World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 28: Who betrayed whom?


In the silent night, Doug's keen five senses were magnified exponentially, and the conversation between Feng Shiyi and the other two was clearly heard by his ears.

What the hell!

He hadn't even backstabbed anyone yet, but these guys actually backstabbed him first!

Who is he fighting for

No ethics of the underworld.

Of course, Doug also understood them. It seemed like a fantasy no matter how you looked at it for five people to attack a gang full of experts head-on. It was normal that they were unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices.

But Doug also has his own difficulties. His keywords are maintenance and backstab. Once he withdraws to the Feng family, not only will he fail to maintain the interests of the Feng family, he will even lose the opportunity to backstab them. Who knows what his attributes will drop to

If they have evil intentions again, he won't even be able to protect himself.

After all, regardless of whether Feng Zhong had a hand in this or not, there would always be someone in the Feng Mansion who would be angry with him because of this incident. It was possible that the old fox Feng Shiren would sell him to the Iron Palm Gang in exchange for the safety of the Feng family.

It's not about right or wrong, it's human nature.

If he went back to the Feng family, he would lose everything, so he had to do it even if it meant storming the Iron Palm Gang's gate.

Only in this way can he take the initiative into his own hands, protect when he wants to, and backstab when he wants to, thus maximizing his interests.

After being bound to keywords, normal people's thinking is no longer suitable for this group of people. Just like Wang San, does he really want to collect a dead person's hand

Not forced...

Feng Shiyi and the other two cannot leave either. Not to mention that Feng Shiyi is the main fighting force, if they leave, who will he protect and who will he stab in the back

"Second Master Feng, I didn't expect you to be such a coward. You've already killed a leader of the Iron Palm Gang. If you don't kill Qiu Yuanlang, are you waiting for the Feng family to be wiped out by him?" Doug stood in front of the body of the last guard and roared in anger, "Escape? Where can you escape to? You killed the leader of the Iron Palm Gang!"

Everything was silent all around. The screams of several guards at the door had already alarmed the gang members in the courtyard. Doug's shout completely caused chaos in the entire Iron Palm Gang.

Feng Shiyi's mind buzzed and he froze in place, his whole body spinning and he almost fainted. His eyes instantly turned red and he shouted hysterically: "Feng Qi, I'm fucking..."

"Second Master Feng, you can't make the same mistake over and over again." Du Ge interrupted Feng Shiyi and continued to shout, "Yes, we two outsiders can risk our lives to help you hold back the Iron Palm Gang, but what about the Feng family? Deserting from the battlefield and selling out friends for survival will ruin the Feng family's reputation! If you lose your family, you can rebuild it, but if you lose your reputation, the backbone of a warrior is broken.

"We can lose our heads and bleed, but we cannot lose our reputation. Master Feng, we must use our blood and lives to protect the reputation of the Feng family!"

Oh shit!

To maintain the reputation of the Feng family

This is pushing Feng Shiyi into a desperate situation!

Too cruel!

Looking at the indignant and righteous Duger, Wang San was shocked. He understood why Feng Qi did this, but he was so smart to make such a correct decision in such a short time. He couldn't help but admire it.

He used maintenance as an attack skill. At this moment, Wang Sanming realized the true meaning of character setting. A door slowly opened in his mind, and he seemed to see a brand new world.

Forced maintenance, forced backstabbing!

Doug's attributes were rising rapidly. Seeing Feng Shiyi stop, his heart was filled with joy. The people of the Iron Palm Gang had been alarmed, and Feng Shiyi could not run away even if he wanted to. If he dared to run back with the people of the Iron Palm Gang, it meant that he thought the Feng family was not destroyed fast enough.

Torches were lit inside the Iron Palm Gang.

After a while, the courtyard was brightly lit. More than 200 gang members holding knives and swords stared at Du Ge and the other man outside the door with fire in their eyes.

They showed up at our door in the middle of the night and were so arrogant. If we don’t kill them, how can the Iron Palm Gang keep their face

Even clay figures have some temper, not to mention they have to deal with morning irritability...

And from what that guy said, he killed the leader of the Iron Palm Gang and now wants to assassinate the leader to eliminate future troubles. He is so bold, what does he think of the Iron Palm Gang

"I didn't expect that the small Feng family could produce some brave men. I think highly of them." Following a thunderous voice, a fifty-year-old man with gray hair came to the door. He stood there, looking at Du Ge and the other man, and said in a dignified manner, "You two are the ones who want to kill me?"

"And Feng Shiyi, the Second Master Feng." Du Ge straightened his back and announced Feng Shiyi's name. In the grove, Feng Shiyi's eyes were about to spurt blood. This bastard, this bastard, he is really a devil. He is not here to protect the Feng family, but to cut off the roots of the Feng family!

Seeing that Feng Shiyi had no intention of coming out, Du Ge looked at Qiu Yuanlang and the people behind him, chuckled, and said, "Boss Qiu, your Iron Palm Gang sent people to attack Xingyu Tower at night for no reason. You are allowed to kill people, but you are not allowed to fight back? The morality of the martial arts world and the atmosphere of the martial arts world have been destroyed by you guys who rely on your big fists to do whatever you want. Today, the Feng family will take the lead to reverse this unhealthy trend in the martial arts world and protect the morality of the martial arts world with iron and blood."

"Protect the morality of the martial arts world?" Qiu Yuanlang waited until Doug finished speaking before he laughed. He looked at him as if he were an idiot. His face suddenly turned cold. "You killed Peng Chong?"

More and more people stood behind Qiu Yuanlang, but Du Ge was not afraid at all and responded tit for tat: "He who kills others will be killed..."

"Boss Qiu, don't listen to the devil's nonsense." Feng Shiyi shouted and walked out of the shadows. He glared at Doug fiercely and knelt on the ground from a distance. "Boss Qiu, the Feng family was bewitched by the devil and did such a stupid thing. Otherwise, even if the Feng family had ten courages, they would not dare to be the enemy of the Iron Palm Gang. How could I be the opponent of Master Peng? It was the two of them who used evil means to harm Master Peng..."

"Second Master Feng?" Doug looked at Feng Shiyi in surprise.

"Shut up." Feng Shiyi roared, "You thief, if it weren't for you spreading lies to confuse the people, how could the Feng family have fallen to this point? If I had known this would happen, I should have chopped you off with one palm when you took over my body."

"Devil?" Qiu Yuanlang looked at Doug with interest.

"Yes, Gang Leader, these two are the demons you are looking for." Feng Shiyi said, "Demons are different from ordinary people. Their words and deeds must be consistent with their own attributes in order to grow. Feng Qi's attribute is to protect. He is eloquent and always claims to protect the interests of the Feng family. He uses the Feng family to grow, but he brings disaster to the Feng family.

"Boss, from now on, the Feng family will cut ties with him and have no relationship with him anymore. Without the protection of the Feng family, his strength will surely be greatly reduced. Boss, you can capture him and kill him or chop him up, use him or keep him, and he will have nothing to do with the Feng family anymore. It was Feng Shiyi who was bewitched. I am willing to sacrifice my own life to compensate for the life of Hall Master Peng. I only ask Boss to let the Feng family go. They are innocent and they are unaware of what happened!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Feng Shiyi's head hit the ground heavily, and soon his forehead turned red.

The Iron Palm Gang members were in an uproar, all eyes were focused on Du Ge and the other man, and discussions broke out.


Qiu Yuanlang ignored Feng Shiyi and looked at Du Ge with interest. He then glanced at Wang San who was holding the severed hand with an obsessed look on his face, and muttered, "So there really are demons in this world? He said that you grow by attributes, and your attribute is maintenance, so you have to protect the morality of the martial arts world?"


Doug nodded.

When Feng Shiyi said he would cut off ties with him, he finally realized what Wang San meant by the reduction of attributes. His various attributes dropped by about one third. It seemed that he had failed to maintain his attributes. However, the attributes did not drop to the bottom. It should be supported by his successful backstabbing of the Feng family and his continued efforts to maintain peace in the martial arts world.

He looked at Qiu Yuanlang. If his action to maintain peace in the martial arts world failed again this time, his attributes would probably decline further.


Although the Feng family gave up on him, Doug still decided to squeeze the last bit of value out of them. He looked at Feng Shiyi sadly and said, "Second Master Feng, although you gave up on me, my principles will not change. I will protect you once and I will protect you for life. This is what I said, and I will practice it to the end."

As he said this, he turned to Qiu Yuanlang and put the sword on his neck. "Boss Qiu, I am willing to join the Iron Palm Gang and let you deal with me. I only ask you to let the Feng family go and fulfill my protective feelings. Otherwise, I will die here, and all you will get is a worthless demon corpse."

Feng Shiyi was shocked and suddenly looked up at Doug. The hatred in his heart disappeared in an instant. At this moment, he felt that he seemed to have really done something wrong.

Qiu Yuanlang looked at Doug in surprise: "He sold you out, and you are still willing to protect him?"

Doug said: "Once in a day, I will maintain you for life. This is my mission."

"Okay, I'll do what you say." Qiu Yuanlang looked at Du Ge with admiration, clapping his hands and saying, "Those idiots don't know the precious jade. From now on, you will protect my Iron Palm Gang, and my Iron Palm Gang can also protect you..."

Before Qiu Yuanlang finished speaking, Doug's lost attributes regained in an instant, and there were a lot more.

(End of this chapter)