World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 4: There are eyes behind the head


"Feng Qi?"

"He was severely injured by the Third Young Master yesterday, how could he still be able to move?"

"Not only that, he spoke with full energy, and didn't look like he was injured at all."

"Could it be that he is pretending?"

"Impossible. I personally checked his injuries. He was only breathing his last breath. Doctor Hu didn't even leave him any medicine. How could I be wrong? Doctor Hu is always right..."

Listen to the discussions around.

Doug couldn't help but smack his lips. What kind of humanity is this

No wonder he was so badly injured, and didn't even have a bowl of medicine. It turned out that he was really just waiting to die...

The Feng family is such a piece of shit. Are their sparring partners not human beings

If you do this, who will work for you

The evil feudal society...


The restrictions on players' possession of bodies are too high, otherwise, it would be much easier to start by possessing the bodies of those noblemen on the arena.

It is not surprising to draw this conclusion. Feng Jiu said that the more than 1,800 people who disappeared at the beginning were eliminated because they failed to seize the body at the beginning.

It was probably no coincidence that he and Feng Jiu both chose to possess the bodies of the seriously injured. It was probably easier to possess the bodies of the old, weak, sick, or disabled...

"Feng Qi?" The third son Feng Yunjie looked at Du Ge in the audience with a look of surprise.

Feng Shiyi was much more direct. He flew to Doug's side and touched his pulse.

Doug dodged subconsciously, but Feng Shiyi's hand seemed to have predicted his movement. He turned his wrist slightly and easily grabbed his wrist.

Doug's heart trembled, so fast, worthy of the martial arts world...

Even though his wrist was held, Doug did not resist. He smiled and let Feng Shiyi check his pulse.

Something is unusual.

He didn't believe that the Feng family would kill him without thoroughly investigating the matter.


Feng Shiyi let go of Duger's wrist, looked at his face, frowned slightly, and asked: "Feng Qi, how are you injured?"

"Master, I'm fully recovered." Doug said with a smile.

Feng Shiyi looked at Doug's face again and said, "The important matter you just mentioned is related to the sudden recovery of the injury?"

"Yes." Doug nodded. "Please, Second Master, control everyone in the yard and don't let them move around randomly, so as to avoid leaking the news."

Feng Shiyi was decisive. He turned around and ordered, "Zhang Han, Liu Jing, the two of you guard the martial arts arena. No one is allowed to move around without my order."

"Yes." The two direct disciples of the Feng family responded.

The others were whispering among themselves, looking at Doug with increasingly strange eyes.

"Let's go inside and talk. Please, Yunjie, you come too." Feng Shiyi looked at Duger's face again and gestured with his hand. He no longer treated him as a sparring partner.

Feng Yunjie nodded and led the way.

Doug was sandwiched between the two men, one in front and one behind, and walked into the reception room next to the martial arts arena.

Just entered the living room.

Feng Shiyi suddenly stretched out his hand and tapped Doug's back several times quickly.

Doug froze, his whole body felt numb and he was frozen in place.

He tried to move his legs, but they seemed not to be his own. His brain could feel the existence of his legs and gave commands, but his legs did not move.

Arms too.

Is this acupressure


Doug sighed.

Feng Shiyi was slightly surprised that Du Ge was easily subdued. He walked around to Du Ge and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you? What is your intention in coming to my Feng family?"

Feng Yunjie laughed sarcastically and said, "Your disguise is really good, but you are a little stupid. You can pretend to be anyone else, but a seriously injured and dying servant..."

As he said this, he reached out and grabbed Doug's face.

With one grab, several blood marks appeared. Doug's face did not change at all. There was no human skin mask and no disguise drug.

Feng Yunjie was stunned, looked at Doug's face carefully, and said in astonishment: "It's actually true."

"I just checked, there is no trace of disguise." Feng Shiyi shook his head, looked directly at Doug, and asked, "But you are definitely not Feng Qi, who are you?"

"I am Feng Qi, but I am not Feng Qi." Du Ge smiled, not caring about the pain on his face, and said leisurely, "I wonder if Second Master has ever heard of possession of another's body?"

"Possession?" The uncle and nephew of the Feng family said in unison. "The talk of ghosts and gods is just a trick of charlatans. How could there be a ghost in the world that possesses a body?" Feng Yunjie snorted.

"Third Young Master, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Otherwise, how do you explain me in Feng Qi's body?" Even though his acupoints were pressed and blood was flowing freely on his face, Douger still had a smile on his face and maintained a strong psychological advantage.

"Yunjie, listen to him." Feng Shiyi said.

"Words are not enough, why don't I take you to see it for yourself first!" Doug said with a smile, "Don't worry about me running away. Although I have taken over Feng Qi's body, I don't have his martial arts memory. You can control me at any time."

Feng Shiyi glanced at Du Ge, tapped his body a few times, and unblocked his acupoints.

"If I find out that you are playing tricks, I will definitely make you suffer." Feng Yunjie threatened.

"Where are you going?" Feng Shiyi asked.

"Find someone to get some food, I'll take you to see a miracle." Doug moved his numb limbs and stabbed Feng Jiu in the back without hesitation.

After trying the effectiveness of maintenance, of course we have to try backstabbing, and the ideal candidate for backstabbing is of course a partner.

Backstab is also a keyword, and if used correctly, it also has the ability to recover.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wounds on Doug's face caused by Feng Yunjie began to scab and heal in minutes. He reached out and wiped them, and the blood scabs on his face fell off, and everything returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, the uncle and nephew of the Feng family were stunned at the same time. They looked at Doug as if he were a ghost, and the doubts in their hearts immediately subsided a little.

Especially Feng Yunjie, he knew how much force he had just used. No matter how good the medicine in the world was, it would not be so effective. Such recovery ability seemed to have no other explanation except ghosts and gods.

Feng Yunjie looked at Doug's face and asked in shock: "You... are you really possessed by a ghost?"

"What else?" Doug smiled slightly, "Don't worry, my mission is to protect you, I won't hurt you."

"What is protection?" Feng Shiyi asked.

"Bring food with you and witness the miracle that will happen next. I will explain it to you so that you can understand it more easily." Doug said, "In short, you only need to know that everything I do is related to the future fate of the Feng family..."

Uncle and nephew Feng looked at each other.

Feng Yunjie picked up a tray of snacks from the table and asked, "Is that enough?"

"Okay." Doug nodded and turned to walk out.

Uncle and nephew Feng followed closely, both of them remained alert with serious expressions.

The three of them came all the way to Shangwu Academy.

Doug said: "Everything that follows may subvert your understanding of the world. Try to say less and watch more. I will explain it to you later."

Uncle and nephew Feng nodded.

"Wait a moment before you go in." Douge instructed, took the snacks from Feng Yunjie's hand, walked a few steps quickly, and went into his room, "Brother Jiu, I brought you some food."

"What took you so long?" Feng Jiu pressed the broken straw mat under him, stared at the snacks in Doug's hand, and swallowed his saliva. "Hurry, give me a few bites. I can't hold on any longer. When I'm better, let's escape from this damn Feng family together."

Doug handed over the snacks with a smile. Feng Jiu took them and stuffed them into his mouth greedily. But after just two bites, he suddenly stopped and looked straight at the door.

At the door, two figures blocked the light.

The uncle and nephew of the Feng family stared at Feng Jiu, who was eating voraciously on the bed, and saw his injuries recovering rapidly. How could they not understand what the miracle Doug showed them was

"Feng Qi, you betrayed me?" Feng Jiu trembled all over, looking at Doug with a fierce face, and shouted, "Your keyword is protection. If you betray the person you protect, aren't you afraid that your attributes will be weakened?"

It turns out that if your words and actions don’t match the keywords, your attributes will be weakened!

Doug got another piece of key information, but he didn't care. The moment the uncle and nephew of the Feng family appeared, he already had an advanced skill:

Eyes in the Back of the Head: A backstabber does not allow himself to be backstabbed. You have vision behind you.

The moment he acquired the skill, even without turning around, Doug clearly saw the serious-looking uncle and nephew of the Feng family behind him. It was a natural vision, as if he was born with the ability to see 360 degrees, without the slightest sense of incongruity.

With this skill, no one in the world can attack him from behind!

Feeling the pleasure brought by the backstab, Doug didn't care that the angry Feng Jiu had exposed his key words. He smiled and tried to make amends: "Brother Jiu, I didn't go against my words and deeds. My current identity is the Feng family's sparring partner, and everything I do is to protect the interests of the Feng family. Moreover, I didn't betray you either. I just used facts to make you realize your mistake and return to the right path. The world is so big, it's too dangerous to go out alone. With the Feng family as our back, we can enjoy the shade!"

"Feng Qi, you will pay the price for what you have done." Feng Jiu looked at the uncle and nephew who were silent at the door, "Didn't your teacher tell you the consequences of exposing yourself in the indigenous world?"

My teacher really didn’t tell me the consequences

Doug muttered inwardly, and sighed, "Brother Jiu, my teacher only told me to adapt to circumstances."

Feng Jiu snorted, "Idiot."

"Brother Jiu, eat! Eat more and recover soon. Join me in assisting the Feng family and making the Feng family flourish. Only then can we possibly gain the greatest benefit." Du Ge turned his back to the uncle and nephew of the Feng family, looked at Feng Jiu, and said seriously, "If I assist you alone and we go out to wander the world, we will be penniless. What good food can you eat? But it's different if you have a family to back you up. With the trust of the Feng family, you can eat whatever you want. That way you will grow faster, right?"

Feng Jiu was stunned for a moment and looked at the uncle and nephew of the Feng family.

Feng Shiyi didn't understand what exactly happened, but he was a smart man and immediately said, "Feng Jiu, I can guarantee that I won't do anything to you. We can cooperate."

"Okay, I hope you keep your word." Feng Jiu pondered for a moment, seemed to accept his fate, and continued to stuff snacks into his mouth, muttering.

Seeing that Feng Jiu's injuries were recovering faster and faster, the uncle and nephew of the Feng family understood that what Doug said was true. They looked at each other and their eyes gradually became excited.

Feng Yunjie asked: "Feng Qi, can you explain it to us?"

"Of course, but before explaining, you have to control Feng Jiu first. I don't know how quickly he will recover, but he tried to escape from the Feng family before, so we have to take precautions." Doug nodded and stabbed Feng Jiu in the back in front of him, as if he was not the one who had persuaded Feng Jiu just now.

All the cakes in Feng Jiu's mouth spewed out, he glared at Doug and yelled: "Feng Qi, you fucking..."

Compared to Feng Jiu, Feng Shiyi trusts Duger more. After all, he has the skill of sacrificing himself for justice, which will naturally reduce the vigilance of the person he is protecting by 30%.

So, he dodged over without hesitation and tapped Feng Jiu's chest twice to control his acupoints.

(End of this chapter)