Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 128: The goal of the Holy Mercenary Group


"Ling Ling, why are you here?" Nicole, who was exhausted, asked curiously when she saw Ling Ling suddenly running in from the siege of the flying dragon. Www!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!CoM Then when he saw Ling Feng, he couldn't help but feel a hint of joy on his face.

"My brother and I came to find you." Ling Ling said obediently. After Lingfeng entered the crack, he turned around and faced the bipedal flying dragons on the outside. While resisting their attacks, he asked: "How are you? Can you still walk?"

Nicole looked at herself and felt that she looked really embarrassed. Especially the way the whole body looks naked, it must be that Ling Feng feasted and showed off her beauty. It's no wonder that Ling Feng's eyes looked strange when he turned his head to ask questions. However, it is obvious that Nicole is powerless to do anything about it now.

"I can still walk, but my strength is a little weak." Nicole thought for a moment and replied.

When the flying dragons attacked their group and the vampire bats, some of the more violent flying dragons broke into their airspace. Unfortunately, she and the other three mercenaries were caught by four bipedal flying dragons and flew towards the wetland. Two of the mercenaries were swordsmen with stronger bodies. Even if they were caught by the claws of the bipedal flying dragon, they still had room to resist, which made the flying dragon slow down slightly.

However, when the flying dragon that was holding them was flying over the wetland, it was attacked by a vulture that happened to be passing by, causing the mercenary under its claws to fall directly. It was probably in danger.

The other person is a seventh-level water magician. Compared to Nicol, his strength is not much of a threat in the eyes of the wyvern. As soon as he reached the canyon where the wyverns gathered, he was cut into pieces by a group of small wyverns. Nicole took advantage of this opportunity and released an eighth-level light attack magic, Shining Light. Then, he hid in a crevice that was only as wide as the shoulders of two adults.

But this way, the adult wyvern couldn't get in, and she couldn't get out. At the beginning, a light spell could occasionally prevent the flying dragon from harassing outside the crack. As time went by, Nicole's mental and physical strength was exhausted. Facing the water magic of the flying dragon, she could only dodge as much as possible. Fortunately, this crack is not a straight channel, but is somewhat curved. Relatively speaking, the energy that actually hits Nicole is not much.

"By the way, how did you know that I was in danger? Are you two the only ones here?" Nicole asked. After all, she was a little worried about Ling Feng's strength, and thought she would have her companions outside to support her.

"Yeah, what's wrong with the two of us?" Ling Ling answered first, "They don't want to come over."

"Ling'er, don't talk nonsense." Ling Feng stopped him. Being abandoned by his companion was not good news, so he changed the subject and asked, "Is there anyone else here?"

Nicole shook her head absentmindedly. When in danger, she naturally desperately longs for the help of her companions, although from a practical point of view, there is no need for the Holy Mercenary Group to take such a big risk for her alone. However, when she saw Ling Feng, Nicole hoped that her companion would come with Ling Feng. A companion who has been together through thick and thin can't be compared to a stranger you just met, right

"Don't think so much. Their situation is still quite dangerous." Lingfeng looked at Nicole's disappointed expression and couldn't help but comfort him, and then said, "Let's leave here first."

"Leave here?" Nicole looked at Ling Feng curiously at this time. Could it be that Ling Feng's hands were the only reason he could rush in from the group of flying dragons? What's more, there is a child like Ling Ling.

"Yeah, are you still planning to stay here for the rest of your life?" Ling Feng said a little funny.

"Well, it's quite fun to stay here." Ling Ling tilted her head and said with a cute look, "Look at those big flying dragons, how interesting they are?"

At this time, the flying dragon was facing the crack, attacking waves of water magic. Almost all the rocks on the edge of the crack were turned into powder by the magic element, and a thick layer fell on the ground at the mouth of the crack. Ling Ling laughed at the anxious or angry look of the flying dragon as being funny.

Even Nicole couldn't help but smile when she heard this.

Ling Feng looked at Nicole blankly. This is not to say that Ling Feng loses self-control when he sees a beautiful woman. It can only be regarded as an appreciation of beauty! Ling Feng thought to himself. Suddenly he felt a water arrow coming, and he blocked it in a hurry. With a bang, Ling Feng took a few steps back, shook his body, and then stopped. The left hand that was stretched out to block it felt numb for a while. Ling Ling laughed loudly on the side.

It turned out that just when Ling Feng was stunned, a magic water arrow attack from a bipedal flying dragon came in and hit Ling Feng's head. After Ling Feng stretched out his hand to block it, although most of the power was eliminated, the water still wet his head, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Nicole looked at Ling Feng's appearance, and a blush appeared on her pale face. Being smart, she could naturally see that the initiator of all this was probably her smile.

Ling Feng glared hard at Ling Ling, who was leaning forward and back with laughter, and then shouted loudly: "Bai Jiahei, come in." And Bai Jiahei, who had been harassing the two-legged flying dragon attack outside the crack, Jiahei ran in immediately. Yes, even the flying ones are omitted.

"High-level monster pet?" Nicole couldn't help blurting out as he looked at Bai Jiahei, and then seemed to realize that the one who could appear so calm among the group of seventh-level flying dragons was probably a ninth-level monster among the high-level ones. He couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng strangely. Previously, she really didn't realize Bai Jiahei's true identity.

What's more, at that time, Nicole had teased Bai Jiahei.

"Well, you sit on it, and I'll sit behind you." Lingfeng looked at Nicole, then at Bai Jiahei, and said hesitantly. Bai Jiahei has never carried anyone else. Even Ling Ling was mostly carried by Ling Feng. Therefore, there was suddenly an extra person, and Ling Feng felt a little uncomfortable. You can't hug me from left to right, right? Ling Feng's eyes couldn't help but glance at Nicole's mature and hot figure again, and his heart was beating wildly.

Nicole looked at Bai Jiahei, her eyes lit up, as if she was thinking about something. Then he looked at Ling Feng, and then said: "Now there is a huge benefit, I wonder if you are interested?"

"Is this the purpose of your Holy Mercenary Group this time?" Ling Feng looked at Nicole and asked.

"Yes." Nicole sighed and said, "It's a pity..."

"Okay, let's talk about it." Lingfeng was still curious about the purpose of the Holy Mercenary Group. What interests made them ignore the danger of their lives? "Could it be related to the flying dragon?"

Nicole gave Ling Feng a strange look and said, "Well, that's absolutely right."


Next chapter, around 1 p.m. (Quanben Novel Website