Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 106: What's the noise? I'm eating


After leaving the "Miaoyuan" pawnshop, Ling Feng and the other two saw that it was still too early to see the weather, so they visited a few more shops. WWw,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,Com It's just that the things here are mostly the same in the same type of stores. Ling Feng and the others didn't go to a few places, but they seemed to be a little depressed.

"Brother, there are a lot of people coming in and out over there, shall we go there and have a look?" Ling Ling pointed to a place and said.

"Okay... ah, that place, let's go to that place next time." Ling Feng was about to agree, but suddenly realized that it was an entertainment venue similar to a brothel, and immediately changed his tone and said to Ling Ling: "Look, It's almost dark now. How about we go have dinner first and then go out for a walk in the evening?"

Ling Ling raised her little head, looked at the sky, and asked doubtfully: "Is it time to have dinner?... Okay then."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, immediately picked up Ling Ling, and walked back, looking for any restaurants nearby. Cassano followed behind, looking at the two brothers and sisters, and couldn't help laughing.

On the Taikoo Continent, almost all larger cities will have a vast number of entertainment venues. The higher-end ones will have nobles coming and going, while the ordinary ones will be a paradise for mercenaries and businessmen. Ling Feng had entered such a place when he was in Yanlong Principality, and felt that the hall inside was somewhat similar to a bar. As for the inner rooms and upstairs, they are simple private rooms.

If you want ordinary consumption, naturally you can buy some drinks in the lobby, and then you will have the opportunity to enjoy the seductive dance of women or listen to some instrumental music. However, most of the women in the hall are not of high standard. It's a bit worse than the maids in ordinary noble families.

In the private room upstairs, there are naturally more things that can be done.

You can be a handsome gentleman and play some elegant things, such as music, chess, calligraphy and painting; you can also take off your usual disguise of a gentleman. Anyway, in this private room, as long as you have money, no matter how bad you are, you will still be a good person. Someone smiled and flattered. As some people say: If you have money, you are an uncle.

And the women in these places are also divided into grades, with different qualities, and the prices of appearance are also very different. There are those who specialize in sex trade, and there are also those who do business but don’t sell their bodies. Anyway, there are more of them.

The largest consumer group in ** places is mercenaries. Think about it: single, traveling around the world, going through life and death. As long as you are a man, you will be full of interest in such places. What's more, in the ancient continent, servants and maids are legal, and there are a large number of slaves. Therefore, the existence of these sexual places is completely aboveboard.

According to the information Ling Feng got from the mercenary union, even for some women who sell songs, there are special organizations on the mainland that rank beauty lists, which shows the popularity of this industry in the mainland.

Of course, as much as he likes it, Ling Feng is not willing to let a little girl like Ling Ling be polluted at such a young age. The three of them quickly found a restaurant, ordered some random things, and stuffed Ling Ling's little mouth full, making her so happy that she couldn't find the north.

At this moment, Ling Feng heard a burst of noise coming from the seat next to him.

Ling Feng prefers to dine in the hall, so the surrounding environment is already noisy. However, if someone slaps the table, he has to attract other people's attention.

"Why, Master, I've taken a fancy to you and asked you to sing a little song here. Why aren't you happy? Do you look down on me, Master?" One of the young men, with golden hair and a somewhat frivolous appearance, arrogantly faced a shouted the young woman.

This young woman is about seventeen or eighteen years old. She is dressed in a relatively simple and elegant manner. Although it is a little damaged, she is also relatively clean and refreshing. She has long, light yellow hair and is simply tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. Her face is slightly pale. I don’t know. Was he malnourished, was he born this way, or was he frightened by the young man.

Next to this woman, there is a young woman, but she is dressed more gorgeously. Although the two are similar in age, at a glance, it is clear that she is much more sophisticated than the simple and elegant woman. At this time, she seemed to be persuading something in the elegant woman's ear.

Behind the young man, there were five servants dressed as warriors, which clearly showed that the young man was a noble.

Ling Feng guessed that the two young women should have been brought here by the noble youth, because the woman who was more gorgeously dressed looked a bit promiscuous. As for the reason why the young nobleman was angry, it might be that the elegant woman was a little unwilling.

On the Taikoo Continent, incidents like this happen frequently every day. Ling Feng didn't want to get involved in this matter. The nobles on the mainland always have some privileges. For example, when they treat civilians, they are definitely one level higher. This kind of concept does not mean that Ling Feng can change it if he wants to.

Immediately, the person in charge of the hotel naturally hurried over. If the young nobleman gets angry here and gets himself killed or something, although the young nobleman may not have any consequences, his hotel business will definitely be affected to some extent.

"Ah, it turns out to be Master Bias. Why is everything so angry? Come, serve some dishes on the table and let Master Bias calm down." The person in charge of the hotel said flatteringly, "How about, Bias Master Si, how about I change you into a private room?"

Bias glanced at the hotel manager, hummed, and said, "It's none of your business, go ahead." The two warriors behind him immediately blocked the hotel manager aside. The person in charge was so anxious that he didn't know what to say.

Then, Bias continued to scold the elegant woman: "Young master asked you to come out to accompany you for a drink, you are taking care of your business, do you know? Don't be ungrateful. If you don't sing again, young master, I will sell you as a pawn directly." "

After hearing this, the simple and elegant woman did not sing the song, but she gradually began to sob.

"Cry, cry, cry, cry your ass." Bias scolded, "Cry one more time and I'll strip you naked and throw you on the street."

The elegant woman immediately held back her sadness. However, those eyes looked a little red, which was quite pitiful. eliciting sympathy from some in the hall.

"What are you looking at?" Bias said contemptuously to everyone in the hall.

The hall immediately fell silent. It seems that Bias has a lot of style, and his reputation for doing evil must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Ling Feng thought to himself.

Suddenly, at this time, a crisp voice came: "What's the noise? I'm eating." It was Ling Ling who was eating fiercely. Ling Feng suddenly felt dumbfounded. Everyone couldn't help but look at her.


The chapter I owed yesterday will be updated in the early morning. (Quanben Novel Website