World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 115: If you want to be someone, be the biggest troublemaker


Everyone in the apocalypse is following the developments outside through the radio.

Doug forcibly cut into the broadcasts of various channels, and the propaganda information was received by various surviving points at the first time.

Most people are disbelieving or even disgusted.

It would be fine if such a notice was issued by a large biological group, an academy of sciences, or a high-tech research institute in the industry, but I have never heard of the Chaoyang Institute of Biology. It seems more like a fake research institute that uses an excuse that cannot stand up to scrutiny to attract people to Yong'an City.

after all.

Everyone knows that in troubled times, people are everything.

The Xilin City stronghold is a military camp.

at this time.

The military camp expanded a lot.

There are densely packed tents on the ground.

At the outermost edge of the camp, there is a thick layer of quicklime, sulfur powder, etc. Further in is a three-meter-wide trench. The flowing water in the trench emits a strange smell and is also used to drive away wild beasts. Further in, there are soldiers armed with live ammunition on duty.

People were coming in and out of the camp from time to time, delivering supplies in armored vehicles or trucks. Soldiers were also waiting at various intersections to greet those who had escaped with great difficulty, arranging accommodation for them and distributing daily necessities.

Some people in the camp were reclaiming wasteland, some were doing physical training, everything was busy and orderly...

Communications Service.

After the correspondent received the full-channel notice from Yong'an City, although he knew it might be fake, he did not dare to neglect it and ran to his leader to report the situation as soon as possible.

"It's ridiculous, using false information to deceive the public. This behavior is too bad. It's a disregard for human life."

The officer in charge of the camp was a colonel who looked to be in his forties, with a straight figure and sparkling eyes. He looked at the notice in his hand and said angrily, "Xiao Miao, immediately use all channels to warn the other party that the country is in crisis and that they should immediately stop spreading false information and misleading the people. Otherwise, even if I don't save people, I will go over there and kill them. Also, warn the people not to be fooled. If conditions permit, try to come to regular shelters. We will meet them at various intersections..."

"Yes." The signalman named Xiao Miao stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

In the office.

Another man in military uniform took the notice from the colonel, glanced at it, and said, "Captain, I suspect that the people in Yong'an City are also demons. Ordinary people are having trouble surviving at this time. I'm afraid they don't have the mind or the strength to rob the radio station, let alone make up such an outrageous excuse."

"Staff Officer Shi, even if he is a demon, he can't act so recklessly!" The colonel frowned, "What is there in Yong'an City? He tricked people over there. How can he protect the people?"

"He doesn't need to be responsible for the people." Staff Officer Shi snorted. "Before, there was a demon whose keyword was "troublemaking". He spread false information and caused chaos in the world. He got enough nutrition and eventually grew into a great demon. If the opponent's keyword is similar to "troublemaking", your warning will not work. Instead, it will make the opponent even worse."

"What should we do? Let him continue to act recklessly?" asked the colonel.

"I want to take a group of people to carry out the decapitation operation." Staff Officer Shi said, "No matter how many warnings there are, it is better to eliminate the hidden dangers from the root. Yong'an is only more than 800 miles away from Xilin. We have cleared more than 100 kilometers of roads. In one day, we can almost run back and forth."

"Are you sure?" the colonel asked, "Staff Officer Shi, you are the hope of our camp now, you can't get into trouble."

"If I'm not sure, then no one in the world will be able to get rid of him." Staff Officer Shi looked at his shining first place ranking and smiled confidently, "Just as you said, Yong'an City has nothing, but we have super firepower. No matter how powerful a demon is, it won't grow very fast in two days, but we must nip its growth in the bud..."

"I'll give you two hundred men. Is that enough?" asked the colonel.

"That's enough." Staff Officer Shi smiled. "If possible, I will bring the refugees from Yong'an City here."

At this time.

A report.

The communications soldier Xiao Miao walked in again. "Captain, the other party has replied. They said that we are the ones who are misleading the people. They said that they will clear out the mutant beasts in Yong'an City within two days, restore the power supply in Yong'an City, and allow the people to live a normal life within half a month. They also said that they will send super soldiers to negotiate business with us within three days."

"Haha." Staff Officer Shi laughed disdainfully, "Okay, it's confirmed that the other party is a demon. Captain, we can't let them continue to grow. I'm leaving. Remember, after I leave, if anyone comes with the secret code, don't be polite to them, just kill them..."


His voice stopped abruptly.

Looking at the personal panel, he froze in place.

Just now, his shining first place, with a flash, became the second place.

"What's wrong, Staff Officer Shi?" the colonel asked with concern.

"Nothing, I'm leaving now. I have to hurry." Staff Officer Shi's face looked a little ugly. He shook his head and strode out.


What the hell? At Yong'an City Radio Station, Doug was also staring at his personal dashboard in a daze. When he left home in the morning, he was still ranked 15th. How come he became the first in just over half a day

Moreover, he was rewarded with 30 points of mental strength.

What the hell is this

Are you still going to let people play

He even changed the name of his company and stopped showing off his kindness. He was already restrained enough, yet he still got the first place

What are the people out there doing? It's too disappointing! Are you playing the same game

"Brother Hu, what happened?" Yao Tong looked at Doug, whose face suddenly turned ugly, "Are you worried that you can't attract them?"

That's right.

After Dug's announcement was issued, it was met with an overwhelming barrage of abuse and questioning.

Everyone was saying that they had evil intentions, and no one believed that he had developed a super soldier. Some people even pointed out that the so-called Chaoyang creatures were created by the devil, and asked everyone not to be fooled...

"Brother Hu, there are at least 500 to 600 residential areas in Yong'an City. Even if 300 people survive in each community, the final number of survivors will be over 100,000. With 300 people providing one agent, we can at least come up with 500 super strong agents." Bao Benwei said, "That's more than the number of candidates. With 500 agents radiating outward, in a few days, all the surrounding cities will be covered. By then, we don't need to explain, and people outside will believe it. We don't have to worry about not attracting candidates!"

This is what I’m particularly afraid of!

He hasn't even conquered Yong'an City yet, but he's already ranked first.

If the fission continues like this, it will be like a snowball, with more and more agents, and it will continue to grow. How powerful must the second place be to catch up with him

But it is impossible for Doug to take back the agent's authority.

after all.

Transactions are his foundation, and agents are the cornerstone that ensures he controls everything.

Without an agent, he would have no security at all in this world of guns and tanks, and he couldn’t even guarantee his territory.

It's so fucking confusing.

"Old Bao, what's your ranking?" Doug looked at Bao Benwei with a dark face.

"The last one." Bao Benwei said.

"What about you?" Doug asked Yao Tong again.

"287." Yao said.

"Give you five points of strength." Doug looked at Yao Tong and said directly, "Sell your ranking to me."

"Can this be sold?" Yao Tong was stunned.

"Try it, you won't lose anything." There was no smile on Doug's face.

"Okay, deal." Yao Tong nodded.

As soon as the words fell.

Yao Tong already exclaimed: "Fuck, the ranking is really gone."

"Can it really be bought?" Bao Benwei's eyes widened in disbelief. "There must be a bug in the simulation field! Even rankings can be traded? How is it possible to have such an outrageous skill?"

"It's really gone. It's just a question mark. There's no ranking at all." Yao Tong swallowed his saliva repeatedly, his face full of excitement. "Doesn't this mean that Brother Hu can just make a top ten ranking and sell it to me?"

"Someone has to be willing to sell it!" Bao Benwei said, "If I were in the top ten, I would never sell my ranking."

Doug looked at the special items for trading and saw an extra special item ranked 287. He thought to himself that everything was tradable and even rankings could be bought and sold.

So to say.

His number one is really sellable.

But people outside can watch the replay, and he is simply selling rankings so blatantly, which is simply making things more obvious. It's not much different from him getting first place!

Maybe it will attract more attention than just getting first place!

What the fuck!

Do you want to sell it

so tangled!

If only there were no replays.

But after thinking for a moment, Doug made up his mind.


Anyway, I’m already number one, so what else can I do

Buying and selling rankings in the simulation field and openly challenging the order of the simulation field, this kind of provocative behavior is even more excessive than overturning the table and is even more uncontrollable!

And it should look stupid...

(End of this chapter)