Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 23: Sami Town


When he arrived at Shami Town, Lingfeng finally understood what he would do if he asked Deli what he would do if he took the wrong direction and did not arrive directly at Shami Town, but passed by Shami Town. WWw,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,CoMAfter all, the area in the north seems a bit wide. Is there any clear path in the Warcraft Forest? But Delhi was very relieved and said that as long as he kept walking north, he could reach the town of Novice.

Because Shami Town has almost become the only exit from the World of Warcraft Forest in this direction. Its location is right at the intersection of two mountain ranges running in a figure-eight shape. As long as you don't want to climb over the tall and continuous mountains, you can only pass here.

It may be that the town has also encountered harassment from Warcraft, so there is a rather majestic tower facing the Warcraft Forest. This was the first time for Ling Feng to see the buildings in this continent. He found that the towers on the city tower had soaring towers and eaves touching the sky. They looked very much like some of the buildings on Earth, such as film and television cities. The lower walls and foundations are basically made of rock, while the upper part of the building is mainly made of wood.

At the gate of the city, there were still several city defenders who looked like soldiers.

It was getting dark now, and there were very few people leaving the city gate, but there were intermittently people entering the city gate. Ling Feng also followed a few people and entered the novice town.

Those few city defenders usually don't check when they see humans coming in and out. After Lingfeng entered Shami Town, he learned that those were members of the Shami Town Guards. They stood at the city gate so that when a monster attacked the town, they could quickly provide an alarm and close the city gate. In addition, some of them go to and from the main streets in the town, helping the mayor manage the order in the town, and their duties are similar to the patrols on earth.

Ling Feng's first impression of this town was obviously very good. The ground is relatively clean, and the houses on both sides of the street are orderly and well-proportioned. Although it is said to be a small town, in Ling Feng's opinion, it is still relatively prosperous, and there is nothing like the small towns and villages on the mainland that Qianqian said are generally small and even a bit chaotic. Of course, it may also be related to the special location of Shami Town.

Although the time seemed to be late, there were still many people coming and going on the streets. Some shops on both sides are still open.

There were many mercenaries wearing strange-shaped armors and holding swords in their hands. They were busy looking for some of their favorite weapons in the shops, preparing for their adventure in the Warcraft Forest. Most of them were men, and they were all dressed in the same way, not much different from those under Li Lin. Women, on the other hand, are more diverse.

Those who are more conservative can wear long sleeves, trousers, or even veils; those who are more powerful and fierce wear armor like men, but mostly tight-fitting soft armor, which seems to have higher requirements on body shape. Most of the women in the Taikoo Continent are tall, fit, and infinitely beautiful. Ling Feng also saw some slightly fat women wearing soft armor. Although they were not beautiful, they were not ugly either. They had a heroic spirit that women on Earth did not have.

Of course, there are many types of armor. Women who are more bold and fashionable have more skin exposed to the air. At least the skin on the knees, shoulders, and arms is exposed, and even the navel is exposed. , the degree of openness is comparable to that of young girls on Earth, attracting the attention of many men.

There are also some magicians holding magic wands, and their costumes seem much simpler. Basically, they all hold a magic wand in their hands and wear magic robes. There is only a big difference in the color of the robes. According to Lorna, there is no difference between the magic robes of low-level magic apprentices, but for magicians of the fourth level and above, the color of the magic robe generally represents the attribute of the magician. For example, the water attribute is blue. The ones with fire attributes are red and so on. Of course, magic robes are generally not all red or all blue, but the attribute colors are more obvious.

Ling Feng walked along and felt the atmosphere of this foreign land very comfortably. It seems that if necessary, traveling around this continent should be a good goal. Ling Feng thought secretly.

Originally, he wanted to find a hotel to stay, take a shower, and order some dishes from this continent to try, because Delhi always complained to him that when the mercenaries were escorting the caravan, it was very difficult due to the environment. It's hard to find good food. Considering Deli's chubby figure, Ling Feng easily believed him. So when he arrived at Shami Town, Lingfeng naturally wanted to taste the authentic hotel food.

However, it is obvious that Ling Feng cannot eat it for the time being. Because he didn't have a penny in his pocket.

According to Deli's account, he knew that on the ancient continent, wherever there was a mercenary union, there was a pawn shop. Even in big cities, there was almost an auction house next to the mercenary union. Therefore, Ling Feng's first task now is to find the mercenary union. Fortunately, the town is not big, and the mercenary union is not nestled in a remote corner. After asking two people, Ling Feng easily saw the two-story shop next to the mercenary union. There was a sign hanging at the door with the word "pawn" written on it.

Ling Feng is very satisfied that the common language of this continent is Chinese. Although he also knows some English, speaking and looking in Chinese at least makes Ling Feng feel more warm in this other world. Sometimes, when listening to some black-eyed people speaking weird Chinese, he would maliciously think that if people from other countries traveled here, optical Chinese might make him depressed to death. It seems that if you learn Chinese well, you can not only travel around the world, but also travel to other worlds.

When Ling Feng walked into the pawn shop, there were several people trading inside. It's nothing more than pawning something, how much time can be redeemed with the corresponding money, etc. Then after getting the money, the store will issue a corresponding pawn ticket. Generally speaking, the mainland's pawn dates are basically set within two months. After it expires, it cannot be redeemed.

However, there are very few such jobs, unless your items are rare or precious. Most of the things are dead pawns. To put it bluntly, they are sold directly to stores. In fact, in the Taikoo Continent, many pawnshops work part-time as acquisition offices. All valuable things can be sold here. By the way, things are sold here too. Of course, ordinary things such as daily necessities are not needed here.

Ling Feng looked at some of the items displayed on the cabinet shelves in the store. There were weapons, armors, jewelry, and some strange things that Ling Feng didn't recognize.

A waiter wearing store clothes immediately came forward and greeted Ling Feng. When he saw something strange and stopped to observe it, the waiter started to explain the function of this thing, its price and so on. Ling Feng sighed, the service here is really good.

In fact, this is a place like Shami Town, where the people coming and going are relatively mixed. In addition, many people choose direct transactions after entering the World of Warcraft Forest. And the pawn shop here, although it is located in a town, has a larger transaction volume than ordinary small cities. The waiters here naturally have a sharper eye. Judging from Ling Feng's demeanor, he was probably someone he couldn't offend, so he certainly didn't dare to neglect him.

Ling Feng didn't really want to buy anything, so he simply explained that he was here to sell things.

The waiter in the shop immediately said with a smile on his face: "If you have something, you can take it out and take a look first. If it's something big and you can't bring it over, we can also send someone over to appraise the value. Everyone in the town knows that we 'Miaoyuan' pawnshop, the prices are absolutely fair and honest."

Ling Feng saw that the waiter in the store spoke clearly and eloquently, as if the store had disappeared after passing through this village. He felt a little funny, but at the same time he admired his eloquence. He took out the magic core from his mouth and said: "I want to sell it. ,This is it."

"Crystal?" The waiter looked at the red beads and shouted first. Because high-quality pure crystals are also relatively precious. On the counter of the pawn shop, there are some beautiful crystals in the jewelry category. The red beads Ling Feng took out were, at least in terms of quality, better than those on the shelves.

"It's the magic core." Ling Feng corrected.

Suddenly, everyone in the store turned their attention to Ling Feng's hand, as if this red bead had infinite attraction. Even the store owner, who was leisurely at the counter, ran out in a flash and came directly in front of Ling Feng. Ling Feng was a little surprised at the speed.

I saw him grabbing the red bead with some trembling, and sending a slight trace of energy into it.

Suddenly, the red beads glowed brightly, and the people around them gradually felt a boiling heat. But no one was willing to take a step back. Everyone looked at the red beads with fiery eyes.

It's obvious that this is definitely a genuine Yike Demonic Core, and it can definitely be of fire attribute. The store owner seemed to be very reluctant to put the magic core back into Ling Feng's hand, then suppressed the excitement in his heart, calmed down, and asked Ling Feng carefully: "Are you sure you want to sell it? "

Ling Feng felt that the store was making a fuss, it was just a magic core, there was no need to act like this. Besides, the shop owner looks to be in his fifties or sixties, so he should be very mature. He is not pretending to be in front of him on purpose, right? But even if he pretends, he should show his disdain for the magic core.

Considering that he needed to use it to exchange for food, accommodation, or even buy some things, Ling Feng nodded seriously despite his doubts.

The store owner then said respectfully to Ling Feng: "Please come upstairs."\(Quanben Novel Network