Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 64: Magician Ravelli


If there was anything about Ling Feng that could attract the attention of the magician in front of him, it would be the World of Warcraft eggs. WWw. QuANbEn-XiAoShUo. comTwo magic beast eggs from the ninth-level Ling Feng, which he himself didn’t know the name of, and three magic beast eggs from the dark lightning marten at the peak of the eighth level. Lingfeng knew very well how precious these five Warcraft eggs were. If he were to go to the Warcraft Forest alone without the help of the holy beast Red Blood Ape, it would be very difficult to find even one first-level Warcraft egg. As for the seventh level, with Ling Feng's strength, you can still give it a try.

In addition, Ling Feng also has a seventh-level magic core, which he got when he was with Slan and the others.

As for the gold coins in his mercenary card, it doesn't seem so important at this time.

After Kenyon saw Ling Feng's smile, he knew that there should be no problem in getting to know the old magician. Ouyang Ming also had a happy expression, but in his heart, he was looking forward to something that Ling Feng could come up with. You know, none of the items requested by the old magician are simple.

Ling Feng was not polite and took down the package he was carrying behind him. All his belongings, except for a cheap big sword, were in this package. Originally, a mercenary like Ling Feng would always keep his sword with him when he went out. However, because he was attending a rare treasure trading conference in the afternoon, Ling Feng left his sword in the hotel room. But this package was not left behind. Ling Feng didn't dare to put the package in the room casually. If it is lost, there will be no place to cry.

Looking at Kenyon and others, most of them also carry packages, including Ouyang Ming. Bogut even carries a large sword on his back. Of course, because we were in the city, the package was not big and contained basically some valuable things, so there was no need to bring clothes or the like.

For example, Jiang Xue did not bring a package, but only wore something like a small purse around her waist. The other young men had nothing of value except mercenary cards, so they just carried their big swords and followed. After all, mercenary uniforms also have pockets, and you can also put a small amount of gold coins in them, but they are just smaller.

If you are walking outside the city, the package you are carrying behind you will be relatively larger.

Hidden in Ouyang Ming's package were some of his collections. The quantity was small, and the quality was naturally incomparable with the items at the old magician's stall, but it was comparable to some of the better items from other stalls. , the most precious thing is the small piece of right ascension stone that he is reluctant to use up. This time Ouyang Ming brought it, he was afraid that like last year, he would see something he liked, such as a high-level monster egg, but he would not be able to get it. If he meets it this year, he can add some other things and try to see if he can change it.

Metals with enchanting properties are naturally inferior to high-level monster eggs.

There are only two high-level monster pets in the Ouyang family, both of which are seventh level. One of them belongs to Ouyang Ming's brother Ouyang Qing, and the other belongs to the younger generation Ouyang Xiadan. Ouyang Ming wants a high-level Warcraft pet and has been longing for it for many years.

However, Ouyang Ming knew that for the Ouyang family, having two seventh-level monster pets was already a big deal. In the families in the principality, there are basically few monster pets, because obtaining high-level monster eggs requires a certain amount of luck. Unless your family background is very deep, the elders in the clan will have one or several high-level monster eggs reserved. And it is impossible for such a family to exist in the principality.

That's why Ouyang Ming was so upset that he missed the high-level Warcraft egg last year. Because high-level Warcraft eggs appeared at the trading conference, it only shows that what the owner wants to exchange for is also very precious.

Ouyang Ming didn't have anything to complain about. Even if he were asked to trade now, he didn't have enough confidence to say that he would be able to exchange it. After all, the contents of his package were incomparable to other people's monster eggs in every aspect.

This year, he brought all his belongings with him, just to prevent him from encountering something that moved his heart. He would also have a chance to give it a try, so that he would not end up like last year, where he could only watch from the outside.

Unfortunately, Ouyang Ming suffered a huge blow on the first day of the trading conference. He was too embarrassed to even take out his collection. Because he knew that even if he took out his most precious right prayer stone, it would be nothing in front of the old magician's stall. Didn’t you see that people are still preparing to trade large pieces of gold fields

Ling Feng reached out and dug through the package for a while. Seeing Ling Feng's move, not to mention the few people who were traveling with him, even the old magician who owned the stall inadvertently cast his eyes on Ling Feng's hand.

Because high-level magical beast eggs rarely have any magical fluctuations, you don't have to worry about others finding out if you carry them with you. As for the seventh-level magic core, Ling Feng now knows how to preserve the magic core. As long as it is wrapped in the skin of an intermediate magic beast, the saint will not be able to detect the existence of the magic core. This was common sense that Gulit told Ling Feng when he was with Silan and the others.

When Ling Feng met Xiaoxiao the day before yesterday, he didn't sense the aura of the magic core he gave Xiaoxiao, so it must have been processed.

When they saw Ling Feng take out something like a gray stone, everyone had different reactions.

Most of the young people like Bogut were wide-eyed and full of curiosity. Mo Xiaoxiao asked curiously: "Brother, what kind of stone is this?"

Kenyon and Ouyang Ming also frowned. It was not that they doubted the value of this thing, but they were guessing what it was, and whether it was one of the many things to be exchanged listed by the old magician

But soon, their ideas were confirmed. Among all the people, only the old magician looked at the gray stone-like thing in Ling Feng's hand. He changed his previous aloof expression and his face was full of excitement.

Ling Feng placed the monster egg in his hand on the stall, motioned to the old magician to check the authenticity, and then said: "Ling Feng, what do you call the old gentleman?"

The old magician first picked up the monster egg, looked at it again and again, and muttered: "It is indeed... it is indeed..." Then he seemed to realize that he had not answered Ling Feng's question, smiled a little, and said : "Just call me Ravili." He said while still looking at the monster egg in his hand.

"Well, Mr. Ravelli, I think we need to talk about the contents of the transaction." Ling Feng said calmly.

Looking at Ravelli's excited expression, Lingfeng knew that he must have understood that this was a high-level monster egg, and even knew that it was a dark lightning ferret. After all, Ravelli's exchange list included three dark lightning ferret tails. Mao, no one would believe him if he said he didn't know anything about Dark Lightning Ferret.

Therefore, Lingfeng was not worried at all that this monster egg would not be able to attract the magician Ravili.

The eighth-level monster egg is equivalent to the strength of the ninth-level star level. It is full of temptation wherever it is placed. It is estimated that the holy beast Red Blood Ape does not take it seriously.

"Oh, that's that." Ravili said with a smile. Ling Feng wanted to trade. This was the voice he most wanted to hear now: "I don't know, little brother, oh, my name is Ling Feng, right? I like it." Where is that thing here?" (Quanben Novel Website