World of Wuling

Chapter 713: Extra chapter of martial arts Willow Leaf Flying Dagger (Part 2)


Seeing that there was no response from the room, Hu Mang shouted again: "Since there is no one here, can we come in?"

Liu Feng suddenly opened the door, and a gust of cold wind blew into his heart and spleen, making him shiver. Liu Feng squinted his eyes and shouted, "Who are you?"

Poison Lady said in a tender voice: "Little brother, it's freezing outside, let us go in and warm up, warm up!"

The second bald man also smiled and said, "Little brother, do you have any wine at home? We have money."

Liu Feng shook his head and said, "I asked you who you are, just answer, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Liu Feng thought, if the people who come are good people, I will let them in to drink, but if they are bad people, then I will use his flying knife to enforce justice.

Poison Lady hesitated for a moment and then smiled and said, "We are generals on our way back to Beijing. We are passing by here. Please give us a favor."

General? Liu Feng looked at the three people's attire, and they really looked like generals. Do all the legendary generals look like this? This was far from the image of a general in Liu Feng's mind.

Liu Feng said: "Since you are the general, then come in!"


The room was warm. When the three evil men from Guandong saw that Liu Feng was the only one in the room, they all had strange smiles on their faces.

The evil bald man asked, "Little brother, are you the only one living here?"

"And my master, but he left this morning, and I was going to look for him. There's wine and meat over there, you can take them, but leave some for me." While speaking, Liu Feng was packing his luggage. He was going to the town to ask about Li Li's whereabouts.

"Flying knife?"

Seeing that Liu Feng had several flying knives on him, the three evil men from Guandong couldn't help but shout.

They could recognize Li Li's flying knife at a glance, so how could the old man's flying knife be on this young boy? Could it be that the master the boy was talking about was Li Li

Before Liu Feng could react, he was picked up by Hu Mang, the fourth of the Four Evils of Guandong.

"Are you robbers?" Liu Feng shouted as Hu Mang slapped him in the face.

"If you shout again, I'll cut off your tongue." Hu Mang glared at people with scary eyes.

Poison Lady looked at Liu Feng and said with a smile: "Where did you get this flying knife?"

"What does this have to do with you? Be careful or I'll shoot you to death with a flying knife." While Liu Feng was speaking, he had already grabbed a flying knife in his hand, and the flying knife dragged through the air and shot straight towards the Poison Lady.


The flying knife hit the Poison Lady's armor, making a crisp sound.

Poison Lady said, "Second brother, this method is the same as that of old man Li Li."

The evil bald man said, "Could this young man be Liu Feng, the son of Liu Qingyun, the left-handed swordsman that Liu Tianci, the Palace Master of Wanhua Palace, spent ten thousand taels of gold to find?"

Hu Mang smiled and said, "In that case, let's capture this brat and take him to Liu Tianci to exchange for ten thousand taels of gold!"

The three evil men from Guandong looked at each other in bewilderment and smiled knowingly at this moment. Ten thousand taels of gold should be an astronomical figure for them, enough for them to live happily for the rest of their lives.


The cold wind blew through the fence outside the house, and a snowstorm came unexpectedly.

"Second brother, we can't leave tonight. The snow and wind outside are blowing hard." Hu Mang shouted while looking out the window.

The evil bald man said, "Then take a rest for a night."

"Second brother, horses, our horses are frozen to death!" As Hu Mang shouted, the three evil men from Guandong also ran to the door at the same time, staring outside through the crack in the door. In the snow pile in the yard, three horses were lying motionless.

Poison Lady laughed sweetly and said, "The horse is dead, just go to town and buy three more. What's the big deal?"

"Hey, where is that little bastard?" Looking back, Liu Feng, who was tied up in the corner of the room by them, had disappeared.

"Run away?" Looking through the crack in the door, I saw a dark shadow in the distance running rapidly towards the vast snowfield against the wind and snow.

The evil man shouted, "What are you still standing there for? Chase after him!"

The three evil men from Kanto didn't care about the wind and snow, and quickly chased in the direction where the black shadow disappeared.

They were moving very fast and the wind and snow could not stop them at all. However, the wind and snow could not stop Liu Feng from escaping either.

Liu Feng no longer cared about anything else and ran forward quickly with his eyes closed. The sound of pursuit behind him seemed to be getting closer and closer. If he was caught and sent to the hands of his enemy, Liu Tianci, the Palace Master of Wanhua Palace, he would be doomed to die. Rather than die like that, he might as well give it a try.

Liu Feng knew that there was a stream not far ahead, and there was a thousand-foot waterfall not far along the stream. The water in the stream was not frozen, but it was as cold as ice. If he wanted to escape the pursuit of the three evils from Kanto behind him, he had to jump off the waterfall. However, he could only leave it to fate as to what would happen after he jumped.

"No, ten thousand taels of gold!!!" A cry of surprise came from the evil bald head behind him. At the moment Liu Feng jumped down, the three evil men from Guandong also caught up, but it was too late. Liu Feng had disappeared under the vast white waterfall with snow, ice and water.


Liu Feng did not die, not because he could not die, but because he was extremely lucky today. He was washed to the shore by the splashes of the waterfall. He successfully escaped the pursuit of the three evil places in Kanto. However, at this moment, his frozen body could no longer control him. He dragged his trembling body and slowly moved forward.

"I can't die. I haven't avenged myself, and I haven't found my master. I can't die. I can't die!"

Liu Feng kept repeating this sentence silently. He didn't know when he fell down, but he knew that he would die as soon as he fell down. He would most likely freeze to death in this freezing weather.

However, he did not die. He was rescued by a farmer.

Lying in the farmer's shabby house, Liu Feng still felt cold all over. He was awakened by the cold, but he saw a simple and real smiling face. The farmer's dark and thin face and the shabby clothes told Liu Feng that his life was not easy.

"Are you awake?" The farmer smiled at Liu Feng and brought him a bowl of hot soup, which was actually boiled water.

"It won't be so cold after drinking it!" the farmer said with a smile again.

Liu Feng didn't say anything, but drank the bowl of hot soup obediently.

The farmer said, "It's freezing outside, and most of the crops we harvested have been given to the landlords and the rich. Now there's nothing to eat. I wanted to go fishing in the stream, but I didn't expect to run into you who was unconscious."

Liu Feng said calmly: "Thank you for saving me, I will repay you!"

"No need to repay, no need to repay." The farmer laughed and drank the hot soup. However, Liu Feng could vaguely hear the farmer's stomach rumbling. The farmer laughed again and said, "I haven't eaten a grain of rice for three days!"

"Three days?" Liu Feng stood up hurriedly. He knew that if the farmer didn't eat, he would starve to death.

"Wait, I'll find you something to eat."

"Where are you going to find it in this freezing cold weather?"

"I'll be back soon." Liu Feng walked out of the shabby house right after he finished speaking. The coldness outside was beyond his expectation. Looking at the vast land, Liu Feng suddenly realized that it was not easy to find food.

The heavy snow blocked the mountain. Not only people, but even the birds and animals in the mountains found it difficult to find food. Liu Feng knew where wolves often roamed around looking for food. With the flying knife that Li Li left for him, killing a hungry wolf should not be a problem. Liu Feng walked towards the distance against the wind and snow.

Liu Feng was quietly crawling on the ground, using the snow to camouflage himself, braving the biting cold wind. His frozen hands were tightly grasping a throwing knife. He was waiting, not just waiting for the evil wolf, he was also waiting for hope.


The night was very quiet and dark. There was no moon, and the silvery-white earth also disappeared in the pitch-black night.

The farmer was in the shabby house, burning firewood to keep warm. He was also waiting, waiting for Liu Feng to return.

"The boy has been looking for food for so long, could something have happened to him?" The farmer was a little worried, but his worry was unnecessary. At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps outside the house. The pair of powerful feet made a hissing sound as they stepped on the snow.

"He's back?" A hint of joy appeared on the farmer's face.

When the farmer opened the door, he was stunned. Liu Feng was covered in blood, even his face was stained with blood, and it was impossible to see Liu Feng's original appearance.

"What happened?" The farmer was a little confused. However, when he saw what Liu Feng was carrying, he was even more shocked. "How is it possible? Even a martial arts master couldn't do it, but a young boy like you did it?"

(End of this chapter)