Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 33: Ugly is ugly, whoever is not equipped is a dog!


No one knows how flustered Hong Shijun is now.

When he saw Cheng Jinxue take out No. 4 of the little junk, he only felt a 'hum' in his head.

Little Scrap No. 4 is very similar to Little Scrap No. 1. It is impossible for Hong Shijun to not recognize it because it was made according to Little Scrap.

The only thing that is different about the little junk No. 4 is that it looks relatively new, not so old and broken, because Zhuang Zhou used a lot of new parts.

There are not many parts picked up in Junk Star, and Capital Star doesn't have such junk. Wen Xiaoyun can get him any parts he wants, so Little Junk No. 4 looks relatively new.

In Hong Shijun's heart, a storm was simply set off.

He didn't understand why this little robot Cheng Jinxue also had it

What is the relationship between Cheng Jinxue and the robot maker

Maybe... Cheng Jinxue bought this robot

No, Cheng Jinxue asked him 'does he look familiar? ', what does this mean

It means that he also knows that he has bought the same robot, so he asks whether he is familiar or not!

Hong Shijun's face became quite ugly for a while!

But no one on the field cared about his face, and everyone's eyes were on the mecha and the little junk No. 4.

The mecha is five meters high and armed with advanced systems and weapons. From the appearance alone, it looks majestic and very cool.

In front of him, the little tattered No. 4, who only reached Cheng Jinxue's waist, looked like a petite and cute robot. In front of such a tall and mighty mecha, it looked even more mini-cute.

Not to mention the whole audience, even the warriors who tested Hong Shijun's mecha were a little uncertain.

"Adjutant Cheng, is this... Really going to fight?" The soldier's tone was a little uncertain. He was afraid that if he controlled the mecha and lifted his foot, he could crush the little robot.

Moreover, the entertainment competition, although it is an entertainment competition, is to test other performances of the mecha made by Hong Shijun, the champion of mecha manufacturing, but it cannot be so entertaining!

You have come to a real mech anyway!

Mecha vs robot, or such a miniature robot, isn't it a joke

Cheng Jinxue smiled and touched the mechanical head of No. 4 Little Rude, and said, "4.0, he seems to look down on you."

After a pause, Cheng Jinxue said again: "Forgot to tell everyone, don't look at my 4.0 small, it is not actually a robot, it is a small mecha, and it is also equipped with an attack system, so be careful."

"No, even if it's a mecha, but it's so small, how does Adjutant Cheng control it?"

Cheng Jinxue still said with a smile: "You can see if you just look at it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience inside and outside the stadium hadn't reacted yet, and the little junk No. 4, who had been standing still, finally moved.

A heat wave hit, and the two mechanical legs of No. 4 burned with blue flames, the propellers started, and No. 4 suddenly rose into the air, and the mechanical arm lit up with another beam!

The audience was shocked: "It's a light energy particle cannon!"

The particle cannon came up, which was too fierce!

The warriors who tested the mecha frost also reacted very quickly, and quickly adjusted their defense shields to meet them directly!

Even if they knew that this little robot was not an ordinary robot, but a mecha, all the audience present did not think that such a small mecha could shake the mountain of mecha Frost.

Yes, in front of Little Ragged No. 4, the mecha Frost made by Hong Shijun was as tall as a mountain.

The light energy particle cannon hit the shield of the mecha Frost, and the shield did not disappear along with the fable. Obviously, just like the previous test, the defense of Frost was equal to A+.

Frost has begun to fight back. It is also equipped with the most advanced armed system in the current mecha market. The attack power level reaches AA. In everyone's opinion, just one cannonball can smash No. 4 into pieces!

However! Frost is out!

The speed of No. 4 is very fast, plus its body is too small, not only the soldiers who control the mecha Frost can't see it, but even the audience can't see it clearly!

When it slows down again, the cold cutting time of the arm particle cannon has passed, and another luminous energy particle cannon is fired!

After seeing this scene, the soldiers in the mecha warehouse quickly activated the defense system and opened the shield to intercept, but because his hand speed was slightly slower by 0.05 seconds, when the shield was not fully opened, there was a sound of 'bang' , the particle cannon has been fired!

But even so, the soldiers were still amazed to find that this second shot hit the exact same position as the previous shot, with 100% accuracy, not even the slightest difference!

The mecha shield shook violently this time, and the warrior's heart also trembled!

Very precise control! What an accurate head!

In fact, his hand speed is already very fast, but the brain speed is always faster than the hand speed. The human body is controlled by the brain consciousness. When the feedback is sent to the body and limbs, it is already slow.

The audience at the scene gradually realized that they seemed to look down on this mini-mecha. They never imagined that the mecha Frost was at a disadvantage now!

The live broadcast barrage is full of screen:

"Fuck, what's going on! This mini mecha looks amazing!"

"What's wrong with this mecha frost! The response is so slow, is it a tester's fault?"

"Please don't insult the testers! It's not that Frost's reaction is too slow, it's that the little mech is too fast!"

"Isn't this mini mecha being controlled by no one? Is the system setting up automatic attack and defense?"

"Impossible! How can automatic attack and defense be so fast?!"

"The upstairs is right, why does the mecha need to be controlled, not because in the judgment of many emergencies, humans will judge according to the scene situation, and the mecha will always only have a set program to scan and then judge. It's impossible to react so quickly!"

"The front is really funny, don't you think that the system's brain is not as fast as yours?"

"Are you joking? Oh, it seems that your mental power level must be below B. Don't you know that when the mental power reaches A+ level or above, it is a humanoid system?"

"That's right, or why do you think that controlling mecha requires mental power. The stronger the mental power, the faster the hand speed?"

"Ah, no matter how noisy you are, I am the only one who slowly appreciates this fierce and cute little mecha. It's so powerful! I want to know where I bought it!"

Both the live audience and the live audience were talking about it, and Gruen was also sighing: "Little boy, how did you think of modifying the Little Rugby No. 4 like this? How is its armed system designed? As far as I know, it is only light. The bullet of the particle cannon is as big as the head of No. 4, right? How is it compressed?"

Zhuang Zhou immediately praised: "It was made by Wen Xiaoyun! I will tell him my thoughts, and he will send it to me in one day!"

Gruen looked at Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun looked calm: "Well, the military's new invention, in order to reduce the armed load when going to the front line, so it is compressed, but the power is stronger than before."

Gruen said enviously, "I'll apply for some later!"

He is different from Zhuang Zhou. He has nothing to do with the military. Only when he accepts orders from the military can he apply for some armed equipment from the military and install them on the mecha.

Anyway, they are also making mechas for them. Naturally, they will not disagree with the system that can arm mechas.

The battle on the stage has entered a white-hot stage, and Zhuang Zhou in the audience is also very excited.

He picked up the little junk and said with bright eyes, "Little junk, let's go ahead and cheer on No. 4!"

"Zhouzhou." Wen Xiaoyun called to him, frowning slightly.

Zhuang Zhou smiled at him: "It's alright, I'll come back after I go to the front! Just let the little junkie see how powerful No. 4 is!"

Little Junk: "… "

Oh, do you think I want to see it

The bells and whistles of No. 4 are simply ugly.

Also armed system

Hehe, we monsters don't care about these things at all!

i fuck...

I want to modify this weapon too! !

Ugly is ugly, whoever is not equipped is a dog!

Wen Xiaoyun saw Zhuang Zhou's eyes full of anticipation, so he didn't stop it.

However, when Zhuang Zhou ran off the stage, he made a gesture, and in the crowd, a few figures moved towards Zhuang Zhou without any expression.

Safe area on stage.

Seeing that the mecha Frost he made became more and more embarrassed, and even began to be beaten by the 4th, Hong Shijun's face became more and more ugly.

In the end, Cheng Jinxue saw that No. 4 could win steadily, so he simply let go of the spiritual connection with No. 4 and let No. 4 play by himself.

Then, what if you're bored on stage

Cheng Jinxue looked back and saw that Hong Shijun's face was pale and cold sweat broke out, he said with a smile: "Oh, buddy, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, it's entertainment, and there will be no fatalities, don't you think?"

Hong Shijun's face was even more ugly. He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "Adjutant Cheng, you... what do you want?"

Cheng Jinxue blinked innocently: "What do I think? Dude, I don't understand what you said!"

Hong Shijun was shocked and angry when he saw that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

He obviously already knew, and he knew that his energy device came from the same robot as his, and he gave him a slap when he played, and now he is still playing stupid? !

Hong Shijun gritted his teeth, but the game was almost over. He didn't know what Cheng Jinxue wanted to do when he came to power. He had to put down this uneasy factor before Cheng Jinxue did anything!

With so many spectators present, Hong Shijun didn't dare to do anything in front of him. He walked up to Cheng Jinxue and lowered his voice again and again: "Adjutant Cheng, I must be who I am, do you know?"

Cheng Jin took time to learn and said, "Of course I know."

Hong Shijun said in a deep voice: "My Hong family is also a famous family, my aunt is still the Duchess of Bolton, and the Duke's younger brother is the commander of the First Army Corps. Do you know what this means?"

Cheng Jinxue blinked: "Oh? What does it represent?"

Seeing him acting stupid like this, Hong Shijun secretly hated him, but he still said bravely: "Have you forgotten that Wen Xiaoyun is now polluted by energy radiation, and his mental power level keeps dropping, so the position of the commander of the third army is , he certainly won't be able to sit for too long, and the reason why he is still in this position is because he has done a good job in killing the queen of the insect race, and there is no arrangement yet."

The smile on Cheng Jinxue's face gradually disappeared: "Oh, so what?"

Hong Shijun thought that Cheng Jinxue had heard it, and sneered: "Adjutant Cheng has no idea? You are Wen Xiaoyun's adjutant and the second-in-command of the Third Legion. Wen Xiaoyun goes down, and you are the biggest in the entire Third Legion, don't you think? You don't want to be in this position? Or do you want someone else to be parachuted down and become your regiment leader? As long as you say a word, our Hong family will support you, and the Duke of Bolton will also support you. Duke Bolton's younger brother is number one. The legion commander will also make you sit firmly in this position."

Cheng Jinxue snorted: "It seems that Young Master Hong has a lot of face. You will make Duke Bolton and the First Army Commander support me with a single word?"

Hong Shijun said, "Of course, it's up to you whether you want it or not."

After a pause, Hong Shijun continued: "It is said that Admiral Wen was completely exposed to high-radiation junk stars without protection for a long time, right? The degree of infection with energy radiation is not low, right? In just a few days, the mental power dropped from SSS level to SS grade, two months have passed, does he still have S grade mental power? You also know better than anyone that the infection is serious, not waste, basically waiting to die, waiting for him to become waste, or waiting If he is dead, the Third Legion is completely yours,"

Of course, the premise is that he must rot in his stomach about the energy device today.

Zhuang Zhou wanted to see the mecha made by Xiaojun No. 4 to hang and beat Hong Shijun. He sat too far behind and could only watch the big screen. This makes it possible to see all the details of the Little Rack 4.

Unexpectedly, he just walked to the stage when he heard what Hong Shijun said.

Zhuang Zhou's smile and crooked eyes changed immediately.

How could this person say that to Wen Xiaoyun!

Still so malicious!

This time, he was really angry!

Cheng Jinxue listened to Hong Shijun's words to provoke discord, and the more he listened, the more disgusting he became. He was about to call Xiaotao No.4 to come back and dismantle Hong Shijun on the spot, when a voice suddenly sounded in his mind -

"Cheng Jinxue, I want you to shred all the mechas he made bit by bit!"

Cheng Jinxue was shocked, the voice belonged to Zhouzhou, but it clearly sounded in his mind.

He was very sure that no one around him heard it, and he was the only one who heard it. How did Zhouzhou do it

Cheng Jinxue didn't have time to think too much, because he found that after Zhouzhou finished saying this, he actually found an urge in his heart to complete the thing that Zhouzhou said, it must be done! Can't let him down!

He re-established a spiritual connection with the little tattered No. 4, changing the style of the previous entertainment game, and the battle scene has changed even more, full of ruthless chills!

Just like the words Zhouzhou said in his mind, the audience in the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room watched helplessly as Hong Shijun's newly assembled mecha 'Frost' was being reduced by that little one. Dozens of times of mini-mechas, dismantled and smashed little by little!

There was an uproar in the audience!

Before Frost was torn apart, Hong Shijun realized something and wanted to stop the game, but found that he couldn't make a sound!

His throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't make a sound!

Zhuang Zhou muttered twice: "It's so ugly, let him stop talking, I'm so angry after hearing that!"

No one can say that to Wen Xiaoyun!

He doesn't allow it anyway!

Hong Shijun didn't stop the game, the audience and the judges also thought that Mecha Frost and the trump card had not been explained, so naturally they would not stop the game.

Then, everyone watched helplessly as the mecha Frost was torn to shreds, and Hong Shijun never said a word.

Instead, his face was flushed, and he was jumping around angrily, clutching his neck, as if he was angry.

In front of everyone's eyes, Frost was defeated!

I lost to a mini mecha that was as tall as an adult's waist!

The whole place was silent!

It's just that everyone came back to their senses very quickly. If you lose, you will lose. The explosion point of this frost is not its attack power, but an energy device without radiation shielding!

Just when the host was embarrassed and wanted to announce the result of the game, he saw that Little Rude No. 4 found an energy device in a pile of mecha fragments.

"It's Frost's ability device! What does it do with this energy device?!"

"I'm going! Don't you want to grab it?!"

"It's useless to steal it! Everyone knows that this is the patent of the young master of the Hong family. It's useless to steal it. Besides, Adjutant Cheng is not such a person."

Before the discussion had stopped, the little mini mecha on the stage suddenly dismantled himself with his bare hands!

The audience: "???"

What is this operation

No. 4 disassembled the partition on his head with his bare hands, revealing the energy device system inside, and said to Cheng Jinxue: "Master, this is my device system, this human being is a thief."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

What does this little mech mean

Its device system? !

Hong Shijun's face was blue and red, and he was furious on the spot. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound, and he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Cheng Jinxue took over the device system, patted No. 4's head with a smile, then turned to the organizer of the mecha competition, and said loudly: "Masters, I want to report, this energy device system technology is our patent, Hong Shijun. Steal our technology."

Not to mention that the audience was shocked, even the judges of the major mecha manufacturing masters almost couldn't sit still.

"Cheng, Adjutant Cheng... Do you have any evidence?"

The Hong family jumped up directly: "You can't talk nonsense, Adjutant Cheng, don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence! This was invented by our young master!"

Then he turned to Hong Shijun: "Master, please explain it to them!"

But Hong Shijun's voice was stuck, and he couldn't say a word at all, and his eyes rolled up in anxiety.

Cheng Jinxue was of course prepared for the evidence. The reason why he came to the stage to challenge is to dig out the device in Frost.

Cheng Jinxue submitted his evidence.

"This is the shopping record left by Mr. Hong Shijun when he bought a robot in my friend's store. The product and information pictures are also on it, exactly the same as my 4.0, and... "

He paused and said lazily, "If you don't believe it, you can test for 4.0."

After reading the evidence, the jury's face became even more solemn.

Cheng Jinxue is a well-known figure in the military anyway, so it is impossible to joke about this.

So after reading the evidence, they immediately tested 4.0 again.

When they saw the 100% energy radiation shielding value, everyone gasped.

With the purchase record and the example of 4.0, it is hard for them to believe that this energy device was made by Hong Shijun.

Just when everyone exploded the pot, Cheng Jinxue dropped another bomb: "Oh, you are not all curious just now, why is 4.0 reacting so fast when no one is controlling it? Actually, you all misunderstood, I have been Manipulation 4.0."

"Impossible!" A mecha master said without thinking: "You didn't even enter the cockpit of the mecha, besides..."

He glanced at 4.0, such a small mecha, even if there is a cockpit, it is impossible for people to enter!

Cheng Jinxue laughed loudly: "Because, I control it with mental power."

The audience: "???!!!!!!"

what did he say? ! Mind control? !

What the hell, is that what they thought? ! !

But at this time, there was a noble shouting: "It's that little master!!"

As soon as these words came out, many nobles reacted.

"Yes, yes, it must be the 'little master'! At that time, Master Gruen said that this little master can make stream-of-consciousness mechas!"

"I didn't expect that the 100% energy radiation shielding device was also made by him!"

"Nonsense, the little master can make a stream of consciousness mecha! Damn, this guy from the Hong family is really cheating!"

"I actually used the energy device made by the little master to compete, and said that it was made by myself!"

"The XXX mecha manufacturing company seems to have signed a contract with him. It is said that they paid a lot of money. Wouldn't it be maddening?"

Many powerful nobles, when Wen Xiaoyun's battleship was still on the junk planet, learned that there is a person like 'Little Master', who was sealed and concluded by Master Gruen, who can make spiritual links. Mecha, also known as Stream of Consciousness Mecha.

It's just that they searched around, but they couldn't find out who this 'little master' was, and only knew a little bit of news from Gruen.


But there are too many young people in the whole interstellar space, who will they be

I didn't expect to hear the news from Cheng Jinxue again in this mecha competition!

Zhuang Zhou, who was in the audience, heard everyone talking about himself, and immediately raised his head and raised his chest proudly.

it's me!

He was about to take the stage when he saw countless mecha manufacturers rushing onto the stage, surrounded Cheng Jinxue, and begged Cheng Jinxue to name him or give him contact information.

Some people were even deeply afraid that Cheng Jinxue would run away, and hugged Cheng Jinxue's thigh directly, crying and begging the little master for contact information!

When the little God of Wealth saw this situation, his expression froze, he quickly picked up the little junk and ran to Wen Xiaoyun.

Terrible, slip away.

As soon as he ran back to Wen Xiaoyun, he immediately pulled Wen Xiaoyun and ran.

"Go quickly, don't be recognized!"

He doesn't want to be hugged by so many people!

Wen Xiaoyun was so cute by the children again that he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

the next day.

The star network exploded again.

The birth of the stream-of-consciousness mecha completely detonated the traffic of the All Star Network.

The video of the mecha competition entertainment game has been turned over by countless people ten times and watched dozens of times. Even if the little tattered No. 4 is not a real stream of consciousness mecha, its strength is terrifying and amazing.

Besides, this is the real stream of consciousness mecha!

The first stream-of-consciousness mecha that appeared in the entire interstellar!

Cheng Jinxue also cooperated with many official appraisals, proving that this is indeed a real stream of consciousness mecha. As soon as the appraisal results came out, the entire interstellar network was almost paralyzed.

The heat even surpassed previous news of 100% energy radiation shielding devices.

But both are techniques of the same person!

Therefore, as the popularity continues to rise, an entry called "Who is the little master?" has also become popular all over the world.

The only known news so far is-

This mysterious little master is a friend of Cheng Jinxue's, and has helped the Third Army build two stream-of-consciousness robots and a mecha.

Cheng Jinxue's popularity also rose with the tide, and he was harassed by countless terminal communications every day.

He can only block all unfamiliar news.

However, it is useless to block unfamiliar communications, because there are many familiar people who are also asking!

And Zhuang Zhou was at ease.

Because the name is just a code name, the one who really benefits is him. Those beliefs that worship the 'little master' are also classified into him, and his beliefs are growing more and more!


getting lazy!

He hasn't been developing clients for several nights!

Don't even panic!

Just like now, Wen Xiaoyun is taking him to visit the Third Army and strolling leisurely in the Third Army.

Zhuang Zhou looked around curiously and saw many members of the Third Army Corps. Those people were also looking at him secretly. When they saw him, they immediately pretended to be training seriously.

Zhuang Zhou likes it here: "Do you work here every day?"

Wen Xiaoyun 'um': "You can come here to find me if you are bored at home in the future."

Zhuang Zhou said, "Okay!"

"Admiral, Lieutenant General Chen wants to see you in the conference room." A soldier came to report.

Wen Xiaoyun nodded: "Got it."

He turned his head and asked Zhuang Zhou, "Do you want to go there together?"

Zhuang Zhou was very curious about everything and agreed immediately.

Wen Xiaoyun took him to the conference room.

Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun who was walking in front, and then looked down at his hand, frowning inaudibly.

Wen Xiaoyun... Why didn't you hold his hand

He thought for a while, then trotted to keep up, grabbing Wen Xiaoyun's hand.

Wen Xiaoyun looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

Zhuang Zhou looked away with a guilty conscience: "I'm afraid of getting lost."

Wen Xiaoyun clenched his hand and said in a deep voice, "It's alright, with me here, I won't get lost."

Zhuang Zhou's ears turned red quietly: "Mmmm."

The two came to the conference room. In addition to Lieutenant General Chen, there was a young man in the conference room.

It's just that this young man's nose is blue and his face is swollen, and he looks very embarrassed.

Zhuang Zhou looked at it and felt a little familiar: "Huh!"

Lieutenant General Chen quickly stood up and saluted: "Admiral, Mr. Zhuang."

As he spoke, he pulled up the young man beside him: "This is my son Chen Jianxiang, Jianxiang, see the admiral soon!"

"Admiral, as I told you before, my son is very talented, his mental strength and physique are S-rank, and he always wanted to join the Third Army, but something happened to him a few days ago, and he stayed in the hospital for two days. The injury is just right, no, as soon as he is discharged from the hospital, I will bring him over to show you now."

Chen Jianxiang hurriedly stood up from his chair: "Hello, Admiral! I'm..."

Before he could finish speaking, the chandelier hanging over his head suddenly smashed down.

Chen Jianxiang responded quickly. Although he avoided the key point, he was still hit on the shoulder, and his arm snapped and broke.

Chen Jianxiang wanted to get up from the ground numbly, but he still didn't stand firm. I don't know if his foot caught the metal hook of the chandelier.

And he didn't fall badly, his head hit a metal 'pimple' directly, a blood hole was knocked out of his forehead, and he bleeded all over the floor immediately!

Lieutenant General Chen: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Only Zhuang Zhou suddenly realized: "Oh!"

It was him!

The one who said he was a monster, went to talk to him in his dream, and he called himself an idiot!

Zhuang Zhou: "Wow!"

So much bad luck.

This is too bad!

Chen Jianxiang covered his head and said weakly, "Admiral, wait for me to go to the hospital for an emergency first and then come back to salute you..."

Lieutenant General Chen: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

The author has something to say: PS—

Zhuang Zhou: Wow, it's so miserable! I can't even scold myself!

Chen Jianxiang: …

The update is an hour late, sorry QAQ, tomorrow must be 6 o'clock on time!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 4 Shenzhou; 1 light cloud;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 29 bottles of fake Azusa; 10 bottles of Adin, yes; 9 bottles of Muah; 6 bottles of crayon sama who can’t draw; Unit 8, jujube, 2 bottles of orange-flavored oranges ;Sun Erniang's meat buns, light tea ink dyeing, Jiaojiao, | vigorously develop productivity, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!