Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 22: of the chapter uploaded by netizens of the Stunning Edge of Another World


Sky big ocean. wWw、QuANbEn-XiAoShUo、Comall moisture. They all suffered." The halberd in Mitchell's hand swept across. The indifferent voice also resounded throughout the sky at the same time. "Burial of Baihua in Frost Sky! "

"Boom! Boom!" Robertste kept running away. That's right. It's running away. And behind him. A thin man was carrying a pair of huge axes. Keep following closely. The giant in his hand kept slashing downwards. Even if it is chopping in the void. There will also be loud noises.

"I told you not to run away!" The thin figure chased after Roberto. One side kept yelling.

"Damn it. Don't run away. You are fucking crazier than me. I won't run away?" He looked at the giant hammer transformed from the Book of Elements in his hand. Then look at the ax in the opponent's hand, which is almost as big as half a door panel. Roberts could only sigh that there is a bright future. There are people outside. There are mountain high mountain.

"Boom!" Suddenly. A thunder sounded in the sky. Then the sky gradually became dark. Black clouds threaten to destroy the city.

"What... what is this? What happened?" He looked at the sky that suddenly changed color. Moreover, there is an extremely terrifying power faintly exuding. The figure that had been chasing after Roberto suddenly stopped. There was a look of astonishment on his face.

at the same time. Roberts also stopped. There was a trace of solemnity on his face: "I didn't expect that Mitchell would actually do all this. Is this Atlanta's unique skill?"

"It seems that I have become serious too. My companion, the battle is almost over!" Roberto suddenly turned around. The sledgehammer in his hand turned into the Book of Yuan again. Look at the figure in front of you quietly. "Send me your name. I don't want to be last. I can't even remember the name of a guy crazier than me!"

"Chaos Legion No. 8. Mellon!" Duiye looked at Robertst quietly. "Lord Herabel will not lose. It's you. Since you heard my name, it means that all this should end!"

"What... what's going on?" Herabel looked at the dark cumulus clouds in the sky. He asked with a shocked look on his face.

"Ha. Controlling the celestial phenomena is one of the basic abilities of Tian's Sorrow. It is also the strongest power possessed by my own bloodline!" Chel gently raised the halberd in his hand. Then he smiled to himself. In fact, my abilities are not mature enough. I know this very well. That's why I don't want to use this ability while holding the Creation Weapon. Because I don’t have the confidence to control it well! But my father was different. He can control the entire universe as he pleases unlike me. Once enabled this ability. It’s easy to get everyone around you involved. "

"Thanks to the sorrow of the sky, it has the same ability. It seems that my worries are just unfounded worries." Mitchell gently spread his left hand. Made an inviting gesture. "Let's. Keep driving. Herabel!"

"Drink!" Herabel also tightly held the giant Western sword wrapped on her arm. His brows were knitted together tightly. Because she saw a big hole slowly opening up in the dark clouds. And from the big hole. A very thick snow pillar fell. As the snow pillar fell, pieces of icy black snow fell in fluttering directions.

"The sea roars!" Herabel once again raised the giant Western sword in his hand. It seems that he wants to push back the snow pillar from the sky.

But... just when the giant Western sword in Herabel's hand was raised and touched the fluttering ice-black snowflakes in the air. A black flower bloomed on the tip of the sword and followed. One after another. Herabel's body touched the ice-colored snowflakes. They all bloomed with black ice flowers.

"What... what... what is it?" Labelle looked at the ice flowers that suddenly bloomed on his body with a look of shock.

"A Hundred Flowers Burial in the Frost Sky. As soon as you touch those falling snowflakes, they will freeze like flowers in full bloom. And when these hundred flowers have finished blooming, your life will come to an end!" Mi When Chel's voice fell. The hundred ice flowers also fully bloomed. Like a huge hanging coffin carved from ice flowers. It fell towards the face with a bang.

"I'm sorry. There's no way you can avenge those two guys!" A huge sound was heard as the hanging coffin of ice flowers fell into the air. Mitchell's cold voice also sounded. Then the whole body disappeared into the original...

"Ahem. How is that possible?" Li Mengyao looked at the scene in front of her in astonishment. She didn't expect that she was behind Qinglian Tianhua Sword. The other party is actually still alive.

"Damn. Damn

, but the beautiful Lord Charlotte became so embarrassed. "Are you serious?" Charlotte could be said to be in an extremely embarrassed state at this time. Half of the tail feathers behind her were blown off by Li Mengyao's move just now. Moreover, her body was already covered in scars. There was not much that could be done. It can be seen that Li Mengyao's cyan color The ferocity of the sword energy.

"Do it again!" Li Mengyao's eyes were shining with crazy light. At this time, her right hand was completely unable to move. The Qinglian Tianhua Sword uses a special method to condense the sword energy to attack. But the sequelae of Qinglian Tianhua Sword are also very serious. It's just too much of a load on the body. Now the muscles in Li Mengyao's right hand have been completely destroyed by the sharp sword energy.

He saw that Charlotte had walked not far away from him. Li Mengyao’s left hand muscles. Also started to move.

"Now, isn't it time to become me? I want to cut your face into pieces!" A hint of ferocity appeared on Charlotte's face. The tops of the tail feathers behind him suddenly turned into sharp needles. Then he stabbed Li Mengyao fiercely.

"Shuang Yong Frozen Thousand Miles! Just when Li Mengyao was about to strike with all his might, a cold voice sounded behind Charlotte. At the same time, Charlotte's tail feathers that were about to extend their attack trembled fiercely. Then they all No more movement.

"Wha...what?" Charlotte turned around. But he saw that the tail feathers behind him had turned into popsicles. The bottom condenses the top. Then slowly it condensed on his body.

"Thousand-year ice prison!" Mir turned the black halberd in his hand gently. Countless icicles appeared in the sky. Then it suddenly hit the middle. Made a huge icicle. Charlotte was completely frozen inside.

"Sister Mitchell!" Li Mengyao looked at Mitchell who suddenly appeared in front of her. A happy smile appeared on his face. Mitchell appears. It means that another strong opponent has been solved. And he also killed Charlotte with one hit. The advantage of one's own side is gradually expanding.

"Sister Mengyao, you go down first and leave the rest of the battle to us!" Mitchell turned around. He showed a warm smile towards Li Mengyao. Then indifference once again filled her beautiful face.

"Hehe. Your Lord Herabel is gone!" Roberts showed a very satisfied smile. "And it seems to come with one. It seems I have to work hard. Otherwise, they will look down on me!"

"Lord Herabel!" Long looked at everything that happened in front of him. Some are in disbelief. But then. Those doubts turned into anger. The two axes in his hands hit each other hard. "In that case, let's start with you. Bury yourself for Lord Herabel!"

"It seems like you are having an affair!" Roberto held the Book of Elements in his hand. A colorful brilliance lit up around him. But at this time, there was a very vulgar look on his face. "Or are you just secretly in love with her?"

Don't wait for Cameron to say anything. Robertson's voice rang again: "I guess. It's probably you who is secretly in love with her. But you haven't dared to say it now. There will never be a chance, right?"

"Go to hell!" It was as if Bozt had stabbed the most painful wound in his heart. Cameron slammed the double ax in his hand. The pairs are spinning like wheels. It hit Robert's body.

"Oh. I'm a magician. What an uncivilized way to fight! You are really barbaric!" At this time, Robert had completely forgotten the image of himself carrying a hammer and smashing around. He waved the Book of Elements in his hand. The colorful brilliance of the body turned into ribbons. Stopped the pair of giant axes.

"Such a good boy. Since you don't want it, we'd better leave it to others to chop wood!" Roberts made a very painful expression. He shook his head sadly. Then the ribbon was swung hard. He threw the giant ax in front of him.

"Oops. You didn't even pick it up. I thought if I threw it out like this, you would be like a dog and rush towards the axe. People who don't cherish their weapons will never reach the peak. Look at my Dharma book. But there are some wrinkles!" Roberts glanced at the direction in which the giant ax disappeared. Shi raised the Book of Elements in his hand. He smiled jokingly at Cameron.

"Congratulations. You successfully angered me!" The flesh on Cameron's face shook slightly. He bared his teeth at Roberts with a soft smile. "However, you seem to have mistakenly admitted one thing. Those axes are not my weapons. They are just one of my toys. My true ability seems to have not been shown to you yet*!" (Quanben Novel Website www.