World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 146: Witch Paul


Evil little witch!

Fortunately, she threw away her belt.


He allowed her to create panic on his ship as a witch, and all the happiness he created was offset by her.

Luck is indeed on my side.

When did he ever use poison to kill someone

It's always heartbreaking!

Doug looked at He Ya and comforted her perfunctorily: "No need. Martha, the purpose of our pirate group is to spread happiness. With our protection, no one can hurt you. You should learn to be a happy witch..."

The witch glared at Doug angrily: "Witches need reverence, not happiness. You kidnapped me, and you destroyed all the fear that my grandmother and mother had accumulated over hundreds of years. I can already foresee the future, and no one will be afraid of me anymore."

Is it a family inheritance

Doug looked at Martha Heya curiously and asked, "Who is so brave as to marry your grandmother? And who married your mother?"

"..." The witch choked and roared, "Why do you care how we got here? That's not the point at all, okay?"

"Aren't you afraid of giving birth to a boy?" Doug asked again.

"..." The witch's momentum suddenly weakened, and she said hesitantly, "We have medicine. Whenever a witch wants to pass on her legacy, she will choose the most powerful man in the world. Afterwards, they will not have any memory."

A series of questions dispelled Barry's fear of the witch. He looked at the witch strangely and suddenly felt that she was abducted by his captain on purpose. With immortality and powerful strength, there should be no man more powerful than Paul in this world.

Doug smiled mischievously: "So, you still need to be happy, right?"

Martha was going crazy. At this moment, she really wanted to pry open Doug's head and see what was inside.

While others were concerned about the Scepter of Poseidon, he asked himself where he came from

When he is being chased by enemies all behind him, does he still care about whether he is happy or not

What do you care whether I need to be happy or not

If I want to be happy, I won’t look for you.

The witch stared at Doug, her chest heaving violently.

She swore that if she had to choose a man she hated the most in the world, it would definitely be the guy in front of her!

Doug winked at Vito.

Vito sighed.


He has been using me as a younger brother, not a partner at all.

But he would not disobey Doug's order and put on a smile on his face: "Sister He Ya, your voice is so beautiful, you must be very beautiful too!"

"Of course." The witch immediately became proud, "Little brother, you speak much better than that stinky guy."

"Sister is gentle and beautiful. I wonder what the key words are?" Vito smiled and continued to ask.

"What keywords?" The witch looked at Vito strangely.

"Nothing?" Vito smiled and perfunctorily replied, "I just didn't expect that the legendary witch He Ya would be so young and so beautiful..."

"The real witch Heya is my mother. She was killed by Mahamadou." Martha looked at Doug with gritted teeth and said, "If I had the same powerful magic as my mother, I wouldn't be kidnapped by this bastard..."

Vito glanced at Doug and asked, "Smart and beautiful witch sister, can you tell me the clue of Poseidon's scepter?"

"If you want to find the Scepter of Poseidon, you need to find the Golden Compass first..." Under the influence of her skills, the witch told everything she knew and repeated what she had said to Doug.

What she said was actually true

Doug was stunned. Is the witch so real


She must really hate Mahamadou, but she has no ability to take revenge, so when the crystal ball broke, she chose herself...

"Martha, do witches really have magic powers?" Doug took over the topic and asked.

"Of course." Martha nodded. "If there was no magic, why did the crystal ball break when it was predicting your fate?"

"Then can you help me calculate whether it is possible for me to obtain the Scepter of Poseidon?" Doug smiled, grabbed the large package in the cabin, took out the crystal ball inside, and handed it to the little witch.

The little witch was stunned and looked at Douger. She was still frightened and did not dare to take the crystal ball.

Vito glanced at Doug and said flatteringly, "Sister Martha, your ability is unparalleled in the world. Can you help us test it?"

"Okay, let's do it once. He's too weird. I suspect I'll die if I predict his fate." Martha muttered as she took the crystal ball. She glanced at the three people on the boat and said, "But I want to tell you that the result of the prediction only represents the future at this moment. Any fate can be changed."

There are hundreds of variables in the entire simulation field. It would be strange if fate could be fixed!

Doug nodded and gestured, "Let's get started. We are ready."

The witch placed the crystal ball on her thighs, suspended her hands above the crystal ball, closed her eyes, and muttered a spell.


The milky white light reappeared on the crystal ball.


The witch opened her eyes.

The milky white light flashed and disappeared.

This time, the crystal ball did not break, but the witch was visibly tired. She looked at Doug and frowned. "What did you predict?" Doug asked.

"It's very strange, there's only a blurry picture." The witch looked at Doug's hand strangely and hesitated for a moment. "Two different hands are holding the Poseidon Scepter. One hand should be yours, and the fingers of the other hand are slender and pale, and look like a woman's hand..."

"That's it?" Doug was stunned.

"That's what divination is like. It's very clear, okay?" Martha said angrily. "The object of divination is you. It proves that one day in the future, you are likely to touch the Scepter of Poseidon. I don't know who that woman is? Maybe you are giving the Scepter of Poseidon to Zhan Sini, or maybe you are fighting for the Scepter with another woman. This is just a picture of the future, and anything can happen..."

Vito's eyes widened.

Are you kidding

Paul jumps like this

Can you survive to the end and snatch the scepter from others

But why was it a woman's hand? Shouldn't it be him and Paul fighting for the scepter

Barry's eyes lit up, and his confidence suddenly increased. Paul actually had a chance to compete for the ownership of Poseidon's Scepter. This alone was enough.

"Sister Martha, you are a beautiful and kind person, and you are the most powerful witch in the world. Can you help me calculate?" Vito asked unwillingly.

"I can't do that. I don't have enough magic power." Martha glanced at Vito. "My magic power can only predict the future three times in a day. Moreover, before, when I helped Paul predict his fate, I was attacked by the magic power once. I haven't recovered yet..."

"@#$W%%..." Doug glanced at Martha, took the crystal ball from her legs, copied his movements, and repeated the strange spells she said.

He has the courage and curiosity to try everything.

"Impossible, you only heard it once, how could you remember such a complicated spell?" Martha widened her eyes.


Doug complained inwardly.

When you were fortune-telling for me in the witch's hut, you recited this sentence. So you witches rely on a string of spells to conquer the world, right

I can't remember it after listening to it twice. It's a waste of my high mental strength.

next moment.

Something even more incredible happened.

A white light appeared on the crystal ball.

"God of the sea, how could you have magic power?" Martha's eyes widened. "Isn't it said that only witches can use crystal balls? Paul, are you a woman?"

Vito rolled his eyes. The pink pirate flag, what else could it be but a woman's

However, the crystal ball is also strange. Could it be that it is identifying souls

So, can he use it too

Her soul is also female!

A flash of white light appeared.

"What did you predict?" Martha asked anxiously.

"Second." Doug looked at Vito and said two words.

"What's the second?" Martha asked. "What did you see?"

I didn't see anything, I just saw a glowing light bulb. Maybe there was a real picture when the white light was on, but he couldn't see it. Doug muttered in his heart, looked at Vito who was surprised, and said affirmatively: "You are the second place, stand behind me."

"Really?" Vito was surprised.

Don’t trust yourself, but trust a crystal ball

Doug looked at Vito, muttered inwardly, and seriously made up a future for him: "In the picture I saw, you raised two fingers, and your mouth shape should also be saying two, so I think it should mean second place..."

Vito's mind has been wavering these days, and Doug feels that he needs to maintain a closer relationship between the two of them. The friendship between slaves and slave owners is obviously not enough. Since he is willing to believe in fate, he will use the future to consolidate their relationship.

It's just a matter of making up two lies, it's so easy.

"Oh my god, you really saw the picture." Martha covered her mouth in surprise, "Paul, can you tell me? Witches can't tell their own fate. Can you tell me what my future fate will be?"

Doug glanced at the witch, smiled and nodded: "Of course."


He chanted the spell again.

The crystal ball glowed white again.

Wait for the white light to go out.

Martha asked expectantly, "How is it? What will my future be like? Was my revenge successful?"

"Gold coins, I only saw countless gold coins, and you were lying on the gold coins with a look of greed and enjoyment..." Doug glanced at the witch with a strange expression.

The witch's eyes gradually began to glow.


She laughed out loud, so happy that her body shook. "This is the future I want! Paul, our cooperation is indeed right. I knew that the person who could shatter the crystal ball must be an extraordinary person."

A bunch of idiots!

I was actually controlled by a glowing ball!

Doug snorted disdainfully, then looked at Barry who was driving the boat and asked, "Barry, do you need me to calculate it for you?"

"Is it possible?" Barry asked in surprise, "Didn't Martha say that a person can only do divination three times a day?"

"That's because her magic power is not enough." Doug looked at Martha with disdain and said, "Besides, haven't I done divination three times yet?"

(End of this chapter)