World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 62: Demons are a bunch of pathetic people


The thief never leaves empty-handed.

He's already here, how could Duge leave without even saying a few words.

If he left, Tong Shihong would have been stabbed by him in vain!

Therefore, even if Zonggui does not inspire the generals, he will still conquer Huashan.

No matter what kind of world, fists are the strongest truth.

Your fists are not big, but you preach fairness and morality. Do you think anyone is paying attention to you

"This Feng Qi, no matter how smart he is, he still can't help but inspire his generals!"

"It was too aggressive. Unfortunately, the good momentum of the peacekeeping gang has since disappeared."

"Feng Qi is also a trustworthy person. He obviously has so many people under his command, but the three of them have to go to the meeting alone..."

"I have never managed it carefully. Who in the Peacekeeping Gang will sacrifice their lives for Feng Qi? Do you know why he seriously injured Tong Shihong before the battle? If there is a fight, who do you think Tong Shihong will help? To be honest, the Peacekeeping Gang did not rebel after Feng Qi left, which is enough to prove Feng Qi’s methods are superb.”

"It makes sense."

"Then Feng Qi established the peacekeeping gang for what purpose. He worked hard and worked hard without getting any benefits. Is he really trying to uphold justice for those idiots?"

"He is a demon. You cannot think of him in human terms. Do you know why they are called demons? There is a saying among opera singers: If you are not crazy, you will not survive.

Feng Qi said that the demons have their own attributes and must act according to their attributes. But I think the devil is actually obsession, and they are trapped in their obsession.

People who are trapped in the corner can still be awakened by others, but the obsession of these demons is instinct. They can't get out on their own, they will only get deeper and deeper. That's why their behavior seems weird to us. In their own minds, everything they do is normal..."

"When you say this, I understand. If the obsession is killing, you will not be able to restrain the desire to kill in your heart. If the obsession is resentment, you will hate the whole world. Then what Feng Qi said about the demons harming the world is not true at all. That's right! He wants to get rid of other demons, but he doesn't realize it. He is also obsessed with it. He is also a pathetic person! "

"It's the Pity Devil!"

There are capable people in NPC!

Just a few simple sentences complete the theory of demons. It seems quite reasonable and fits well with the words and deeds of the players...

The back of Doug's head looked at a group of people having fun behind him, pity the devil

The famous sect controls all the resources. It's hard to find someone to stand up for you. You don't come to help, and you still make sarcastic remarks

Who is pitiful

If it weren't for the benefits outside the simulation field, I wouldn't even bother to care about you!

However, how can you have fun watching the excitement without being splashed with blood

Du Ge turned around and looked at the rangers behind him: "Everyone, if you have nothing to do to show your courtesy, you are either a traitor or a thief. I have made things difficult for the sect leader, and he still insists on inviting me to Huashan. There must be fraud in it. I suspect that there is a demon in Huashan. , bewitched the sect leader. It’s okay if we don’t have any conflict. If we do get into a fight, please stay away and avoid harming yourself. After Feng Mou has dealt with the Huashan Demon, you can temporarily join the peacekeeping gang to assist Feng Mou and the others. When dealing with Huashan's huge industry, the Peacekeepers will be fair and impartial and will not let anyone work in vain... "

Motivate them with emotion, lure them with benefits.

Duge must let this group of people stay in Huashan to witness their rise.

Only in this way can other sects be deterred.

As for the other demons in Huashan, Duge didn't pay attention at all. The first three groups in the simulation field should be worried about the other party...

What if there is no demon

If Doug says there is, there must be...

Zonggui naturally heard what Feng Qi said, but he didn't take it to heart at all. He didn't even bother to defend himself. Why was he wasting so much time with a few dead people

Throughout the ages, except for Qiao He, no one has ever been able to escape unscathed from the Huashan Formation.

Are you still dealing with Huashan Industry

I want to eat shit!

Zonggui looked at the Duge trio who were approaching step by step, lowered his voice, and said to the dozen brothers beside him who were equally skilled as him: "Everything will be done according to the plan, just like killing Wang San with a bow and arrow, that's it. If you miss with your bow and arrow, remember to plug your ears as soon as possible and don’t underestimate the enemy... "

More than a dozen experts nodded in agreement at the same time.


Doug's ears moved slightly. Simply plugging his ears can deal with Jiao's fear, so it can't be called a skill!

200 meters, 150 meters, 100 meters, 80 meters...

Seeing Du Ge and the others walking into the range of the bow and arrow, Zonggui suddenly shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than a hundred archers, who had been preparing for a long time, shot their bows and arrows at Wang San almost at the same time.

More than a hundred arrows covered all the areas that Wang San could dodge...

The moment you hear the arrow being fired.

Du Ge and the others suddenly accelerated their speed, rushing forward like a few sharp arrows.

They had sharp ears and eyes, and heard all of Tong Shihong's arrangements and strategies along the way, and had already thought of countermeasures.

Du Ge rushed to the front, with a long sword in his left and right hands. The sword in his right hand deflected the arrows in front of him, and the sword in his left hand deflected the arrows that Wang San could not dodge. The eyes at the back of his head allowed him to observe all the surrounding situations without any blind spots. , it was more than enough to block a few arrows for Wang San.

Feng Zhong was in the middle, pushing and pulling with two hands and ten fingers, all his usual practice came in handy.

The arrows that were shot close to them were all easily deflected by him.

Although he usually quarreled with Wang San and refused to accept anyone, he also knew that Wang San's fear was the main force, so he naturally protected Wang San first.

Under the protection of the two men, none of the more than a hundred arrows landed on Wang San. After one volley, the archers had no chance to fire a second round.

This is why martial arts masters do not use bows and arrows.

The speed of the masters is too fast. Even if it is a sneak attack, they can only shoot one or two arrows at most before the opponent gets close to them.

Once the opponent gets close, the bow and arrow become a burden. Instead of spending time practicing archery, it is better to practice martial arts.

Bows and arrows are useless.

Zonggui quickly picked up two balls of cotton, stuffed them into his ears, and shouted: "Form up."

The people next to him followed suit and plugged their ears.

Those who have their ears plugged are limited to second-generation disciples and above. Third-generation disciples do not have this treatment. People who practice martial arts emphasize hearing and vision. Isolating sounds is equivalent to self-confessing a part of their skills. Second-generation disciples can still adapt to it.

But the three generations of disciples lost their hearing and couldn't even care for each other, so the formation was in chaos.

Hundreds of Huashan disciples filed out of the main hall, facing Duge, and surrounded them, layer after layer, with the tip of the sword pointed at the three of them, bright and clear.

Film and television drama treatment!

In the world of martial arts, if you don't break through a mountain gate or something, your trip will be in vain.

Sure enough, this battle is exciting...

On TV, a knight breaks into a famous sect and is surrounded by hundreds of people. He sweeps a large area with his sword and picks a line with his gun, killing all directions. Finally, he breaks out of the encirclement and kills the BOSS without even losing a hair. How cool and unrestrained How chic.

But actually being there, surrounded by hundreds of people, with sharp knives everywhere you can see, that kind of intimidation is simply not something ordinary people can bear, and anyone with a slight psychological quality will be scared to death on the spot.


Dougal is no longer an ordinary person.

Standing in the encirclement, he looked at Zong Gui with awe and no fear: "Zong leader, I was right as expected. The Peacekeepers are protecting the world, and the Huashan faction is doing the opposite. We all deserve this disaster!"

Wang San spoke at the same time as him: "Dear old darlings, I can't wait to turn your heads into my collection..."

He didn't have Doug's eyes in the back of his head, and Jiao Zhi's fear couldn't lock on all the targets present.


He only targeted the second-generation disciples around Zonggui and the third-generation disciples in front of him, but he only spared Zonggui.

He didn't finish his words.

There was already a commotion in the Huashan faction's encirclement. No matter those whose ears were plugged or those whose ears were not plugged, fear struck their hearts.

Some timid disciples can't even hold their swords steady.

Zonggui was not targeted by Wang San and didn't feel anything. He saw Du Ge and Wang San's mouths moving, but couldn't hear what they said, but he could feel something strange around him and spoke without hesitation. He shouted: "Kill!"

Then he stabbed Wang San with his sword.

The person who was affected by Jiao's fear hesitated and did not move, but behind Wang San, the person who was not affected handed out the long sword at the same time as him.

At least five people and five swords, either cutting or stabbing, attacked Wang San's vital points, blocking all his evasive directions.

"Don't hurt my brother."

Du Ge turned around, and the two long swords in his hands danced like windmills, blocking all the long swords attacking Wang San.

Before coming here, he could defeat Tong Shihong head-on. After going up the mountain, he added a buff and blocked several swords for Wang San, which was not a problem.

What's more, except for Zong Gui, the martial arts of the Huashan sect cannot compare with Tong Shihong.

"My lovers, don't be anxious, come one by one, there are so many of you, I can't hang my neck anymore..." Wang San turned around, smiled sinisterly, and continued to spread his fear to more people. Radiation, under the protection of Doug, he even had the energy to pick up a skull hanging around his neck, put it under his nose, and took an intoxicated sniff, "Come, let us stay together forever..."



Wang San's outrageous behavior showed that he had poor psychological quality. He lost his composure on the spot. He turned around and ran away without caring about the ongoing battle.


The moment he turned around, Doug's long sword had already penetrated the back of his heart. With the help of the eyes at the back of his head, he could perfectly seize any opportunity.

at the same time.

Wang San's eyes turned blood red, and his whole body became excited.

Jiao Zhi bursts out, when the person he likes is hurt, he can explode with ten times the attack power.

After only three rounds of fighting, one of the generals was lost. Zonggui's eyes were tearing, and he stabbed with his sword: "Fifth Junior Brother, Wang San, you deserve to die..."

(End of chapter)