Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 57: trading area


With a mercenary uniform, a simple package, and a two-handed sword, Ling Feng felt that he already had the equipment of a real mercenary. WWw. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. Com saw that many people on the street were heading towards a square, so he followed the flow of people and walked there.

This is a relatively large trading area.

The mercenaries will dispose of the proceeds other than tasks here as soon as possible, such as the corpses of some monsters, and convert them into gold coins. Many merchants will also set up stalls here to purchase the mercenaries' goods at low prices.

What Ling Feng saw was a busy scene. Most of the goods sold by the mercenaries are related to Warcraft, such as Warcraft skins, Warcraft meat, etc. There are quite a lot of types. However, relatively speaking, the level of Warcraft is relatively low, and the price is not very high.

If the goods are really good, this place is not far from the mercenary union, and the mercenaries will not be stupid enough to bring good goods here to trade, because there are usually many pawn shops in the area around the mercenary union. They only accept relatively high-end items. As long as the item is good, the price is generally higher. It is similar to the meat of middle and low-level Warcraft, but it is not collected.

If it is special goods whose value cannot be determined, mercenaries can also spend a small amount of money to ask professionals in the mercenary union to appraise the value of the goods.

In short, the mercenaries on the Taikoo Continent are also very smart, and basically there is not much profit for the merchants.

Of course, merchants will definitely make money after processing the goods and then selling them.

For mercenaries, bulky cargo is not suitable to be carried around. Only by converting it into gold coins as soon as possible can they take on the next mission. For merchants, they generally don't keep prices too low, and there isn't just one merchant here. It’s just mutual benefit for both parties.

Ling Feng also saw that there was a small area in the corner of the trading area, which was a place for bartering.

In addition, there are also some mercenaries who sell Warcraft meat and the like directly to civilians. Because the price of buying Warcraft meat here is much cheaper than in the regular market. There are many kinds of monster meat, which is not only edible, but tastes more delicious than ordinary livestock meat, and it also has nourishing functions. Therefore, slightly richer civilians will also purchase some Warcraft meat appropriately. Some restaurant buyers will also come here to purchase goods.

The entire trading area was very lively with people coming and going.

Most of the people who move goods are poor people who sell their physical strength. They are hired by merchants, and the income may be based on the amount of goods moved. Ling Feng was not very clear about this. However, those who sell their labor power often do not receive high returns. This is an eternal law.

Just when Ling Feng wanted to go out, there was a poor man pushing a trolley. Because there were more goods on the trolley and he was pushing it in a hurry, he bumped into Ling Feng. The middle-aged poor man immediately stopped the cart and was busy apologizing to Ling Feng.

In the city, the status of the poor is very low, and they cannot afford to offend almost everyone. Ling Feng now looks like a mercenary. The mercenary uniform he is wearing is a little dirty on his left leg due to the bump. It would be very normal if Ling Feng asked him to compensate. In most cases, when the poor quarrel with others, the poor always suffer.

Some mercenaries with better quality will generally not care about the poor if the other party's attitude is better. After all, mercenaries also have families, and most of them are from the bottom of society.

Therefore, the middle-aged man who bumped into Ling Feng apologized very promptly and sincerely. He bowed and said sorry to Ling Feng. You know, even if a poor man works hard for several days, the reward he earns cannot buy a mercenary uniform.

Ling Feng nonchalantly patted the dirty area on his left leg and said to him, "It's okay. Just be careful in the future."

Ling Feng did not feel superior to the poor. On the contrary, he felt that it was something that a man should be very proud of, relying on his own physical strength to eat and even feed his family.

The middle-aged man didn't look strong, and his face wasn't very attractive either. He clearly showed signs of a hard life. After hearing Ling Feng's words, he pushed the car away with gratitude.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. Everyone has his own life. Just like what happened just now, if it happened to another young master, and then the young master was very domineering and insisted on compensation from the poor, and also offered a very high price, then Ling Feng couldn't stand it anymore, suddenly intervened, beat the young master and left , rescue the poor. Then this scene was seen by a beautiful woman who happened to pass by, and the beautiful woman fell in love with Ling Feng... This may be the side of everyone who wants to be a hero. The premise is that you have the strength to be a hero.

However, what happened just now happened to Ling Feng himself, which deprived Ling Feng of an opportunity to perform wonderfully.

After walking a few steps, an old man with a somewhat graceful appearance came up to Ling Feng and said, "This little brother, can you please delay for a moment? Ouyang Ming, I wonder if I am lucky enough to get to know you?"

"Oh, why?" Ling Feng looked at this old man who suddenly appeared and wanted to know him, looking at him curiously. His body is not tall, about half a head shorter than Ling Feng. He should be in his late teens, but he looks relatively strong. His face was covered with vicissitudes of life, but his eyes were shining. Lingfeng could even feel the energy fluctuations in the opponent's body. He should be at the same level as Gulit, but he concealed it better, so he didn't give people the impression of a master.

"What the little brother did just now, the old man saw everything. For young people nowadays, it is really rare. The old man admires the little brother very much, so he stepped forward to get to know him." Ouyang Ming explained.

Of course, this is only on the surface. Ouyang Ming did notice Ling Feng because of what he did, but it was just attention. However, just when Ouyang Ming wanted to see how powerful the young mercenary Ling Feng was, he couldn't see through Ling Feng. This really surprised Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming is not from the city of Yamuda. He came here this time because the rare treasure exchange conference held every year in Yamuda is about to begin. He usually goes to Yamuda at this time of year.

And Ouyang Ming himself has the strength of mid-eighth level, and he is relatively well-known in a small country like Yanlong Principality. He can't see through a person's cultivation, there are only two possibilities. One is that Ling Feng's strength is equal to or higher than him. But looking at Ling Feng's age, Ouyang Ming automatically ruled out this possibility. Another possibility is that Ling Feng is most likely the son of a large family, and the skills he practices include ways to hide his strength.

Looking at Ling Feng's performance just now, I have to say that he was quite magnanimous. Although it is said that playboys are prone to emerge from big families, it is undeniable that outstanding young talents are also prone to emerge from big families.

That's why Ouyang Ming stepped forward and prepared to get acquainted. After all, in the Taikoo Continent, the more connections there are, the more protection there will be. What's more, if Ling Feng is really the son of a big family, Ouyang Ming will make a lot of money if he can gain some connections. Even if Ling Feng is not the son of any family, Ouyang Ming has nothing to lose.

As for his own vision of people, Ouyang Ming has always been relatively confident. He felt that Ling Feng would never be as simple as a mercenary.

Ling Feng looked at Ouyang Ming's very shrewd appearance, and naturally he didn't believe the reasons he said. However, considering that I have nothing to do now, it should be pretty good to get to know one more person, who is also an eighth-level warrior.

The only thing that makes Ling Feng feel a little regretful is that he has been walking around half of Yamuda City, but he hasn't seen a single beautiful woman. Instead, he was bumped into someone and his clothes were stained, but he was actually beaten by a The old man struck up a conversation, thinking about it, there is a big gap between my expectations! (Quanben Novel Website