Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 2192: See you!


The closed loop of time is like a coin.

When it rotates slowly, it shows those things that happened on the main timeline—

The return of Gu Qingshan, the prying of demons, the frequent occurrence of doomsday, the reunion of the apostles, and the fusion of the three realms.

On the other side of the closed loop, it shows the history that has been fixed for a long time—

That is another timeline generated by Gu Qingshan jumping from the main timeline through the God of War sequence:

Surviving from the death pit, fighting demons, returning to the Federation, Baihuazong apprenticeship, etc., everything is happening step by step.

No one can change this history.

— except himself.

Free Commonwealth.


A casino.

The elevator glides silently, descending towards the underground floors deep in the building.

Gu Qingshan stood in the middle, and Feiying stood beside the elevator door, staring blankly at the densely packed floor buttons.

"Speaking of...why do you doubt Dugu Feng?" Fei Ying asked.

"Shannu, tell her." Gu Qingshan smiled.

Shan Nu lowered the peaked cap on her head a little, and said with a calm expression: "Young Master, you just need to know the reason. I am only responsible for killing people, and never think about these issues."

Fei Ying moved her eyes and looked at Gu Qingshan again.

Gu Qingshan was a little helpless, and said casually: "There are too many doubts, including Dugu Qiong being hidden—we don't have much time, so I'll just talk about one of the most basic points."

"En." Feiying nodded.

"His attitude towards the era behind him is wrong." Gu Qingshan said.

"Huh?" Fei Ying didn't understand.

"Apostles from other eras all said that their own era is the strongest...but he didn't say that." Gu Qingshan said.

"What did he say?" Fei Ying asked.

"'...Among the four epochs, our Water Era may not be the most powerful, but we must be the wisest, because we value knowledge and wisdom the most, so we know that the end of fighting against the apocalypse...only destruction'." Gu Qingshan recalled and said.

"You mean that he is not proud of the era behind him like other apostles? But it is completely untenable to doubt him based on this alone!" Fei Ying said.

Gu Qingshan shook his head, stretched out a finger and said: "This reason is really untenable, but there is one more point—"


"He said that there is only destruction against the doomsday. This sentence is completely wrong."

"...Because it's not the doomsday that you're fighting against, but the demons?"


"This is not much evidence, how can you doubt him based on this?"

"Fei Yue, you should know that what a person thinks in his heart does not depend largely on what he said, in fact, what is more important is the emotion contained in his subtle tone, which carries his true position. "

"But you have no evidence." Fei Ying said.

"Yes." Gu Qingshan said.

"What's that?" Scarlet Shadow asked.

"The same sentence, he said: 'Among the four eras, our water era may not be the most powerful, but we must be the wisest,'" Gu Qingshan said.

"You still think there is a problem with this sentence?" Fei Ying frowned.

Gu Qingshan looked at her, and said slowly: "The old goblin got a note from the Age of Water, the first sentence on it is: 'As we all know, although the Age of Water is destroyed, whether it is the past or the future, it will Both are the strongest era'."

Crimson Shadow's complexion suddenly changed.

The note says that Age of Water is the strongest.

Dugufeng said that the era of water may not be the strongest.


Gu Qingshan looked calm, and said: "Maybe some people are greatly stimulated after defeat, and may feel frustrated, so they deny their own era-but the apostle is not such an ordinary person, and the note is for the old goblin, so it is clearly After the destruction of the era, it shows that his attitude is self-contradictory."

"Is there anything else?" Fei Ying asked tremblingly.

"Of course, after I met him, I mentioned the note twice. The first time he admitted that he had left the note. The second time he changed the subject and said that he should not save him for the time being, and he never told me directly. There is another contradiction in the three things on the note." Gu Qingshan said.

"What contradiction?" Fei Ying asked.

"The note said—'If I fail, please save me in the future—if everything is not destroyed'."

Gu Qingshan's eyes became cold, and he said slowly: "That is to say—he denied the wishes on the note."

Fei Ying's face turned pale, and she felt a certain kind of fear deeply.

— This Dugu Peak hides so deeply that it even fought with Gu Qingshan.

If it wasn't for Gu Qingshan... who else would have discovered that he was actually from the side of the demon

as a result of…

it goes without saying…


The elevator stopped.

Fei Ying came back to her senses abruptly, only feeling a layer of cold sweat forming on her back.

"Mountain girl." Gu Qingshan whispered from the side.

Shan Nu made a trick casually.

The figures of the three of them disappeared in the void immediately.

They walked along the underground lake, came to the high platform, and saw Gu Qingshan and Zhang Yinghao on this timeline.

"Is this the moment in history when you met Dugu Qiong?" Fei Ying asked.

"Exactly." Gu Qingshan said.

He looked at several adjacent high platforms, and soon found Dugu Qiong.

At this time, Gu Qingshan on the current timeline drew out his long bow and shot the head of the beast in the underground lake with an arrow.

"Young master is really powerful."

Shannu held the invisibility formula in her hands, and whispered in Gu Qingshan's ear.

Crimson narrowed her eyes.

This sword - obviously so cold-tempered, with an inhuman appearance, but he likes to flatter Gu Qingshan so much, it makes people feel so uncomfortable.

"Let's wait here for a while." Gu Qingshan said.

The two women nodded together.

time flies.


What happened to the underground lake ends.

Dugu Qiong was invited away.

Immediately afterwards, the Goddess of Justice blew up the high-rise building, and the casino owner was taken away.

Gu Qingshan and Zhang Yinghao went to fetch the corpse of the cosmic monster and found the clue of the man-eating ghost.

The two hurried out of the casino and left in two ways.

"Okay, at this time Dugu Qiong has left, let's go find her." Gu Qingshan said.

"This way." Fei Ying looked at the silk thread in her hand and said.

The three quickly flew up, passed through a large city block, and entered a luxurious hotel.

With little effort, they found Dugu Qiong's room.

Shannu and Feiying glanced at each other.

After all, Dugu Qiong has never seen the two of them before, if she rushed in with Gu Qingshan, she might be suspicious.

Fei Ying temporarily disappeared in the void.

The mountain girl turned into a long sword and was tied around the waist by Gu Qingshan.

Tuk tuk tuk!

Gu Qingshan knocked on the door.


"I, Gu Qingshan, we met just now."

"It is you."

The door opens.

Dugu Qiong welcomed Gu Qingshan in.

"It really made me gain knowledge just now," she said.

"Are you talking about taking care of that monster, or dealing with the casino owner?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"All - I thought the Federation was a waste like Jiufu, who would have met someone like you." Dugu Qiong poured him a glass of wine.

The two sat down on the sofa.

"So... why are you looking for me now?" Dugu Qiong asked.

Gu Qingshan said: "You are from the Weapons Group, I just got a new sword, and I want to ask you to help me palm my eyes."

Dugu Qiong's eyes lit up, and said: "Of course!"

Gu Qingshan took down the Six Realms Divine Mountain Sword and placed it on the table.

This sword is the spirit of Mount Buzhou, it was conceived in Huangquan for countless years before it was born, as soon as it was taken out, it immediately attracted Dugu Qiong's eyes.

"I've never seen... such a sword!"

Dugu Qiong took a deep breath, and couldn't help but gently stroked the spine of the long sword with her hand.


The long sword trembled imperceptibly.

- Judgment!

In the blink of an eye, dense and mysterious runes surged from behind Dugu Qiong.

Under the blow of the divine sword, the runes were shattered one after another.

However, a few pieces of dark-black runes spun rapidly, and then slammed towards Dugu Qiong.

"It's a beautiful idea."

Gu Qingshan's mind moved, and the Defining Sword suddenly appeared behind Dugu Qiong. A small blank phase world opened on the long sword, and the runes were instantly taken in.

Everything is back to normal.

Dugu Qiong froze on the spot, not moving for a while.

Gu Qingshan stared at her, and said softly: "You have seen it just now, how about this sword?"

Dugu Qiong raised her head slowly, but her expression was completely different from before.

An inexplicable aura gradually floated around her, as if that indescribable colossus was slowly waking up from the dusty history.

"Have you met that person?" She said solemnly.

"I see." Gu Qingshan admitted.

"He's already arranged everything, and everything he says must be true, isn't it?" she asked again.

"Yes, the same is true for the boundary stone - I checked secretly, and this stone indeed only appeared twice." Gu Qingshan tentatively said.

"Yes, I used it once, and you used it the other time." Dugu Qiong said.

"Then Dugu Peak why—"

"There are two apostles of the Water Era, one is him, the other is me, and I am his daughter."

"I see."

"How did you find me?"


"The note—is it still there?"

Gu Qingshan took out the note and placed it in front of her.

Dugu Qiong glanced at the note and slowly fell silent.

Gu Qingshan said softly: "You are already free, if you want to stay here, you can do whatever you want, but if you want to fight with me..."

Dugu Qiong suddenly said: "I have been by your side, fighting with you."

"Chaoyin?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Yes." Dugu Qiong said.

"Why can't you speak?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Our Water Era specializes in secrets and knowledge. The secrets we explored are beyond the reach of other eras—this secret is too amazing. I have to pretend to be deaf and dumb to escape my life, otherwise the If the secret is revealed in advance, all living beings will have no hope." Dugu Qiong said.

"So—can we talk now?" Gu Qingshan asked again.

"Okay." Dugu Qiong said.

"What's the secret?"

"… it is this."

Dugu Qiong stretched out her hand and flicked lightly in the void.

The surrounding light and shadow condensed, appearing as a picture of the past era.


In the void, there is nothing.

Suddenly, a bloody door appeared at the top of the void.

The door burst open.

Huge corpses like mountains fell into the void.

These corpses were wrapped in a breath of destruction, and almost never-ending screams erupted in the void.