World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 159: Is he the god of the sea?


"If I'm not mistaken, the captain is above Enke's head!" Barry stopped adjusting the sail rope and looked at Paul standing on the sea monster's head with a confused look on his face.

"It's the captain." Wayne stared at Doug blankly, as if he was looking at a god. He pursed his dry lips and murmured, "Don't even mention that he became the king of pirates. Even if he says now that he is the reincarnation of the sea god, I will still believe it."

"The sea god is alive, the sea god is alive." The parrot Wendy jumped back and forth excitedly on his shoulder.

"Could he have slept with Selma?" Martha widened her eyes and asked in disbelief, "Why can he command the sea monster Enke? Enke is obviously the pet of the sea god..."

"… "

Vito frowned.

At this moment, he suddenly couldn't figure out whether Duger was a native or a candidate.

Because there are no keywords that match his behavior, Paul really seems to be protected by the goddess of luck and will succeed no matter what he does.

Moreover, he grew too fast, which did not conform to the characteristic of losing attributes if the keywords were violated.

Could it be that Paul just killed a candidate by luck, learned the key words from the candidate, and then used the trick against him

Is he the ultimate BOSS of this simulation field

"Who is it?" Antonio looked at Doug on the sea monster's head, and the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously, "Cecil, who is on Enke's head?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Paul the Clown!" The deputy general raised the telescope in his hand and said stupidly, "This damn guy, how did he do it? What did he trade with Selma? Control sea monsters?"

“…” Antonio remained silent.

"General, the sea monster Enke is controlled by Paul. What should we do now? Continue to attack Heard Island?" The deputy general put down the telescope. "We should fire at Paul first. He will definitely not let us go. Moreover, he is now controlling the sea monster Enke. I am afraid that Admiral Mikalo's reinforcements will not be able to get in."

"Continue the attack and retreat to Heard Island." Antonio took a deep breath, looked at the Black Magic Hand being chased by Douger, rubbed his swollen temples, and said, "He can't take care of us now, let's go ashore first. No matter how powerful the sea monster Enke is, he can't go ashore.

I will try to negotiate with Paul. Strictly speaking, he stole Laurent Swan's sea monster and also offended Ed Harold. Maybe we can have a chance to win him over to the navy.

For Enke's sake, Admiral Mikalo and the Duffy family shouldn't mind Paul's previous offense. After all, a person can't stay in the sea forever, he has to go ashore. "

the other side.

Ed swallowed and asked the first mate next to him uncertainly, "I didn't order the artillery to attack him just now, did I?"

The first mate's face looked a little grim: "Captain, you did not order the cannon to be fired, but you increased his bounty by 20,000 gold coins..."


Ed swallowed again: "What do you think is our chance of defeating the sea monster Enke?"

"Captain Ed, instead of thinking about how to defeat the sea monster Enke, why not think about what kind of sea fish name suffix you should give yourself? I think your chances of survival will be greater that way." The first mate looked at Ed and gave a serious suggestion.

Of all the people, the most confused one was actually Roland Swann, the King of the North Sea.

He knew about the Scepter of Poseidon, and also knew that if he obtained the Feather of Poseidon, he would be qualified to become the King of Pirates.

But as the King of the North Sea, he didn't want another pirate king to appear above his head, or some guy with the same reputation around him to get the Scepter of Poseidon and ride on the heads of the other three.

Or maintain the status quo.

Or he becomes the king of pirates.

This was Laurent Swann's decision.

After obtaining the Ocean Horn that can summon sea monsters and verifying the strength of the sea monster Enke, Laurent Swann's ambition exploded. He wanted to become the unique pirate king.


He quickly summoned the pirates under his command, set out from the North Sea, and headed straight for Heard Island.

He wanted to control the witch and search for the Scepter of Poseidon himself, or kill the witch and cut off anyone from finding clues to the Scepter of Poseidon.

With the sea monster Enke, in a sense, he is already the most powerful of the four sea kings. Therefore, even though he knew that Antonio had blocked the route to Heard Island, he still came here without hesitation.

Defeating Antonio and capturing Heard Island would establish his reputation as the pirate king.

But what is the situation now

Who is that guy riding on Enke's head

The Ocean Horn was clearly in his hand, how could he command the sea monster Enke

Is he the god of the sea

Watching Enke getting farther and farther away from him, Laurent Swann stood on the bow of the Avenger and blew the ocean horn again in disbelief.

The long sound echoed across the entire sea.

Hearing the call of the horn, the giant octopus Enke subconsciously stopped and turned his head, intending to return to the side of the Avenger. "Ignore it." Doug patted Enke's big head and said with a smile, "We are good partners. You are a smart Enke, and you should not be bound by a horn..."

Enke pointed one of his tentacles at his head and then at the sky.

"Are you talking about the Sea God?" Doug smiled, looked at the Black Magic Hand that took the opportunity to swim far away, and said, "I forgot to tell you that I am the reincarnation of the Sea God. Otherwise, why would you obey my orders? We have never met before, and that is a call from your bones!

Enke, although I am still very weak now, one day, I will grow up to be as powerful as the previous sea god. As for the horn you mentioned, we will grab it later.

Enke, only I can blow the horn, you should not be controlled by mortals."

The giant octopus Enke thought about it, nodded his head vigorously, and chased after the escaping black magic hand, even faster than before.

Looking at the sea monster chasing after him again, the Black Magic Hand cursed Laurent Swann for his incompetence in his heart, and his two arms left afterimages.

this time.

He is really about to break down.

Where on earth did that guy behind come from


The horn sounded again.

The sea monster Enkeli ignored him, and Laurent Swann's face darkened immediately. He said with a dark face: "Chase him, at all costs, and kill the guy who kidnapped Enke."

"Members of the Sea Fish Pirates, don't be afraid. Just hold on in the water for a while. I'll come back to rescue you after I kill the enemies ahead." When passing by Clownfish No. 2, Doug glanced at the pink skirt dancers who were still struggling in the sea water and comforted them with the loudest voice, "The Sea Fish Pirates will not give up on any of their members."

"Long live the captain, long live the sea god."

The crew members soaking in the water raised their arms and shouted. They were originally full of disappointment with Doug, but when Paul rushed over riding the sea monster Enke, all their resentment disappeared.

What replaces it is hope and confidence.

this moment.

Paul was their God.

"I love peace. Change your original flag and join the Sea Fish Pirates. I will forgive you for your past actions." The giant octopus Enke was chasing the Black Magic Hand. Doug didn't have to exert any strength. He simply started to expand the business of the Sea Fish Pirates. "Those who join the Sea Fish Pirates, dance on the deck to show me your sincerity..."

The words haven't finished yet.

Both the navy and the pirates took action immediately and quickly lowered their previous flags.

Some clever crew members had found a piece of red cloth, covered their waists as a skirt, and started dancing quickly and neatly.


They had seen the Sea Fish Pirates dancing and were no strangers to dancing.

No one wants to fight Enke the sea monster.

In the face of life, no one listens to Antonio's command anymore.

Antonio frowned as he looked at the naval ships that lowered their flags one after another, but ultimately said nothing.

After all, the sea is the world of marine animals. No matter how high the attributes of the Black Magic Hand are or how fast it swims, it cannot shake off Enke behind it. Every advance of the giant octopus will shorten the distance between them.

at this time.

They were getting closer and closer.

Unfortunately, his skills have no effect on octopuses.

Judging from his current speed, there was no way he could swim back to the shore before the octopus caught up with him.


The Black Magic Hand hardened his heart, jumped out of the water and jumped onto a pirate ship.

Used a skill on a ship full of sailors.

The scimitars are flying.

A moment's effort.

There were corpses everywhere on the pirate ship.

This was the only way he could think of, to kill as many as possible, and improve the attributes a little bit, so there would be more chances of survival.

(End of this chapter)