Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 34: I want to be that person


Chen Jianxiang was carried down and rescued by the medical team of the Third Army.

Because the brain is bleeding too much.

I just didn't expect to lift it onto the stretcher, the stretcher broke inexplicably, and Chen Jianxiang fell to the ground again.

The members of the medical team were stunned. This stretcher is quite a hard stretcher. Why does it still break? The material keeps burning when set on fire!

"It's really evil..."

Although it took a while to toss, Chen Jianxiang successfully carried it down.

They are all medical teams in the army. Lieutenant General Chen is also very relieved that his son will be carried down for rescue, but he still carries a touch of vicissitudes in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Admiral, my son doesn't know what's going on recently. It's really unfortunate. Every day, I either break my hands or feet, or I'm on the way to the hospital for rescue. I don't know what's going on..."

Just like the last time I was sent to the hospital for rescue, it stands to reason that the school also has a medical warehouse, especially in a place like a military school, it is impossible for the medical warehouse to be unprepared.

But it is very strange that all the medical warehouses in the school temporarily fail.

It's hard to get him to the hospital for rescue. Something even weirder is coming. As long as the medical warehouse where his son lies, it will definitely fail.

But other patients lie in and get better soon!

This kind of strange incident made the doctor feel strange, and finally he could only operate on him according to the original surgical method.

Fortunately, the medicine works very well, and it's okay to stay for two days.

However, the injury could be repaired by lying in the medical warehouse for a few hours, but his son was in pain for two days.

"Also on the way here, everyone's suspension cars are driving well. Before I came, I specially checked that the suspension cars were fine, but there was a car accident..." Lieutenant General Chen said with a bitter face: "And I and I Jianxiang both rode in the same suspension car, and after the accident, I was fine, but he was seriously injured."

It is really not easy for them to sit in the conference room and wait for Admiral Wen to come over!

"So, Admiral, don't get me wrong, he is really unlucky." It's not that he doesn't salute you when he sees him!

Lieutenant General Chen was flustered, afraid of being misunderstood.

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun inexplicably felt a little familiar after listening to this strange and horrifying history of bad luck.

He looked towards Zhuang Zhou.

I saw the child's expression of sympathy and fear.

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

So, is it what he thought

Seeing the look in Wen Xiaoyun's eyes, Zhuang Zhou stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "That person, scolded the God of Wealth!"

Wen Xiaoyun thought to himself, as expected.

Zhuang Zhou patted his little chest with lingering fears, and beeped softly: "You must never scold you in the future."

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head: "How can I scold."

How could he be willing to scold him.

"Mmmm." Zhuang Zhou also touched his head and muttered, "It's so miserable that I don't dare to scold myself..."

Wen Xiaoyun: "???"

Lieutenant General Chen was a little apprehensive: "Admiral, after my son's injury is healed, I'll... bring it here to meet you?"

Wen Xiaoyun still remembered that Lieutenant General Chen also mentioned this matter before, saying that his son's physical and mental strength was S, and when he was admitted to the military academy, his grades were also very good.

Wen Xiaoyun naturally didn't want to let go of such a good seedling, so he asked Lieutenant General Chen to bring him to take a look. If he was really good and his character was okay, he would naturally agree.

But now I heard Zhouzhou say that this person also scolded the God of Wealth.

Wen Xiaoyun's expression was indifferent: "Let's talk about it after the young master's injury is healed."

Well, that is, I am afraid it is difficult to complete.

Lieutenant General Chen thought that Wen Xiaoyun had agreed, and thanked him happily.

However, for the next half a month, Chen Jianxiang returned to the way he was... either on the way to rescue or on the way to an accident.

In just half a month, everyone became haggard.

Even Chen Jianxiang has also practiced conditioned reflexes. Before a certain danger is about to come, he can conditioned reflex to perform a defense and block.

The speed was so fast that everyone was stunned.

In normal times, Chen Jianxiang must be proud to start showing off how talented he is. He has such strength because he is excellent.

But now.

Chen Jianxiang looked blank, what can he say, can he say that he has been rescued too many times, has he developed his defense instinct? He can guarantee that the defense in place is only temporary.

The danger will never stop, it's just not here yet.

Sure enough, in the next second, he, who had just successfully resisted a wave of danger, fell to the ground again!

Listening to the sound of rescue in his ear, Chen Jianxiang suddenly felt that he might have failed in the rescue, or when would such a day be over.

He couldn't go to the military school either, because every time he went to school, strange accidents would happen.

So the school let him go home to recuperate.

It was not safe to recuperate at home, so I ended up moving directly to the hospital.

Chen Jianxiang's unfortunate history is completely famous. Lieutenant General Chen is now walking on the road, and some people will ask: Is your son okay now

At this time, Lieutenant General Chen smiled bitterly, and then said, "I'm in the hospital, and I have to go in within an hour of leaving."

So just stay.

Everyone: "… "

This is true too.

It's so wicked.

Lieutenant General Chen has a good life in the Third Army. First, he has a good temper and will not bully the soldiers below by relying on his position. Moreover, his family is good, and if any soldiers in the army encounter something, he can help Anyone who is busy will help.

The only thing that was special was that he brought his son to see Wen Xiaoyun, and wanted to bring his son into the Third Army.

Therefore, most of the Legion respected him. Seeing his son was so miserable, some people began to advise him.

"That, Lieutenant General Chen, do you believe in God?"

Lieutenant General Chen was a little at a loss: "What gods do you believe in?"

"That's right, you don't think your son is a bit unlucky."

Lieutenant General Chen sighed: "It's probably just bad luck."

"For luck, it's even more necessary to worship God!" The person who made the suggestion vowed: "Have you rarely seen our Third Corps exchange group? I suggest you go and have a look when you have time!"

Lieutenant General Chen was aroused by what he said. He opened the communication group of the terminal and looked at it, and then he was stunned. He couldn't understand the painting style on the full screen!

"Don't you think that the elite team and the flying dragon battle fleet have become a little different after returning from the Junk Star?"

"It's not that there are some, I don't even dare to recognize it! These people talk about it all day long, saying that worshiping the God of Wealth will bring good luck, and the incense continues every day."

"Is this God of Wealth the one with the star mask that we dreamed about the night the Admiral came back?"

"Should it be? Didn't you say that you can make a fortune just by praying?"

"Hahaha to tell the truth, when the old sixth told me yesterday, I worshipped with the mood of trying it out. When I worshipped, I thought in my heart that I hope the general can see my excellence~ In the end, the general is today. Suddenly checked our second group, saw my results, and praised me!"

"I'm going, I'm still surprised today. It's always the responsibility of a few lieutenant generals to check the affairs of each group, not even the adjutant. Why did the general check in person all of a sudden."

"Really? That's why I think it's amazing! I'm going to try it again tonight!"

"Tell you one thing, Bai Zi and I made a bet with each other a few days ago that if this god is so smart, let us get rid of the single! Bai Zi was very devout when he worshipped him. He really got rid of the list today o(╥﹏╥)o, and the girl he had a crush on just liked him, so we got together right away! Don't say anything, I'm going to worship the God of Wealth now Father."

"… "

"… "

"… "

"Wait! What kind of thing is this, doesn't it mean that this is the God of Wealth, can you make a fortune after worshiping? How can you get rid of the bill?"

"Who knows, maybe it will bring good luck. If you have good luck, you can get rich again and get rid of the bill?"

This sentence was recognized by everyone, so more and more people in the group came to share their stories.

Some people have really got good luck, but after some people pray, they are still the same as before, with no good luck and no change in their lives.

However, Lieutenant General Chen found that those who did not get good luck, when chatting in the group, all held an attitude of disbelief in their speech and behavior.

And the soldiers with good luck are mostly people who speak well in peacetime and work very hard, so after getting a little bit of luck, they immediately vacated.

The more Lieutenant General Chen looked, the more surprised he became, and there was a trace of uncertainty in his heart.

Is it really that amazing

His son Jianxiang is so unlucky now, can he really be transported after worshipping

With such doubts, Lieutenant General Chen consulted several more people, and after confirming that good luck was really possible, he also brought a little hope in his heart.

He started praying that night.

The next day I woke up and ran to the hospital to see my son, to see if his son was not so unlucky.

But it doesn't seem to have much effect.

Lieutenant General Chen is a little disappointed, is it really a lie

Other members of the Third Corps gave advice to Lieutenant General Chen.

"Lieutenant General, why don't you ask your son to pay his respects by himself? Most of us seek good luck for ourselves."

So Lieutenant General Chen went to the hospital to tell his son about it.

Chen Jianxiang looked unbelievable: "Dad, why do you still believe such words?"

Lieutenant General Chen said seriously: "Most people in the Third Army believe it."

Chen Jianxiang couldn't believe it: "Admiral Wen actually believes it? Dad! It's me, not you, who is clearly hurting my brain. What age do you still believe in this kind of thing!"

Lieutenant General Chen sighed and said, "If you weren't so miserable, I wouldn't believe this."

Chen Jianxiang: "..."

Chen Jianxiang was speechless.

Lieutenant General Chen: "You are obedient, and when you can get out of bed, worship this god carefully. I will invite you back to the statue."

As he spoke, he took out a god statue from the space twist.

This statue is based on the big statue on the Flying Dragon battleship.

When he was still on Junk Star, in order to make Zhuang Zhou gain more faith, Wen Xiaoyun personally built such a statue and put it on the flying dragon battleship for everyone to worship.

Although it is not like Zhuang Zhou, he invited the God of Wealth. Zhuang Zhou recognizes this statue, and all worship will go to him.

Like the earth, the gods in each city and in each person are different, and the same god worshipped in various places and temples across the country is also different.

For example, the God of Wealth in this place is an older God of Wealth, and another place enshrines a God of Wealth in another image.

But no matter what the God of Wealth is, as long as you know who the God of Wealth you worship is, your faith will be accepted by that god.

And Interstellar... Only Zhuang Zhou is the God of Wealth, and it is even more impossible for faith to fly to other gods.

Lieutenant General Chen explained his son carefully and told him to bow before leaving.

Chen Jianxiang was speechless when he looked at the statue placed beside his hospital bed.

It is impossible for him to worship, and he is not brain broken!

Zhuang Zhou is renovating his shop.

Since he knew that the fame of 'Little Master' could also become the power of his belief, he was ready to manage this fame well.

Wen Xiaoyun saw that he was serious, and reminded him aloud: "Go to rest early."

Zhuang Zhou nodded: "Mmmm."

Wen Xiaoyun saw that his mind was on the terminal, so he had to say, "Good night then?"

"Good night!"

Wen Xiaoyun went out the door, and the room fell silent.

Zhuang Zhou decorated his shop, and suddenly raised his head again, looking at the closed door, his brows slightly wrinkled.

Since coming to Wen Xiaoyun's house, he hasn't slept with him.

Is it because he doesn't enter his dream, he doesn't sleep with himself

Zhuang Zhou looked at the terminal in his hand, thought about it, closed the terminal, picked up his idol and went out the door.

He ran all the way to the door of Wen Xiaoyun's room and knocked on the door.

The door was quickly opened, revealing Wen Xiaoyun's slightly surprised eyes: "Zhouzhou?"

Zhuang Zhou lowered his head, his ears were red, and whispered, "My brother... doesn't want to sleep with me."

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the drooping little head in front of him, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Then does he want to sleep with me?"

Zhuang Zhou nodded lightly, then raised his eyes quietly, wanting to peek at Wen Xiaoyun's expression.

Zhuang Zhou blushed a little more, then shoved the idol into Wen Xiaoyun's arms, turned his head and ran away.

"sorry to bother you!"

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the statue in his hand, and a smile slowly appeared in his eyes.

He closed the door, put the idol beside his pillow, and went to wash himself.

After washing, he lay down, looked at the god statue beside him, and said in a low voice, "Good night."

In the middle of the night, everything was silent, and Wen Xiaoyun seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The idol's eyes suddenly moved, and he blinked his eyes a little embarrassedly, and then he burrowed into the bed little by little until he was very close to Wen Xiaoyun, and when he could smell his breath, he stopped and felt at ease. Close your eyes.

However, Zhuang Zhou did not fall asleep. He felt a strange worship. He had never seen faith mixed with a lot of bad luck, and they flew towards him together, which startled him, so he followed this trend Faith comes from.

I came to a hospital and entered a avatar of a god.

Hospital rooftop.

A young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, a crippled leg, and his arms wrapped in gauze, was kneeling firmly on the ground, holding three sticks of incense in one hand, praying devoutly for something.

Zhuang Zhou: "Huh!"

Isn't this Chen Jianxiang

No wonder faith carries so much bad luck.

Why did he start to worship himself, and he agreed to call him a monster!

Chen Jianxiang didn't know that his actions were clearly seen by Zhuang Zhou in the statue.

He worshipped the incense devoutly, praying that he would not be so miserable tomorrow, at least let him see Wen Xiaoyun and show his talent to Admiral Wen...

After worshiping, he put away his things and went downstairs to the ward.

One stepped on the air and immediately rolled down the stairs.

Before fainting, Chen Jianxiang finally saw tears in his eyes when he saw the robot nurse running towards him.

He is really suffering!

Then he passed out.

In a daze, Chen Jianxiang felt like he had a dream.

In the dream, he met the monster wearing a star mask again.

But now, exhausted, he has no energy to fight.

He just asked coldly: "You invaded my consciousness again?"

Zhuang Zhou said innocently, "You called me here."

Chen Jianxiang thought about it: "Impossible! How could I ask a monster to invade my subconscious!"

When Zhuang Zhou raised his hand, a statue suddenly appeared in his hand.

Seeing the statue, Chen Jianxiang's expression changed: "How could you..."

Zhuang Zhou said, "He is me! I am the God of Wealth. You worship me and let me give you good luck. I heard it."

While Chen Jianxiang said it was impossible, he thought of something.

When did his bad luck start

It was the first time this masked man with star coins invaded his subconscious!

After he woke up, he kept being unlucky!

Sure enough, the person wearing the star coin mask spoke up, and he said, "If you insult God, bad luck will find you, so you have been so unlucky during this period of time."

Chen Jianxiang: "It turns out that you are hurting me!"

Zhuang Zhou said that he walked around him and muttered to himself, "I don't think your brain is broken."

Chen Jianxiang was furious: "Then what do you mean?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "It's obvious that you've been found by bad luck, and that's why you're so unlucky. Think about it carefully. Every time you're unlucky, is it your own bad luck, or someone else's bad luck?"

Chen Jianxiang stopped talking.

Because it was his own fault.

Because of this, the more he thought about it, the more panic he felt, the more he thought it was impossible!

"I don't believe... there is no god in this world... I don't believe it! This must be fake!"

Seeing his self-deception, Zhuang Zhou sighed very maturely: "Hey, young man, if you don't listen to advice, you will always be the one who suffers."

Before leaving, Zhuang Zhou said, "If you want to change your bad luck now, you'd better do more good things. The more good things you do, the less bad luck you will have. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

After saying that, he just left.

As when he came, he went silently.

The next day, Wen Xiaoyun woke up and found that the statue was in his arms.

He smiled, picked up the statue, and said, "Morning."

After washing up and going out, he happened to bump into Zhuang Zhou, the boy blushed, looking at Wen Xiaoyun's eyes a little dodge.

Wen Xiaoyun asked, "Did you sleep well?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "Well... it's pretty good."

Wen Xiaoyun said, "If you gave me your brother, will you not be able to sleep alone?"

Zhuang Zhou's face turned even redder: "No, no..."

He secretly went back to the idol and fell asleep!

Wen Xiaoyun also pretended not to know that he fell asleep, and said, "That's good, then I'm going to work, do you want to come with me?"

Zhuang Zhou said suspiciously: "Didn't you go to the military today? Yesterday you said that they would reward you for your military exploits today."

"Well." The smile in Wen Xiaoyun's eyes faded, and he said, "I don't want to go."

Zhuang Zhou was stunned for a moment: Wen Xiaoyun... Are you acting like a spoiled child

He was a little amused, secretly entertained, and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll be back soon! I'll wait for you at home!"

Waiting for you at home is a magic word.

Wen Xiaoyun had never felt anything strange about this sentence before.

But now hearing his heart, it seems to be able to burn his heart, making his heart burn only for one person.

Wen Xiaoyun went to the military with a rare feeling of reluctance to leave home.


As soon as Wen Xiaoyun entered the conference room, he received eager attention from many people.

"Admiral Smell, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

"Brother Wen, the day you came back, I wanted to pick you up at the airport. I didn't expect that I couldn't get away for a while, so I didn't come. You wouldn't blame me, would you?"

"Old Wen, come here, come and sit down, tell me about the battle with the Zerg Queen before, I'm very curious!"

Wen Xiaoyun paused, his gaze calmly swept over everyone in the conference room, then landed next to Marshal Huo, and went straight to Marshal Huo and sat down.

Marshal Huo sent him a terminal message with a smile.

[Marshal Huo: These people have been trying to curry favor with you ever since they knew that your Third Army might know that 'little master'. 】

[Marshal Huo: The funny thing is, before the mecha competition, they were still discussing whether you were qualified to continue to be the commander of the third army. 】

Wen Xiaoyun didn't reply immediately.

In fact, today is to award him a new medal of meritorious service.

It has been half a month since he returned to the capital star, and the battle exploits of the Queen of the Zerg have been pressed and dragged all the time.

Until now, after knowing that the Third Army is related to the little master who can create stream-of-consciousness mechas and 100% energy radiation screen mechas, those who want to pull him down have stopped talking immediately. down.

The change was so fast that Wen Xiaoyun was not surprised.

And these are the results that Zhouzhou brought him.

Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, people from the other legions immediately asked Wen Xiaoyun about the 'little master'.

Wen Xiaoyun said lightly: "This master doesn't like to be disturbed. I really don't know where he lives. He only appears when he wants to see me."

Hearing this, everyone is a little unbelievable: "General Wen, wouldn't you refuse to tell us? The stream-of-consciousness mecha has now been born, and it is still appearing in our empire, the mecha reform must begin, since that's the case. , In order to increase the national defense strength of our empire, we must start from the military headquarters, you are hiding this master... This is not good?"

Wen Xiaoyun said: "This time is different from the past. My mental power is now contaminated by radiation. Do you think I still have the ability to hide this master?"

He hooked his lips: "I am willing, Master is willing?"

Everyone's thoughts were different.

Wen Xiaoyun was right, since this master is so powerful, if he really wants to be famous, it will be easy.

Then it's very likely that you really want to keep a low profile.

Everyone thought about it and changed their strategy: "Admiral Wen, since you said that he would contact you when he wanted to appear, why did you contact you? Do you know the preferences of the master, the master?"

Wen Xiaoyun immediately said, "No, how would I know, it's impossible."

When Wen Xiaoyun said this, he refused to go on.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and I feel more and more that Wen Xiaoyun must know something.

So, after the meeting, Wen Xiaoyun led his new exploits, greeted Marshal Huo, and left in a hurry.

And the people from the major legions arranged their manpower and closely watched Wen Xiaoyun's every move.

Each legion has the details of other legions buried deep, because there are too many legions, it is impossible to check the details of everyone.

The Third Legion also had details of other legions.

Soon, the major legions received information from their own details.

—Wen Xiaoyun did go to get off work on time every day, and he didn't go out to see anyone, and there was no strange person in the legion, and no one suspected of being a 'little master' appeared.

If there is anything strange about the Third Army, Wen Xiaoyun made another strange statue yesterday and put it in the Third Army.

The major legions were deeply puzzled by the news they received: "What is Wen Xiaoyun doing? Does he really have no contact information for the little master? Then why did the little master take the initiative to find him?"

After a careful in-depth investigation, the major legions vaguely found something wrong.

Wen Xiaoyun actually indulged the soldiers of their Third Army Corps and worshipped that statue every day!

The people of the 3rd Corps talk about it every day, as if they were brainwashed by a cult. If it wasn't for the Legion's culture class and patriotism class, they would all suspect that the 3rd Corps had become a cult. .

In the end, the major legions got the biggest piece of information: the statue worshipped by the third legion is not a statue, but a god statue, which is said to be the belief of the 'little master'!

Everyone suddenly realized, so Wen Xiaoyun won the favor of the little master by flattering

What kind of god did the little master believe in, so Wen Xiaoyun instigated the whole army to follow the belief in that god. This made the little master happy, so he made them a stream-of-consciousness mecha for the third army

So can they too

Of course, there are also objections.

"Are you an idiot? Wen Xiaoyun was infected with energy radiation and his brain was broken, so do you do such a childish superstition, do you really believe that as long as you flatter yourself, you can gain the little master's faith?"

Yes, everyone thinks this is outrageous.

They are all high-ranking legionaries! How can you believe such an outrageous and mindless thing.

They are not stupid!

Not to be forcibly demoted!

How can you do such a stupid thing

But... just in case.

What if this mysterious little master likes to look at their not-so-smart looks? !

If you can get a stream-of-consciousness mecha, who wouldn't play stupid

At this point, someone was already making a move.

until the fifth day.

Wen Xiaoyun brought Mecha Voss to the public eye.

Everyone knows that Mecha Vos, built by Gruen, was torn apart in the previous battle with the Zerg Queen, and it may not be repaired well.

But this time, Wen Xiaoyun and Voss appeared again!

Facing the media, Wen Xiaoyun said generously: "Thank you little master for repairing and evolving Voss, my Voss has now officially evolved into a stream-of-consciousness mecha, controlled by spiritual power, and shielded by 100% energy radiation. "

The whole network is in an uproar!

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the first conventional stream-of-consciousness mecha was Wen Xiaoyun's mecha Vos!

The previous little junk 4.0 was not a regular mecha, but a mini mecha.

Everyone was waiting for the regular mecha to appear, but I didn't expect it to be Wen Xiaoyun's Voss.

The senior leaders of the major legions were stunned.

"Are you sure that Wen Xiaoyun hasn't gone anywhere, and is at home and the military every day?"

"When did the little master help Wen Xiaoyun fix Voss?!"

The third legion frequently received stream-of-consciousness mechas, which made the top executives of the major legions unable to sit still.

If Xuewen Xiaoyun organizes a legion to worship that god, they can really get the help of the little master, and they... are also willing to be forcibly demoted! !

Let the little master think that they are not too smart!

As a result, many powerful families and senior officials of the legion also began to learn from Wen Xiaoyun to create idols to worship.

Overnight, Zhuang Zhou gained the power of tens of thousands of beliefs, and Zhuang Zhou himself was stunned.

He watched Wen Xiaoyun take the rhythm step by step, asking these people to voluntarily do this kind of brainless thing, and he was dumbfounded by the continuous operation.

This is more effective than his dreams!

"Wen Xiaoyun, you... are too powerful!"

Wen Xiaoyun said: "You told me before that you want to make more mechas and let more people worship you. They all want mechas. If they want it, if they don't do something, wouldn't it be cheaper for them."

Zhuang Zhou was so happy that his eyes curled up.

Don't look at these tens of thousands of people, but there are many of them in the same position as Wen Xiaoyun!

This kind of person who provides jobs to many people has the power of faith several times that of others!

In other words, regardless of the tens of thousands of people, there are actually tens of thousands of true beliefs!

Wen Xiaoyun is so good!

Wen Xiaoyun smiled: "As long as you are happy."

"But." Zhuang Zhou quickly became distressed again. He said: "Now that there are so many people, my brother and I will work hard to work overtime to fulfill their wishes!"

"No need." Wen Xiaoyun said, "Zhouzhou, do you know the God of the ancient earth?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "I know."

Wen Xiaoyun: "On the ancient earth, there are many people who believe in God, but do you see that God blesses everyone?"

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened: "Huh?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "So, don't have faith in vain. Get it first and then talk about it. As for you... Whether your brother wants to fulfill his wish or not depends on his mood."

Zhuang Zhou suddenly realized: "It seems to be the same!"

Whoever is a good person and who works harder, he will help whomever!

As for the rest... don't give up!

Wen Xiaoyun is really amazing! He never thought it could be like this!

Zhuang Zhou looked at him, not knowing what to think, suddenly asked in a low voice, "Then can I ask you something?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "You ask."

Zhuang Zhou said, "You let so many people... um, believe in the God of Wealth, then, why haven't you worshiped?"

After having known each other for so long, Wen Xiaoyun never bowed.

It’s okay to not believe in God before.

But now he knows...

Hearing this, Wen Xiaoyun was silent for a while.

Zhuang Zhou thought he didn't want to talk, and just as he was about to end the topic, he heard Xiaoyun speak.

"I don't want to be blessed by him because he has to bless so many people and no one is there to protect him," he said. "I want to be the one who can bless him."

The author has something to say: PS—

The little god of wealth who has been successfully led astray.

Zhuang Zhou: Hey, I've changed, I'm no longer the selfless God of Wealth...

The typo will be corrected later, it is very thick and long today!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: I am happy 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of envy the most; 7 bottles of hard work and self-cultivation; 5 bottles of my name are the most conspicuous; 1 bottle of Yunwu, Pei Yi, and Mo dye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!