World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 168: Card collector Duger


The moment Selma and Paul reached an agreement, Ed knew that Mahamadou had no chance.

No pirate king can defeat Paul, who possesses both the siren and the sea monster.

Even the three pirate kings combined cannot do it, unless Poseidon is reborn, or they find Poseidon's scepter and lift the seal on Zhan Sini.

But Paul and Selma, two fun-loving people, have been thinking about making a fake Poseidon's scepter to prevent Jane Sini from obtaining the power of Poseidon.

to be honest.

Ed saw no hope of winning.

The real world is not a legendary novel, and Mahamadou is not an immortal righteous protagonist. Just like Laurent Swann was suddenly beheaded by Paul, it is impossible for them to defeat a super villain.


Ed naturally betrayed Mahamadou from the bottom of his heart and obediently became Paul's glory general, keeping the Stone of Glory for him.

Even though he was terrified, he didn't care...

Holding the Dragon Sword, Douger felt that he had unparalleled strength in his body. He even felt that he could lift Enke up in the sea.

The powerful force is almost as strong as the previous simulation field.

have to say.

The power of the dragon is really strong.

The Stone of Glory doesn't have any effect. I guess it will only work when it encounters negative effects. After all, this world has artifacts and various witchcrafts...

Follow the normal story development.

These equipments of Selma should be given to the natives to increase their strength and let them fight against the candidates, or some lucky candidate may meet Selma and trade the artifacts from her to compete for the top ten position in the simulation field.

but now.

Under the influence of the powerful skill of Fishing in Troubled Waters, all these equipment belonged to him.

I don’t know what those people watching the live broadcast outside will think

Do you have an urge to end the simulation immediately

But Doug doesn't care.

He turned to Martha with a smile: "My good friend Martha, are you willing to keep the substitute puppet for me and become the most powerful goddess before the throne of the gods?"

"I don't want to." Martha refused coldly. She lifted the cloak on her head and looked at Doug angrily. "Paul, you have changed. You obviously have the opportunity to become the king of pirates, but look at what you have become now? You are like a charlatan who is swindling people. You even want to stop Zhan Sini from obtaining the power of Poseidon. What are you thinking? Do you know how chaotic this world will be without Poseidon to maintain order?"

"..." Doug was stunned. He looked at Martha strangely, "Why are you so angry? If Jansini gets the Scepter of Poseidon, you won't get any benefit. I have a strong strength. We can kill Mahamadou and avenge you!"

"I..." Martha choked and was speechless. She glared at Selma fiercely and said, "Give up. I won't make a deal with her. A witch must ensure her integrity and will never sell her soul."

Selma looked at the little witch with interest, then glanced at Doug, stunned for a moment, a mysterious smile suddenly crossed the corner of her mouth, but she didn't say anything.

"Martha, now that I have gained Selma's friendship, how about you tell my fortune again and then make a decision? Didn't you say that destiny can be changed?" Doug pointed to the crystal ball in Martha's arms and gave advice with a smile.

Martha glanced at Doug, then really sat on the ground and chanted a spell.

The light of the crystal ball flickered on and off.

Martha was suddenly stunned and stared at Doug with disbelief in her eyes.

"What did you see?" Doug asked.

"Poseidon." Martha said blankly, "In the picture, you raised the Poseidon Scepter and used the power of Poseidon."

Barry and Ed were both stunned at this moment.

They suddenly felt that their choice was not wrong.

If Paul is the reincarnation of Poseidon, then everything makes sense.

Everything they did was worth it.

Compared to Poseidon, the Pirate King is really nothing, while Poseidon is indeed qualified to be a fun-loving person.

The sea monster Enke waved its tentacles excitedly, as if announcing to the world that Paul was really the reincarnation of the god of the sea, and it was right.

Selma looked at Doug, thoughtfully.

Doug smiled awkwardly: "Selma, don't listen to her nonsense. She may not want me to be a joker, so she changed the fortune-telling to sow discord between us."

"I didn't." Martha blushed. "I swear on my honor, I didn't. I did see this scene."

"It's okay, Paul." Selma smiled. "It's much better for you to become the God of the Sea than for Jansini to become the God of the Sea. Besides, the scales of fate will not go wrong. You promised to give me your body, so one day, it will all come true. I feel extremely excited to think that I have one more body of the God of the Sea in my collection."

"Then let's continue our deal?" Doug breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I still have several loyal subordinates..."

"Paul, don't be too greedy." Selma looked at Doug and shook her head. "Fate is fair. It won't concentrate all the good things on one person. You have already got enough. When you are powerful enough, there will be no fun. Besides, my collection is not as much as you think. I need to leave some for those who pay a lot of money to have children."

"All right!"

Doug didn't force it. He held the Dragon Sword in his hand and wore the Stone of Glory on his body. If someone could still kill him, the substitute puppet would not be of much use.

If the other side can kill him once, they can kill him twice.

What's more.

If his equipment is taken away by the opponent, he will have no chance of winning.

"Paul, my dear friend, I have to leave now to prepare the fake Poseidon's scepter." Selma glanced at Martha the Witch and smiled at Doug, "I look forward to the day when I can see you pick up the Poseidon's scepter and truly become Poseidon. A mortal being promoted to Poseidon is the happiest thing I have ever seen in my life."

After saying.

Selma turned over and jumped into the sea, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Foolish woman." Seeing Selma disappear, Martha couldn't help but mutter, and turned to look at Doug again, "Paul, if one day you get the Scepter of Poseidon, will you really use it yourself and not give it to Zhan Sini? Do you really not want to see Zhan Sini unseal and become the new Poseidon?"

No way!

No way!

Doug looked at the abnormal Martha, and a strange thought inexplicably came to his mind. He looked at Martha and frowned, "Martha, why do I feel that you are a little abnormal today? Why do you always speak to Zhan Sini? Are you familiar with her?"

"I have never met her. I just feel sorry for her. Her father sealed her divine power for no apparent reason and she has lived like a mortal for many years. Don't you think she is pitiful?" Martha looked at Doug with a frustrated look. "Paul, we are all women. Shouldn't women help women?"

It’s confirmed!

This guy is not a candidate, this guy is Zhan Sini!

No wonder she knew about the Destiny Chart, no wonder she was willing to help Mahamadou collect the Destiny Chart even though she could have escaped...

Feelings are all for her own benefit!

Oh my god!

I actually gathered three big guys.

Doug was overjoyed.

Who else

Sirens, sea monsters, daughters of Poseidon, they are all fish in my net...

What can you compare with me

"That's right, Martha. Women should help women." Doug looked at Martha seriously and said, "Although I am working hard to create happiness, I also need someone to restrain Selma. So, if I really get the Scepter of Poseidon, I will definitely give it to Jane Sini to help her restore her divine power."

"Really?" Martha's eyes gradually brightened.

"Of course." Doug shrugged and said proudly, "People are always pursuing happiness throughout their lives. Don't you want to see the expression on Selma's face when she sees Jansini regain the power of Poseidon?"

(End of this chapter)