Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 27: Zhouzhou, you are too arrogant


Wen Xiaoyun looked at the 'statue' quietly.

For the past two months, this 'statue' has been here. Before, he had seen Zhouzhou tucked into the space, but later he found that even if the 'statue' was put away during the day, when it was time to sleep at night, Zhouzhou will take out the statue again and hold it in his arms.

In fact, Wen Xiaoyun always knew that this kind of behavior was very abnormal.

Who would put their dead father to sleep every day

But whenever he had this doubt, Wen Xiaoyun also felt that Zhouzhou was still young, and losing his relatives at a young age would inevitably leave scars in his heart.

He is young, and it is understandable to regard this as a spiritual sustenance.

When Wen Xiaoyun lost his father when he was a child, he was often in a bad mood, so he ran to the square, lay on the stone pier under his father's statue, and told his father about his grievances

Seeing that Xiaoyun's face was thoughtful and silent, Zhou Hongyi reacted to what he had said, and his expression became even more annoyed.

"Admiral, I... I don't even know what I'm talking about! Maybe I didn't sleep well last night, and my mental strength was a little confused. My head is really!" Zhou Hongyi patted his head and scolded: "How could I think of Madam's father and God of Wealth together..."

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at him and said calmly: "Go back first, this is rotten in your stomach, understand?"

Zhou Hongyi was only a general and didn't want Zhuang Zhou to know that they were talking about his father, so he quickly assured: "My subordinates understand!"

Zhou Hongyi hurriedly packed up the incense burners and other offerings, and left in a hurry.

"and many more."

Wen Xiaoyun suddenly stopped him again, with a faint voice: "Who else worships that God of Wealth every day?"

Zhou Hongyi glanced at Wen Xiaoyun cautiously, and seeing that his admiral didn't want to pursue anyone's superstitious behavior, he whispered: "On the battleship... It seems that there are very few people who didn't worship, right? Oh, Master Gruen and them The people who brought it don't seem to be, and neither does Doctor Bai."

Wen Xiaoyun made an 'um' and waved Zhou Hongyi to leave.

After Zhou Hongyi left, he observed the 'statue' alone.

The 'Statue' is 80% similar to Zhuang Zhou, and there is a big difference. The 'Statue' has very long hair, hanging down to the waist, with a strange hat on his head, and the clothes on his body seem to be similar to theirs. The clothes are different, with long sleeves and wide placket.

At first glance, it looks like a long dress that women like to wear, but if you look closely, you will feel that it is elegant and handsome, and it is a handsome man who has no intention of it.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at it for a moment, and then pressed a communication.

"Zhang Feng, come and find me."

Zhang Feng just came back to take over the shift. After receiving the news, he immediately went to Wen Xiaoyun.

When he came to the room, he stood outside the room and dared not enter, but Wen Xiaoyun let him in directly.

Zhang Feng was a little puzzled: "Admiral, is there something wrong?"

Wen Xiaoyun asked Zhang Feng to look at the statue: "Look at the statue."

Zhang Feng looked at the statue, his heart froze, a sense of awe emerged from the bottom of his heart, he breathed a little faster, and he had the urge to kneel and bow.

Wen Xiaoyun asked, "How do you feel?"

Zhang Feng resisted the urge in his heart and tightened his whole body: "Returning to the admiral, I want to... surrender."

Wen Xiaoyun 'um': "Go back."

Zhang Feng came out of the room again with an inexplicable look on his face, not understanding what the admiral called him for.

But after walking out of the room, the urge to kneel and prostrate disappeared.

Zhang Feng shook his head in confusion, what kind of strange reaction was this

Could it be that Madam's father used to be a very powerful person

There have been studies that have proved that after the death of a person with a spiritual power of SSS or higher, the mental pressure left behind can still make people have the urge to surrender.

But this research proves that it is the research of other planets that the only person in their empire with SSS mental power level is their general Wen Xiaoyun, who is still alive and well.

It is also impossible for the empire to do something to the admiral for a study. Let's see if it will leave mental coercion in the end

So, Madam's father is someone of the SSS mental power level of another planet

Zhang Feng was immediately awe-inspiring, no wonder Madam can make such a powerful robot, because the family tradition is so excellent!

In the room, Wen Xiaoyun sent a text message to Master Gruen and asked him to come over.

Master Gruen thought that Zhuang Zhou was looking for him, and he came quickly, but as soon as he arrived, he saw only Wen Xiaoyun.

Gruen looked around and didn't see Zhuang Zhou, and immediately said with disgust, "What are you asking me for? Don't you know I'm busy?"

Wen Xiaoyun didn't speak, just picked up the statue and put it in front of Gruen.

Gruen glanced at the statue and frowned: "Why are you so rude! How can you touch other people's things casually? This is the child's father, you are so rude!"

Wen Xiaoyun took a closer look at Gruen, who didn't have the same feeling as Zhang Feng and Zhou Hongyi at all, just like him, he didn't feel the same when he saw it.

Wen Xiaoyun put the statue back: "It's alright, go get busy."

Gruen's beard cocked angrily: "Is there something wrong with you? It's alright to call me here? Do you know how busy I am, Hughes? Do you know how thoroughly you ruined Voss yourself? I A mech that you worked so hard to make, my Voss, you just…”

Wen Xiaoyun calmly invited people out: "Master Hard Work, goodbye."

Then slam the door shut.

Gruen: "..."

I'll go to your uncle!

Wen Xiaoyun stared at the statue and hesitated for a while, and finally called another legion member to come over.

This person was the one who said that he had found his long-lost younger brother after worshipping the God of Wealth.

When he saw the statue, his reaction was the same as Zhang Feng and Zhou Hongyi.

Wen Xiaoyun came to a conclusion—

Anyone who has worshipped the God of Wealth and saw this statue of Zhouzhou would have the heart of awe to worship the 'statue'.

He and Gruen, who had never had faith, felt nothing.

Wen Xiaoyun's sea of spiritual consciousness began to hurt again and again, feeling that the worldview that he had just collapsed not long ago continued to collapse again.

"I'm back!"

A brisk voice came, and Zhuang Zhou entered the room with crooked eyebrows. When he saw Wen Xiaoyun, he asked happily, "Are you off work so early today?"

Wen Xiaoyun opened his eyes and looked at Zhuang Zhou.

When Zhuang Zhou saw Wen Xiaoyun's frowning brows, he was stunned for a moment: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Wen Xiaoyun was silent for a while, then 'um': "Headache."

Zhuang Zhouxin immediately mentioned: "Why do you have a headache again, did you not sleep again?"

But he saw that Wen Xiaoyun slept well last night.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't say a word.

Zhouzhou didn't know the problem of radiation pollution of his mental power. He used the reason that he didn't sleep well and had a headache before, and he wanted to sleep with Zhouzhou, but Zhouzhou never doubted it.

Seeing that Xiaoyun didn't speak, Zhuang Zhou thought he was in pain, so he ran over in small steps: "Let me see."

He put his hand on Wen Xiaoyun's head.

The temperature on Wen Xiaoyun's body was very high, and it seemed that his hands were cold.

Zhuang Zhou touched his forehead, then his neck, and muttered, "No fever."

His hand was much smaller than Wen Xiaoyun's. When it touched Wen Xiaoyun's neck, Wen Xiaoyun's breathing quickened slightly.

Zhuang Zhou's hand was immediately caught.

Zhuang Zhou lowered his head and met a pair of dark and deep eyes.

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes were very dark, and there was an emotion he couldn't understand in the bottom of his eyes, like a vortex, which made Zhuang Zhou's heartbeat a little faster.

He was a little nervous: "what's the matter?"

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head: "It's okay."

Zhuang Zhou whispered, "Then let me go, I'm checking your situation."

Wen Xiaoyun said in a low voice, "I'm much better."

Zhuang Zhou stared, "It's much better so soon?"

A minute ago he said it was uncomfortable!

Wen Xiaoyun said softly, "Well, holding your hand makes me feel better."

Zhuang Zhou: "... oh."

Then, if he wants to hold it, hold it...

Zhuang Zhou ignored the hotness on his face, and wisely changed his hand to examine him.

After holding Zhuang Zhou's hand, Wen Xiaoyun really felt much better, and his head didn't hurt so much.

Every time Zhouzhou approached, he would feel a lot more relaxed.

Just as he was about to tell Zhouzhou not to worry, a force suddenly entered his body.

Wen Xiaoyun was startled suddenly, and he looked at Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou looked away, not looking at him, his face was a little red, as if he knew that Wen Xiaoyun had sensed his power, and he looked a little cautious.

Zhuang Zhou was a little guilty. He didn't really want to use divine power, but he was worried about Wen Xiaoyun's situation.

Wen Xiaoyun knew a lot of things about him, and didn't tell anyone else, so... It shouldn't matter, right

However, he only had a guilty conscience for a while, his eyes widened and he couldn't hide it, because he found that Wen Xiaoyun's spiritual world was terrible!

Interstellar people have been testing their mental power and physique since childhood. When he checked the Internet before, he clearly found that Wen Xiaoyun's mental power was very powerful, and he was the only SSS-level mental power in the empire.

But now, he found that there were many forces in Wen Xiaoyun's spiritual world that made him feel uncomfortable. In Wen Xiaoyun's spiritual world, these forces were black, like ink smudged in water.

Is it because of these powers that Wen Xiaoyun often gets headaches

Zhuang Zhou said quickly, "Wen Xiaoyun, I found something wrong with your head!"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "It's the spiritual world, not the head."

Zhuang Zhou said seriously, "I'm not joking."

Wen Xiaoyun gave an 'um' and said, "It's energy radiation pollution."

"Is it the pollution of energy radiation?" Since it is pollution, can't he purify it with divine power

Thinking of it, he tried to use divine power to purify the black radiation closest to him.

As his divine power engulfed the radiation little by little, the original black radiation disappeared, restoring Wen Xiaoyun's original spiritual world.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up, he really can!

It's just that he doesn't have a lot of divine power now. After all, he is still a little God of Wealth during his internship period. Just purifying it a little bit will cost him a lot of divine power.

And in Wen Xiaoyun's spiritual world, there are many, many such radiations!

It seemed that he had to cleanse Wen Xiaoyun once a day.

"Zhouzhou, what are you doing?"

Wen Xiaoyun suddenly made a sound, his voice was low and hoarse, with a rare shock.

As a client, he felt a little more straightforward than anyone else.

Since his spiritual power was polluted, his spiritual power level has been declining every day.

But just now, he found that his declining mental power suddenly stopped.

It's like hanging on the edge of a cliff, it may continue to fall at any time, but it comes to a close stop.

Zhuang Zhou glanced at him and wanted to say something, but worried that he would reveal his identity, so he pursed his lips and did not speak.

Wen Xiaoyun took the opportunity to hold him in his arms, his voice was very soft: "Are you treating me?"

Zhuang Zhou pretended to be stupid: "What are you talking about..."

In normal times, after Wen Xiaoyun saw something he didn't want to say, and heard him say so, Wen Xiaoyun would immediately change the subject.

I don't know what happened to Wen Xiaoyun tonight. He didn't change the topic, but continued to say, "Zhou Zhou, Zhou Hongyi came to our room today."

What Zhuang Zhou wanted to say, Wen Xiaoyun covered his mouth and continued, "He saw this 'statue'—"

Wen Xiaoyun's eyes fell on the statue.

Zhuang Zhou didn't know what to think, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment Wen Xiaoyun said, "Zhou Hongyi worshipped him as the God of Wealth."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

Like a frightened little animal, Zhuang Zhou almost jumped out of Wen Xiaoyun's arms!

How could he forget such an important thing!

This deity was bestowed by the great priest, and every deity during the internship period has such a deity. It is said that it is a deity, but it is actually equal to their real body.

On Earth, there are many believers who will shape their own golden bodies for gods. These golden bodies are similar to their avatars. Through the golden body, he can understand what the believers want.

When there are more and more golden bodies of a god, it naturally means that there are more and more followers of a god, and his divine power is also getting stronger and stronger.

However, these golden statues and idols are not the same.

When he returned to the statue, he could replenish his divine power, but he couldn't do it on Jin.

Because this statue is the real body approved by the great priest, just like their ID card in the realm of the gods.

In the past, Zhou Hongyi didn't feel anything when he saw the statue, because they didn't believe in the God of Wealth at that time. Not only that, when Zhuang Zhou had no believers, his power was meager, and naturally he didn't have the coercion from God.

But it's different now.

Most of the people on the Feilong battleship became believers of the God of Wealth. With more and more believers, the power of belief became more and more pure, and Zhuang Zhou's divine power became stronger and stronger.

When the divine power possessed by a god becomes stronger and stronger, the coercion emanating from his body will also become stronger and stronger.

Especially when believers see God's 'real body', they will naturally feel awe from the bottom of their hearts. This awe comes from their subconscious mind and from God's coercion.

That's why, Zhou Hongyi and the others didn't react when they saw the statue before.

But after more than two months, it was just a prophecy that they saw the idol again. , there is an urge to bow down and surrender.

Because the coercion of the idols has increased.

As believers, they naturally feel awe in their hearts.

Therefore, when he heard what Wen Xiaoyun said at this moment, Zhuang Zhou was struck with a thunderbolt, and there was only one sentence in his mind—

'He exposed exposed exposed! Wen Xiaoyun and Zhou Hongyi both discovered their identities! '

The little God of Wealth hugged his knees reluctantly, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Little God of Wealth: "You, do you know all about it..."

Wen Xiaoyun didn't expect Zhouzhou's reaction to be so big, and seeing Zhouzhou say so again, he thought 'it really is'.

Wen Xiaoyun: "Yes, I think I guessed it all."

The little god of wealth stopped talking.

Wen Xiaoyun: "Don't worry, I won't tell you."

The little god of wealth still did not speak.

He feels that his career has a big stain.

He had never heard of any god whose identity would be discovered.

He is the first ever!

Being the first in all the assessments and the youngest who got the internship opportunity, the insult is too strong!

Seeing that the child was still unlovable, Wen Xiaoyun softened and said, "If you don't believe it, I can swear in front of your father."

The little god of wealth still didn't want to speak.


What's the use of swearing

And swear in front of my dad, I don't have... eh?

dad? !

The little God of Wealth suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Wen Xiaoyun: "You, you just said, you guessed..."

He looked at the statue, and then at Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun: "Well, I guessed it, that 'God of Wealth' is your father, right?"

Why does Zhouzhou believe that there are gods in the world

Why does Zhouzhou support the God of Wealth so much and hate other gods

In the final analysis it is because this God of Wealth is his biological father.

Wen Xiaoyun: "The God of Wealth is your father, and you... the Son of God, right?"

Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up, and he changed his appearance of being unlovable just now. He was as happy as a fat man weighing 200 pounds. He nodded again and again like a chicken chasing meters: "Yes, yes! It's just what you think!"

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Zhuang Zhou's eyes were bright and he boasted: "Wen Xiaoyun, you are amazing! You can guess this kind of thing! And you can guess so accurately, you are really smart! You must be a genius! "

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Zhuang Zhou put his god statue in front of Wen Xiaoyun in a dignified manner: "Yes, you guessed right, this god statue is indeed the God of Wealth... um... yes, it's my father! I'm the son of god, so I also have some supernatural power, A little bit awesome…”

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Zhuang Zhou is a thief and a thief: "Didn't you just say that you have to swear to... um, do you swear to my father? Then you swear, swear to God, you can't break the contract again, once you swear, you can't swear It's leaked out!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun expectantly, wishing he would press his head and bow down immediately.

Wen Xiaoyun silently watched the child's happy look, which was completely different from the one who had just been born without love.

It was obvious that he had a small appearance before that he was afraid that he would know the secret.

After hitting him and saying that the god is his father, the children immediately rejoiced.

Wen Xiaoyun immediately understood.

He was wrong again.

Because he made a mistake, the child didn't have to worry about being exposed, and immediately became happy.

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his temples, feeling a bit funny and absurd in his heart.

Seeing that Xiaoyun didn't move, Zhuang Zhou couldn't help urging: "Why don't you swear? You are so powerful and smart, you won't regret it, right?"

Wen Xiaoyun said slowly, "Zhouzhou."

Zhuang Zhou's eyes were bright: "Ang?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "You are so happy that you want to roll on the ground now, you look a little smug."

Zhuang Zhou said 'hehe' twice, very reserved: "I don't think so..."

Wen Xiaoyun pointed at the statue: "Well, so he's not your father."


Zhuang Zhou was dumbfounded and looked terrified: "Why, why suddenly..."

What's the matter with this man? !

It was clearly said just now!

Why did you suddenly say no!

Wen Xiaoyun: "Because you are so scared now that you want to burrow underground."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun said seriously: "Zhouzhou, you laughed too arrogantly just now."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

The little God of Wealth completely closed himself.

For the first time, he felt what Wen Xiaoyun said, it didn't hurt much, but it was extremely insulting!

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the idol and fell into a state of thought again.

Since this statue is not Zhouzhou's father, who is it

Is it Zhouzhou's brother

If it is Zhouzhou's brother, it is the same as his father.

Since he is willing to admit that the god is his father, there is no reason not to admit that he is his brother.

There is no difference between my brother and my father, they are blood relatives.

It seems that the option of brother can also be directly ruled out.

So, a person who is so similar to Zhouzhou, who is not Zhouzhou's father, nor Zhouzhou's brother—

Who will it be

Wen Xiaoyun thought of something, his eyes fell on the autistic child, and an absurd thought came to his mind.

So, Zhouzhou, is that you

The author has something to say: PS—

Zhuang Zhou: Is he tricking me? ?

There will be an update in the afternoon, thank you for your support! Come and welcome the God of Wealth!

Give everyone a red envelope~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 46759078 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!