Worldly Stunning Blade

Chapter 74: Canopy City


Walking all the way to the junction of Yanlong Principality and Tianxiang Principality, Ling Feng didn't encounter anything special. Www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!CoMIn addition to occasionally spending a few nights in the village, Ling Feng also often lit a bonfire in the wild and spent the night there. After all, you don’t get to meet a village every evening. Fortunately, the weather is gradually getting warmer now, which is equivalent to the spring and summer seasons on earth. The area around the World of Warcraft Forest should be a relatively central location in the Ancient Continent, and the seasons are quite different throughout the year. distinct. Unlike the Far North, where snow falls all year round; nor like the Principality of Poznan at the southern tip of the continent, where the weather is relatively hot almost all year round.

We also passed several cities on the way, but the urban areas were not big and basically similar to Yamuda, so Ling Feng didn't make too many stops.

Most of the pedestrians I met occasionally were mercenaries or businessmen, and there were very few civilians walking around. When he saw a relatively large mercenary team for the first time, at least three to four hundred people, Ling Feng remembered that Li Lin and his mercenary group were just like the people in front of him, escorting some caravans back and forth. Between the principalities, I don’t know what is happening to that girl Qianqian now.

Lingfeng helped her find the high-level monster eggs, but she was only at the fourth level. Even if she got the monster eggs given to her by Lingfeng, she would not be able to hatch them for the time being, so Lingfeng was not so eager. Going to find her.

Most of the principalities on the Taikoo Continent basically do not have a stable environment, but within the Yanlong Principality, especially in areas other than the northeast, the security is pretty good. In addition to bordering the Tianxiang Principality, this place is also connected to the World of Warcraft Forest, so Ling Feng has no chance to meet organizations such as thieves.

Tianmu City is the city closest to Tianxiang Principality in Yanlong Principality. It has a population of about 200,000 and is a mid-level city.

In the ancient continent, the strength of the empires and kingdoms mainly depends on the number of cities in the country, especially the number of large cities. In the comparison of principalities, the comparison is based on the number of intermediate cities in a country. As for some places that are not suitable for city formation, almost no forces will fight for them.

A city like Yamuda with a population of tens of thousands is considered the smallest city; while a city like Tianmu City with a population of hundreds of thousands is considered a mid-level city.

Because the population of a big city needs to exceed one million, within a principality, unless your country is very stable and the city's geographical location is relatively special, it is possible to form a big city. For example, Ziyun City, the capital of Tianxiang Principality, is a big city and the only big city in Tianxiang Principality. The largest city in the Yanlong Principality is Yanlong City, with a population of only close to one million. Because it is the capital, the residents of Yanlong City consider themselves a big city.

When Ling Feng entered Tianmu City, it was his first time entering a mid-level city, and his interest was relatively high. The hardships on the road were almost negligible to Ling Feng. Of course, Ling Feng's initial impression of a mid-level city was still very shocking. This is not just a numerical advantage, the most essential change is the city wall.

The size of a city's city wall is like the size of the land enclosure movement. The size of the enclosure is suitable for the number of people living there. Of course, the premise is that the geographical location here has the environment to form a city and can withstand the test of years of local settlement. Otherwise, in the Warcraft Forest, if you circle a city the size of a principality, no one will take care of you, and of course, no one will live in it.

The walls of Tianmu City are more than ten or twenty meters high, and the thickness in some places is only six or seven meters, but in some places, there are several walls. Just like the gate in the east of the city where Ling Feng entered, he entered the streets of the city and passed through three city walls. It can be seen that the defense of a mid-level city is not comparable to that of a small city.

In the city, after Lingfeng walked around for a day, he also found that the streets here had many intersections. Although the city's planning was relatively neat, it was not as clear-cut as Yamuda because of its relatively large scale. If you don't ask for directions while walking, you may get lost.

Lingfeng found a place to stay at the Choco Hotel, which was in a more conspicuous location. It was adjacent to Tianmu Street, the largest traffic thoroughfare in Tianmu City, and not far from the Choco Hotel was the Mercenary Union.

Along the way, Lingfeng not only tried out the Warcraft mount of the Transportation Department, but also went to the Mercenary Guild to take on several missions. The speed of Warcraft mounts is slower than that of cars on Earth, and it is easier to control, but the Warcraft is less courageous. , maybe because they are of relatively low rank and have been domesticated, but they are unwilling to leave the official road no matter what, and can only run on the official road normally.

In addition, when Lingfeng went to the Mercenary Guild to pick up the mission, he learned that Silan and others had already submitted the mission for him to find the Dark Lightning Marten in Shami Town. Because of the special nature of his mission, the points on Lingfeng's mercenary certificate have increased a lot, and he has been upgraded to an F-level mercenary.

Of course, the tasks that F-level mercenaries can accept are actually not much different from those of G-level. They are still the kind of small tasks that make people feel painless. Ling Feng actually did a few things, such as bringing some daily necessities from this city to a designated person's home in another city. After all, it's just a road trip.

When they arrived at Tianmu City, Ling Feng's mercenary level was still F level. But Ling Feng felt good about himself and felt that among the F-level mercenaries, he was relatively outstanding.

The mercenary union in Tianmu City is very large, and the main entrance gives people a majestic and heavy feeling. There are also some lifelike reliefs of World of Warcraft carved on the walls on both sides of the door. The entire mercenary union is composed of several buildings next to each other. The middle one has four floors, which is considered a relatively tall building in the Taikoo Continent. The lower floor is naturally the service hall of the mercenary union.

After Ling Feng entered, he felt that this place was more like a square with a roof, not to mention a wider area and a larger flow of people. In addition, Ling Feng also found that a single mercenary like him was actually very rare. The most common ones were young mercenaries in groups of three to five, and there were also many neatly dressed people from the mercenary group. Not all of them came. The mercenary union only has a few people here to hand over tasks.

Careful Ling Feng discovered that the members of these mercenary groups could always find a special pattern on their arms or chests. That should be the sign of a large mercenary group. Each different large-scale mercenary group naturally has different logos. Most adventure teams composed of a few or more than a dozen people will not have a team logo.

If you want your mercenary group to register a logo with the mercenary union, you need a certain level of strength. At least, Ling Feng didn't see similar signs in Li Lin's mercenary group.

Of course, out of curiosity, Ling Feng would not join a large mercenary group. He couldn't stand the formal constraints. If it was a small group of several people, Ling Feng would not object.


I saw recommendation votes flying all over the place, and my collection skyrocketed... Well, when I was dreaming last night... (Quanben Novel Network