World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 107: Build the world's first charitable company


Simulation field

Feng Jiu and Feng Qi

Gou Kun and others felt that they had heard something remarkable.

But they don't know what these things specifically point to, just like they don't know why animals and plants mutate.

At this time, being alive is the most luxurious thing, and no one would try to find out the secrets behind these things.

Brother Hu is already dead, and inside Brother Hu's body lies an extremely vicious person.

They don't want to follow in Brother Hu's footsteps...

"Gou Kun, do you still believe me?" Doug looked at Gou Kun and asked.

"Xin, Brother Hu just risked his life to protect us. Brother Hu is the person we trust the most." Gou Kun was shocked, and quickly put on the most sincere smile on his face, as if the person in front of him was still his Brother Hu.

"I'm selling you the keyword 'mockery' that I just bought from him. Do you want it?" Doug asked with a smile. He pointed at Gou Kun's arm that was scratched by the cat. "With this keyword, if you act according to the keyword, you may become a superman like Yao Tong!"

Gou Kun was suddenly stunned.

Bao Benwei clenched his fists suddenly and glared at Gou Kun with gritted teeth, as if to say, that is my keyword, if you dare to ask for it, I will kill you.

Yao Tong was so envious that his mouth was about to drool. That was the key word. You gave it to a native? Even if you can't use it, just sell it to me!

Huangmao and others also looked at Gou Kun with envy, but they were too honest to dare to compete with him.

They also wanted keywords, but Brother Tiger was no longer their Brother Tiger. The scene of him chopping melons and vegetables and killing mutant cats and dogs seemed to still remain in front of their eyes. No one dared to act rashly in front of such a strong man.

"Yes, of course." Gou Kun suddenly woke up and nodded repeatedly, but soon he remembered something and asked cautiously, "Brother Hu, what price do I have to pay?"

"The price?" Doug thought for a moment and said, "How about ten points of mental power?"

Possessing someone else's body is essentially a confrontation of mental power.

As mentioned before, the mental strength of an adult is around 30, so candidates will choose the old, weak, sick and disabled people with weak mental strength to take over in order to ensure the success rate.

In other words, the virtual characters in the simulation field have mental powers.

Since everything can be traded, Doug will certainly take advantage of this loophole.

As for other things, such as emotions, knowledge, love, family affection, etc., Doug had never thought about it. He once sold loyalty, and the loyalty of Yao Tong and others had a direct impact on him.

What if the other person's emotions, such as joy, anger, etc., are also superimposed on him, who knows what consequences these unnecessary emotions will cause

After all, apart from keywords and advanced skills, even loyalty was not prompted as a special item.

It’s better not to take some risks!

As for luck or strength, it's harmless to increase it, so you can give it a try...

"Brother Hu, how much mental power do I have in total?" Although the extraordinary people are tempting, when it comes to something as illusory as mental power, Gou Kun feels that he should still be cautious.

"Under normal circumstances, around 30!" said Doug.

"What will happen if I have 10 points less?" Gou Kun asked.

"Maybe he has trouble concentrating and often feels sleepy!" Doug thought for a moment and said.

After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, Gou Kun finally couldn't resist the temptation of becoming a superman: "Brother Tiger, I'll buy it."

The deal was done in an instant.

Doug's spirit was shaken, his attributes were improved, the tradable keyword "taunt" disappeared from the inventory, and his mental strength increased from 160 to 170.

However, there is an additional description after the mental power value, including 10 points of temporary mental power.


Doug was speechless and sighed secretly. As expected, the simulation field was rigorous and the skills set in it were not like his own bugs, so there were no loopholes to exploit!

"Brother Tiger, can spiritual power be traded?"

"Brother Tiger, is it done?"

The voices of Yao Tong and Gou Kun sounded at the same time.

"It can be traded, but it's temporary." Doug glanced at Yao Tong and said, "If you want it, I can sell it to you."

This sentence is not said to Yao Tong, but to the teachers outside.

Otherwise, if they misunderstand him when watching the replay, and send him directly to the alien battlefield, that would be a loss. "No need." Yao Tong shook his head. So far, Duger's business has not lost money. Who knows what he would have to pay to buy a few points of his temporary mental power. It's not worth it!

Bao Benwei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was temporary. If the mental power could be bought directly like he did, no one would have to play in the next simulation field.

"Brother Hu, did I buy it?" Gou Kun yawned, visibly sleepy, "Why can't I feel any keywords?"


Even if you sell keywords to the natives, they will not become players.

Doug smiled and patiently instructed Gou Kun: "Just laugh at and tease others like him."

Gou Kun was stunned for a moment, looked around at the people around him, and finally fixed his eyes on Bao Benwei, then raised his middle finger to him: "You are still a demon, you were almost killed by us, you have completely lost the face of the demon, an old thing like you, it's a waste of air to live..."

That is my keyword!

One of the natives made a circle and specifically targeted him. Bao Benwei was so angry that he almost exploded. He glared at Gou Kun with red eyes and said, "Do you think I'm easy to bully? Just wait for me. I don't dare to deal with Duger, but I should dare to deal with you."

Sooner or later I will make you give up bit by bit the attributes you stole from me.

Without the keywords, it has become a blank slate, but the ranking is still there.

Now, his only way to grow is to kill other players. The natives have his keywords, so if they kill him, they should theoretically be able to inherit his attribute values.

as expected.

Having keywords means you have the characteristics of keywords.

After mocking Bao Benwei, the bloody wound on Gou Kun that was scratched by the cat healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Huangmao’s eyes popped out and he kept licking his lips.

Gou Kun jumped and shouted excitedly. He pulled out his machete, waved it a few times, and said incoherently: "Brother Hu, my strength has also increased. Thank you, Brother Hu, thank you, Brother Hu, these 10 points of mental power are so damn worth it..."

"Keep going, you will become stronger and stronger." Doug encouraged with a smile.

"Yellow-haired, I've wanted to say something to you for a long time. Not only are you ugly, but you also dye your hair yellow. Do you think people will be afraid of you? It will only make people think you're even more stupid!" Having tasted the sweetness, Gou Kun quickly changed his target of attack, pointing at the yellow-haired man's forehead, and improving his strength in various ways.

"Gou Kun, that's enough." The yellow-haired man pushed his arm away, his mouth twitching, "Go and talk to that guy. If you take this opportunity to mock me again, I'll kill you."

“Yellow hair, don’t be so petty. I am also a superhuman now. Brother Gou has the strength and can protect you, right? Just be patient!” Gou Kun said with a grin, “This is the superpower that Brother Tiger sold to me. It will be of great value to Brother Tiger. If you kill me, Brother Tiger will be the first one to not let you go.”

Then, he looked around at everyone, clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, please be considerate. What I'm going to say next may be excessive, but it's all for the sake of improving your strength. It's not my original intention! Once you have strength, I'll grab food for you."

"Manager Gou, this is buying and selling, purchasing, not robbing." Doug smiled and corrected him. He also looked at everyone and encouraged them, "Don't envy Manager Gou. There is more than one demon. If you encounter demons again in the future, I have bought their keywords and will sell them to you one after another.

After all, our company is a whole. When something good comes, we will of course digest it internally first. In this chaotic world, only when the employees are strong can the company be qualified to compete with others. As long as everyone works together and takes risks for the company, everything will be there. Let's strive to have every employee in the company get a keyword within half a year. Even if you don't get a keyword, I can buy the power of others and sell it to you, and also make you supermen."

Everyone can become an extraordinary person, which instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm

"Thank you, Tiger."

"We will do whatever Brother Tiger says, without hesitation!"

Douger stretched out his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and smiled and said: "But now, I ask everyone to keep the fact that I can buy and sell keywords a secret. If it gets out, other demons will be on guard and it will be difficult to trade.

Moreover, it is not easy to encounter the devil, so we should still focus on expanding our business.

After all, we need more trading partners. The bigger the market size and the more people do business with us, the stronger we will be. We can save more people. Finally, I emphasize again, don’t call me Brother Tiger. We are a formal company, not a gang…”


Bao Benwei's eyes looked so sad that blood seemed to be dripping out.

(End of this chapter)