Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 20: God of Wealth bless


Zhuang Zhou has never slept with anyone because he has always slept in a god statue.

Since Wen Xiaoyun slept with him on the first night, and then he went to the statue and forgot to come out early, he paid special attention.

Every day after Wen Xiaoyun fell asleep, he entered the statue.

When Wen Xiaoyun was about to wake up, he came out of the statue and waited.

Therefore, after more than half a month, this was the first time he really slept with Wen Xiaoyun.

It's also the first time to be so close to someone...

Wen Xiaoyun's body temperature was very high, and he wrapped his arms around his waist and landed on his chest with huge palms.

The strong and powerful heartbeat came through the thin clothes, and he seemed to be able to feel the ups and downs.

Zhuang Zhou couldn't help reaching out and touched his heartbeat.

Seems to be a little faster than before...

Kind of like this feeling, and a little embarrassed.

When Zhuang Zhou made this move, Wen Xiaoyun, who was behind him, made a sound.

"What's wrong?"

Zhuang Zhou pursed his lips and whispered, "I'm not used to it."

Wen Xiaoyun's voice was very soft: "Have you never slept with anyone before?"


Zhuang Zhou shook his head: "No."

Wen Xiaoyun smiled: "It's good."

Zhuang Zhou puzzled: "Huh?"

Wen Xiaoyun's hand around his waist reached up slightly, landed on top of his head, patted it lightly, and said, "That means you are very good."

Zhuang Zhou thought that he would not be able to fall asleep. After all, this was a novel experience. He didn't expect that with his eyes closed, he really fell asleep.

Because apart from Wen Xiaoyun, he didn't dream of anyone else's dreams. After one night, Zhuang Zhou's divine power had completely recovered.

The speed of his recovery of divine power has become very fast now, and the flying dragon battleship is basically his followers, and he has adapted very well here.

When he opened his eyes, Wen Xiaoyun's eyes were still closed.

He woke up in Wen Xiaoyun's arms, the two were holding each other face to face, and the statue in his arms had long since disappeared.

Zhuang Zhou sensed it with his divine power and found that the statue was behind him, against the wall, not too far away from him. On the contrary, Wen Xiaoyun was almost face to face with him.

The other party's shallow breathing fell on his face, which was very strange.

With his eyes closed, Wen Xiaoyun looked as gentle as usual. He seemed to be so calm all the time, with a clear purpose, as if nothing would make him anxious and make him lose his mind.

Wen Xiaoyun is really good-looking, at least in Zhuang Zhou's opinion, Wen Xiaoyun is prettier than anyone he has ever seen.

Zhuang Zhou sighed with some envy.

If he has this appearance, he can also learn from other gods of wealth and become a star, and then he will have many, many fans, right

"What sigh?"

Wen Xiaoyun suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no drowsiness in his deep eyes.

Zhuang Zhou was stunned for a while, then smiled at him: "You're awake."

"Well. I feel like you've been looking at me." Wen Xiaoyun's voice was very low, a little different from usual, with a touch of hoarseness, which made him look very sexy.

Zhuang Zhou blushed.

Obviously what Wen Xiaoyun said was the truth, and he had been looking at Wen Xiaoyun just now.

But the words came out of the other party's mouth, which made him feel a little embarrassed inexplicably.

He whispered, "I want to get up, for fear of waking you up."

Wen Xiaoyun smiled and said, "Don't be afraid to wake me up, the first thing you see when you open your eyes is you, I'm very happy."

Zhuang Zhou gave a slow 'oh'.

Wen Xiaoyun asked him, "Then do you want to get up now?"

Zhuang Zhou nodded and moved, feeling a little embarrassed.

Their current posture is too close, and his whole body is almost close to Wen Xiaoyun's face. , pressing his back.

Wen Xiaoyun suddenly said: "Zhouzhou, can I use interstellar etiquette for you? Because I'm afraid of offending you, I want to ask you first."

Zhuang Zhou was at a loss: "Is there any special etiquette in Interstellar?"

He has recently watched a lot of interstellar documentaries and watched a lot of history.

But there is really no research on this aspect of etiquette.

Wen Xiaoyun said: "There is still a lot of attention to interstellar etiquette, especially on the side of the empire. You may be from other remote planets and you don't know it."

Zhuang Zhou nodded: "Yes."

Is Earth a remote planet

If it hadn't disappeared two thousand years ago.

Seeing his promise, Wen Xiaoyun lowered his head slightly, and moved closer to Zhuang Zhou's direction. Wen Xiaoyun put his face on Zhuang Zhou's.

The little boy's eyes widened slightly, his smooth face seemed to have no flaws, and even had a nice scent.

"like this."

The two faces were pressed together for a while, and Wen Xiaoyun stepped back slightly: "Good morning, Zhouzhou."

Zhuang Zhou's face blushed, and he was a little overwhelmed.

But soon I understood.

This seems to be the same as the etiquette of some western countries

Face veneer, kiss the back of the hand, and some even kiss the face.

So he can't make a fuss

Otherwise, it would appear that he, the God of Wealth, is so ignorant!

Zhuang Zhou had no choice but to pretend to be calm: "Well, early..."

After the two got up, Zhuang Zhou pretended that he would be fine with taking nutritional supplements, instead of going to the cafeteria, and after Wen Xiaoyun left, he turned to Xingxing.com to inquire about etiquette courses in interstellar countries.

The East Road God of Wealth cannot allow himself to understand such common sense!

Then, he wrote down all the etiquette lessons, so that he would not understand the specific etiquette when he was in the interstellar space.

While watching, the half-closed door was pushed open, and Cheng Jinxue's voice came: "Zhouzhou, what are you doing?"

Zhuang Zhou turned around and saw Cheng Jinxue, and said, "I'm learning imperial etiquette."

Cheng Jinxue snorted: "What is there to learn, and it's not an aristocrat, how can there be so much attention!"

Zhuang Zhou asked, "Do nobles need to learn?"

Cheng Jinxue: "That's not true, we military students have etiquette courses, but only the nobles pay more attention to this, rough people like us..."

When it came to this, Cheng Jinxue paused and looked at Zhuang Zhou's delicate little face. The extravagance that was revealed unconsciously all over his body really looked like a wandering child of some great noble.

So he silently changed his words: "It's useless for a rough guy like me to learn."

Zhuang Zhou nodded, indicating that he understood.

Cheng Jinxue was puzzled: "Xiao Zhouzhou, why are you suddenly interested in this?"

Thinking of his previous intimacy, Zhuang Zhou blushed, but this was not a secret about his identity. As long as it wasn't about his identity, he basically wouldn't lie, so he honestly said, "Just... Wen Xiaoyun before. Asked if I could use interstellar etiquette on me…”

Cheng Jinxue: "..."

Cheng Jinxue cursed secretly.

I really can't see that the boss didn't have a blind date when he was beaten to death before, making people think that he is going to live with the mecha for the rest of his life.

I didn't expect the old tree to bloom, as if it wanted to bear fruit in situ.

Cheng Jinxue coughed lightly and said slowly, "Zhouzhou, what do you think of the boss?"

Zhuang Zhou puzzled: "Very good."

"Then do you think marrying someone like the boss will make you happy?"

"Definitely." Zhuang Zhou said without thinking: "Wen Xiaoyun is so powerful and good, there must be many girls who want to marry."

Cheng Jinxue saw that Zhuang Zhou said so.

If Zhouzhou thinks the boss is not good, he will definitely reveal the perverted heart of the boss in front of Zhouzhou!

But Ren Zhouzhou also thinks the boss is good, which means that Zhouzhou is not disgusted by the boss's closeness!

"Actually..." Cheng Jinxue said: "There are many etiquettes in our empire, which are taught in private by nobles. Of course, you can't find them on Xingwang. You can ask the boss to teach you!"

This coming and going, doesn't it mean that the feelings will heat up faster!

Zhuang Zhou wondered, "Is there anything else?"

"Of course there is." Cheng Jinxue said: "But you don't need to check, anyway, you can ask the boss to teach you when the time comes, walk around, I'm coming to you for something, remember the mecha I told you before. Master Maker Gruen? His spaceship has landed, let's find him!"

Zhuang Zhou was quickly diverted his attention, and his eyes brightened: "There is another spaceship coming!"

Cheng Jinxue saw his bright eyes and said with a smile, "Yes, it seems that you also want to see him Master Gruen!"

Zhuang Zhou nodded vigorously, of course thinking, this is... a new customer! !

Master Gruen went through untold hardships and finally came to β-324.

Because the spaceship he was on was not a military battleship, or a small spaceship, and could only make one transition in two days, it took half a month for this flight to arrive.

After getting off the spaceship and putting on protective clothing, Master Gruen hurried to the Flying Dragon battleship, looking forward to seeing Zhuang Zhou.

Wen Xiaoyun came to pick up Gruen in person.

But Gruen has no interest in Wen Xiaoyun now.

"Come on, get on the battleship, your children are in the battleship, right?"

Wen Xiaoyun was a little helpless: "Well, what's the hurry, I can't run."

As soon as he got on the flying dragon battleship, Gruen stopped before he saw the child he was thinking about, and stared at the scene in front of him in a strange way, as if he had seen a ghost.

I saw that there were more than 30 members of the Third Legion in the largest event hall of the Feilong battleship. The censer bowed three times.

"God of wealth bless—"

"God of wealth bless—"

"God of wealth bless—"

After shouting a slogan, the crowd reverently put the incense into the incense burner, and their every move was as solemn and solemn as that of an imperial emperor.

Gruen: "...????"

He subconsciously took a step back and went back to Wen Xiaoyun's side, with a hint of panic on his old face: "Wen Xiaoyun, did we come to some large-scale cult venue?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

The author has something to say: PS—

Catch bugs later, the update is finished today, alright, see you tomorrow