Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 2193: Secrets and decisive battles!


Gu Qingshan stared closely at the screen.

I saw earth-shattering screams from huge corpses in the dark void.

The destructive aura lingering around them continuously infiltrated into their bodies, destroying everything about them.

"No… "

A huge corpse let out a desperate roar.

The next moment.

Its body exploded into powder, falling towards the door under the void.

As soon as the fluttering powder fell on the door, it immediately condensed into a phantom.

Xu Ying struggled to crawl out of the door, roaring:

"I can not be reconciled-"

Before the words were finished, the door opened instantly, swallowing the phantom like a giant mouth.

All the images flashed and disappeared from Gu Qingshan's eyes instantly.

Opposite him, only Dugu Qiong was left.

"Do you understand?" Dugu Qiong asked.

"—Those auras of destruction are doomsday?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Yes, this is the truth that our Water Era tried our best to find out, and it has been guarded by me for a long time until now." Dugu Qiong said.

Gu Qingshan thought deeply: "Doomsday... kill the huge corpse..."

"Yes, doomsday is a weapon. Those huge corpses tried their best to get rid of the obliteration of chaos, but they couldn't do anything until... they began to imitate sentient beings." Dugu Qiong said.

"Simulation of sentient beings?"

"That is to create infinite parallel worlds."

"I see."

Gu Qingshan said.

Doom is a weapon...

The six paths of reincarnation come from the prehistoric and the chaos, and the chaos is where the mysteries of the end of the world gather—

No wonder the Six Paths of Samsara is known as the ultimate weapon of all living beings!

From this point of view, in the chaos, those ruins and tombs continuously released the apocalyptic breath of destruction.

In fact, they are trying to survive!

Only by expelling all the endless destructive breath out of the body can they survive!

Gu Qingshan suddenly became enlightened.

He suddenly had a thought and asked: "Since the doomsday is a weapon, then the people who use it are sentient beings?"

Dugu Qiong said: "That's exactly the case. After our research, this is a battle between living beings and demons in all worlds. In the infinite time, in the unknown space, this battle lasted for countless years until They fight to the holy world... "

"What kind of world is the holy world?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"I don't know, I only know that the sea of blood is the destination of heroic spirits. The road leading to the holy world is still at the end of the sea of blood, and it goes straight up, but it is sealed. We tried our best to enter the holy world. " Dugu Qiong shook her head and said.

Gu Qingshan pondered for a moment, reached out and took out the blood-colored card book, and opened it.

I saw one after another heroic spirit cards flying out of the card book, suspended in mid-air.

"Fei Yue... help me." He said softly.

Fei Ying appeared from the void, holding Gu Qingshan's hand with both hands.

"Looking for what?" she asked.

"The heroic card most closely related to Dugu Qiong." Gu Qingshan said.

Crimson Shadow nodded.

A black silk thread emerged quietly, wrapped around their arms to their wrists, then flew out and threw it into the blood-colored card book.

The black thread was suspended in front of the card, trembling endlessly, as if waiting for something.

"What is this for?" Dugu Qiong wondered.

"Let's talk later." Gu Qingshan said.

Silence returned to the room, and several people stared at the black silk thread together.

time flies.

a certain moment.

I saw the black silk thread suddenly protruding forward, wrapped around a card that just flew out.

Gu Qingshan reached out to copy the card, took a look at it himself, and then showed it in front of Dugu Qiong.

I saw a woman painted on that card, the same appearance as Dugu Qiong.

Dugu Qiong was stunned.

Gu Qingshan's eyes became sharp, and he shook the card lightly.

The card suddenly turned into a mist.

Another Dugu Qiong appeared.

Standing beside Gu Qingshan, she said with a dull expression: "This seat can start fighting at any time."

Dugu Qiong covered her mouth.

A chill came from behind her, making her body almost tremble.

Gu Qingshan squinted his eyes, and said slowly: "Those beings who fight with evil spirits—in fact, you also exist."

Dugu Qiong said with a pale face: "But—she—then what am I—"

Gu Qingshan shook his head.

Even the apostles of the Water Era don't know, how can I know what's going on here

"Did you know where the lower end of the blood sea world leads?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"The holy world leads to the void, and there is a door under the void. I don't know what is in that door, but it is obvious that those huge corpses are not willing to enter that door. It seems that as long as they enter that door , it means that the battle between them and sentient beings ended in failure." Dugu Qiong said.

Gu Qingshan nodded slightly.

It was consistent with what he had seen.

He thought for a moment, then slowly said: "Those huge corpses did not fail, they came up with a way to break the doomsday, and that is to create all living beings and the world."

Several people looked at the heroic spirit together, and then at Dugu Qiong.

"You mean—we were all created by demons? To imitate those real beings?" Dugu Qiong asked.

After saying this, the whole room fell into a moment of silence.

The always calm mountain girl began to feel uneasy.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Gu Qingshan shook his head.

He sighed, and said: "It's really a brilliant idea to use infinite sentient beings to resist and consume the power of doomsday. Now those giant corpses are almost out of trouble—they broke free from their bodies and turned into demons. Everything is directed towards them." Favorable developments...”

"Dugufeng understood everything a long time ago. After all, the Era of Earth is so powerful that it has not been able to defeat Doomsday, and Doomsday has been controlled by giant corpses. It seems that there is no chance for everything, so he chose to take refuge in giant corpses—that is, demons. .”

Dugu Qiong bit her lip and didn't speak.

Gu Qingshan looked at her and said softly: "In order to deceive me, Dugufeng has been lurking beside me for a long time, fighting side by side with me all the time, and even almost everything he said to me is true—such as the Two Boundary Stones. "

"What happened to the Two Boundary Stones?" Dugu Qiong asked.

"This stone has been used twice. The first time it divided you into Duguqiong and Chaoyinjian, and the second time it divided me into sentient beings and doomsday..." Gu Qingshan said.

He paused and said the answer:

"Actually, Dugu Feng himself has never used this stone, and the huge corpse that has been trapped on the bronze pillar is the real master of demons, and he has taken refuge in it."

"Yes, Dugu Peak will never appear easily, unless...the whole decisive battle has come to an end." After Dugu Qiong finished speaking, she suddenly showed pain and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Qingshan asked immediately.

"I have revealed this secret, and the demons will find out soon...I'm afraid I..." Dugu Qiong's body gradually became illusory.

Gu Qingshan looked at her, and slowly raised the sword in his hand.

the other side.

on the peak.

Gu Qingshan stood among the four apostles, continuously releasing runes full of destructive aura from his hands.

Qin Xiaolou, Xie Shuangyan, Luo Bingli, and Dugufeng stood around him.

Whenever a destructive power rises from Gu Qingshan, it must be blessed by the four apostles.

Devastating damage.

Insightful and targeted designated doom.

law of cause and effect.

time and space.

Under the blessing of the four holy powers, many sequences rose into the sky and circled the mountain endlessly.

The entire mountain seemed to have turned into chaos.

Qin Xiaolou laughed loudly and said, "The strongest Four Saints Era, plus all the power of Chaos are here, we will definitely win."

"Actually, our strength can be even stronger." Luo Bingli said.

"What do you mean?" Xie Shuangyan asked.

"She must be talking about the reincarnation of the six realms, but unfortunately the six sages are all in the future and cannot return to the present moment." Dugufeng sighed.

at the same time-

A line of small characters suddenly appeared in front of Gu Qingshan's eyes:

"Your Excellency, the final decisive battle has begun. I have activated the space-time transition device held by the other saints. As long as you use the key of wind to inject energy into me, I will immediately pick them up."

This is Gu Su'an!

Without hesitation, Gu Qingshan drew a cyan light from behind, put it on his hand and said: "Take it!"

Then Gu Suan's voice sounded:

"The power has been connected, and the space-time jumper is being activated."

"The six sages have connected to human weapons, and are about to start time-space transmission."






The void receded to the sides.

Five figures came upstream from the end of the long river of time and landed in the void in front of the mountain.