Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 17: So you... like his dad?


Wen Xiaoyun's dream is actually very strange.

At least Zhuang Zhou has never seen other people's dreams like this.

When other people are dreaming, their consciousness is very scattered.

Why do dreams give people illusoryness, and even if there is a plot, the plot is clueless and illogical

It is because in dreams, the changes of the plot change at any time with the changes of people's subconscious.

Zhuang Zhou has entered the dreams of so many people. Basically, he only needs to say a few words to change the specific content of this person's dream and let this person follow his thinking.

Only Wen Xiaoyun.

Even in a dream, this person's thoughts and goals are very clear...

In one sentence: don't fool around.

Zhuang Zhou entered Wen Xiaoyun's dream with ease. Wen Xiaoyun didn't do anything in the dream. He sat in the main control room and looked at the door of the main control room, as if waiting for something.

When Zhuang Zhou came in, his eyes fell directly on Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou paused in his footsteps, as if Wen Xiaoyun was waiting for him.

The feeling of doubting whether Wen Xiaoyun knew that he could fall asleep came up again.

Immediately, he felt a little guilty, and asked Wen Xiaoyun in a low voice, "Are you waiting for me?"

Wen Xiaoyun looked at him calmly: "Well, I'm waiting for you."

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened: "Did you know I would come?"

He doesn't really know, does he? !

Of course Wen Xiaoyun knew that, he knew very well that he was dreaming now.

I still remember what I said before I fell asleep.

But when the words came to his mouth, he said calmly, "I don't know."

Zhuang Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was very puzzled: "Then why do you say you are waiting for me? It's like knowing that you will dream of me... "

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Because I want to dream of you."

Zhuang Zhou opened his mouth, wanted to say something, and swallowed it back.

He looked at Wen Xiaoyun, the latter's eyes were calm and deep, and he looked at him patiently and focused.

After a while, Zhuang Zhou whispered: "You, you don't believe in God, why do you want to dream of me every day..."

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Do you have to have faith to dream of you?"

Zhuang Zhou thought about it carefully. Because he was still an intern, he actually didn't know if he could often dream of believers.

However, he had heard of other gods, and only when he met those believers who were very devout and devout, and had strong aspirations, the gods would appear and meet the believers.

Otherwise, it can only be a dream when developing customers in the early stage...

Zhuang Zhou said uncertainly: "This... I don't know either."

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Can God really satisfy everyone's wishes?"

Zhuang Zhou said: "It depends on what you want, most of them are fine, um... Do you also have a wish?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Yes."

Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up, and he secretly wanted to take the job of the God of Wishing again.

After all, if you can win the believer Wen Xiaoyun, then the power of faith...

It doesn't matter if it doesn't open for a year, because it's open to eat for a year!

Zhuang Zhou hurriedly asked, "What is your wish?"

Wen Xiaoyun said, "I can dream of you every day."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

He felt a little hot on his face.

Why is Wen Xiaoyun so strange.

What kind of wish is this...

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Do you think I will achieve it?"

Zhuang Zhou said dryly: "Yes, yes..."


What else can be done.

What the great priest said, what is the purpose of learning the 300 lines in the 360 lines of the God of Wealth on the East Road

—Meet the needs of all potential customers, grab all the believers of God, and let other gods have no believers to grab!

Zhuang Zhou clenched his fist, in order to win the potential customer Wen Xiaoyun, he just dreamed every day!


Wen Xiaoyun's thin lips curled slightly.

Seeing the slightly red face of the young man, he simply stopped asking this question and changed the subject.

"What about that little robot you made?"

Zhuang Zhou directly took out his little robot to Wen Xiaoyun.

Although this is a dream, but because it is a dream that he used divine power to support, everything can be transformed according to his thoughts.

He showed the little robot to Wen Xiaoyun.

The little robot was 100% restored by him to be exactly the same as reality.

Because it is assembled from scraps picked up from the garbage heap, it looks like a small scrap, it is all tattered.

But as soon as it started, Wen Xiaoyun found something different.

Zhuang Zhou installed a voice system for this little robot, so the little robot can speak.

However, talking robots are not uncommon. Today's robots all have voice systems.

When Wen Xiaoyun installed the small junk, he only considered the function of the small junk scanning parts. The voice system was optional, so he naturally chose not to bother.

What surprised Wen Xiaoyun was that the little robot made by Zhuang Zhou seemed to have self-awareness just like the little junk.

The little robot is very smart, except for its mechanical appearance, it is completely like a human being.

Zhuang Zhou introduced to Wen Xiaoyun with crooked eyes: "It's as smart as the little junk, it's very strong, I put a load-bearing device on it, as long as it doesn't exceed 100 pounds, it can hold anything. , it is very suitable for mining under the ore vein."

"The energy stone used on it will not leak energy radiation, and it is completely shielded. As long as it is its owner, it can be manipulated, and there is no need to worry about it being betrayed. After recognizing the owner, it cannot betray the owner. "

Of course, there is actually a difference between this robot and the little junk.

Small junk is transformed into essence, and already belongs to the category of intelligent life.

But the robot he's making now only has the consciousness of learning and evolution, and can use mental power to control it.

Once the master is recognized, the spiritual power will establish a connection with the master, and then there is no need to control or even command with the hands.

After Wen Xiaoyun listened to his explanation, Rao was as calm as him, and at this moment, his heart was overturned.

Does the kid know what he's talking about

Use mental power to control...

Whether it is a mecha or a robot, it is the lifelong wish of all masters, including the first mecha maker in the empire, Gruen.

However, the neuron mecha is too difficult to make, and the human spiritual world is also complex and changeable, coupled with the threat of energy radiation pollution, which makes it difficult to make.

His mecha, Voss, is known as one of the strongest mechas in the universe. Voss is very intelligent, far surpassing all mechas.

But it still can't be changed, he needs people to control it.

Without controlling it, it is just an intelligent robot that can only exert half its strength.

Manual manipulation is unavoidable.

But the direct control of the mental power avoids the mistake of not keeping up with the hand speed!

Wen Xiaoyun said slowly: "So, in fact, the little junk has become so smart, is it your reason?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Zhou lowered his eyes, feeling a little guilty.

Wen Xiaoyun asked, "Why did you say it was me in the first place?"

At first, he really thought that the little junk could be upgraded by himself.

I thought he had misunderstood his production level, but it's really amazing...

Zhuang Zhou didn't answer, his head dropped even lower.

Because he didn't know that he was in the interstellar space when the little junk became the essence.

On Earth, after the founding of the country, one cannot become a spirit, and if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. How could he dare to admit that the little junk was transformed into a spirit by him.

After learning about interstellar history these days, Zhuang Zhou discovered that interstellar civilization is much more complicated than he thought. There are many intelligent life forms, and human beings are just the most common of them.

Then he made the robot have self-awareness, it should not be anything special.

So this time, he generously took the robot he made to go to Wen Xiaoyun.

Zhuang Zhou secretly raised his head and glanced at Wen Xiaoyun, but unexpectedly met Wen Xiaoyun's gaze.

Zhuang Zhou touched his nose and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to be angry?"

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head: "No."

Then Zhuang Zhou said slowly: "I'm afraid you will find it strange."

Thinking that it is in a dream now, and Wen Xiaoyun will forget it when he wakes up tomorrow, he chose to tell the truth.

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head: "You are right."

Juveniles have special abilities and can hide from exposure, which is to protect themselves.

If he didn't hide it, he would have to help hide it.

Seeing Wen Xiaoyun not only was not angry, but also said that he did the right thing, Zhuang Zhou felt that Wen Xiaoyun was really good!

He happily shared with Wen Xiaoyun: "After Adjutant Cheng said he didn't want small robots, I listed him on Xing.com and sold it now!"

Wen Xiao stunned: "Sold it?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

A super-intelligent robot that can be controlled with mental power, just sold

Wen Xiaoyun suddenly wanted to scold Cheng Jinxue.

He exhaled slowly: "It's good, Zhouzhou is awesome."

Being praised, Zhuang Zhou smiled with his eyebrows curved.

Wen Xiaoyun secretly calculated that they are now on the abandoned planet, and Zhouzhou must have not shipped it yet. Tomorrow, he will check who bought this robot and ask him if he can resell it.

If not, then there is no other way, only cheap buyers.

Their third legion is not a robber, even if it is a pity that the little robot is sold, it cannot be robbed back.

It is even more uneconomical to affect the mood of children opening a store.

After all, it was because of Cheng Jinxue.

With the mood to practice with Cheng Jin after waking up tomorrow, Wen Xiaoyun woke up with his eyelids up.

As soon as he woke up, Wen Xiaoyun felt something was wrong.

In his arms, he seemed to be holding something hard.

At this time, the visual communication in the door lit up, and Cheng Jinxue's great voice came.

"Zhouzhou, are you awake? Xiao Zhouzhou, my brother is here for you!"

Cheng Jinxue's voice was so loud that Wen Xiaoyun's sea of consciousness began to hurt again.

He subconsciously pressed the mechanism beside the bed and put Cheng Jinxue in.

"Xiao Zhouzhou, my brother is here... What the hell, boss, why are you here?"

Cheng Jinxue's eyes widened, looking at Wen Xiaoyun in disbelief.

Wen Xiaoyun 'um': "Slept here last night."

He stood up as he spoke, and then felt wrong again.

The hard thing he had been holding in his arms just now fell down like this.

It is a golden statue with a handsome appearance and a very similar appearance to Zhuang Zhou.

Cheng Jinxue not only widened his eyes, his chin almost fell to the ground.

"Old, boss, how are you... how do you sleep with the statue of Dad Xiaozhouzhou??"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Cheng Jinxue's eyes were extremely complicated: "Boss, I thought you liked Zhouzhou, but I didn't expect you... You like Xiaozhouzhou's father?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

The author has something to say: PS—

Wen Xiaoyun: Can you shut up

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of muah; 1 bottle of lulu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!