World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 158: My pet baby




What kind of shit luck

The Black Demon's face turned black, he cursed inwardly, and immediately spat out the knife in his mouth. He only had time to take a deep breath before he was pressed into the sea.

He had to dodge the falling debris and frantically search for a way out.

The two warships collided behind him, cutting off the Black Magic Hand from behind. Doug's perception quickly returned to normal. He rubbed his painful head and was slightly stunned. The Black Magic Hand must be locking by sight!

But now is not the time to think about this. Doug knew that given the opponent's attributes, the two sunken ships could only stop him at most.

The most urgent thing is to escape from him as soon as possible.


When that guy breaks free from his restraints and catches up with him, he will probably be stabbed again.

After relocating the giant octopus, Doug changed the angle and swam towards the giant octopus from the back of another warship. The thing that was most lacking on the sea now was warships, and they could easily avoid his sight.

When the Black Magic Hand finally broke free from the debris and raised his head out of the water again, Doug had disappeared from the sea.

He frowned. "Is it because I laughed? What is his key word?"

Shaking his head, looking at the sea monster Enke who was still killing everyone in the distance, the Black Magic Hand hesitated for a moment, bit the knife back into his mouth, and swam towards the sea monster with all his might.

Paul's target is the sea monster,

Then he would go to the sea monster to block him.


The sea monster Enke is the pet of the sea god and enjoys a great reputation in this world. If he could kill it before Paul, his attributes would increase and it would be easier to suppress Paul later.

He doesn't believe it.

Such a big sea monster.

Paul has no offensive skills and will kill the sea monster before him.

Two straight lines of water rushed towards the sea monster from two angles.

But Douger left first, and the Dark Hand was blocked by the sunken ship for a moment.

[Enter Joker II.]

Martha, who had been observing Paul and the Black Hand, was shocked when she saw the Black Hand being buried by the shipwreck. "God of the sea, is the goddess of luck really protecting Paul?"

Vito frowned, puzzled. Until now, he still couldn't figure out what Paul's key words were.



What is the connection between the two

The effects of his advanced skills are so strange.

On the sea.

The focus of both warring parties was on the sea monster Enke. Almost no natives cared about the two supermen swimming very fast on the sea. Occasionally, if someone saw them, they would quickly look away and return to their work.

after all.

There was gunfire everywhere and sea monsters could attack their ship at any time, so their own lives were more important.

However, the candidates on the battlefield mostly focused their attention on the sea monster.

But at the current stage, facing such a huge monster, most candidates are powerless and can only run for their lives when they encounter it.

To some extent, Enke the octopus, whose tentacle is hundreds of meters long, can be regarded as the big boss guarding the gate.

The pupils of octopuses are different from those of humans. They are W-shaped. Moreover, their photoreceptor cells are on the outermost layer. They can change the structure of their eyeballs at will and can even see the polarization of light.

This allows it to keenly observe everything in front and behind it, with almost no visual blind spots.


When the two little bugs, Doug and Black Hand, approached it, the sea monster Enke noticed them at the first moment, and instinctively felt the danger from them.

Two tentacles stretched out from the bottom of the sea, one slapped towards Doug and the other slapped towards the Black Magic Hand.

Extremely precise.

The octopus's visual structure perfectly restrains the Black Magic Hand's advanced skills.

The moment the tentacle came down, the black magic hand only had time to take out the knife in his mouth and stab the tentacle. Then.

The whole person was thrown into the sea.

His knife was too short. Compared with the hundred-meter-long octopus tentacle, it was like a stab from an embroidery needle.

Although the sting will hurt the octopus, it will not cause any substantial harm.

In terms of strength, he is no match at all.

You know, Octopus Enke can easily crush a boat.

Besides, octopuses originally lived in the sea and used gills to breathe, which was a huge advantage over them who still needed to breathe. After being slapped into the sea by the octopus, Black Magic Hand immediately realized that he was too arrogant. Although his ranking had gone up, it was too short and his attributes were not enough to compete with the sea monster Enke.


He was dodging the octopus' tentacles on the seabed while looking for Paul. Even he was no match for him, let alone Paul.

As long as he finds an opportunity to kill Paul who was knocked unconscious by the octopus, his assassination plan will be successful.


He saw a strange scene.

Paul, who was also hit by the octopus tentacle, didn't even draw his scimitar. Instead, he spat out blood and hugged the octopus tentacle tightly. A morbid smile on his face, he stroked the huge tentacle obsessively, and there was a hint of complacency and ridicule in his eyes when he looked at it.

What is this guy doing

Are you trying to make me laugh by doing this


Do you think I'll be fooled a second time

The Black Magic Hand hesitated for a moment, dodged the octopus tentacles, resolutely used his skills on Doug, and swam towards him with all his strength.

He doesn't need to be stronger than the sea monster, it's enough to be stronger than Paul.

But when he was halfway through swimming, he saw the octopus tentacles that Paul was holding suddenly turned around and wrapped around him, taking him away from the seabed.

Will he be killed by the octopus

You came all the way here just to die


I won't allow you to die in the hands of an octopus. You can only die in my hands.

The Dark Hand swam towards the surface of the sea without hesitation. He wanted to kill Paul before the octopus.

Paul is well-known enough and has high attributes, so his ranking should not be low. If I kill him, I will be the number one in the simulation field.


The Dark Hand emerged from the water, took a deep breath, and immediately looked for Paul.

Next second.

His eyes suddenly popped out.

The octopus tentacle that rolled up Paul gently placed Paul on its head.

Paul stood proudly on the huge octopus's head like a king, with a humble smile still on his lips, but the look he gave him was full of contempt.


His skills are related to domestication!

The Black Demon Hand was horrified. He put the knife in his mouth, turned around suddenly, and swam back at a speed even faster than when he came.

Paul controlled the sea monster Enke and became invincible in this sea area. Only by returning to the shore could he have a chance of survival.

Is this really a ghost

Such a big sea monster can be tamed so easily!

Making trouble!

What exactly is this guy's skill

"Good Enke, catch him."

Douger reached out and patted the octopus' head, then pointed at the escaping dark magic hand with a smile and gave instructions.

this moment.

He was full of energy and felt happier than ever before. The feeling was back.

First place!

When he touched the octopus Enke.

A prompt came from his personal panel, and he was once again ranked first in the shining ranking. The simulation field also generously rewarded him with 200 mental powers, and the values of various attributes soared again.

Although it is still not as good as the peak state during trading, it is almost on par with when we left the first simulation field.

However, his fighting power at this time is definitely stronger than in the first game, because he has a powerful assistant, the sea monster Enke.

The octopus is indeed the smartest animal among invertebrates. If the IQ of an ordinary octopus is equivalent to that of a two-year-old child, then Encke, a sea monster who has lived for who knows how many years, has at least the IQ of a teenager.

It could understand everything Doug said and fully comprehend its meaning.

Moreover, compared with human slaves with changeable minds, the octopus Enke is much easier to command. Just as it obeys the call of the Ocean Horn, it will loyally carry out any orders issued by Doug.

Even though it was once the pet of the Sea God, after being touched by Douger, it became his private property. Not to mention that the Sea God is dead, even if it comes back to life, it may not be able to speak well.


The sea monster Enke immediately abandoned the big ship he was entangled in and chased straight after the escaping Black Magic Hand.

The artillery fire stopped again.

On the sea, both the navy and the pirates were stunned.

The Black Magician who was being chased by the octopus felt like he had a mouthful of Coptis chinensis in his mouth and was about to collapse. It was fine that you could tame the octopus, but you could also command it. Is there any fairness in this broken simulation field

(End of this chapter)