World of Wuling

Chapter 704: The Last Evil (6)


"What? Yang Jiumei is dead?" Gongsun Huaibing was a little surprised. She didn't even know that Yang Jiumei was dead. Liu Feng could clearly feel that Gongsun Huaibing's heart sank after hearing the news that Yang Jiumei was dead.

"Yes! I am going to the dimensional realm now." Liu Feng nodded firmly.

"But you are injured!"

Liu Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay. This injury will heal on the way!"

Gongsun Huaibing said: "But the Kowloon Golden List Ceremony is about to begin, don't you want to participate?"

"No, I can't wait that long. I must go right now!" Liu Feng still insisted.

"Well, go ahead. The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back!" Gongsun Huaibing still let go of Liu Feng. Only Liu Feng could feel the reluctance in his eyes.

"I will!" Liu Feng took a few steps back. Of course, he was reluctant to leave, but he did not show it.

Liu Feng left the Spiritual Pavilion. If he wanted to go to the dimensional realm, he had to find the entrance to the dimensional realm first. He first thought of the old man on the Demon Peak where the Emperor of Weapons fought. That old man must be able to tell Liu Feng the entrance to the dimensional realm.


At the foot of Tianmo Peak, an old man in a white robe with disheveled hair was staring quietly into the distance. When he saw Liu Feng, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The old man suddenly said, "You are here?"

"You knew I was coming?" Liu Feng seemed a little puzzled.

"I knew you would come, but I didn't know you would come so soon!" The old man narrowed his eyes and smiled kindly, which made Liu Feng think of Jiehun.

Liu Feng said: "Then you must know why I am here?"

The old man said, "Of course, have you really decided?"

Liu Feng nodded and said firmly: "I've decided!"

"Are you sure you don't regret it?"

"No regrets!"

Seeing Liu Feng's determination, the old man nodded and said, "In the past, many people went to the dimensional realm to get what they wanted or to bring something back, but they often couldn't resist the temptation and never returned."

Liu Feng said firmly again: "I won't! I'm different!"

The old man smiled and said, "Many people say this at first, but the results are all different. Since you have made up your mind, then follow me!"

The old man turned and walked forward. Looking at the old man's back, Liu Feng hesitated a little, but finally followed him.

The passage to the dimensional realm turned out to be a very strange portal. This portal was on the Demon Peak. Without the old man leading the way, no one could find it.

The old man pointed to the passage and said, "The door is right here. Everything after you enter will depend on your luck."

"Okay, thank you very much, see you later!" After Liu Feng finished speaking, he strode towards the gate of the dimensional realm.

"It's unlikely we'll ever see each other again!"

Faintly, the old man's voice came from behind Liu Feng. Liu Feng couldn't help feeling a little numb after hearing these words. It seemed that he was lured into a trap by the old man, but the passage to the dimensional realm did not seem to be a trap. After walking for a distance of about ten feet, the sun was shining brightly in front. Perhaps Liu Feng had truly stepped into the dimensional realm, but when he looked back, the door of the passage behind him was closed. It was impossible to return to the original place, but the world in front was far beyond Liu Feng's expectations. The dimensional realm, what kind of world is this

(End of this chapter)