Dozens of ice blades were attacking from all directions. It would be difficult for Liu Feng to bring Gongsun Huaibing back to life while taking on the ice blades from the Snow Girl.

Liu Feng turned around and a powerful aura burst out, but he did not completely resist the attack of the ice blades. In the blink of an eye, many ice blades hit Liu Feng's back at the same time. Liu Feng endured the pain and continued to bring Gongsun Huaibing back to life.

"I wonder how long you can endure?" The fierce voice of the Snow Girl sounded, and many ice blades appeared in the room.

Perhaps all of these ice blades will eventually hit Liu Feng's body. In the blink of an eye, it may become a reality, and countless ice blades will hit Liu Feng again.

"Liu Feng!" Gongsun Huaibing's exclamation came to Liu Feng's ears.

"You finally woke up!" Liu Feng smiled, with blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. The power of those ice blades was unexpectedly strong. It might not be a problem to take on a few of them, but dozens of them would be a bit tricky.

"What happened?" Gongsun Huaibing looked at the seriously injured Liu Feng in confusion. Liu Feng succeeded in bringing Gongsun Huaibing back to life, and he succeeded despite the Snow Girl's sabotage.

"Okay, everything is fine!" Liu Feng let go of Gongsun Huaibing and turned around. The figure of the Snow Girl did not appear in the room, but there were many more ice blades in the air. At the same time, the Snow Girl's voice came again: "Liu Feng, die!"


Many ice blades shot towards Liu Feng like springs. This time Liu Feng had freed his hands, so it was easy for him to block these ice blades.


With a deafening roar, countless ice blades were swept towards the corner of the wall, and a wall collapsed.

Liu Feng also took out the black wooden sword silently.

Silence. The room suddenly became silent. The Snow Girl in the spirit state did not speak, and Liu Feng did not speak either. Gongsun Huaibing also looked around in surprise.

Perhaps the black wooden sword had frightened the Snow Girl, but she did not run away. Liu Feng could clearly feel that she was nearby.

"Snow girl, are you immortal? Well, I will kill you today!" Liu Feng was thinking as the black wooden sword suddenly rose up. Yes, he had also sensed the location of the Snow Girl.


A sword was shot out, and the black wooden sword nailed the Snow Girl to the wall. A puff of white smoke rose up, and the Snow Girl also let out a pitiful scream. Soon, the Snow Girl's figure disappeared with the white smoke.

"The immortal man is finally dead!" Liu Feng turned his head and stared at Gongsun Huaibing.

"How's your injury?" Gongsun Huaibing looked at Liu Feng with a worried look.

"My injury is not a problem." Liu Feng gently stroked Gongsun Huaibing's cheek and smiled, "As long as you are okay!"

Gongsun Huaibing turned his head and leaned on Liu Feng's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "Is this all over?"

Liu Feng said: "No, it's not over yet, Sister Yang Jiu is dead, I'm going to the Dimensional Realm to find a way to revive her!"

(End of this chapter)