Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 127: Wet temptation


A patch of low mangroves and some winding waterways make this wetland particularly cool. Www!QunabEn!CoMThe only thing that makes Ling Feng feel a little regretful is that the geology here is not very good, there is no way to step down, it is all muddy. Occasionally, you can see strange monsters emerging from the muddy water, looking around for a moment, or roaring at Ling Feng.

Bai Jiahei flew all the way, deliberately slowing down a bit, and even the altitude seemed quite low. Ling Feng could certainly see the situation on the ground.

"Brother, there are a lot of magical beasts here. A lot of fun things." Ling Ling said happily. Looking at her posture, she was very eager to try.

"It's fun?" Ling Feng asked funnyly, "What is your standard for fun?"

"It's just more interesting." Ling Ling looked at Ling Feng as if she didn't understand what was going on, and said, "Look, look, that little frog has that bulging white belly. If you hit it, it will definitely be very painful." Comfortable."

Ling Feng couldn't help but look at the direction Ling Ling was pointing, and it turned out to be a frog. Is this what is called fun? "Then why do you say vampire bats are scarier?"

"That kind of thing is so dark. And it's very bloodthirsty. It often doesn't use any moves, not even dark magic, and just rushes in to scratch and bite. How disgusting. And it also sucks blood..." Ling Ling thought. Looking at the trembling expression on his face, Ling Feng couldn't help but smile.

"Brother, let's go find that big black dragon quickly. The monsters here can't be beaten easily," Ling Ling said.

"Okay, okay." Ling Feng stroked Ling Ling's restless little head, feeling more and more that this little girl was prone to violence. However, not to mention Ling Ling, even Ling Feng himself wanted to fight the black dragon. Otherwise, he would not have entered the black dragon's territory alone. Ling Feng has always been relatively tolerant, so occasional venting is very necessary. The Black Dragon, the dragon clan at the top of the Ancient Continent, has undoubtedly become Ling Feng's target.

"Ling'er, do you know all about these monsters?" Ling Feng asked.

"No, I don't even know what they are called. I can just roughly tell whether they are powerful or not, and I can sense the fluctuations of magic elements in their bodies." Ling Ling said, "These are very simple for us spirit beasts. .”

Spirit beast? Ling Ling mentioned spirit beasts again. Listening to her tone, Ling Feng felt that spirit beasts should be a higher level existence than Warcraft.

"Brother, look, there's someone over there." Ling Ling suddenly shouted.

"Go over and take a look." Ling Feng immediately said to Bai Jiahei.

He was a male mercenary, but unfortunately he had been dead for a long time. It seems that he should be one of the team members of the Holy Mercenary Group. Milusa, Honor and others did not mention him, but only mentioned Nicole. They could only say that in the eyes of the members of the Holy Mercenary Group, the status of the team members was not comparable to the real members.

Ling Feng sighed. If the corpse in front of him was not disposed of, not even a single bone would be left after today. Not all the monsters here are vegetarian. Fortunately, his body was hanging on a mangrove tree. Lingfeng guessed that the flying dragon might have caught him, and he fell down when he was attacked by other monsters while flying. It's just that he was unlucky. His chest was hit by a fire magic, and it was completely charred.

"Let's go." Lingfeng saw that the ground not far ahead was relatively dry, so he buried the body.

Then, he suddenly discovered that the ground here was relatively wide. Although there were mangroves and some reed plants everywhere, the down-to-earth feeling made Lingfeng decide to walk forward.

And Ling Ling, who had been held by Ling Feng, jumped and ran in front of Ling Feng.

There is no one else here, and Ling Feng is not afraid of Ling Ling's strength being exposed. When Ling Ling saw a monster blocking the way, she rushed over and beat him up. Ling Feng looked at Ling Ling amusedly. This little girl was having so much fun playing, she was so happy, and her eyes were full of excited little stars. In the end, some monsters hid when they saw Ling Ling from a distance, which made Ling Ling feel a little bored.

"Brother, can we go swimming in the lake?" Ling Ling said to Ling Feng. At this time, a small lake appeared in front of the two people. The water is relatively clear and looks sparkling in the morning light.

"Swimming early in the morning?" Ling Feng obviously noticed that the atmosphere here seemed a little different from the one along the way.

"Then let's go catch fish?" When Ling Ling saw the lake, she couldn't help but think of her experience of catching fish in Qingming Valley.

"Okay... wait!" Ling Feng was originally planning to make trouble with Ling Ling, so it was rare to make her happy for a while. However, the head of a monster suddenly emerged from the water, causing Ling Feng to stop Ling Ling who was about to run over.

Don’t be fooled by the illusion that the lake is calm! Ling Feng sighed. Would the lake in Evil Dragon Valley be a good place for swimming or catching fish? There are crises everywhere here.

The monster in the water looked very much like an anaconda. It stuck its head out of the water, stared at Ling Feng for a while, and then dived back into the water.

"Forget it, we won't catch fish anymore. Let's go find the big black dragon." Ling Feng said.

"Okay, okay." Ling Ling couldn't help but light up when she heard the words "big black dragon".

"Baijiahei! It's up to you." Ling Feng shouted. However, just when Bai Jiahei took off, Ling Feng heard a 'rumbling' sound. Some seemed to be bombarding the rocks with magic.

"Aren't we in the wyvern's nest?" Ling Ling exclaimed exaggeratedly. Looking for that sound, Bai Jiahei carried Ling Feng and Ling Ling and flew all the way to a canyon passage on the edge of the wetland. It is relatively narrow and deep, but there are flying dragons everywhere.

On the edge of a small crack in the canyon, several bipedal flying dragons were fiercely attacking.

Ling Feng's heart couldn't help but move, and he instructed Bai Jiahei: "Come in."

Fortunately, Bai Jiahei's body is much more flexible than that of the flying dragon. With two more levels of strength advantages, it didn't take much effort to reach the mouth of the crack.

Inside was Nicole, looking a little pale and breathing heavily. The magic wand that was always in his hand was lost somewhere. What surprised Ling Feng even more was that she looked soaked all over. Her golden hair was already spread out, and some of the tips were still sticking to her cheeks. The white magic robe was covered with mud and there were several scratches, which should have been caused by the claws of the flying dragon. Because the clothes were wet, the originally loose robe was now stuck to the body. Nicole's proud figure is clearly visible.

Especially the two huge lumps on the chest and the two slightly raised dots made Ling Feng suffocate. As for the plump butt, Ling Feng ignored it.


I recommended a book from a friend: "Legend of the Sword World", which is pretty good. ISBN: 1o79965 (Quanben Novel Website