World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 141: Heard Island


After settling the crew, Doug, Vito and Barry drove a small boat to Heard Island.

Duger is now famous, and bringing a fleet to the island is tantamount to a provocation to everyone. It is not worth exposing himself just to investigate a clue.

Heard Island is located in the center of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. One side is governed by Mahamadu, the King of the East China Sea, and the other side is governed by Safra Kanir, the King of the South China Sea.

There is no navy stationed on the island.

Because of its special geographical location, this place is actually a no-man's land.

There is a busy black market trade on the island, which provides supplies to pirates who are unable to enter the port and is also responsible for selling stolen goods for them.

Here you can find criminals wanted by the navy, pirates who have lost their ships, mercenaries who want to make quick money, and more.

There are even many bounty hunters among them, waiting for an opportunity to hunt among them, take the heads and run away, but they will be hunted by all the pirates, and those who can escape are the chosen ones...

There is a mix of good and bad people, but there is order in the chaos.

There are many islands like this in the four major seas. Heard Island is the most famous one among them. There are at least 100,000 people who have been making a living here for a long time, including the floating population.

Walking on Heard Island, you can see staggering drunkards, one-eyed classic pirates with broken arms and iron hooks installed, and prostitutes soliciting customers on the roadside in revealing clothes.

Listening to the unscrupulous dirty words in my ears.

At this moment, Doug felt that he had truly come into this world.

The people at the port were too kind before.

"Captain, when should I go find Mahamadou? I feel like I am no longer playing a big role in the team."

Vito walked beside Doug, looking inexplicably worried.

Antonio's navy blocked the route to Heard Island. More than a hundred warships were connected in a black mass, with their guns pointed at Heard Island. A pirate ship flying a skull and crossbones flag came forward to provoke Antonio, but accidentally entered the range of the cannons.

Thousands of cannons roared.

The pirate ship was torn into pieces in an instant. The sailor who fell into the water struggled weakly on the sea and was eventually swallowed by the sea, which caused a great shock to Vito.

He finally began to waver in his long-held low profile.

Just as Doug said, under such bombardment, if he fell into the water, he might not even be able to swim to the shore.

Doug has an eccentric personality and is hostile to everyone. He even came up with a bad idea to have the crew dance on the deck to please the enemy. This is so eye-catching that the probability of being targeted is too high.

For the sake of his own safety, Vito began to consciously build up his favorability among the pirates, but the effect was minimal.

Paul was not affected by his flattery. He could not use Doug's pirate group to make a huge impact on the world. All the orders were given by Doug. If he wanted to significantly improve his attributes, he had to leave him.

Flattery simply does not go well with chaos.

These days, Vito's ranking has hardly increased, and has been fluctuating around 470 or 480, close to the bottom.

"Didn't I tell you? After the battle of Heard Island." Doug glanced at Vito and smiled, "I firmly believe that our pirate group will become famous in this battle. At that time, we only need to perform a small self-torture trick, and you can quickly gain Mahamadou's trust."

Vito looked at Doug, seeming to want to say something but stopping himself.

"Vito, don't worry. One day, you will make a big splash." Doug smiled. "Besides, you also need to know the main storyline of the world, don't you? You joined Mahamadou in the dark, and all your information came from the people around you. You became blind and deaf, and you made many wrong decisions."

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Vito thought for a moment and nodded.

He Ya's residence is called the Witch's Hut, an old house that is said to be two hundred years old. The witch makes a living by fortune-telling and selling medicine.

With Vito around, it was easy to find out where she lived, and his flattering skills were hard to guard against.

Doug walked on the street, looking around vigilantly.

Now, his five senses can cover a distance of about 50 meters.

Witch He Ya is the main clue to the Scepter of Poseidon. She will definitely attract a large number of candidates to gather here or wait. It is better to be careful.

at this time.

There were still more than 500 candidates left in the simulation hall, and they were being eliminated at a rate of one or two per day.


Without those table-turning people led by Doug, the candidates in the simulation field all followed the normal rules of the game. After these days of running-in, the elites have found their place in this world.

The only ones who were truly exposed should be Doug and the black magician who was suspected of "killing".

A bunch of idiots!

Doug suspected that if the simulation field had not forced the announcement of the top ten information after a month, these guys would have been able to stay in the simulation field forever.

Accustomed to two fast-paced elimination matches, Doug is actually not very adaptable to this slow-paced style of play.

If Qiyuanxing has been using this method to train candidates to understand key words, then they deserve to lose the battle on the alien battlefield...

Too passive.

Walking from the dock to He Ya's cabin, Doug did not notice anything unusual.

Outside the witch's hut, more than a dozen pirates were queuing up. These people hated each other and ignored each other. No one dared to cut in line.

Occasionally, a pirate would come out of the witch's hut and leave in a hurry.

After leaving the witch's hut 50 meters away, they will run as fast as they can to meet up with the crew members waiting for them outside, and then they will leave in a hurry.

Occasionally, a lone pirate would come out of the witch's hut, and someone would follow him and leave with him.

"Captain, the witch needs silence when she's fortune-telling, so everyone who comes to the witch for fortune-telling or medicine must keep quiet. If you make a noise while waiting in line, you'll be expelled by the witch, or even retaliated against by her." Looking at the witch's hut from a distance, Barry lowered his voice and explained to Doug, "The area 50 meters outside the witch's hut is called the cursed land, and no one dares to cause trouble here."

"How does she usually take revenge on others?" Doug asked. Having entered the simulation field twice, this was his first time to come into contact with this mysterious power, so he couldn't help but feel curious.

"It is said to be some kind of curse of chaos, insanity or something like that." Barry shook his head and said, "I've only heard about it, but I haven't seen it in detail. But in this world, no one wants to mess with a witch, as their magic is hard to defend against. Captain, He Ya will only perform divination for the same person once a month, and the fee is very high. Captain, you must cherish this opportunity."

"Since these people are here to inquire about the information of Poseidon's Scepter, why don't we just find someone to bring up the issue and tell others? Even if we sell one gold coin for each issue, it won't take long to get our money back!" Doug said.

"Captain, you'd better not have such an idea. The witch makes a living by fortune-telling. If she finds out who broke the rules, she will retaliate crazily." Barry was startled and suddenly remembered that his master was someone who dared to tease even Selma. He quickly reminded, "Captain, the witch is proficient in divination. It is said that everyone who has fortune-told with her will have a connection between their souls. She can easily find out who leaked the content of the divination..."

"Are there any other things to pay attention to?" Doug's eyes wandered among the pirates in line, but he didn't find any of them pretending to be candidates. It must be said that these guys' disguises were really good.

That is to say, Duger’s current attributes are not high enough, and his skills are not suitable for fighting.

If it were the previous place, he would have started a massacre here long ago.

after all.

Witch He Ya is simply the best bait.

Maybe someone has already done this.

You know, Doug is now ranked 15th, and there are fourteen people ahead of him!

"I don't think so!" Barry shook his head. "I have never dealt with witches. I heard these things from others."

"Okay, I understand." Doug smiled noncommittally and called Vito, "Let's go line up!"

"Me too?" Barry asked.

"Since she will only perform divination for the same person once a month, we must cherish this opportunity." Doug looked back at him and said, "Barry, don't you want to know your future destiny?"

Compared to exploring the mysterious power of this world, Doug doesn't care about spending more money. Anyway, the money is not his and he can't take it out.

Moreover, Vito has the skill of flattery, so he should get more and more detailed information, and maybe he can even control the witch in return...

(End of this chapter)