World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 151: Paul's Secret


Can't find the opportunity!

The gingerbread vendor looked at Paul who was talking so eloquently and felt a little anxious. He told a story and you listened. He drew a cake and you ate it.

You guys are questioning him, you guys are robbing his boat!

Don't forget who made you like this.

A bunch of cowards.

However, at this time, he did not dare to instigate.

Once he opened his mouth, Paul's attention would definitely be diverted to him, and then there would be no chance of a sneak attack.

Only if you keep calm can you have the last laugh.

Experts do not allow even the slightest mistake, otherwise there will be nothing.

This simulation field is filled with the elites of the elite, the best people who stand out in every simulation field, and the gingerbread vendor has enough patience.

Doug looked at the young Lewan Rice and changed the subject: "Of course, it is not impossible to seize the Scepter of Poseidon. There is no sun that does not set in the world. If the sea is always controlled by the King of the Four Seas, what is the meaning of the struggle of young people? As I said, fate is fair to everyone. It depends on whether you dare to take risks and fight..."

"What do you mean?" Lewan Rice asked with a frown.

He was a young man with dreams, so he was unwilling to do stupid things like exchanging the chart of destiny for gold coins. His dream was to become the king of pirates.

"I heard from the tavern owner Ryan in Madoc Harbor that Selma's life has come to an end. She is looking for a man who can make her pregnant. If he succeeds in making her pregnant, he will get all the treasures she has collected over the years."

Doug lowered his voice, his smile full of encouragement, "Selma is the most famous sea monster. Over the years, she has collected countless wealth, including various artifacts, such as strength, wisdom, and other things that should not be mastered by mortals. Wealth can allow you to quickly build a powerful army, and artifacts can help you gain incredible power. Even if you get one, it is enough to make an unknown person have the strength to rival the king of the four seas. Not to mention everything she has collected over the past ten thousand years."

“…” Lewan Rice’s breathing quickened and his eyes lit up.

"So, why don't we look for the Siren Selma while we're looking for the Destiny Chart?" Doug shrugged and said with a smile, "The Siren Selma doesn't need to look for any Destiny Chart or Golden Compass. She only needs a strong man to get Selma's wealth. Maybe she doesn't even need the Scepter of Poseidon to become the new Pirate King."


This time, not only the captains, but also their deputies could not help but swallow their saliva.

Except for the gingerbread vendor.

Doug gave him a strange look.

The gingerbread vendor immediately realized his abnormality, licked his lips, and pretended that he was also interested in Selma.

But soon, he remembered what his lips had touched before

The feeling of nausea surged into his heart in an instant, and he retched reflexively. Seeing Doug's eyes looking at him again, he gritted his teeth and pretended to be calm: "I like men. When I think about Selma doing something like that in order to get pregnant, I feel sick!"

Like men

Ak Bar subconsciously covered his butt that he had bitten.

Seeing this scene, Dug raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but take a step back.

Since boarding the ship, all the captains and their deputies have experienced ups and downs in emotions and their heartbeats have accelerated and slowed down as he described the scenes.

Only this guy's heartbeat remained calm.

Doug had always suspected that he was a candidate in the mock test and had been on guard.

But this guy suddenly revealed that he liked men, and Ak Bar covered his butt reflexively, exposing the friendship between the two.

Doug temporarily dispelled his doubts about him. No matter how strong the test takers in the simulation field were, no matter how curious they were, they would not go after an old man!

Unless his keywords are Long Yang or Duan Xiu.

If there really is such a keyword, the sacrifice would be too great, and what kind of advanced skills would be derived from it

I can't believe it! "Captain Paul, is everything you said true?" Lewan Rice asked, "You have made a deal with Selma, so you should be the one who knows her best. Does her life really look like it's coming to an end?"

"Who told you I made a deal with Selma?" Doug asked.

"Don't pretend. The news of your deal with Selma has spread all over the pirate circle." Lewan Rice said with a smile, "Besides, if you hadn't made a deal with Selma, how could you have quickly become such a famous pirate from an unknown pirate in such a short period of time, and be wanted by the Duffy family and the navy..."

"Well, I did make a deal with Selma, but I didn't see her weakness." Doug smiled helplessly and said, "However, I saw a book about the inheritance of the siren on her table. Not long after, I heard from Ryan that Selma paid a large sum of money to have a child. I think this news is most likely true!"

"Have you ever made such a deal with Selma?" Walter asked interestedly.

"I don't know. After the deal with Selma, I lost some of my memory." Doug said frankly, "But I don't think I should have made that kind of deal with her. After all, everyone knows that Selma's deal is the fairest. If I made a deal with her, I would have been the most powerful pirate."

"Maybe the deal was made, but it wasn't successful!" Hermann gave everyone a look that every man could understand, and said with a mischievous smile.

"Maybe!" Doug shrugged disapprovingly and said with a smile, "There's no smoke without fire. Since Selma has spread such news, it might be true. Why not give it a try? Even if it doesn't work, you can trade something else with her, such as strength or agility. Anyway, you won't suffer any loss..."

"That makes sense." Lewan Rice nodded. He looked at the witch next to Doug and said, "Witch He Ya, can I ask you to help me predict my future destiny?"

"I have used up all the divination quotas for today." Martha Heya took out her crystal ball from under her black cloak and handed it to Doug. "You can ask Paul to do divination for you. His magic power is higher than mine, and he can also predict your future destiny."

"Paul?" Several captains were stunned again and looked at Doug in surprise.

"Yes, I told you before that I have become the descendant of a witch. Everything I did was to avenge Witch He Ya. You just didn't believe me." Doug smiled and looked at Lewan Rice. "Captain Lewan, what do you want to predict?"

"Divination for my future destiny." Lewan Rice said, "I want to know, is it possible for me to meet Selma?"

"Fifty gold coins." Doug stretched out his hand to him.

“…” Lewan Rice was stunned.

"Lewand, everything in the world follows the laws of nature. You get what you pay for. No one can get their future destiny for nothing." Doug said with a smile, "The more gold coins you pay, the more accurate the destiny you predict will be."

Lewan Rice looked at Doug, then at the witch, untied the purse from his waist, and said shyly, "Captain Paul, I don't have enough gold coins. I only have thirty-three gold coins. Can you help me calculate it?"

"Of course." Doug motioned to the witch next to him to take the gold coins, looked at Lewan Rice, and said, "But if there are not enough gold coins, the calculated fate will be incomplete. There may only be some vague pictures. You must be prepared..."

"Yes." Lewan Rice nodded, looked at Doug, then at Martha, and said, "But if you can't predict anything, please return the gold coins to me. I hope to wait until Witch He Ya's magic power is restored before testing again."

Doug looked at him again, placed the crystal ball on the deck, sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands in the air, and chanted a spell.

As the crystal ball glowed with a milky white light.

Ak Bar and others' doubts about the witch Doug's identity suddenly disappeared. In their opinion, no one could make the crystal ball light up except the witch's magic.

They looked at Doug who was chanting the spell with increasingly strange eyes.

A man actually became a witch.

Sure enough, he traded his offspring to Selma. It seems that the story of paying a large sum of money to have a child is true.

Everything fits right.

Selma had indeed reached the end of her life and needed to be passed on.

However, looking at Doug's situation, the deal with Selma should be very costly, and there is a high probability that he will lose his male function...

On one hand, there is the temptation of the Pirate King;

On the one hand, it is the dignity and power of men...

What a difficult decision!

(End of this chapter)