World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 150: For love



First of all, you have to be a woman!

Everyone who gathered around was stunned by Doug's shameless remarks.

It is true that people who have traded with Selma will have abnormal brains...


It's also possible that Paul traded that thing to Selma.

You know, the sea is so big that there are all kinds of fish!

"…" Ak Bar choked, with undisguised mockery in his eyes, "Then I wish Captain Paul to go further and further on the path of a witch."

"Thank you for the blessing, Captain Xuelong." Doug smiled, "But before I board the ship, can I know your name?"

"Ak Bar," said Ak Bar.

Doug looked at the Latin horn next to him again.

"Deep Latin." The captain of the Latin was a bearded man whose age was indeterminate.

"Walter Herman." Herman's captain also gave his name.

"Lando Archer." The captain of the Archer had a gloomy face. He felt that he had suffered an unprovoked disaster and transferred all his anger to Paul.

"Lewan Rice."

The captain of the Seal looked about the same age as Paul, and he had suffered the least loss among all the ships. Therefore, he was not very angry, and his eyes kept wandering over the witches on the Smiling Angel, and finally fixed on the witch next to Doug.

"Captains, please come aboard." Doug smiled, looked around at the people, and said, "In order to avoid causing more unpleasantness, I suggest that each captain only bring one deputy. I swear in the name of the Sea God that I will never attack you."

He shrugged and smiled, "After all, if I wanted to kill you, firing the cannon just now would have been enough, right?"

The innocent smile infected Ak Bar who was sitting opposite him, and he smiled as well: “Of course, I believe in Captain Paul’s character.”

"Barry, take a boat and rescue those crew members who fell into the water." Doug smiled again, turned around and instructed Barry, "Pirates should help each other. If you don't pull them out, those poor guys will probably drown."

"..." Barry was stunned. Didn't you say to let them soak for a while

Barry commanded Clownfish One to rescue people.

Several captains and their deputies climbed up the ladder and boarded Doug's Smiling Angel.

Doug's eyes swept over them one by one, and could not see anything unusual.

A few of them smelled faintly of alcohol, but it was normal for crew members to drink to numb themselves at sea.

"Thank you for your trust in me." Doug bowed gracefully and saluted to several captains. He looked at everyone with a smile on his face. "You all chased me here because I kidnapped the witch. But there is no hatred between us, right?"

"Captain Paul, I would rather know the clues to Poseidon's Scepter." Captain Lando of the Archer said in a muffled voice, "Let the real witch come out. We want to meet her."

"Captain Lando, I am the witch. I can tell you the clues directly." Doug smiled at him. "To find the Scepter of Poseidon, you must first collect the seven pieces of the Destiny Chart. After you have a complete Destiny Chart, you can find the golden compass according to the instructions on the chart. Then, the golden compass will guide you to find the Scepter of Poseidon."

All the captains were stunned.

The gingerbread vendor's hand subconsciously grasped the handle of the machete, and he almost couldn't help but attack Paul.

He could foresee that this group of people leaving with the news of Poseidon's Scepter would immediately cause chaos among all the pirates.

Paul must be killed before the chaos explodes. He wants to enjoy Paul's attributes alone.

Having caused so much chaos, Paul must be ranked very high.


He only has one chance!

We must strike when he is most relaxed.

… “Are you telling the truth?”

"It's that simple?"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Lando of the Archer, and the other was Captain Lewan Rice of the Seal.

"Of course it's true." Doug smiled and looked at the two of them and said, "Moreover, you have obtained the most accurate information. Those who previously sought divination from witches only got clues about finding the destiny chart. They didn't even know what to do next after getting the destiny chart. If you don't believe it, you can go and ask them for confirmation."

"Why did you tell us such important news directly?" Ak Bar asked.

"It's very simple, because the person behind Witch Heya is Mahamadu, and he has a piece of the Destiny Chart. And he wants to use the power of all the pirates to help him find the other six pieces of the Destiny Chart." Doug smiled and continued, "So, you can't collect all seven pieces of the Destiny Chart no matter what.

Unless everyone can unite and defeat Mahamadou.

Otherwise, even if you find the Destiny Chart, you will only be helping Mahamadou, because you cannot be a match for the King of the East Sea. The reason why I kidnapped the witch is that I don't want everyone to work so hard but end up with nothing."

"Lev, I've said it before, pirates like us can never win this game." The first mate behind Lev frowned and said, "Quit this game!"

"I don't believe what you say." Lewan Rice looked at Doug and questioned.

"What he said is true." Martha Heya suddenly lifted the cloak on her head and tore off her veil. She stretched out her right hand, and a hexagram floated in her palm. She looked at everyone and said loudly with hatred on her face, "Mahamadou killed my mother and forced me to work for him. He is my enemy, and I don't want to work for him. That's why I volunteered to be taken away by Captain Paul. I don't want Mahamadou to get the Scepter of Poseidon. If that happens, I will never be able to take revenge."

The hexagram proved the identity of the witch, and the captains' doubts immediately disappeared.

Everyone, including Ak Bar, fell into deep thought. They had to make a choice between the illusory Scepter of Poseidon and Mahamadu.

"So, you told us the clues, but you don't want us to look for the Destiny Chart at all." The captain of the Herman frowned and asked, "Then can I understand that you want to dominate the witches and get the Destiny Chart..."

"Captain Walter, don't forget, I am also a witch. I just decided to help Martha because I sympathized with her situation." Doug smiled, looked at Martha with gentle eyes, and said softly.

"Don't say such stupid things. No man has ever been able to become a witch." Lewan Rice stood up and said angrily, "I will only believe it if you let me take the witch away."

"Captain Lewan, taking the witch away means you will become enemies with everyone. Can you bear the consequences?" Doug turned to Lewan Rice, pointed at the many pirate ships surrounding them from a distance, and said, "If you have the courage to bear the consequences and protect the witch's safety, I can let you take Martha away..."

"He is a coward. I will not leave with him." Martha Heya glanced at him with disdain and said bluntly.

Lewan Rice's face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to make this promise.

A sentence.

Everyone gave up the idea of snatching the witch. Paul was right. At this time, whoever brought the witch would be everyone's enemy.

"So, you'll tell everyone the clues, right?" asked the captain of the Hermann.

"Yes, opportunities are fair to everyone, including life. I would rather use the clues of Poseidon's scepter in exchange for Martha's freedom and safety." Doug looked at Martha Heya lovingly, then turned his head to look at Walter, "Captain Walter, I actually have another reason for telling you this news."

"What?" Walter asked.

"Not everyone has the opportunity to pick up the Scepter of Poseidon, but everyone has the opportunity to gain wealth." Doug smiled and looked around at everyone again, "You are indeed no match for Mahamadu. But there are some who are, such as the King of the South Sea, Safra, and the King of the North Sea, Roland Swann. They are strong enough to compete with Mahamadu. Moreover, they will not let Mahamadu get the Scepter of Poseidon and break the balance of the four seas. I think they must be happy to spend a lot of money to buy a piece of the Destiny Chart."


The captains who had already fallen into despair took a deep breath and suddenly understood Paul's intention. He wanted to take this opportunity to provoke a war among the kings of the four seas and avenge his girlfriend Martha Hea.

That's right.

No one believed that Paul had become a witch.

From the way he looked at Martha, it could be inferred that the fool was in love.

Only love can make a person crazy, making him reckless and determined to snatch Martha from Mahamadou's control, even at the cost of making enemies with everyone in the world.

But it has to be said.

Paul's suggestion was really great. Gold coins were the lifeblood of pirates. Since they had no chance of getting the Scepter of Poseidon, why not exchange the Map of Destiny for an endless fortune

(End of this chapter)