World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 126: A simulation field full of variables


Nan Youlong brought Duger to a place called Cloud City.


Liang Fei and Liang Le stayed, and when they were assigned to Du Ge, they had already become Du Ge's personal property.

In Cloud City, Douger experienced the highest level of luxury that he had ever felt in his two lifetimes.

There are magnificent casinos here;

In the glamorous entertainment venues, there are singers with sweet voices, comedians who can make you laugh, and fine wines of various flavors;

The orchard covers an area of several hectares, with a variety of fresh fruits...

There are racetracks, there are Colosseums, there are velodromes;

There are exciting boxing matches, no-holds-barred fighting matches...

Just like Nan Youlong said, here, you can experience everything you can think of and everything you can't think of, and Yunzhong City does not impose any restrictions on him;

Compared with this place, the small cafeteria of No. 42 Middle School is just a pigsty. The Qinggong Building, where Yin Erchuan and others often go, is just an ordinary small restaurant.

The faces of the people on the street were filled with happy smiles, satisfied and comfortable, as if the numb people outside, the four groups of soldiers on the alien battlefield, three groups were eliminated, and the shortage of resources caused by them had nothing to do with this place...

If this was the first place Doug came across, he would have been reluctant to leave and would not want to struggle or fight anymore.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

The upper class is enjoying a luxurious life, while the lower class is struggling to make ends meet.

Once a resource crisis occurs, the rotation examination system will be initiated.

The elites of the entire world were selected to work for them in exchange for a chance to continue to survive...

The surviving elites continue to enjoy a luxurious life.

Qiyuanxing is beyond saving.

After enjoying a few days in Cloud City, Doug came to this conclusion.

Perhaps, in the beginning, Qiyuanxing wanted to resist, but two hundred years of hopeless slavery was enough to change the inner workings of a civilization.

Nan Youlong's so-called "We have done something in the past two hundred years" is probably just a slogan.

Maybe one day, Pan-Universe Entertainment will just walk away and they will continue to live their current lives...

If we want to revive civilization, there must be a major change or a major replacement.

Of course, the prerequisite is to drive away the spaceship hovering over Qiyuan Star.

After seeing the truth about Qiyuan Star, even though Liang Fei and Liang Le had tried every possible means, Du Ge still insisted on using contraceptive measures. He did not want his descendants to be buried with this declining civilization.

What's more.

Liang Fei and Liang Le are actually tools sent by Qiyuanxing to control him.

Compared with Qiyuan Star, the simulation field is more like a real world with flesh and blood.

One month later.

Nan Youlong comes to pick up Duger.

On the plane.

Nan Youlong looked at Du Ge with admiration in his eyes: "How was your time this month?"

"Very good." Doug smiled, poured himself a glass of water, but ignored Nan Youlong opposite him.

Nan Youlong didn't mind and smiled, "Duge, I have received more than a dozen geniuses like you. Some were from elite colleges, some were from civilian colleges. After experiencing the influence of Cloud City, some were completely despaired, some were indignant, and some even cursed and complained about the injustice of the world. You are the most special one. You expressed your dissatisfaction with me simply by not pouring me water. You are so calm. If I hadn't read your resume, I would not have believed that you came from a civilian college. You are indeed a genius who can even crash a simulation field!"

Doug was stunned.

"Yes, Cloud City does allow you to enjoy a different life, but it is also a test." Nan Youlong smiled and extended his hand to Douge, "No matter how stupid we are, we will not build such a city. Soldiers who go to the alien battlefield must be the best of the best and will not lose their original intentions in any environment. Congratulations, you have passed the test again."

Doug glanced at him and ignored him.

Nan Youlong calmly withdrew his hand, glanced at Liang Fei and Liang Le behind Du Ge, and sighed: "I know you have a rebellious spirit in your heart. Why is there always a civilian academy? What we are afraid of is that one day, the people of Qiyuan Star get used to this kind of life and forget their hatred for Pan Universe Entertainment. Du Ge, you should actually leave your own offspring. The alien battlefield is really dangerous."

"I have my own plans." Duger said. He was too lazy to tell whether what Nan Youlong said was true or false. What he wanted to do most now was to try every possible way to escape from this world and live a normal life.

"We respect your choice." Nan Youlong smiled and pushed the water that Doug had poured in front of him. "In the next simulation, you should focus on keywords. After all, we will provide you with targeted training based on your understanding of keywords and correct some of your bad habits in using keywords."

Again, only when you have power, the truth of the world will unfold before you, and you can change the world as you please. Just like Hua Guyun. " "Yeah." Doug nodded perfunctorily.

"I have some unfortunate news for you. Team D was completely wiped out." Nan Youlong sighed and looked at Du Ge and said, "If we can't guarantee victory for the two teams next year, then at least 100 million people will die on Qiyuan Star in the second half of the year. So, make the most of this simulation. This is your last chance to train yourself. The elite simulation field will have opponents of the same level as you. You will gain more experience and mental strength. Don't be eliminated at the beginning."

The plane landed in a manor.

This is just an ordinary manor, but it is still beautifully built, with water, trees, flowers, pavilions, and soldiers on duty outside.

Nan Youlong told Duger that if he could come back alive from the alien battlefield, this would be his home. If he could come back from the alien battlefield four times, he would truly enter the power center of Qiyuan Star and participate in national affairs.

Two days later.

Doug lay down in the simulation cabin, his own separate simulation cabin.

This time, there was no assessment prompt, and the countdown of five, four, three, two, one ended.

The feeling of weightlessness came, and Doug was once again in a transparent bubble. He opened his eyes and looked down at the world.


He was completely stunned.

At the sight.

It was a vast ocean. Nothing could be seen except the occasional seabirds flying through the sky. There were more than a dozen transparent bubbles around, which should be other elite players.


The bubbles began to drift randomly for five minutes.

Doug stayed in the bubble, looking for land eagerly.

But there is nothing but sea water, with one or two small islands occasionally seen, but they are also deserted.

At this time.

Doug finally understood the cruelty of the simulation field.

Screw Nan Youlong!

What mental strength is not important

In a place like this where even the soul-stealing person cannot be found, without the protection of the shield on the soul, it won’t take long for the soul to dissipate and the person will naturally be eliminated.

In the previous simulation field, there was a 60% elimination rate at the beginning. A large part of it was probably because they couldn’t even find the person to take over someone else’s body!

You can't take over the body of a seabird!

Five minutes passed quickly.

The protective shield disappears.

Doug had no intention of waiting for others anymore. In this sea where no one could be found, waiting for others would be tantamount to seeking death.

He looked around, aimed in a direction, turned into a stream of light, and flew straight over.

Fortunately, the soul is fast enough.

ten minutes later.

Doug finally saw a pirate ship with a skull and crossbones flag flying on the sea.

There were no other ships except pirate ships.

The growth of keywords lies in influence, but more importantly, it depends on people. A pirate ship obviously cannot satisfy the rapid growth of keywords.

Although Doug's soul could still hold on for an hour in this world, he didn't want to look for another target on the vast ocean. If he went in the wrong direction and was still on the sea after an hour, he would be eliminated, which would be truly shameful.

The game starts with one ship and a dozen people.

The simulation field is indeed full of variables.

If he wants to find a chance to survive on an alien battlefield, he must force himself to adapt to various starts.

(End of this chapter)