World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 74: The Game Within the Game


over there.

Douger had sharp ears and eyes, and he locked onto the other party's position the moment Mr. Zhao opened his mouth.

Seeing Mr. Zhao's position, Doug frowned.

That guy must have studied his skills carefully and knew that most of his attacks were launched from behind and he didn't have any light skills, so he chose a high tower with complex terrain as his hiding place.

In this way, even if he managed to break out of the encirclement and rush to the tower, he could still escape calmly.

If a few more traps were installed in the tower, maybe they could bury him. Wasn't Bai Yuting in "Three Heroes and Five Gallants" ambushed by a trap and shot through the heart by thousands of arrows when he was having a night conversation in Chongxiao Tower

Sure enough, speedrunning has its drawbacks.

If you practice martial arts diligently for three to five months, this will not be a problem.

Of course, if he had really devoted himself to practicing martial arts, he would not have achieved what he has now. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

There are indeed experts in the simulation field.


Since there is a high tower.

Why let this group of people besiege him in the yard

From where Mr. Zhao was, he could clearly see the act of hanging the corpse, but he still resolutely ordered people to surround the yard, clearly sending that group of people to their deaths.

Just like the guy who planned to assassinate Wang San, if he had changed the terrain, he might have succeeded.

What's more, if I kill these people, my attributes will be improved...

There must be something wrong here.

He wouldn't do this if there is no benefit. Is strategy really his key word

Doug's mind works very fast, but that doesn't stop him from killing people.

His attribute values were too high. Even if Sang Yan destroyed the corpse he used for transit, those people still couldn't stop him. At most it would be a little troublesome. If he turned around a little, he would find an opportunity to stab him.

Lu Jingping, Sang Yan and others had no time to grow and were entirely dependent on advanced skills. The main force of the attack was actually martial arts masters from various factions. With the blessing of the principle of "an army of the underdog will win", their martial arts were on par with Zong Gui.

More than ten days ago, perhaps if they joined forces, they could still cause some trouble to themselves.

But now, they are no match for him even in a head-on fight.

Especially after he threw out two flying knives and stabbed Lu Jingping to death, breaking their strategy of victory of the desperate army, the speed and morale of these knights dropped drastically, and they were no match for him at all.

If Doug moves a few more times in the yard, he can take a life.

At this time, Du Ge was more like Lin Pingzhi who had practiced the "Bixie Sword Manual", and he conquered the world with the word "speed".

Of course, his speed is much faster than Lin Pingzhi.

It’s a pity that I can’t speak.

Otherwise, with such a big advantage, with his eloquence, he would most likely be able to persuade this group of people to his side.

Even so.

After three or five minutes, there were not many people left standing in the yard.

at the same time.

Rushing to the Kunlun faction of the Qiao family, the usually calm and old-fashioned eldest brother suddenly shouted "Oh no" and rushed out of the tent.

But soon, he turned back and entered the tent of the head of Kunlun Sect, and said anxiously: "Master, something happened to the Qiao family, we have to go quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

"Yinglong, you have always been neat and tidy, why are you so flustered now?" Huo Yi, the head of Kunlun Sect, looked at his eldest disciple in surprise, "How did you know that something happened to the Qiao family?"

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, stood up, frowned and looked at Yinglong and said, "A month ago, you went out to train, and after you came back, you became more and more demanding about the sect's rules. Could it be that you were possessed by the demon at that time?"

"Yes, Master, I took over Yinglong's body. At that time, he was fighting with the enemy and fell off a cliff. If I hadn't taken over his body, he would have died long ago." Yinglong said anxiously.


Huo Yi drew his sword and pointed it at Yinglong's throat.

"Master, although I have taken over the body of my eldest brother, I have never done anything to harm the Kunlun Sect. On the contrary, under my leadership, the level of the disciples of the Kunlun Sect has been improving day by day. You have seen all of this!" Yinglong ignored the long sword on his throat and said, "Now, the Kunlun Sect is in danger of being destroyed. If you kill me, the Kunlun Sect will be gone."

"What do you mean?" Huo Yi asked.

"At this moment, Feng Qi and the demons of the Qiao family have already started fighting. No matter which side wins, their strength will surely increase greatly. With the habits of the demons, they will surely sweep across the entire martial arts world. If we don't rush over, we won't even have a chance to get a piece of the pie." Ying Long said quickly. "It was you who said you were just sitting on the mountain watching the fight, and now it's you who is urging me to rush to the Qiao family." Huo Yi frowned, "Which one of you should I believe? Besides, how did you know that Feng Qi and the Qiao family had started fighting?"

"Demons can sense each other." Yinglong said, "At this moment, the number of demons in this world is decreasing rapidly. Master, why do you think Feng Qi wants to kill all the demons in the world? Demons can swallow each other and eventually give birth to a peerless demon.

So, I must go and join this fight. Master, Kunlun Sect is my base, I will protect Kunlun Sect, but Feng Qi and the Qiao family will not. Master, we must rush over before dawn, otherwise, everything will be too late. "

Huo Yi glanced at Yinglong, silently put away his sword, and said, "We can't make it in time. Even if we ride as fast as we can, it will take more than a day to get to Qiao's house. Besides, it's night now, and the horses can't run fast. We won't be able to get there before dawn."

"We have to go even if we can't make it. What if we can make it in time?" Yinglong almost cried when he heard the news. He glanced at the night sky and said, "Master, we can't just sit there and wait for death. Please, it's just the two of us. Can you lead the way for me? If I can win a place in the battle between the gods and demons, I swear to protect the Kunlun Sect for all my life..."


Huo Yi glanced at Yinglong, shook his head and sighed, and said, "Go and prepare the horse. I will change my clothes and go with you."

The same scene also happened to the Blood Knife Sect, the Snow Mountain Sect and other sects that were still on the way.

One after another, fast horses set off from the inn and the tent at night and headed straight towards the Qiao family.

at this time.

Douger had killed all the demons in the courtyard and looked up in the direction of the tower.

Feng Zhong and Wang San were injured and stood beside Du Ge. They followed his gaze and saw several people on the tower.

Feng Zhong pointed at the tower, then pointed behind him, and mouthed, "Seventh Brother, it's almost time to go!"

Doug clicked on the profile and took a look.

In the simulation field.

At this time, there were less than forty contestants left.

The key word was the embarrassed female contestant, huddled in the corner, looking towards Doug with eyes full of shock and admiration.

Duger shook his head at Feng Zhong, walked out of the yard and went straight to Mr. Zhao.

After killing so many people, he felt that his attributes had improved a lot. He decided to break into the high tower. If he didn't take the opportunity to get rid of Mr. Zhao and the female player with the "silent" keyword, he always felt a little uneasy. The Eight-Step Chasing Cicada's light skill should be able to rush up from outside the high tower.

Feng Zhong and Wang San looked at each other and followed Doug.

Strategy and silence were too much of a constraint for the two of them. If Feng Qi died, they would not survive.

The three of them just walked out of the yard.

Mr. Zhao on the tower suddenly spoke up: "Seventh Brother is really capable. Killing the demon is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables..."

Douger glanced at him, then continued walking forward, holding the bloody Jinxia sword.

Mr. Zhao changed the subject: "There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Brother Qi, let's cooperate!"

Douger stopped and looked at the tower in confusion.

Mr. Zhao smiled and continued, "Seventh Brother, you may not know that the courtyard where you killed people just now is the arena where the Qiao family has held martial arts competitions over the years. Under the arena is the martial saint Qiao He who has been dormant for a hundred years. He must absorb the blood of high-quality, energetic young people in order to revive. The Qiao family's martial arts competitions over the past hundred years have been planned for this purpose. Now, dozens of demons, as well as young heroes from the Beggars' Sect, Tianshan and other sects, have been killed by you in the courtyard. Qiao He has absorbed so much energetic blood, and I believe he will be revived soon."

With the eyes behind his head, Duger clearly saw that Feng Zhong and Wang San moved their mouths at the same time and uttered the word "fuck".

"With Seventh Brother's intelligence, he must have understood. Qiao He is the end point of this simulation field assessment. As long as we kill the revived Qiao He, the simulation field will end immediately."

Mr. Zhao looked very proud, "You three must be ranked in the top three in the simulation field. I am ranked fourth in the simulation field. The silent lady next to me is ranked ninth in the simulation field. We have no intention of competing with Brother Qi for the first place.

Next, as long as we join forces to kill Qiao He, those who sit on the mountain and watch the fight, and want to take advantage, will be too late to disrupt the situation. Brother Qi will be the first, and we will take the top ten, each of us will get what we want, and everyone will be happy. Brother Qi, what do you think of my plan? "

Snap! Snap!

Two rounds of applause.

Qiao Pingjiang suddenly spoke up: "Excellent, excellent, Mr. Zhao, this is indeed a good plan, you can use my Qiao family as a stepping stone!"

Mr. Zhao's face changed, and he subconsciously protected the silent female contestant behind him: "You are not poisoned?"

"I'm Qiao Pingjiang, ranked fifth in the simulation field. Since I knew what you were going to do, how could I be poisoned?" Qiao Pingjiang blinked at him and said with a smile.

"Fuck!" Mr. Zhao was stunned and cursed. His nervous expression suddenly relaxed and he smiled bitterly, "You are a good actor. Even I was fooled by you. What is your keyword?"

Qiao Pingjiang ignored him and looked at Doug, smiling, "Mr. Qi, add me and join forces!"

(End of this chapter)