World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 135: I still have use


"... Barry, Mahamadou fell in love with Laurent Swann's wife and decided to start a war to take his wife back to be the wife of the King of the East Sea. How about this reason?"

"Not much. Laurent Swann has many women, and Mahamadou would not start a war for such a stupid reason."

"So, Safra found a female Ocean Horn, and Luo Lang's Ocean Horn is a male. When the male Ocean Horn and the female Ocean Horn meet, they will merge into a new Ocean Horn. Blowing it can summon the dead sea gods to fight. How about this?"

"Not even that. Besides, it sounds ridiculous. From what bard did you hear these nonsense stories, Paul

You have enough troubles now, can you stop doing these whimsical things? Why don't you find a prostitute to vent your vigorous energy?"

Doug entertained old Barry all the way, brushing up his happy attributes, and returned to the Flying Giant Bird.

When passing by the Duffy family merchant ship, Doug stopped talking. He was not sure if there were any candidates on the merchant ship. It would be bad if his identity was discovered by the other party. His current strength was still very weak and he was not suitable for a head-on confrontation with others.

When we arrived at the Flying Bird, the painter was sitting in his bag, changing the name of the ship.

Seeing this scene, Barry's heart beat heavily again, and he began to consider whether he should really retire early.

Doug and his companion were about to board the ship.

A teenager of about seventeen or eighteen suddenly rushed over and stopped the two men. He looked at Doug and said, "Sir, your eyes are full of wisdom, as sharp as an eagle in the sky; your body is full of strength, like a reef on the shore, able to withstand any wind and rain; you are smiling and full of confidence... You must be the captain of this ship, right?"

"That's right." Doug was flattered by his praise. He looked at the boy and nodded with a smile.

"I wonder if I, a tiny person, am qualified to join your team?" The young man humbly saluted Doug, then raised his head and looked at him flatteringly, "It would be the luck of my life if I could work on your ship."

"Of course, no problem." Doug smiled, "My ship is short of people right now! I need more fresh blood..."

"Paul, he's just a kid, and he doesn't seem to have any sailing experience." Barry couldn't help but frowned. "Bringing him on board at this time will only become a burden to us."

"Sir, I can feel that under your burly figure, there is a kind heart. I can see that you have a very important position on this ship. Sir, my parents are dead, and I can't survive in this small town anymore." The boy looked at Barry, twisting the corner of his clothes nervously, "Give me a chance, okay? I'm very strong, I can do anything, I want to go to sea, I want to be a pirate..."

"Barry, don't make things difficult for a child." Doug frowned, looked at Barry and blamed him.

"I don't mean to embarrass him. I think he's pretty good." Barry smiled and even reached out and touched the boy's head. "Boy, what's your name?"

"Vito, Vito Hoover." The boy blushed and said shyly, "My name may not be as good as those two gentlemen, but it is the best name my parents can think of."

"Okay, Vito. From now on, you are a member of my team." Doug smiled brightly and readily agreed to the boy's request. "However, before getting on the boat, you need to add a nickname after your name, a nickname for sea fish. This is our tradition."

"Captain, of course." Vito smiled, not doubting him, "I can be called Vito Hoover Silverfish."

"Okay, Vito Hoover Silverfish." Doug held his hand affectionately and said with a smile, "I declare that from now on, you are a member of the Smiling Angel."

The moment he held the boy's hand, his senses seemed to return in an instant.

He immediately realized that something was wrong. He had agreed to let a stranger get on the boat without knowing anything about it, and everything happened as if it was a matter of course.

Damn it!

This is a skill!

"Thank you, Captain. It's my honor to work on your ship. I admire your generosity. No wonder you have become a captain of a ship at such a young age." Vito smiled and continued to be shy and humble. "It would be great if one day I could become a captain like you and own a ship of my own."

"Yes, but only if you work hard on my boat." Doug smiled and calmly let go of the boy's hand. After this small fish became his private property, his skills were no longer of any use to him.

But this also made Doug very scared. If he had not awakened the skill of slacking off, he would probably have fallen into the hands of this kid.

Advanced skills are terrible!

It’s hard to guard against!

Judging from the effects of his skills, it should be something like flattery and fawning!

When we get to the sea, kill him!

This bewitching skill is too powerful. Although he himself is not affected by it, his crew members may lose their judgment and do something inappropriate, which may ruin his grand plan.

His crew had no choice but to follow his orders. …


The crew members returned one after another.

The eighteen-year-old Vito became the most popular person on the ship thanks to his clever talk.

Everyone liked him very much, even the parrot Wendy. For a whole afternoon, when all the crew members were busy loading and unloading cargo and sorting supplies, Vito did nothing, and still no one had any complaints.

Moreover, Vito also found out a lot of information from everyone, including the fact that their captain had made a deal with the Siren. He even came to Doug specifically to verify the authenticity of the incident from him.


It should be more about finding out Doug's true identity.

After all, if the contrast between a person's words and actions is too great, he may be a mock test-taker.

Doug was no longer affected by his skills, so his answer was natural and flawless.

Vito tried back and forth several times and finally confirmed that Paul was a native of this world.

Moreover, he is a lucky native.

As a result, his expression became even happier.

Doug watched his performance coldly and became more determined to kill him. If he allowed him to continue messing around, the boat would no longer be his.

He was the only one allowed to fish on this boat.

at dusk.

The flying giant bird, no, the Smiling Angel, sailed away from the port of Madoc.

Generally speaking, pirate ships do not stay overnight in port.

after all.

That's the navy's territory, who knows what danger might happen at night!

For their own safety, most of the time, they would rather drift on the sea.

"Captain, you have a pair of eyes that can see through everything, and you also have the wisdom to see through the fog. The Scepter of Poseidon will definitely be in your pocket. Next, we will definitely go to Heard Island, right?" In the captain's room, Vito quickly flattered Doug, and then put forward his own suggestions.

"Vito, among all the people on the ship, you are the only one who can see that I have unparalleled wisdom." Doug laughed, "Yes, we are indeed going to Heard Island next. You go and convey my order!"

"Captain, all your decisions are the wisest." Vito smiled and turned to leave the captain's room.

The moment he turned around.

Half of a scimitar suddenly emerged from his chest.

Vito took a step forward, trying to get rid of the scimitar that pierced him. At the same time, his mouth moved quickly: "Captain, your heart is as broad as the sea, and your wisdom is as bright as the stars..."

"What's your key word?" Doug interrupted him, a dagger pressed to his throat.

"Flattery, brother, I'm not in danger. My keyword must be attached to others. Let me live so that we can cooperate." In the simulation field, every candidate who was about to die would burst out with a strong desire to survive. He said quickly, "Brother, I know your plan. I just awakened the second advanced skill, which must be useful to you. I am ranked 480th. Killing me won't gain much experience..."

(End of this chapter)