Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 123: river


"Ling Feng, do you think we should go back and help?" After walking some distance, Viel asked Ling Feng. WWw, qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo, Com Although he left with Ling Feng, it did not mean that Vier could put down his curiosity. Whether it was the purpose of the Holy Mercenary Group or the danger they were about to face this time, Viel felt worried.

Ling Feng felt that the most likely reason why he followed him was because he still needed to take him to the Masburt Kingdom.

If a sub-sage chooses to escape from the danger he faces, or even has no idea of challenging it, then he will not be able to move to a higher level.

"It's too late to go back now." Ling Feng replied, "I think if we don't go faster, we will be caught up by those monsters later, even if the roads here are crisscrossed. Of course, the specific time still needs to be seen. The level of resistance of Milasa and others is that they are united against the enemy, and they also dispersed to escape."

"Oh? I think they should spread out and run. Whether they can escape depends on their luck." Viel thought about it and said, "If they join together to resist, it will undoubtedly be a dead end."

"Brother Lingfeng, what kind of monster is this?" Magician Aioli asked on the side.

"I don't know either." Ling Feng smiled calmly, "But it's scary, that's for sure." Then, several people walking suddenly heard an exciting dragon roar.

"It's Gilardino's green dragon." Magician Aioli said with some worry, "I think they must be in danger."

"Yes, I agree." Another swordsman, Bruce, said, "In the canyon, because the space is too small, it is not necessarily possible for the dragon to fully exert its strength."

"Captain, should we go back and help?" one of the members asked. Immediately afterwards, dragon roars kept coming, seeming a little angry, but also a little helpless, and more of a kind of mania.

"Ling Feng,..." Bruce faced Ling Feng, wanting to say something but didn't.

"Do you want to go back?" Ling Feng asked. When Bruce nodded, he sighed: "If the dragon can't help them break out, what do you think is the use of going back?"

"Everyone is working together. I think the people of the Holy Mercenary Group may be able to escape, but it's hard to say for the others who follow them." Bruce said after thinking, "I can't know that they are in danger and not Go to rescue. If we don’t do something this time, I’m afraid I will feel uneasy for a long time in the future.”

It is a shameful act for a mercenary to abandon his comrades because of danger during the mission. However, many helpless people do not save themselves, but it requires great courage.

"Okay, let's do this." Lingfeng couldn't help but be infected by Bruce's emotions, and said with some helplessness, "The four of you are here to prepare for the response, while Viel and I will go to investigate first. Fan, how's it going?"

"I agree." Vier expressed his opinion first.

The other four people naturally understood their own strength. To put it bluntly, even if they went back, they would not be of much use, and they might even die because of it, so they all nodded in agreement. I just felt that it was unreasonable to let Ling Feng and Vier take risks for nothing.

Vier didn't care, and Ling Feng certainly didn't care.

But when Ling Feng hugged Ling Ling and gradually approached the place where everyone originally gathered with Viel, the place was already full of corpses. Ling Feng made a rough estimate and found that there were nearly thirty people, most of whom were beyond recognition, and some were even in different places. All the corpses seemed to have been drained of blood.

In addition, next to the corpse, there were several dead bat monsters, which were even more bloody. Viel guessed and said: "These monsters should have died from the green dragon's dragon flames."

The whole scene looked like it was not Shura Hell, but it was still sad. After all, the battle between humans and monsters is very cruel. Under the darkness of night, this area has a sense of desolation after bloodshed.

Ling Feng walked to the corpse of a vampire bat and found that even the eighth-level magic core had not been taken away by the living mercenaries. This shows how hastily the remaining people evacuated.

Together with Viel, after picking up four or five magic cores, he didn't find any trace of living people here.

"Let's go, it's important to find the remaining people first." Viel said to Ling Feng.

The two of them followed the traces of damage caused by the fight. Because when retreating, at every fork in the road, some people will definitely flee separately. As for monsters like vampire bats, they mainly attack in groups and usually only chase in one direction.

Along the way, they saw the corpses of two more mercenaries, which told Ling Feng that the route they were pursuing was correct. However, as time passed, Vier and Ling Feng couldn't help but become more and more anxious.

"Ling Feng?" Someone called from afar in the darkness. If it weren't for Ling Feng's good hearing, it would be easy to ignore it.

"Who?" Ling Feng rushed over immediately.

It was a mercenary who was lucky enough to survive. His face looked bad and dirty, but he didn't suffer any serious injuries. He escaped halfway and has been hiding here since the vampire bats passed by. After all, at the bottom of this canyon, there are dangers and darkness all around. A single seventh-level mercenary really has no confidence in walking out of the Evil Dragon Valley alone.

"Are you the only one? Where are the people from the Holy Mercenary Group?" Ling Feng asked hurriedly.

"They led most of the people all the way over there." The mercenary pointed his finger, and then told Ling Feng and Viel about the horror of the entire battle.

"Can you still leave?" Ling Feng asked.


"Then follow us and catch up together to see if we can help." Ling Feng said, "It's too dangerous for you to be here alone."

Afterwards, following the traces and moving forward, they met two more surviving mercenaries. Then, they encountered the river under the canyon. The river is forty to fifty meters wide, and the current is relatively fast, and the depth is unknown. The entire river was like a knife, cutting off the passage of Ling Feng and others, and there was still a drop of twenty or thirty meters between the river surface and the ground where Ling Feng and others were standing.

Ling Feng looked far into the distance and could vaguely see some traces of a fight on the passage on the other side of the river. (Quanben Novel Network