Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 2196: peace and


on the mountain peak.

Gu Qingshan crossed his arms, pondered for a moment and said: "You are not wrong, I have now discovered that I am actually that sequence, the true body of chaos, and the ultimate technique of all living beings."

"But you were born with spiritual wisdom and have become a life." Dugu Feng said.

"Yes." Gu Qingshan admitted.

"Gu Qingshan, I don't know what you think of this decisive battle, but I always believe that - no one should sacrifice other people's lives for so-called rescue." Dugufeng said.

Gu Qingshan thought for a moment, then sighed: "On this matter, I agree with you."

"Very good, no matter what, you have always maintained the necessary calm." Dugu Feng took a step back, turned into a phantom again, and flew back to the huge corpse.

The humming sound of the huge corpse:

"So... Gu Qingshan, are you going to kill me?"

Gu Qingshan shook his head and said: "If I kill you, I will die too. This is too stupid, but the reason why I exist is because this is the wish of all living beings..."

He had a look of hesitation on his face.

The huge corpse said: "Why can't we end like this? You are alive, and I am out of trouble, isn't that good?"

Gu Qingshan looked around.

The apostles, the six sages of reincarnation, and even all living beings on the earth—

Even if they are illusory, they are also created illusory, and maybe one day, they will become the same beings as themselves.

Who knows

After all, with my own role model, everything has hope.

"Of course I am willing to live - if you stop dealing with sentient beings, I am even willing to become true friends with you." Gu Qingshan said.

The huge corpse let out a burst of hearty laughter, buzzing and saying:

"No problem, Gu Qingshan, we have been fighting side by side for so long, I am naturally willing to continue to be friends with you, rather than die with you."

Gu Qingshan spread his hands and said: "That's fine, you can do whatever you want, whether it's resurrecting your subordinates, or doing something else, as long as you don't destroy all living beings and the world, I promise to fight with you evil spirits." The family is safe and sound."

The huge corpse stared at him for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Gu Qingshan, you are my only friend. For you, I swear to restrain all demons so that they will no longer destroy all beings and the world—if all beings and the world are destroyed, then only For their own sake."

Gu Qingshan put away the sword, smiled and cupped his fists and said: "Thank you."

The huge corpse looked around and sighed, "The battle in the void is finally over... I will no longer be attacked by chaos, which means I have regained my true freedom."

"What are your plans next?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"I don't know yet, how about you?" the huge corpse asked.

"I will go to find my parents—they turned a spell into their own children, I really want to know what they think." Gu Qingshan said.

Speaking of this matter, the expression of the huge corpse became cautious, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "As far as I know, they have already left this void and disappeared."

"That's troublesome, I may go after them next." Gu Qingshan said.

He paused for a moment, then said again: "Of course, I have to deal with everything here first."

The huge corpse nodded and said: "You are right, you have to explain the reason to the countless sentient beings here, and you have to settle down for those who are destined for you."

While speaking, the figure of the huge corpse retreated slowly, and turned into Dugu Peak again, floating outside the mountain peak.

"You want to go?" Gu Qingshan asked sharply.

"Evil demons... It's better to keep them separate from all living beings. I have to find some other place to revive them." Dugu Feng said.

"That's fine, you go." Gu Qingshan agreed.

Dugu Feng nodded to him, flew up to the sky without sound, passed through the barrier of the world, and left from the depths of the endless void.

Gu Qingshan stood on the top of the mountain, quietly watching this scene.

The next moment.

It was as if something had completely disappeared from the world.

Freedom of movement was immediately restored to all.

"Huh? Where's Dugu Peak?"

Qin Xiaolou's surprised voice sounded.

"He seems to have disappeared suddenly—no, look, the tomb behind him has also disappeared!" King Ashura said nervously.

Gu Qingshan was silent, turned around, and said to everyone: "Don't be nervous."

"Qingshan, what happened?" Anna asked.

"You are all under its control. I discussed with it the gains and losses of each other, and then reached a peace agreement." Gu Qingshan said with a smile.

"What!!!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

for a while.

Gu Qingshan said what he could say, and explained the general situation to everyone.

Everyone digested again.

for a moment.

"Originally, I wanted to seek revenge from the evil spirit." Luo Bingli said sullenly.

"Forget it, the horror of that tomb is beyond understanding, it's not an existence that can be defeated at all." Xie Shuangyan said.

King Asura sighed dejectedly, and said: "It can easily freeze all laws, and even we are controlled by it without knowing what's going on. You still want to seek revenge from such a monster?"

Everyone nodded.

—Even though they have gone through several destructions in the past, they have never seen such a terrifying demon.

There is no way to fight this battle.

"Qingshan, it's true that there will be no more fights between demons and sentient beings?" Su Xueer was a little unconvinced.

Gu Qingshan said: "I have made an agreement with it, I hope... it will be so."

Xie Daoling suddenly looked at Qin Xiaolou and asked, "You understand the law of cause and effect quite well, do you have any feeling for our future?"

Qin Xiaolou took out a tortoise shell and took it casually, with a smile on his face.

"Report to Master, all of us will live and practice for a long time in this void, and will never be disturbed by any evil spirits again."



"… Very good."

Even saints and apostles couldn't help jumping up in the face of such news.

Turtle Saint even jumped into the air and performed a somersault.

"The war is finally over." Anna sighed with relief.

She looked at Gu Qingshan.

Next, it will be the quiet years, to be with him...

The smile on Gu Qingshan's face gradually froze.

"What's the matter, Qingshan?" Anna grabbed his hand and asked.

Gu Qingshan shook her hand and let go little by little.

"There's a bit of finishing touches that haven't been done," he said.

Immediately, another pair took his hand.

Su Xueer.

"What is it? We can face it with you!" She looked directly into Gu Qingshan's eyes and said.

Seeing that everyone looked over, he laughed and said: "It's okay, but the matter of the River of Life and Death is not over yet, there is a little problem with the integration between it and the six realms, I have to take a look."

He let go of Su Xueer's hand, and flew up into the sky with a bang, disappearing in the distance.

sea of blood.

In the endless sea of blood, Dugu Feng stood on the water, holding another person in his hand.

Lord of the Blood Sea Hall of Heroes.

She was pinched tightly by the neck by him, and she was held up high, surrounded by countless strange runes.

"Your end is also the beginning of the end of all beings."

Dugufeng said indifferently.

His hand turned into a sharp black knife—


In the blink of an eye, the Lord of the Hall of Valor turned into a smear of blood, flew out of his hand, swept into the sky, and was caught by the other hand.

That hand held the bloody light and shook it lightly.

The blood light immediately turned into a card.

On the card was the Lord of the Hall of Valor, her eyes were still closed, and there was no joy of being rescued in her brows, but a sense of hesitation and apprehension.

That hand put away the cards.

Only then did the owner of the hand begin to speak:

"Didn't I say that we won't attack each other anymore?"

Gu Qingshan.

He flew down and stood opposite Dugu Peak.

Dugufeng's complexion was not good, he just stared at him coldly.

For a while, neither of them spoke again.

Gu Qingshan seemed to think of something, and lightly twitched in the void.

Immediately, a handful of blood-colored cards was held in his hand.

He flipped through the pages and said to himself: "Tsk, it turns out that the curtain also has a real body, and it's not a pure sealing technique. It seems that I'm really lonely..."

A card suddenly appeared in his hand and was shown in front of Dugu Feng.

On that card, Mu was holding a seven-colored spear, floating in mid-air, and holding the spell sealing technique in the other hand, as if ready to fight at any time.

"You... already know?"

Dugu Feng said.

Gu Qingshan waved his hand lightly, put away all the cards, and said:

"Before you said that I have been saving those illusory sentient beings... This is actually not true."

"Why not?" Dugufeng asked.

"—they are real."

Gu Qingshan showed a tired smile on his face, and said hoarsely: "Let them go, okay?"

Dugufeng was silent, and said: "This is not like you, Gu Qingshan. Although you were born from all living beings, you already have life and soul. You are yourself, and you have never had any intersection with the real ones."


Gu Qingshan's mind turned, but he said another thing: "After falling into the void, all the demons endured the torture of life and death in the chaos, but you broke free from the attack of the chaos, opened a world, and then started to attack Counterattack, you turn the worlds into countless parallel worlds, bear the attack of the doomsday sequence for the demons, and slowly wear down the power of chaos."

"But it's useless, chaos is still chaos." Dugu Feng said.

"This is very useful," Gu Qingshan continued, "Through these methods, you have a deep insight into the power of the doomsday sequence, and even created your own doomsday sequence—the original doomsday, you want to use the doomsday to deal with chaos."

"It's still useless. If my men succeed, they won't be trapped in chaos." Dugu Feng said coldly.

"Why is it useless? You have defeated the Four Sacred Era of all living beings, otherwise, when the Four Sacred Era was born, you would have been completely defeated." Gu Qingshan said.

"This is just your imagination." Dugu Feng said.

"I've seen the original doomsday, and I've also been to Chaos and the Tomb of Ruins. I saw that you were living in it, and I got another clue."

As Gu Qingshan said, he drew five cards from the void and held them in his hand.

I saw several people appearing on the five cards.

Luo Bingli, Dugu Feng, Dugu Qiong, Qin Xiaolou, Xie Shuangyan.


Dugufeng said in a low voice, with an annoyed look on his face.

Gu Qingshan collected the cards and said: "Yes, they turned into heroic spirits with the help of the sea of blood, descended in the void in person, and wanted to defeat the demons in one fell swoop, but unfortunately they did not expect that the demons had already controlled the infinite parallel world and began to create Their parallel phantoms, so as to master their weaknesses, attack them with the power of the doomsday tame—by the way, can you return Dugu Peak to me?"

He collected the other cards, leaving only the Dugu Peak card.

I saw a line of small words on the card:

"Demonized, still alive."

Dugu Feng remained silent, and after a while he said: "It's too late."

Gu Qingshan showed regret, and said: "Forget it, now you don't have to die, and you don't have to fight with Chaos anymore, why don't you just leave?"

Dugu Feng said: "We have endured the attack of Chaos, experienced countless years of suffering in the void of nothingness, and finally it is time to defeat each other, how can we not take revenge?"

His tone slowed down, and he said in a gentle voice: "Gu Qingshan, you don't have to worry. When the Six Saints gathered, all the beings who participated in creating the Ultimate Sequence had already manifested in the Six Paths and became your comrades-in-arms."

"And then?" Gu Qingshan asked.

Dugufeng stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the heroic cards of all beings, and I will destroy them."

"Do you think I will agree?" Gu Qing Shan raised his eyebrows.

Dugufeng said solemnly: "Gu Qingshan, if I destroy their heroic bodies here, they will forget their true past and stay by your side forever, never returning to their original world."

He stared at Gu Qingshan, and quickly said: "In this way, I avenged my revenge, and you also left those comrades around you, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

Gu Qingshan lowered his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Dugufeng sighed, and said: "You are just an ultimate magic technique, when you kill me, you will also turn into nothingness..."

"If those sentient beings are allowed to win, their heroic spirits will all return outside the void, to the places that truly belong to them—no one will remember you. Is this the poor fate you want?"

"Gu Qingshan, why are you fighting for them?"

A sea of blood.

There was a silence.

Neither of them spoke again.

Dugufeng didn't rush, but just looked at Gu Qingshan with a calm expression.

Gu Qingshan stretched out his hand lightly, drawing cards in the void.

one sheet.


Three or four.

He looked at the cards in his hand.

Anna, Su Xueer, Zhang Yinghao, Ye Feili, Lola, Xiuxiu.

There are also Barry, Meow, Crow, Fluttershy, Li An, Zhi Luo...

There are too many people, countless sentient beings, they created the final sequence, and then they turned into heroic cards and entered the sea of blood, manifesting in the void, just to defeat the evil spirits.



Gu Qingshan clenched the cards in his hands, and slowly raised his head: "Life and death are small matters...even if they forget them..."

"I will also fight for their wishes."