Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 121: night


They met a group of ogres and left behind more than a dozen corpses. After several large and small battles, by the time it was getting late, the team had shrunk to only about fifty people. WWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.COm Lingfeng also noticed that everyone's faces no longer had the excitement of entering the Evil Dragon Valley for the first time, but more of a look of exhaustion.

It's no wonder that at the end of the day, even a person of Ling Feng's strength felt that his nerves had been tense for too long. This crisis is everywhere, even if you are resting in the middle of the team, you may still have to face the danger in the sky. Who is still in high spirits now

There was once a mercenary standing in the protective circle of everyone. Due to a moment of negligence, he was snatched away by a golden-eyed eagle that suddenly flew from the sky. Even if the magician next to him cast magic immediately, he only saw it. The shadow of the large eagle quickly fades away.

The sky in the canyon seemed to be darkening very quickly. There was still some light just now, but in an instant, it was almost invisible. Someone wanted to light the torch, but was stopped by Milusa from the Holy Mercenary Group. Before finding a suitable place to rest, lighting a fire, which can easily attract monsters, is undoubtedly a kind of suicide.

After about half an hour of advancing in the dark, Milusa was satisfied with the resting place. It is relatively open, the ground is relatively flat and dry, and one side is close to a steep cliff. The group of people sat down in a circle. Because the temperature at the bottom of the valley was relatively low at night, everyone also lit a fire.

"Captain, what are you looking for this time? We have lost three brothers." A young mercenary sitting next to Ling Feng asked a middle-aged man.

Among the nearly a hundred people who followed the Holy Mercenary Group into the Evil Dragon Valley, most of them were a dozen or so, or a small adventurer organization of six or seven people. Among these people, perhaps only a few leaders knew the purpose of this adventure. As for most of the members, they just followed their respective captains.

Beside the middle-aged man, there were four mercenaries sitting. These six people were obviously organized by the same adventurer.

About fifty people gathered together in groups of four or five, back to back, and sat in a large circle with the fire as the center. And the night needs to be spent leaning on each other.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." The middle-aged man said, "You will know when the field is over."

The young mercenary who asked the question was obviously still a little unconvinced. The sacrifice of his teammates is more of a psychological blow to a young man like him. Although, from the moment he became a mercenary, his life was not guaranteed. But watching the death of teammates with their own eyes is not something that anyone can accept calmly.

Even those who have experienced strong winds and waves cannot remain indifferent. The captain, a middle-aged man, just buried his feelings for the death of his teammates deep in his heart. At the same time, he must also understand that if mercenaries are afraid of sacrifice, there will be no possibility of survival on this continent.

"Be careful tomorrow." The middle-aged man finally touched the young mercenary's head unbearably.

Seeing this scene, Ling Feng couldn't help but tighten the hand holding Ling Ling.

This trip can be regarded as the beginning of Ling Feng's real mercenary career after arriving in the Taikoo Continent. Different from Ling Feng's leisurely way of wandering into the Tianmu Forest alone, and different from Ling Feng, Silan and others entering the World of Warcraft Forest to look for the Dark Lightning Sable, at this time Ling Feng truly felt the iron-blooded power of the Ancient Continent. and tenderness.

There is danger, fighting side by side, sadness, and fun. This was Ling Feng's experience fighting with some mercenaries for the past day. Although it is impossible to save everyone, it is gratifying to see someone's life protected because of his fight.

One day was enough for the mercenaries to respect Ling Feng and Vier, who were just following them to watch the fun. Just like they were in awe of the members of the Holy Mercenary Group.

At least, Ling Feng enjoyed a different kind of feeling. During lunch, the magician who he rescued from the ogre took the roasted meat and gave it to Ling Feng first.

Of course, at this time, everyone seemed a little silent, and only the barbecued monster meat was left making a "chichi" sound on the flames. This reminded Ling Feng that on the same night, different people had different living conditions. And what about the fifty or so people who are together now? What are you thinking about? What are you looking for in this adventure, or are they the companions who died during the day

"Little girl, are you hungry?" Vier asked Ling Ling while holding the roasted meat. The meat looked a bit like the leg of a bird.

"Not hungry." Ling Ling shook her head and said.

When Ling Feng heard this, he felt in his heart that this was strange. Ling Ling also said she wasn't hungry

"Brother, I always feel that danger is approaching us." Ling Ling said to Ling Feng.

"Didn't the little girl get scared during the day?" Weier said with a smile, "I don't know what you think, Ling Feng, to bring her here."

This is not the first time Ling Feng heard someone say this today. During the day, Ling Feng did not let the restless Ling Ling take action, but just told her to be careful. If a three- or four-year-old kid were to kill high-level monsters in front of everyone, many people would probably think it was a dream.

And because Ling Ling was young, everyone took good care of her. Ling Feng took her on an adventure, so naturally she received a lot of criticism. Especially women like Honor, who glared at Ling Feng. Nicole, a bright mage with an outstanding figure, also talked to Ling Feng for the first time because of Ling Ling.

Of course, the content of what he said made Ling Feng very embarrassed.

Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly at Vier without any explanation. He couldn't say that if he didn't bring Ling Ling, Ling Ling would definitely run in by herself, right

As for Ling Ling's premonition of danger, Ling Feng took it very seriously. He touched her little face and asked, "Ling'er, come here, tell me what's going on."

"Maybe it's a dark attribute monster." Ling Ling tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Well, high-level, a large group, very bloodthirsty, able to fly..." Characteristics one after another, from Ling Ling's little mouth It popped out, but Ling Feng's face became increasingly ugly.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense." Viel couldn't stand it anymore, "We won't be so unlucky. If it's as you said, even I won't be sure of escaping. Haha, don't think nonsense. Come on, let's have something to eat..." Immediately, Viel looked at Ling Feng's slightly solemn expression and couldn't help asking: "What, do you believe it?" (Quanben Novel Network