World of Wuling

Chapter 712: Extra chapter of martial arts Willow Leaf Flying Dagger (I)


Extra: Martial Arts Chapter, "The Willow Leaf Flying Dagger"

"Wuling Tianxia" has been completed, and the new book "The Best Life After Possessing Superpowers" has been uploaded. The updates are stable, so please support me. The extra martial arts chapter "Willow Leaf Flying Dagger" is about what happened before Liu Feng was reborn into the spirit world. It won't be very long, and Xiaoxu wrote it on a whim, so please support me!

Chapter One,

It was a very cold day, with a biting wind that made people curl up their necks. The children’s ears no longer belonged to them and seemed like they would fall off if touched.

The child was very hungry, and whenever he was hungry he would run to the street to beg, but every time he could only get a steamed bun he had to suffer heavy injuries.

There was a little dust on the steamed bun, but it was still fragrant and still filled my stomach.

The child held the steamed bun in both hands, as if he was holding the most important thing in his life. His eyes were full of desire, as if he was warning others that if someone snatched the steamed bun away at this moment, he would definitely fight with that person.

However, when the child opened his mouth to bite the bun, a skinny and old hand suddenly reached out and snatched the bun from the child's hand in the blink of an eye.

The child glared at the old man who suddenly appeared, and his fists were clenched.

"Give me back my buns!" the child's voice was very thin and cold.

"Child, what's your name? Where are your parents? Where is your home?" The old man had a kind look and a smile on his face as he spoke.

"Give me back my buns!"

The child still said the same thing, nothing is more important than steamed buns at this moment.

"Answer me, and I'll take you to eat something good."

"I just want my steamed bun." The child was very determined. At this moment, there was only the steamed bun in his eyes.

The old man had no choice but to return the steamed bun to the child.

After the child ate the bun, he took the old man to his home.

This is a dilapidated temple with nothing in it. Even the clay Buddha statue is incomplete. The child pointed at the clay Buddha statue and said, "They are my parents."

The old man shook his head and said, "No, your father is the left-handed swordsman Liu Qingyun, your mother is Wulihua Liuyeer, and you are Liu Feng."

"How do you know?" The child was a little surprised. Ever since his parents died, he had forgotten who he was. He only knew that he had an enemy, the enemy who killed his parents. The reason why he lived so poorly was to take revenge.

"I am your parents' friend, Li Li, the successor of Xiao Li Fei Dao. Did your parents ask you to find someone before they died?"

"When my parents were dying, they asked me to find two people, one was Li Li and the other was Liu Tianci."

"Yes, Liu Tianci is the Palace Master of Wanhua Palace and the murderer of your parents."

"I want revenge!" There was a kind of hatred in Liu Feng's eyes that a child shouldn't have.

"I will teach you my lifelong skills, but Liu Tianci must be a very important person to be the master of Wanhua Palace. We should not rush for revenge. As the saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Liu Feng stared at Li Li with a special kind of gratitude in the corner of his eyes. Li Li was the successor of Xiao Li Feidao. His flying daggers never missed their targets and his speed seemed to have surpassed that of his predecessors. He once killed seven enemies with a flying dagger. This was also the battle that made him famous. Since then, the descendants of Xiao Li Feidao have become a legend in the streets and alleys of the martial arts world.


It's another cold winter, and the child has become a teenager

Liu Feng, who was no longer hungry and cold, seemed to be enjoying the biting cold wind.

He lay quietly and motionless in the snow, which had covered his body, leaving only his two eyes exposed.

He held a throwing knife tightly, as if waiting for something.


A long wolf howl was heard in the distance, and a hungry wolf was seen slowly walking towards this side.

The flying knife in Liu Feng's hand suddenly flew out, cut through the snowflakes, and stabbed straight into the neck of the wolf. The wolf rolled on the ground several times and then lay motionless.

However, Liu Feng did not stand up from the snow, because he knew that demons looking for food often do not act alone. If he encounters a pack of wolves, he will definitely become their lunch.

"Old man Li Li is really weird. He asks me to kill wolves every winter. Doesn't he know it's dangerous? My life could be over at any time." Liu Feng thought to himself. However, he also knew that quietly waiting for the wolves, quietly shooting the wolves, and quietly escaping from the wolf pack could train his character and would be of great benefit to the improvement of his flying knife skills.

After the wolves left, Liu Feng successfully got a wolf. The wolf's fur could be sold for money, and the wolf's meat could be used for a delicious meal. In short, as long as he could kill a wolf and return, Li Li would praise him well.

"Master, the wolf is coming, the wolf is coming." Liu Feng's voice came from outside the yard.

"Where is the wolf?" Li Li flew into the yard and looked around for the shadow of the wolf.

"The wolf is here!" Liu Feng laughed, holding the dead wolf in his hand.

"How dare you, Liu Feng, tease an old man like me? Do you want to be the kid herding sheep?"

"Shepherding sheep? I don't want to herd sheep. I just want to practice my flying knife skills and avenge my parents!"

"Revenge is all about revenge. Sooner or later, someone will come looking for you to take revenge."

"This is called revenge, when will it end? Right? Master, is there no one coming to seek revenge on you?" Liu Feng was very curious. After living with Li Li for several years, he had never heard that Li Li had any enemies.

"There are many people who want to kill me, they just don't know I'm here." Li Li suddenly recalled something and his face darkened. The old figure slowly walked towards the house without saying anything else.

Looking at Li Li's back, Liu Feng shook his head and said, "His enemy must be a big shot. He is afraid."


The atmosphere at the dining table in the room was a little solemn. Usually, the master and disciple were always talking and laughing, but today was a little unusual. Liu Feng was naturally not used to this depressing atmosphere.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Li Li drank a mouthful of wine and shook his head, saying, "I want to pass on my lifelong skills to you, but I may not be able to wait that long!"

"What? You want to leave? Where to? I'll go with you!" Liu Feng seemed a little anxious.

"I'm going to a very, very far place. I can't take you with me, and I can't take you with me."

"A very far away place, where is it? Why don't you take me with you? Oh? You are not going to the Western Regions, or the capital city." In Liu Feng's view, the mysterious Western Regions and the capital city where the emperor lived were very far away places.

"No, the Western Regions and the capital are not far enough. Let's eat. We don't know when the master will leave."

Liu Feng and Li Li both drank a lot of wine during this meal. Li Li seldom let Liu Feng drink, but today was an exception. They were both drunk. The scene of the master and disciple lying drunk at the dining table was very pleasant.

The air outside the house in the early morning was very fresh, and the cool breeze made people feel refreshed. Li Li left a letter and left. Before leaving, he looked at Liu Feng who was sleeping on the table with reluctance.

Tears were sliding down that old face. For several years, the master and the apprentice had depended on each other. The naughty Liu Feng made Li Li smile every day. Naturally, Li Li was very reluctant to part with him. Every bit of his life here over the past few years emerged in Li Li's mind.

Liu Feng, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly scratched his little head and said, "Master, you promised to take me to that very, very far place? That's great, that's great!"

After he finished speaking, Liu Feng laughed, and it was obvious that he was talking in his sleep.

"Master cannot take you there, but Master can wait for you in that far away place!" Li Li closed his eyes quietly, a tear instantly slid down his cheek, after a moment of silence, he turned around and left.

The wind outside was very strong. Li Li was holding a note from a good friend in the town, and he felt even more uneasy. The note said that three outsiders with strange clothes came to the town recently and were looking for Li Li's whereabouts.

Li Li knew who those three people were, and he also knew that in this small place, those three people would be able to find him quickly. However, in order not to implicate Liu Feng, he decided to take the initiative to find those three people. Some things could not be avoided, and perhaps if they were resolved sooner, he could feel at ease sooner.


In the cold winter, the earth is bleak. The sunshine after the heavy snow brings a little warmth on your face, but it cannot take away the intense coldness in your heart.

Standing in the vast white field, Li Li closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Three horses and three figures came galloping towards us from a distance, whipping their whips.

Li Li's ears moved slightly, and his tightly closed eyes opened.

"You are finally here!" Li Li's voice trembled slightly. Perhaps he knew that their arrival meant the end of his life.

"Old man, sorry to have kept you waiting." A voice sounded, followed by the sound of horse neighing. Three horses were stopped at the same time. Looking around, the three people who came were all wearing armor, holding a shield and a sword in their hands. One was a bald man, one was a woman, and the other was a bearded man. They were the second of the Four Evils of Guandong, the Evil Bald Man, the third, the Poison Lady, and the fourth, Hu Mang.

The reason they came to seek revenge on Li Li was that Li Li had killed their leader, Demonic Hunchback, with a flying knife.

"Of the four evils in Guandong, only three are left now. This is truly retribution." Li Li suddenly laughed.

The evil bald man shouted: "You killed my eldest brother, today we will make you pay with your life."

"Second brother, stop talking nonsense with him and just kill him!" The fourth brother, Hu Mang, was already getting a little impatient.

Li Li said coldly: "Do you think you can kill me?"

Poison Lady smiled sweetly and said, "Li Li, I heard that you are the successor of Little Li Flying Dagger. Today we would like to learn from you."

The Poison Lady first pounced towards Li Li, but Li Li did not make a move because he knew that his flying knife could not penetrate the armor or shields of the three villains. Facing the flying Poison Lady, Li Li could only retreat again and again.

The Poison Lady's knife was held high above Li Li's head at this time, and the blade looked a little dazzling under the sunlight.


There was a crisp sound, which was very deafening. Li Li actually used the tiny flying knife to block the oncoming big knife of Poison Lady. The evil bald man and Hu Mang behind him opened their mouths and wiped their eyes, they could not believe that this was real.

Li Li's flying knife flew out of his hand and headed for the Poison Lady's face, but the Poison Lady suddenly raised her shield, and the flying knife fell to the ground helplessly the moment it hit the shield.

The evil bald man in the distance laughed and said, "Old man, your strength is not as good as before."

Li Li said: "Really?"

“Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh.”

Three flying knives shot out from three directions. Everyone could only feel three gusts of cold wind. However, after the three gusts of cold wind, the three flying knives had hit the three villains at the same time. However, the armor of the three villains was invulnerable to swords and spears, and the flying knives could not do anything to them.

Li Li had long expected that today would be the end. Back then, he could kill their leader, the Demon Hunchback, without any effort. However, time is like a flying knife, and every time it happens, it makes people grow old. His skills, speed, and strength are no longer as good as before. His former confidence is still there, but his former strength is no longer there.

"Old, I'm really old." Li Li suddenly closed his eyes and stood still. He was really old. No one knew how old he was, but his fame was passed down from generation to generation in the martial arts world. Even after death, he was still famous.

"Actually, you can escape!" said the Poison Lady in a tender voice.

The evil bald man said: "But no matter how far you run to, you can't escape the clutches of the three of us evil men."

Li Li stopped moving. His movements and his body were forever frozen at this moment. He finally admitted that he was old. However, he did not want to be killed by others, so he chose to commit suicide.

"Second brother, he severed his own meridians and died!" Poison Lady suddenly shouted.

"Brother, we have avenged you."

"Brother's spirit in heaven will surely smile at us."

The three evils of Kanto came with hatred and left with joy, but their grievances will not stop because of this. After all, the cycle of revenge will not end so easily.


Liu Feng also woke up at noon. When he woke up, there was only a letter left at Li Li's place last night. In the letter, Li Li asked Liu Feng to cherish his life and not to seek revenge unless he was 100% sure. He also asked Liu Feng to practice flying knives and left-hand swordsmanship. He told Liu Feng that the sword manual of left-hand swordsmanship was the picture book that Liu Feng had held in his hand since he was a child.

"Master, are you so cruel to abandon me? You said you would pass on your lifelong skills to me, why did you leave after I only learned the basics? Why?" Liu Feng clenched his fists and punched the dining table, tears streaming down his eyes.

Many years later, Liu Feng finally understood that the very far place that Li Li mentioned was indeed very far away. It was difficult for any living person to reach it. Only the dead could reach it. As for what the place was called, Liu Feng couldn't tell it.


Liu Feng ate something in a hurry and prepared to go to the town to inquire about his master, but suddenly there was a sound of horse hooves outside the door.

When Liu Feng opened the door, the sound of horse hooves stopped abruptly. Through the door, Liu Feng saw three people. These three people looked very strange. They were not going out to march or fight, but why were they wearing armor

"Is anyone there?" A deep voice came from outside the door. Looking through the crack in the door, the speaker was the bearded man, Hu Mang, the fourth of the Four Evils of Guandong.

(End of this chapter)