World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 139: Source of happiness


In this world, the nobles have absolute say.

Not long after Lord Ramon was taken away by Doug, he changed his mind and joined the Sea Fish Pirates, shocking the crew members who thought their captain was threatened or abused.

But they had to rely on the Duffy family for their livelihood and did not dare to disobey Lord Ramon's orders.

To some extent, Ramon Duffy is the real slave owner who can decide the life and death of most people, and his words are much more effective than those of Doug, the fake slave owner.

Mir Azizi · Hairtail, Kas Gaucho · Cod, Thomas Moran · Yellow croaker…


There are forty or fifty people, and each of them has his or her own sea fish suffix.

There are limited commonly used names for marine fish, and it is inevitable that people will come up with some duplicate names, but Doug doesn’t care. As long as the name contains the word "fish", he doesn’t care even if everyone calls it hairtail.

Whenever someone changes their name, Doug will warmly shake their hand and say sincerely, "Welcome to the Sea Fish Pirates."

This scene left the crew of the original Giant Bird confused.

They didn't understand why their captain was so enthusiastic towards a group of people he met for the first time

Did Paul really believe that if he changed his name, they would really join the pirate group and fight for them

What on earth did Selma put into Paul’s head

Ever since he lost his memory, everything has become weirder and weirder.

Wayne, Barry and others once again fell into anxiety about the future.

Except for Vito, who knew Doug's background, no one considered the possibility that Paul had a new soul, which was beyond their understanding.

Of course, we have to add a parrot named Wendy. The silly bird should have forgotten about the ghost. These days, it has been calling itself Wendy Parrot Fish...

After becoming a member of the Sea Fish Pirates, Ramon Duffy and his crew still couldn't escape the fate of dancing at the harbor.

Doug was a man who pursued efficiency. He did not even go to the second port. Instead, after subduing them, he immediately returned to Madoc Port and asked them to perform for the navy and residents on the shore.

have to say.

The sailors dancing in their pink skirts worked really well.

The people on the shore didn't care whether they were from the Duffy family or not.

They don't have much entertainment in their daily life.

The burly sailors danced with gloomy faces and even their movements were not in sync, making it more like a unique farce.

Adults and children all loved watching it, and laughed so hard that they fell over. At the end of the performance, they gave them the warmest applause...


The permanent population of Madoc Port is more than 50,000, but in just one hour of performance, at least 3,000 people gathered in the port.

all in all.

Ramon Duffy and his crew brought happiness to many people. Doug's attributes improved significantly. With just one performance, his ranking jumped from 223rd to 178th.


The navy stationed in Madoc Port noticed something was wrong and took the initiative to send people to investigate the situation.

after all.

The people on the Smiling Angel looked like pirates, and the Duffy family's merchant ship had just unloaded cargo at Madoc Harbor yesterday, and turned back just to dance for everyone. It didn't look normal in any way.


Ramon Duffy was now a small fish in Dug's pond. Even though he was extremely reluctant, he resisted the urge to betray his master. While dancing, he rebuked the navy who helped him with a dark face.

The naval general, who had brought trouble upon himself, did not get entangled any further and left with an embarrassed look on his face, without having any conflict with the Smiling Angel.

After returning to the base, the naval commander immediately sent someone to report Ramon Dufey's experience.

He read Lord Ramon's hint.

The enemy was too powerful to be provoked by a garrison in a small port. He scolded him and sent him away so that he could pass on the message.

He even added his own speculation in the report that Lord Duffy was probably held hostage by Mahamadou’s men…

Source of Happiness: Happiness can be built on the pain of others. When you spread happiness, someone around you will inevitably fall into bad luck. Ramon Duffy and others finished their performance, and Douger awakened the second advanced skill of the keyword "Happiness".

Doug, who had been looking forward to the second skill, was very disappointed.

Because he found that the second advanced skill was as unreliable as the first one, and someone around him would definitely fall into bad luck. What did that mean

Skills don't allow him to specify a target, the target is random...

Doug hates uncontrollable skills.

Fortunately, the random target in the skill description does not include him.

Then let it be bad luck!

At worst, he can just use the keyword "happiness" to improve attributes. At present, it seems that spreading happiness is much faster than taking advantage of the situation to improve attributes. Doug feels that his strength is gradually returning.


Happiness can obviously continue. Ramon Duffy's performance at Madoc Port is enough to make the people in the port happy for several days.

After leaving Madoc Harbor again, Vito came to Doug with a worried look on his face and asked, "Captain, are we being too ostentatious? It's too noisy to have the Duffy family dancing along all the ports. Selma may trade you power, but she won't make you behave strangely. What we are doing now is obviously a test."

"They will only suspect me and not you, so you are still safe." Doug smiled and said. He has now moved to the merchant ship of the Duffy family. It must be said that the ship of the big family is luxuriously equipped and much more comfortable than his Smiling Angel.

"What I mean is, if you provoke others before your attributes have grown, we will most likely be eliminated early." Vito frowned and said, "Shouldn't we keep a low profile? The chaos caused by dancing at the port is too small to bring much attribute growth. Why don't we be patient for a while and make a big move in one fell swoop?"

Although she agreed to cooperate with Doug and did some things for him inexplicably, Doug's words and deeds seriously conflicted with her values, which made her feel deeply uneasy.

Low profile

Doug frowned.

He was given a pirate ship at the beginning and forced to drift on the sea for five days, which was equivalent to making others run 50 meters in advance.

During this time, he jumped into the sea to catch some fish. That’s not too much, right

If you meet a tavern owner who sells intelligence, you can't help but let him spread some information, right

When I encountered the merchant ship of the Duffy family, as a proud pirate, I couldn't just watch them provoke me and then escape in disgrace, right

Now that we have caught them, it wouldn't be too much to let them dance on the shore to increase their strength, right

Doug felt that he was doing things in a logical way.

Even now, he has not stepped out to reveal the identities of other candidates. For so many days, he has been still playing the role of an indigenous pirate captain step by step.

In the last simulation, and the simulation before that, he was already ranked first. Now he is only ranked 170th, and he has no sense of security at all...

Isn’t this low-key enough

Doug thought about it, but couldn't find anything wrong with his words and actions.

Since I am not wrong.

Then the other party must be wrong.

He must correct the other party's wrong ideas.

Doug looked at Vito and explained seriously: "Vito, this is a good thing for us, and according to the plan, we are partners after all. If both of us hide in the dark, we will only become more passive in the future.

I will be in the open, attracting everyone's attention, so that more people can jump out. You hide in the dark, mark them, and further attack them, so that we can take the absolute initiative in this simulation field. Don't forget that our skills can be coordinated. "

"Is that so?" Vito looked suspicious.

"That's right." Doug looked at Vito and continued to instill his ideas into him. "Vito, this is the elite preliminaries, and the players around us are all elites. They are not those novices who can't even perform.

In such a world, if you want to achieve results, you can't follow the old methods.

The Art of War says that when the enemy is real, we should pretend to be fake, and when the enemy is fake, we should pretend to be real. The real and the fake are unpredictable. Only by making the enemy unable to understand our true purpose can we achieve ultimate victory.

Moreover, I feel that your understanding of low-key is a bit biased.

You can be low-key, but you still need to develop your strength. Otherwise, when you encounter danger, you won't even have the ability to resist, just like you met me. Fortunately, I am a kind person, otherwise, you would have been eliminated. Without any strength, if the ship sinks and you fall into the sea, you can't swim back..."

"Well, I seem to understand." Vito looked at Doug, thoughtfully, "Paul, when will you send me to see Mahamadou?"

"We have to wait at least until the battle of Heard Island. Our current strength does not make us qualified to meet Mahamadou. If you climb up step by step by yourself, it will be too late." Doug said with a smile.

to be honest.

After seeing how efficient Vito was in getting Ramon to change his name, he was somewhat reluctant to let Vito go. It would be too troublesome for him to force Ramon Dufy to change his name by himself, which would require intimidation and bribery.

(End of this chapter)