World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 145: Fishing in troubled waters


"it's the same."

Doug laughed and continued to throw gold coins into the crowd.

The source of happiness, when you spread happiness, someone will inevitably fall into unlucky state.

It’s a long downhill slope from the center of Heard Island to the pier.

The street is only about four meters wide, and part of it is occupied by small vendors on both sides, so there is only two meters of space for people to walk.

The dozens of pirates who were following closely behind Doug were running very fast.

After Duger threw the money.

Suddenly, a pirate running in front tripped over a protruding stone and fell to the ground in the street unexpectedly.

Due to inertia, the people behind him couldn't stop the car and stepped on him, tripping over him one after another.

After a while.

More than twenty pirates rolled into a group and blocked the road.

When the pirates chased Dug, most of them had machetes in their hands.

When he fell, in order to maintain his balance, he swung the machete around wildly, inevitably hitting the people next to him.



The screams became one after another...

At this time.

The gingerbread vendor just happened to be chasing after them. He was extremely fast and had quick reactions. When he saw the pirate rolling into a ball, he was already prepared to dodge.

He planned out the best route, rushing past the vendor next to him, then stepping on the stone pier next to him and jumping forward three meters to jump over this group of stupid pirates.

But plans cannot keep up with changes.

The moment he turned around.

By chance, a piece of melon rind appeared at his feet.

His left foot happened to step on the melon rind, and he slipped suddenly, lost his balance, and plunged into the pirate group involuntarily.


His head was clamped tightly between the legs of an unknown pirate. The strong smell made him dizzy and he almost suffocated.

The gingerbread vendor had high attributes and great strength. He pushed upward with force and lifted up the person who was pressing on his back, and was just about to take a breath.


With a bang.

A huge force hit his back, and he just straightened up but fell back again.

He just opened his mouth to breathe in some fresh air, but before he could close it, he bit into something soft.

The smell of blood and stench immediately filled his mouth.

The person he bit let out a hysterical scream.




With one collision after another, more and more pirates crashed into the pirate group.

The gingerbread vendor couldn't get up even if he tried to remember.

People were crowded in the confined space, and they couldn't spit out the food stuffed in their mouths.

He had realized what he had bitten into.

I felt sick and helpless, and I couldn't bite it hard enough. I was so depressed that I wanted to cry.

This guy must not have taken a shower after having fun...

It's really fucking weird.

How could he, a master ranked 24th, end up falling for a piece of melon rind? How unlucky!

If he had known this, he would have taken a detour to the dock to block them... He saw Douger throwing the gold coins, but he didn't think it was the effect of the skill. He just thought that a group of greedy guys were snatching the gold coins, which caused this accident!

The gingerbread vendor finally managed to break free from the pirates who were rolling together. He could no longer see any trace of Doug and his companions. When he reached the dock, he only saw a small sailboat speeding away and the pirates rushing back to the ship.

Some pirate ships were pulling up anchors, while some pirates did not understand what was happening and looked at the chaotic dock, indifferent.

"Fuck, you're dead." The gingerbread vendor looked at Doug going away, spat fiercely at the person next to him, and couldn't help but dry heaving. He rushed to a pirate ship that had just raised the anchor in a few steps. Looking at the pirates who were facing a formidable enemy, he said with a dark face, "I'm from Mahamadou. Catch up with the small boat in front. I will give you enough gold coins. By the way, find me a bottle of rum. I need to rinse my mouth..."

"Go to hell, Mahamadou, you are obviously the gingerbread seller outside the witch's hut. Guys, kill him and let's go chase the witch!" A pirate sneered, took out a musket, and fired a shot at the gingerbread vendor.


Sparks flying.

Next second.

The pirate let out a scream, and the hand holding the musket fell to the ground. Then, a sword cut his throat, and blood gushed out. He covered his throat weakly and fell to his knees on the ground.

"Now, I am the captain of this ship. If anyone thinks I am not, his fate will be your fate." The gingerbread vendor held a bloody scimitar in his hand and looked around coldly at the crowd. Then, his eyes fixed on the sailor who was raising the sail, "Continue your work. You, bring me a bottle of rum, right now, immediately..."

The small sailboat raises the sail, unties the rope tied to the dock, and can quickly go out to sea.

The large ship needed to go through a series of troublesome preparations such as pulling anchor and raising sails, so Doug quickly got rid of the pursuers behind him.

And fortunately, no one was hurt.

"God of the sea, I didn't expect that we could actually escape." Barry adjusted the mast and looked at the pursuers on the shore who were cursing at them. He was relieved and gasped heavily. "Paul, you are too crazy. I can't believe that you actually tied the witch out of Heard Island, and succeeded. It's too crazy..."

"It is precisely because no one thought we would dare to do this that we succeeded." Doug smiled proudly.

Just now he spent a lot of money and gained a lot of happiness points, and his attributes rose a lot.

That is to say, there were not enough gold coins later on.


He designated a large circle of gold coins to be scattered on Heard Island, if for no other reason than to bring happiness to the world.

All the properties that are bought with money are worth it.

Moreover, he is familiar with this operation.

After all, in the last simulation, all his attributes were bought.

Sure enough, everything can be traded, and trade is the most powerful keyword.

Improving attribute values is a small matter. What makes Douger happy is that after being idle for a long time, he finally awakened his second skill:

Fishing in troubled waters: When the water is muddied by you, you will definitely be the biggest beneficiary.

This skill was derived from the fact that he probably muddied the water on Heard Island, took away the most important big fish, and touched the fish...

But no matter what, this is a skill that God tailor-made for him!

This means that as long as he keeps doing things, he will gain more, such as the Destiny Chart, the Golden Compass, and the Scepter of Poseidon...

If you can't get these things, how can you be considered the party with the greatest benefits

The most crucial point.

The advanced skill of the second keyword can bring reality. This passive skill that does not require attributes is the most advantageous.

After he gets out, if he muddies the waters of the outside world, wouldn't he also become the biggest beneficiary, the biggest beneficiary in the real world...

Tsk tsk!

The facts prove it again.

Only by taking the initiative into your own hands can you gain the greatest benefit.

Screw being low-key, screw being forbearing, that is a choice only made by cowards, the strong will only lead the world.

"Asshole, do you know what you did? You will be hunted by everyone. I must have been kicked in the head by a donkey for agreeing to cooperate with an idiot like you..." Martha Heya lay on the side of the boat and retched for a few times. Finally, she came to her senses and cursed at Doug, "You stupid bastard, you even threw all my gold coins away. I will definitely be killed. No, everyone will be killed by you..."

Doug used a machete to cut the rope that bound her, threw it into the sea, and said with a smile: "Martha, don't be so angry. You have to know that even if you don't agree to cooperate with me, I will still tie you up."

"You idiot, you not only cut my belt, but also threw it into the sea..." The witch watched the belt floating on the sea and sinking little by little, her eyes wide open, her face full of despair, "The belt contains the most powerful healing potion and poison that is enough to kill 300 people."

(End of this chapter)