World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 98: Want to eat? Exchange your loyalty



What the hell!

Doug was stunned at that moment.

In the last simulation, the descriptions of his several advanced skills were clear, simple and practical.

But what does this price tag mean

Without this skill, can't he clearly mark the prices of the items he sells

It seems to be of no use!

Doug already knew that even with the same keyword, because everyone has a different personality and uses the keyword differently, the derived advanced skills will also be different.

This clearly marked price is most likely something he created when he was trading supplies just now, using some singing and dancing technique to pay the bill...


If singing and dancing can be considered as a kind of clearly marked price, then this clearly marked price means that one has the right to designate currency;

In other words, he could use a clear price tag to forcibly take away the other person's most precious things, such as their limbs, even their life, or their freedom...

Still not right.

He only has the right to set prices. If the other party feels that the goods are not suitable, they can simply not buy them. No one is stupid enough to risk their own life to buy supplies.

Just like before, he sang and danced with the prices, and the people in the underground garage would buy the supplies because they were in urgent need, and the price was not high and within their affordability;

But once the price exceeds their affordability, the result may be different!

When one has great power and controls pricing power, one can indeed do whatever one wants. But when one has great power, one can do whatever one wants. So what is the point of having pricing power

Whether to buy or not is entirely up to the other party!

What a rubbish skill!

Doug frowned, thinking about how to make the deal.

Then, the routines of major e-commerce companies on the planet flooded into his mind, including cash on delivery, installment payment, prepayment, and even pay later...

Doug's eyes gradually brightened.

Sure enough, all the tricks you have ever been fooled into will become valuable life experiences.

Somehow, his predecessors on Earth had already pointed out the direction of his business for him.

Isn’t trade the process of finding ways to put your money into my wallet

Just saying "Brother Tiger is a kind-hearted man" can exchange for food, and Gou Kun distributes supplies very quickly.

As deal after deal was concluded, Doug's attributes improved rapidly, almost reaching the standard when he left the Feng family.

But this time his ranking did not rise much, hovering around 180th place, whereas in the last simulation, he had ranked first.

Trade plus kindness is indeed not as good as the combination of protection and backstab.

Those people keep saying that he is a good man, but they certainly don't think he is really good in their hearts. I'm afraid that while they say he is a good man, they are cursing him as a bad man in their hearts.


I did good things, but I didn't get any good reputation...

Doug sighed with regret, the road to kindness is long and arduous!

"Brother Tiger, I've finished sending it."

Gou Kun walked over with a sausage in his mouth and handed Doug a bag of vacuum-roasted chicken and a can of beer.


Huang Mao and the others were either gnawing on chicken feet or eating canned food. Even Yao Tong was gnawing on a spicy duck neck. They were all comfortable and enjoying themselves...

In contrast, the people in the warehouse were either chewing bread or hard steamed buns.

The treatment between the two sides is completely different.

See this scene.

Doug's face sank immediately.

What is worrying is not the lack of wealth but the inequality. No wonder his kindness has not made any progress. It's all been corrupted by these guys!

"Put down everything in your hands." Doug stared at them fiercely and said in a deep voice.

Huang Mao and his men were all frightened, staring blankly at Douge, not knowing what had happened. "Brother Hu, what's wrong?" Gou Kun asked blankly.

"What did I say just now? You can't take anything from the company for free. Did you buy the food you ate?" Doug frowned. "As the company's leaders, you can't take the lead in breaking my rules."

"Brother Hu, there's no need for us brothers to play like this!" Gou Kun said with a smug look, "Those people don't care."

"Rules are rules, you dog, do you want to rebel against me?" Doug pulled out his pistol and said coldly.

"Brother Tiger?" Gou Kun was stunned. He didn't expect that Doug's gun would be pointed at him because of such a small matter. The muscles on his face were a little stiff...

Huangmao and his companions looked at each other, somewhat at a loss. Brother Hu in front of them suddenly became much more unfamiliar.

The other people in the garage all looked over at the same time, stopped eating, and cheered in their hearts, hoping that these bastards would start fighting immediately, and hopefully the human brains would be beaten out of the dog brains.

Seeing this scene, Yao Tong frowned even more tightly, his heart was pounding, and the bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

Under the black muzzle of the gun, Gou Kun finally compromised. He grinned and squeezed out an ugly smile: "Brother Tiger, you are a kind man, okay!"

His tone was filled with resentment.

"No, the price has changed this time." Doug whistled, put away his gun, pointed at the things in their hands, and said with a smile, "The food you eat is high-quality. The price this time is loyalty. If you want to eat them, you must be loyal to me for life. If you accept this price, I will sell it to you. If you don't accept it, put it down."

Brother Hu smiled, and the tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.


The people in the garage sighed at the same time and continued eating. It turned out to be a joke between gangsters. They waited in vain. They were in the same boat and should have known there would be no fight.

"Brother Hu, why didn't you tell me earlier? You scared me." Gou Kun also breathed a sigh of relief and laughed, "We brothers have sold our lives to you a long time ago. Of course, we will be loyal to you for the rest of our lives. Unless you chase us away, we will never betray you."

"Brother Hu, you are the boss. If we betray you, where will we find food?" Huangmao and others agreed with a smile.

Huang Mao raised the chicken feet in his hand and asked mischievously: "Brother Hu, the bill has been paid, can we eat now?"

"Eat it, eat it! I bought it with my lifetime loyalty, so of course you can eat it." Doug smiled, then looked at Yao Tong and raised his eyebrows, "What about you? Are you willing to exchange your lifetime loyalty for the food I provide?"

“…” Yao Tong looked at Doug with a complicated look.

"Do you want to buy it or not? Just say something!" Doug asked again, then frowned, "You don't want to?"

"Fuck, I knew this guy had bad intentions." The yellow-haired guy snatched the food from Yao Tong's hand and kicked him. "What do you mean by helping Brother Tiger grow bigger and stronger? Ugh!"

"Brother Hu, kill him! This damn demon obviously has bad intentions." Gou Kun also found something wrong, "Brother Hu, just now this guy swore with the Heart of the Demon, and now he doesn't even dare to say he is loyal to Brother Hu. Could it be that the oath can really work on the demon?"

"What do you mean, Gou Kun?" Doug glared at Gou Kun in dissatisfaction, "Do you think your loyalty is just a casual remark?"

"Brother Hu, mine is of course real. I mean Tianmo, isn't this guy different from us?" Gou Kun stuffed the ham into his mouth in two or three bites, glanced at Yao Tong, and said, "I've read a lot of novels and animations, some of which are about warcraft, monsters, and the like. Once you sign a contract with your master, you can never betray it. I wonder if Tianmo has this thing too. Did you accidentally activate a contract or something? That's why he is so cautious..."

You hit the nail on the head!

This Gou Kun is a talented person!

Doug glanced at Gou Kun and said with a smile: "This is a business, not a contract. Yao Tong, it's just a joke. You are not afraid of this? Or do you really have some rebellious intentions, thinking of killing me and replacing me at any time?"

Hearing Gou Kun's words, fine beads of sweat involuntarily seeped out of Yao Tong's forehead. He pursed his lips, looked at Du Ge, and suddenly said: "The king of heaven covers the tiger of earth."

Everyone was stunned.

Gou Kun looked at Yao Tong in astonishment: "Is this guy crazy? He claims to be the king of heaven and the tiger of earth, but he is just a fool!"

Huang Mao said: "He is telling me the secret code! He must be thinking that our brother Tiger has been possessed by the devil!"

Another thug said, "He just said that Brother Tiger is strong and it is impossible for him to be possessed by the demon, but now he turns around and slaps himself in the face."

The remaining thug came up to Yao Tong and said, "The king of heaven covers the tiger of earth, and the length of the hanging is two meters and five, hahahaha... Yao Tong, am I right?"

“My god, the rope is two meters and five long. Old Yu is very talented. Hahahaha…” Gou Kun and the others all started to laugh.

"What's the next sentence?" Duger came in front of Yao Tong and asked with interest.

Yao Tong murmured a few times and said, "The pagoda suppresses the river monster."

Doug turned around, clapped his hands and said, "Brothers, remember this code, we will use this code to catch the demons in the future..."

(End of this chapter)