World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 129: The main plot is a conspiracy


What is recorded in the logbook is very simple.

It means which port the Giant Bird docked, what supplies it purchased, which route it took, what kind of weather it encountered, which company's merchant ship it robbed on which route, etc.

Without comparing it to the nautical charts, Doug had no idea what locations those routes corresponded to.

He paid more attention to the major events that happened in various places that Paul recorded, which helped him understand the world more.

for example:

The ghost ship suddenly appeared in a certain channel in a certain month of a certain year, and met a merchant caravan. All the sailors on the merchant ship were not spared and all disappeared;

Mahamazhu, the King of the East China Sea, once again defeated the Royal Navy and killed Rear Admiral Kike. The reward amount was increased to 200,000 gold coins;

Roland Swann, the King of the North Sea, discovered the artifact Ocean Horn on the wreckage of an ancient pirate ship. It is said that after blowing the horn, he can summon the ancient sea monsters sleeping on the seabed to help him fight;

And the most recent information:

Zhan Sini, the daughter of Poseidon, issued a reward for finding the Poseidon's Scepter. She promised that whoever finds the Poseidon's Scepter will receive the artifact Ocean Feather and the chance of eternal life.

The purpose of the Giant Bird's trip is to go to Heard Island to find the witch He Ya. It is said that she can divine the specific location of Poseidon's scepter.

It seems that searching for the Poseidon's Scepter should be the main line of this simulation field.

Dougal thought to himself.

The four pirate kings, the witch, the daughter of Poseidon, and Thelma, the artifact Ocean Horn...

There are more gods and monsters in the world, and the difficulty is obviously much higher than the previous two simulation fields.

But he also randomly picked up two junk keywords, one is happiness, the other is fishing,

I'm afraid it won't be easy to compete with other players!

Nan Youlong told him that regardless of whether he entered the top ten in the rankings, he would be sent to the alien battlefield, but Du Ge did not intend to really fish in this simulation field.

Bad keywords may be randomly found on the alien battlefield. If he wants to grow, he must force himself to adapt to develop the potential of any keyword.

Only in this way can he become stronger and achieve his goals.

Seeing that Doug's eyes were still on the page where he was looking for Poseidon's scepter, Piero had a bad premonition in his heart.

It was Paul's insistence on searching for Poseidon's Scepter that triggered their collective betrayal. If Paul, after amnesia, continues to search for Poseidon's Scepter, will they betray him again

This time, Paul has immortality, so he may not be so easy to kill!

"So you are really my crew." Duger closed the logbook and looked at Piero with a wry smile, "Pierro, it's a pity that the logbook didn't help me recover my memory."

"It's okay, we can take it slow." Piero comforted with a smile.

"Pierro, why doesn't Zhansini go find the Poseidon's scepter by herself?" Duger asked, "She is the daughter of Poseidon, so it should be easier to find her father's scepter! Why bother offering a reward?"

As soon as these words came out, Piero knew that Doug had really lost his memory.

No one but someone with amnesia would ask such a stupid question.

"Zhan Sini was sealed by Poseidon. Only Poseidon's scepter can help her break the seal." Piero said.

"So, to get the Poseidon's Scepter, you must defeat the Poseidon?" Duge asked.

"No one can defeat Poseidon." Piero looked at Duge as if he was a retarded person. "Moreover, Poseidon has fallen. Before he died, he sealed all his divine power into Poseidon's scepter. Only by getting Poseidon can Only with the scepter can Zhan Sini inherit the power of Poseidon, break through Poseidon’s seal, and become the new Poseidon.”

"Does Poseidon have only one daughter?" Doug asked.

"Yes." Piero said.

"Then why didn't he just give the scepter to Zhan Sini before he died, and also seal the divine power into the Poseidon scepter?" Duger said, "Isn't this unnecessary taking off his pants and farting? Is there something wrong with his head?"

"..." Piero choked and shrugged, "Who knows, maybe he doesn't like his daughter, or maybe this is his test for Zhan Sini. We are all mortals, how can we know the relationship between gods? What happened?"

"Since the Poseidon's power is sealed in the Poseidon, doesn't it mean that whoever gets the Poseidon can become the new Poseidon." Duge's eyes lit up, "Why should you give it to Zhan Sini? What's the feather of the ocean?" "Mortals can't control divine power, and they can't use it even if they get the scepter." Piero was 100% sure that Duge had lost his memory. The questions he asked were getting more and more stupid, "Mortals can't use the power of the sea forcibly. The staff will be drained of life force and die.”

"So that's it!" Duger nodded, thoughtfully. For a moment, he looked at Piero, "Pierro, I think the Poseidon Scepter is a conspiracy."

"?" Piero was stunned.

Paul kept asking about Poseidon's scepter, and he became more and more worried that Paul would regain his desire to find the scepter. Unexpectedly, he finally heard such an answer from his mouth.

"Zhan Sini promised that if she found the scepter for her, she would reward her with the Ocean Feather." Duge smiled, "Let's not talk about whether the Ocean Feather is heavy or not, but even her father died, which proves that gods will die too. , Why does she promise people eternal life? So, this must be a conspiracy."

My captain!

I didn’t expect that you would become smarter after losing your memory!

You can all find loopholes in the bounty...

But the immortality of mortals and the immortality of gods should not be the same concept!

Facing an ignorant Paul, Piero put his heart in his stomach and nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is indeed a conspiracy. I have already said that you should not look for the Poseidon Scepter. A reward, The pirates in the entire sea area are stirred up. Each of these people is more idiotic than the last. I bet that they will all be swallowed up by this huge whirlpool. "

"Pierro, is the purpose of our trip to find a witch?" Doug asked.

"Yes." Piero said, "Paul, since you already know that the Poseidon Scepter is a conspiracy, there is no need for us to go. You have also lost your memory, maybe we should find a doctor first."

"Is there any better doctor than a witch?" Doug smiled. "If she can't cure my amnesia, then no other doctor in the world can cure it.


Piero was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know if Paul was pretending.

He now suspected that Paul was using a roundabout way to trick them into continuing to find the Poseidon Scepter.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Am I wrong?" Doug smiled and said, "Pierro, don't worry that I will be foolish enough to find some Poseidon Scepter. Remember what I said before? Life is short, enjoy yourself in the moment. Now, I think happiness is more important. First, we can go to Heard Island to see if she can solve the problem of my amnesia; secondly, we can also see how many fools are looking for the so-called Poseidon Scepter

Is there anything better than watching a group of people do stupid things? Maybe we can still take advantage of the underworld and make a lot of money..."

"Okay, I'll go discuss it with Barry and convey your opinions to everyone." Piero looked at Doug again, and left the captain's room with full of doubts.

to be honest.

He couldn't understand Doug after losing his memory, and it seemed that his personality had also changed.

After Piero left.

Doug also left the captain's cabin and turned to the kitchen.

He can't sail such a big ship by himself, so the people on the ship must stay.

And the improvement of his attributes also requires someone's cooperation.


Amnesia has become a good excuse to ease the relationship between everyone. Without Paul's original memory, he doesn't even need to deliberately disguise himself. Even if his personality changes, he can blame it on Selma, the Siren.

But when it comes to getting closer to the main line, we still have to rely on it.

after all.

There were too few people on board, which was not conducive to his performance at all.

He tricked a whole bunch of people with the excuse of amnesia. He has been very happy and his attributes have been rising bit by bit.

But the climb was too slow.

Now, Duge must quickly improve his strength. He needs a powerful force to shake the situation on the ship.

At the beginning, Feng Zhong's provocation was that he could get an advanced skill by playing with the horse's ears, and he could certainly do it through physical means. Even if he couldn't get an advanced skill, it would be nice to have some attributes.

Thank you to the leader of "Don't Tell the History" for the reward. I originally planned to use the afternoon to sort out the follow-up plot. Now, I decided to work hard and add an update for you. If it is not written down, I will add it tomorrow. There will definitely be one. ^_^!

(End of chapter)