Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 14: Unlucky all the time


Zhuang Zhou snatched the robot in Cheng Jinxue's arms and left with his cheeks puffed up.

It can be seen that he is really angry!

The little junk was also very angry, it lifted its mechanical wheel and kicked Cheng Jinxue, and followed Zhuang Zhou creaking.

Cheng Jinxue was kicked just because of his broken foot. He was just picked up in the medical warehouse. The pain caused him to jump on the spot, screaming in pain: "What are you doing! Why are you kicking me!"

But Zhuang Zhou and the little robot both turned their heads and left.

Cheng Jinxue's face was blank: "Boss, what's wrong with this kid? Why is he angry?!"

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at him, said nothing, bypassed him and left.

Zhuang Zhou returned to the room, put the robot he made by the bed, and sat on it by himself.

Xiao Zhan looked at the new robot, looked at Zhuang Zhou, and then imitated Zhuang Zhou, sitting on the side.

Zhuang Zhou said, "I won't bless him anymore."

The little tattered nodded with a serious expression.

Yes, isolate him!

Zhuang Zhou said, "I won't lend him the robot I made."

The little tattered nodded again, with a fierce expression.

Yes, exclude him!

Zhuang Zhou thought about it and said, "Otherwise, let's sell the robot."

Little tattered Dali agrees, sell sell sell! Don't sell it to him!

With the support of the little junk, Zhuang Zhou is also full of confidence.

He searched for where to sell things, and after a while, he found the largest shopping platform on Xing.com. He encountered trouble when registering to open a store, because identity authentication was required.

He has no interstellar ID card.

When Wen Xiaoyun came in, he saw Zhuang Zhou and the little machines sitting in a row, one aggrieved and depressed, the other fierce and serious.

He took a step, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and when Zhuang Zhou looked at him, he quickly pressed it down.

Wen Xiaoyun walked over, then half-squatted in front of Zhuang Zhou, and asked softly, "Why are you angry?"

Wen Xiaoyun was tall, even if he was half-squatted in front of Zhuang Zhou, he still looked very tall.

Zhuang Zhou pursed his lips and said, "I don't have an ID card."

Wen Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and said, "I can get you an imperial citizenship certification when we go back."

Zhuang Zhou said, "How long will it take to go back?"

Wen Xiaoyun asked him, "What do you want an ID card for?"

Zhuang Zhou said: "It needs to be authenticated and bound."

Wen Xiaoyun stretched out his hand: "Give me the brain, and I will authenticate it for you."

Zhuang Zhou took off the personal terminal on his wrist and gave it to Wen Xiaoyun.

Out of politeness, Wen Xiaoyun didn't look at Zhuang Zhou's privacy. He opened the terminal to see the page of the authentication system, so he directly authenticated Zhuang Zhou.

After binding the terminal, binding the citizen ID number, and all the systems of the face and iris were also authenticated, the terminal was returned to Zhuang Zhou.

Seeing the certification passed, Zhuang Zhou smiled happily: "Thank you."

He smiled and frowned, especially attractive.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at him quietly for a while, and then asked, "Why are you angry when you were in the main control room just now?"

Thinking of what Cheng Jinxue said, Zhuang Zhou said angrily, "Because the one who blesses him is not the God of Wishing at all, but the God of Wealth."

Wen Xiaoyun was a little helpless: "Just because of this?"

Zhuang Zhou said seriously, "This is very important."

Wen Xiaoyun endured it, and finally couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, it's very important."

Children have always been superstitious.

When looking at superstition, I still have a little bit of middle school.

It's okay, it's cute.

Zhuang Zhou said solemnly: "Don't laugh, it's really important, if this god blesses you, but you think it's another god, the god will get angry, and when he gets angry, he will take back the luck he had blessed before. , he'll start having bad luck."

This kind of unlucky is not that he deliberately caused misfortune to make Cheng Jinxue unlucky.

But somewhere, he himself will be entangled by bad luck.

It's a matter of luck.

Even the gods have taken back the good fortune given to you, so how can good luck follow you again

So, who makes you angry with God

Wen Xiaoyun let out a 'um' and replied casually, "That's really a bit scary."

Seeing that he said it so casually, Zhuang Zhou knew that Wen Xiaoyun didn't believe it.


He sighed like a little old man, it was very difficult to want a believer like Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head and suddenly said, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun strangely: "Okay, didn't you sleep well a few days ago? I can change rooms with you."

This used to be his room, of course he can sleep if he wants.

Wen Xiaoyun paused slightly and said calmly, "I mean, sleep next to you."

Zhuang Zhou was stunned for a moment, his face a little red: "Sleep with me?"

Wen Xiaoyun said seriously: "Well, I want to dream of you."

He has now basically determined that the boy has a special ability.

into the dreams of others.

Maybe other people will be afraid of this ability, but because of his mental power decline, he has been unable to fall asleep. When Zhuang Zhou entered his dream, he immediately eased.

Instead, he expects that children can fall into his dreams every day.

"Want to dream of me?" Zhuang Zhou blushed even more, feeling a little embarrassed for some reason: "Well, that's fine..."

Then he should give Wen Xiaoyun more dreams.

After comforting the children, Wen Xiaoyun still had things to deal with, so he set the time to go back to sleep at night and left.

Back in the main control room, Cheng Jinxue hurriedly asked, "What about that little robot that can mine? Why didn't you bring it over? Can it really be mine?"

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at him: "You made him angry, and you still expect him to give it to you?"

Cheng Jinxue shouted injustice: "Why did I make him angry?"

Wen Xiaoyun is in a good mood now, and it is rare to take the initiative to explain: "I asked, and the child said that he asked you to worship the God of Wealth, and you insisted that it was the God of Wishing, so can you not be angry?"

Cheng Jinxue's eyes widened: "That's it?!! No, boss, I said that this kid is too superstitious! As long as it works, it doesn't matter what God is? Besides, there is a difference between the God of Wealth and the God of Wishing. Is it dangerous to admit the wrong God?"

Wen Xiaoyun said calmly, "The kid said that there would be no danger, only bad luck."

Cheng Jinxue was speechless: "This can only deceive children like Zhouzhou. Tsk, which remote galaxy does he come from? It's so deceiving."

Wen Xiaoyun didn't want to discuss such unscientific issues with him: "Go monitor the energy radiation data of the mine."

Cheng Jinxue was still indignant: "Well, if you don't give the robot, don't give it, maybe what he said is false, how old is he? If you really want to be able to make such a powerful robot, I will give him a football kick!"

After the forcing was over, Cheng Jinxue left without worrying about this matter at all.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't either.

But an hour later.

Wen Xiaoyun once again received a distress communication from Cheng Jinxue.


Cheng Jinxue was horrified: "My leg broke again!"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "Where?"

Cheng Jinxue: "It's the same mine from before. I came to monitor the data and fell down."

After a pause, Cheng Jinxue cried: "This time I broke two legs."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun sent someone to rescue Cheng Jinxue.

Just came back, Cheng Jinxue found something and burst into tears.

"My space is twisted! My space is lost! Ahhh, there are mechas that I just spent all my savings on! The mechas I ordered for 65 million! I bought them with all my savings!"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Finally, Cheng Jinxue was carried to the medical room, ready to put people in the medical warehouse to treat the broken leg.

Doctor Bai said strangely, "What's going on? The medical warehouse suddenly broke down."

Cheng Jinxue felt dizzy: "Then what should I do with my legs? Will there be sequelae if I don't connect the bones in time?"

Dr. Bai also found it strange: "It was fine just now, but why is it broken? There are more than one broken, and all the medical warehouses have failed."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

He suddenly thought of what the boy said.

- God will be angry, and when he is angry, he will start to have bad luck.

The author has something to say: PS—

Zhuang Zhou: You don't even need to punish God, if you make God angry, you will lose luck! Are you afraid

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xingyou 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 48794630 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Yukuo, Tangli Jianxue; 5 bottles of Shashi.guang; 3 bottles of tea; 2 bottles of cara; 1 bottle of Huhuhuhuhuo and Liu Yanfen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!