World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 149: He must be confused


Although the witch proved to everyone that Paul would pick up the scepter of Poseidon in the future, Doug's plan still made the members of the Sea Fish Pirates feel unreliable.

after all.

There are too many people on the other side.

Pirates won't reason with you. Once a conflict breaks out between the two sides, the people dancing on the bow will reduce their combat effectiveness by half, and what awaits them will be a one-sided massacre.

Paul may become the king of the Pirates, but they have to live until then!

Therefore, everyone in the Sea Fish Pirates was nervous, so the first mate tripped over himself absent-mindedly, and the sailors were tripped by the ropes and fell into the sea...

But the next scene shocked everyone. The enemies on the opposite side actually started fighting each other for no apparent reason.

Turn danger into safety, turn disaster into good fortune, may the sea god bless you...

What Doug had said came back to their minds.

It came true!

Everything came true.

At this moment, the crew members of the Sea Fish Pirates were all in ecstasy, and their confidence in Paul reached its peak.

Oh shit!

Is the source of happiness so powerful

Only Doug understood the reason.

He swallowed lightly, this skill should belong to the power of the mysterious side!

Keep going like this.

He only needs to keep creating happiness, which will muddy the waters more and more, and then, fishing in troubled waters will bring him the greatest benefits...

The snowball is starting to roll again!

It's chaos!

Paul's key word is chaos!

Only chaos can create such an effect...


There was a candidate who awakened the advanced skill of winning in chaos and easily won the first place in the simulation field.

It's exactly the same as what's happening now.

After the gingerbread vendor figured out the cause of the incident, he quickly identified Doug's key words. He narrowed his eyes and could not allow Paul to continue to grow stronger.


Once his momentum expands to the entire world, no one will be able to suppress him.


Once chaos occurs, everyone will attack it.

To the extent that the candidates who later had "chaos" would secretly disrupt the situation everywhere and did not dare to jump out at the beginning. It was rare to find someone as brave as Paul!

Spread happiness

Your disguise is so poor!

The gingerbread vendor shook his head. Most candidates with the chaos keyword would not have advanced attack and defense skills. If he fought alone, his chances of winning were very high...

Having caused such a big incident, Paul should be ranked in the top ten!

After harvesting him, with my advanced skills, I should be able to stay stable in this simulation field.

The chef on the other boat also immediately judged Doug's skills and came to the same conclusion as the gingerbread vendor.


He hesitated for a moment, but chose to endure it.

have to say.

His keywords are really not suitable for combat. If he jumps out and causes chaos, he will surely die.

The chef's eyes wandered over the other pirate ships, thinking to himself, if only someone could take action and fight Chaos to a mutual defeat!

The happy dance troupe stopped dancing the moment the gunfire sounded.

Everyone was watching the show happily.

After all, they were out of the range of the artillery fire, so they didn't have to worry about the shells accidentally hitting them. At this time, an unlucky pirate ship had been sunk, and the crew was struggling on the sea holding the broken planks, and the artillery fire between the remaining pirate ships became sparse.

The pirate ship had limited ammunition, and after this round of firing, the reserved ammunition was almost used up.

Because they were too close, almost every ship was damaged, and the masts of two ships were broken. They lost power and could only float on the sea.

"What a hell." Ak Bar covered his buttocks and looked at his Snow Dragon with several large holes in it. He cursed angrily, "Are these bastards cursed by a witch?"

"Come closer." The gingerbread vendor replaced the bottle of rum to rinse his mouth, looked at Ak Bar's butt with a gloomy face, and ordered coldly.

"Still going over there?" Ak Bar's eyes widened and he complained, "Before we were strong enough to negotiate with Paul, but now we are about to be sunk, and going over there would mean we would die."

"It is precisely because the Snow Dragon is about to sink that you should go over there." The gingerbread vendor glanced at him, "Paul's ship is still intact. Don't you want to buy a new one?"

"..." Ak Bar hesitated. He looked at the intact Paul Pirates not far away and swallowed his saliva. "They won't fire, will they?"

"If he had fired, that would have been his best chance. If he didn't fire, he would never have fired." The gingerbread vendor said, "Akbar, don't hesitate. Come over. Use negotiation to hold Paul back while I try to kill him."

"Assassination?" Ak Bar was stunned. "There are at least thirty people on his ship."

"Paul Walsh is dead, so the others are nothing to worry about. I can kill them for you." The gingerbread vendor took a sip of rum, spit it out, and said coldly, "Captain Acker, this is your only chance to turn things around. If you don't seize it, I will kill you and replace you with another captain..."

The gingerbread vendor's voice was cold and murderous. Ak Bar recalled the buttocks he had bitten and couldn't help shuddering. "Is it not okay for me to go?"

Under the command of Ack Bar, the Snow Dragon restarted and headed towards the Sea Fish Pirates.

Seeing this, the other four pirate ships that were still able to move followed.

They didn't know how this inexplicable battle was caused.

But now, the only thing that can make up for their losses is the stupid Sea Fish Pirates on the opposite side.

That’s right!

Paul had five ships, but he did not flee or attack them during the scuffle.

Such a captain can be equated with stupidity.

"Captain, do you want to fight these idiots?" Barry drew out his scimitar, eager to give it a try. "Their shells have been exhausted. At this moment, we only need a few shots to sink them."

"And then what? We run out of ammunition and end up being shot at by the pirate ships chasing us from Heard Island?" Doug looked back at him and said, "Barry, put away those thoughts of violence.

A good pirate king must learn to forgive his enemies, influence his opponents, and finally make them willingly become our companions. In this way, our pirate group will become stronger and stronger, and eventually dominate the entire sea. Moreover, I will ask them to help us find the destiny chart! "


Barry responded calmly and stepped aside.

He now unconditionally obeys all of Paul's orders. Moreover, although they are a battle formation, all the previous battles have been monopolized by Paul. If Paul is unwilling to fight, then there will be no fight.

"By the way, take a boat and rescue those guys who fell into the sea." Doug looked back at Barry and ordered, "They lost their boat. Our Sea Fish Pirates can be their new home. We want every pirate to feel the warmth of home here."

"Yeah." Barry nodded, turned around and was about to leave to carry out Doug's orders.

"Wait a minute." Doug stopped him, "Let them soak in the sea for a while longer. Only when they have tasted enough cold and enjoyed warmth will they be grateful. Otherwise, you will find that you have saved a group of ungrateful wolves who will bite you at any time."

A moment's effort.

The Snow Dragon, Latin, Hermann, Archer and Seal, five tattered pirate ships, stopped opposite the Sea Fish Pirates.

After a fight for no apparent reason, the smiles on these people’s faces had long disappeared.

Even if Paul continued to have his Royal Navy Dance Company dance the pink skirt dance, they would not be happy.

What a bad luck today!

Ak Bar stood at the bow, looking at Paul across from him, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Captain Paul, do you still mean what you said? Can you share the clues about the witch with us?"

"Of course." Doug smiled, his eyes swept over the members of several pirate ships one by one, and finally returned to Ack Barr's face, "I am a person who loves to make friends. If you don't plan to rob my ship, I will be happy to share all the news about Poseidon's Scepter with you. After all, I have become the new heir of witches. I plan to study witchcraft for the rest of my life and become the greatest witch. I am no longer interested in Poseidon's Scepter."

Under her cloak, Martha Heya rolled her eyes.

You’re kidding!

If you're not interested in the Poseidon Scepter, I'll swallow the crystal ball whole...

(End of this chapter)