Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 119: Encountered an ogre


"Mr. Vier, I think you should stay here, or you can go directly to the Kingdom of Masburt. Www!QUanbEn-xIAoShUo!CoM" At this time, Honor walked to Lingfeng and others and said, "You must have noticed that the place we are entering is the Valley of the Evil Dragon. If you follow us and enter again, it will be very dangerous."

"We are not afraid of danger." Ling Feng said a little funny.

"Lingfeng, the Evil Dragon Valley is not as dangerous as it is." Viel said on the side, and then asked Honor: "If I guessed correctly, those mercenaries will also go in together, and you will no longer care. They’re dead or alive, right?”

"That's natural. If they would listen to the advice and stay here, wouldn't they be safe?" Honor said calmly with a smile.

"Now I'm starting to wonder what it is that makes them so fearless of life and death." Viel said, looking at the men and horses in front of him who were divided into two teams. One of the teams had only four or five mercenaries and should have withdrawn from the operation, while the other nearly a hundred people all chose to enter the valley.

On the Taikoo Continent, many idle mercenaries will go on adventures with some famous adventure organizations and reap some small benefits. This method is obviously more popular. The group of mercenaries in front of them should be very confident in the accompanying holy mercenary group, or the benefits this time are big enough for them to gamble with their lives.

"If you must follow, I have no objection. However, you need to take control of safety yourself." Honor said, "Perhaps, you will have a chance to know the purpose of this time."

"Shall we follow him in?" Lingfeng said, looking at Honor's leaving figure.

From the look in Viel's eyes, Ling Feng could see that Viel himself still wanted to go in and have a look. As a sub-saint level master, he always has a curiosity about the unknown. But Miss Aishwarya next to her is Viel's biggest concern now. If he is not with the young lady, who will ensure her safety

"How about you go in with me and the knights stay?" Ling Feng asked.

The strength of the eight knights is not weak, and it should be enough to protect Aishwarya, but if they are required to enter the Valley of the Evil Dragon, it will be difficult to say. After all, the dangerous reputation of Evil Dragon Valley is too great. Later, Ling Feng said to Cassano: "Cassano, you also stay here and take care of Miss Aishwarya."

"Yes, Master." Cassano's magic power had just recovered and he didn't have much time. It was still a bit inappropriate to fight desperately. The eight knights, plus an eighth-level magician, stayed behind to look after Aishwarya, which finally made Viel make up his mind to follow them into the valley to find out.

What Vier didn't expect was that Ling Feng left Cassano but took Ling Ling with him, and a little bird in the carriage stood on Ling Feng's shoulders at this time.

The Valley of the Evil Dragon is relatively large and can be regarded as a larger branch of the Nice Canyon, just like a hand growing out of the Nice Canyon. Ling Feng and the other three followed the mercenaries and gradually moved towards the Valley of the Evil Dragon.

The five members of the Holy Mercenary Group were naturally at the front, with the green dragon's huge body hovering above their heads. The Thorn Scorpion shrank its body and stayed quietly on Honor's shoulder. The Black Underworld Tiger followed Milusa all the way.

Gradually, Ling Feng felt a kind of depression. There are steep cliffs on both sides. At the beginning, you can still see the blue sky when you look up. However, as the terrain continues to go downwards, the temperature changes too quickly and the fog becomes thicker and thicker. Although the few intermediate-level monsters we met occasionally were not considered dangerous in front of several high-level warriors, four or five mercenaries were accidentally injured.

The reduction in visibility directly results in slower progress. The green dragon flew directly out of the canyon and rose to the flat ground because of the small passage at the bottom of the canyon.

As for the road everyone was traveling on, they passed several small pools and made several turns. People who don’t have a strong sense of direction must be dizzy. After all, the cracks within the Evil Dragon Valley are not just one, but spread like palm prints.

Ling Feng and the others who followed naturally didn't have to worry about getting lost. The only things they needed to pay attention to were some caves on the cliffs or some pools on the canyon floor. These places were dangerous. In addition, pay more attention to crises in the air. Nice Canyon has existed for who knows how many years, and there should be countless kinds of monsters in such a place. Relatively speaking, there are slightly more flying monsters.

Fortunately, due to the environment, the most plants under the canyon are thorns, grasses, and the like, and more places are bare rocks, which saves the cautious people a lot of trouble.

Just after passing an intersection where two cracks intersected, there was a sound of running monsters in front of them. There were dozens of them, and they must be relatively large.

Milusa simply led everyone back, preparing to change to another lane at the intersection and hide for a while.

Of course, the speed at which everyone avoids danger is compared to the speed at which they move forward in one word: fast!

When the lookout came back and said that what was passing in front of them was a group of western yaks, everyone was congratulated on how wise their decision to hide was. Western yak is also relatively common in the Evil Dragon Valley. It is slightly larger than ordinary cattle and has hard skin and flesh. It is a sixth-level monster. Usually forty or fifty people gather together and just rush forward when something happens.

If you meet people with strength at the eighth or ninth level, you will naturally have ways to avoid them, but how is it possible that among these hundreds of people, all of them are at the eighth level or above

Honor took the opportunity to propose for the last time that if anyone wanted to go back, it was still too late. Going forward, it is really not easy to quit alone.

It's a pity that the Western Yak just met was not completely real after all. The desire for profit in everyone's heart was greater than the fear of danger, and no one was willing to retreat. Honor just smiled helplessly. This made Ling Feng feel more favorable towards this middle-aged woman, Honor, who was nicknamed "Poisonous Scorpion".

After marching forward for about half an hour, Ling Feng thought that he should be several hundred meters deep from the ground now. There was no great danger, and the number of wounded was gradually increasing, but at least there were no deaths yet. But just when everyone was rejoicing, a group of ogres appeared.

Without any warning, they just appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

It wasn't until someone shouted "Ah" that everyone quickly gathered into a half-moon shape under the leadership of the Holy Mercenary Group, leaning against a cliff.

The level of the ogre is not high, but it is a very terrifying existence.

This was the first time Ling Feng saw this kind of monster. It looked like a man wearing a coir raincoat and a cloak. Their weight is very light, and their feet can float off the ground very quickly. The color of the body surface is the same as the rocks on the cliffs of the Evil Dragon Valley, showing a gray-black color. Even the color on his face is like that. No wonder he can suddenly appear in front of everyone.

In addition, what surprised Ling Feng even more was that the mercenaries facing the ogre seemed to move half a beat slower. It's not like the ogre used magic or anything like that to kill several mercenaries with his bare hands. That hand looked like the hand of a skinny old human man, and was covered with gray-black hair, but it was very sharp. After opening the mouth, you can see sharp teeth and a scarlet tongue. The whole ogre looked very scary.


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