Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 115: journey


It was night, and the lights were shining brightly in the residence where Mogu lived. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. Compared with the excitement over his son Mo Xian's place, this place seemed relatively deserted and solemn. In the room, Mogu and Jiang Qianxun were sitting opposite each other, while Kenyon was sitting on one side.

"Kenyon, do you have any idea about Ling Feng's identity?" Mogu asked. Although when Kenyon first brought Mo Xiaoxiao back, the news about the ninth-level magic core, the eighth-level and ninth-level magic beast eggs, etc. made Mogu pay great attention to Ling Feng. However, judging from today, his guess about Ling Feng still underestimated Ling Feng. Caesar's Jones family made it clear that they came to the wedding for Ling Feng's sake.

Although the wedding during the day was slightly unhappy because some people were jealous of the Mo family, the final outcome was a happy one. Viel only lightly punished the rumor mongering on the spot and did not cause any bloodshed. The Mo family also consolidated their family's status because of the strength and communication displayed at this wedding.

"According to what he said, he comes from the Ling family in Gaochang. This can also be seen from his appearance." Kenyon pondered, "And his words and deeds are more like a member of a big family. My disciple, you are here to take risks and gain knowledge. Your skills should not be inferior to mine, and you are very generous with your moves."

"Oh, have you ever fought against each other?" Jiang Qianxun asked.

"I didn't do anything directly, but when we first met, I was hidden behind Xiaoxiao and others, but he locked my energy." Kenyon replied. Being targeted by someone's qi machine is enough to show that that person is at least as strong as Kenyon.

Mogu and Jiang Qianxun were silent for a while, but Mogu muttered: "Gao Changling's family? It seems that I have never heard of this family."

"By the way, I remember he once said that he came from a hidden family." Kenyon said.

"Hidden family?" Jiang Qianxun's face became solemn. There are many hidden families in the Taikoo Continent, some are powerful, and some are unknown. Among them, it is not impossible to create a young ninth-level master like Ling Feng.

"Well, I think this possibility is very high. Moreover, the Ling family should be very strong." Kenyon said. If not strong, Lingfeng would carry high-level Warcraft eggs with him to make trades

"I also think that the Ling family's strength is extraordinary." Mogu continued, "Even on the surface, it is no longer weaker than our family. Look, a ninth-level Warcraft pet has its own strength. There is also a ninth-level magician. In addition, there is an eighth-level magician beside him, plus his relationship with the Jones family. I am afraid that the strength of Ling Feng alone is no longer comparable to that of our two families."

Jiang Qianxun nodded in agreement. Although the Jiang family is slightly better off than the Mo family, they still have a small town as their fiefdom. But there is no sub-sage level master. This is also the biggest difference between the Jiang family and the Knightley family. It is really difficult for a warrior to be promoted to sub-sage. Ling Feng's ninth-level monster pet obviously gave him hope.

"I agree. Our two families will try their best to win over Ling Feng. Even if we can't gain any benefits, being able to make friends with such a strong person is a very beneficial thing for the family." Jiang Qianxun said.

"Yes, I agree. And I think Xiaoxiao plays a very important role in this." Kenyon agreed.

"Old Gu, I think your daughter was born a little late. If Xiaoxiao were a few years older, maybe you would have a son-in-law who could ride a dragon." Jiang Qianxun joked after hearing Kenyon's words. said.

Mogu naturally did not acknowledge Jiang Qianxun's words, but everyone knew that Lingfeng had a preference for Xiaoxiao. Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but laugh knowingly.

The next day, when Mo Gu and Kenyon went to find Ling Feng, they only saw Mo Xiaoxiao alone in 'Bie Yi Ju'. "Xiaoxiao, where is Lingfeng?" Mogu asked.

Mo Xiaoxiao looked sad and replied: "He's gone." Then, he raised his head, as if he had just seen Mogu, and suddenly choked up and hugged Mogu and said: "Dad, big brother is gone."

"Gone?" Kenyon's heart skipped a beat. Ling Feng really has a character, he can leave as soon as he wants.

"Yes. I came here in the morning to play with my big brother, but there was no one here." Mo Xiaoxiao said, "I only left a letter. He said that he had left beforehand and would come back to see me when he had a chance. … But, when do we have to wait until we have the opportunity..."

The two carriages of Ling Feng and Aishwarya were heading south at this time. With Aishwarya's eight knights escorting her, she didn't encounter any blind thieves who came out to cause trouble.

After the Mo family once again felt the luxury of the nobility, Lingfeng decided to help Aishwarya find Ravili as soon as possible, and then he went to the Gaochang Kingdom to find a way to join the aristocratic circle. If that doesn't work, with his strength, he can first go to a principality and become a minor noble.

As for leaving without saying goodbye, Ling Feng felt that Mo Xiaoxiao, the girl, would definitely cry when they parted, and it would be bad if her spirits waned by then. Therefore, while it was still early in the day, Ling Feng and the others left the Mo Mansion, met up with Vier and others, and the group headed for the Kingdom of Mashite.

Calculating the distance, even if you go at a fast pace, it will take more than a month. So a few people discussed it and decided to mainly rush along the way, and they couldn't care so much about the chores along the way. This time, Ling Ling was naturally bored. She directly yelled at Ling Feng that her words didn't mean anything because she still wanted to fight World of Warcraft.

However, Ling Feng felt that he had been delayed in Ziyun City for some time because of him. At this time, it was natural for Viel to propose to concentrate on his journey. After all, Aishwarya's body has an expiration date of three months. Besides, who knew that meeting Ravelli would definitely lead to Qingluan's blood

Therefore, sometimes even if they miss a stop in a town on the way, the group will have to make do with sleeping in the wild. Anyway, there is an accompanying carriage, so there is no need to worry about Aishwarya’s rest. Ling Ling, on the other hand, was pulled by Ling Feng in the carriage along the way, telling her stories and even telling her some little jokes to coax her. At this time, Ling Feng suddenly realized that he was quite good at dealing with children.

The terrain on the Taikoo Continent is very complex, and there is rarely flat land. There are many mountains, many forests, and many monsters. This caused some trouble for several people on their way. Ling Feng and others are currently in the north of the Warcraft Forest, while the Masburt Kingdom is in the southwest to the south of the Warcraft Forest. It is obviously very dangerous to go directly through the Warcraft Forest. So a few people prepared to go around from the west side of the Warcraft Forest. This should be the closest route.

After walking for a few days, we gradually deviated from the Tianxiang Principality and came to the junction with the Nice Kingdom. When passing by a village, the group felt that the atmosphere was unusual. The whole village seemed very depressed. Viel winked, and Knight Kuta immediately summoned the Gale Coyote and entered the village to inquire about the situation.

However, after some time, Kuta did not come back. Could it be that they didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble found them instead? Ling Feng and Vier looked at each other, full of helplessness. And there was a hint of anger in Viel's eyes.


I have something to do at noon, so this chapter will be updated now. Please collect. (QuanBen Novel Network