Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 40: All the stars are robbing him!


Mecha Manufacturing Department.

In order to allow more mecha manufacturing students to listen to Zhuang Zhou's class, Principal Delson remodeled a large audio-visual classroom and filled it all up.

This was not a classroom of the Mecha Manufacturing Department before, but a classroom for an elective course in etiquette.

There happened to be an elective course on etiquette today, so many students were about to go to class, but were stopped a few dozen meters away from the classroom.

"Sorry, classmates, this classroom has now been requisitioned by the Mecha Manufacturing Department, and the etiquette class has been changed to other classrooms. For details, please refer to the notice published on the school's official website."

The students who stopped them were the students of the combat department. Principal Delson was very careful and arranged for the students of the combat department to take turns on duty here.

There are too many students in the First Military Academy, which brings together top students from all over the country. Not everyone likes to gossip, so they still don’t know what happened.

Two students from the Mecha Manufacturing Department stood up, and one of them was Zhang Jun, one of the students who participated in the protest at the gate of the school.

Zhang Jun said: "Senior, we are from the mecha manufacturing department. We are going to class now. Let us go in."

It is said that the principal arranged for Zhuang Zhou to teach in this classroom.

He didn't believe that the guy who never went to kindergarten could really be a teacher, even a teacher of the mecha department.

I don't even believe that he is that little master, he must see believing!

The senior of the combat department looked at Zhang Jun, his eyes flickered, he picked up the terminal and looked at it, and then said, "Classmate, did you stop Teacher Zhuang at the school gate before? Hey, don't hide, I recognize it, it's you. Let's go, Teacher Zhuang said, do you want to listen to his class? Go back and dream!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jun's face suddenly became ugly: "I am a student of the mecha manufacturing department. I have the right to study all courses. I want to complain to the principal!"

The senior of the combat department shrugged: "Then go, the principal should still be there."

Is it a student who violates discipline or a teacher with a bright future? Is the principal a fool

On the contrary, Zhang Jun was in a dilemma.

The classmate next to Zhang Jun said quickly, "Senior, I didn't stop Mr. Zhuang at the school gate. Can I go in? I'm also in the manufacturing department."

"You? Neither can you."

"Why not? I really haven't been in a protest at the school gate!"

"Oh, because you're this guy's good friend, right? Seeing that the two of you have a good relationship, Mr. Zhuang said, love the house to Wu, hate the house also to Wu, you are his good friend, you must be his enemy, and you must be the same. I don't like him, so neither him nor his good friends can go to Mr. Zhuang's class."

Zhang Jun was really annoyed now: "Bah! I really thought someone was going to take his class? Ah Hao, let's go!"

The combat students were not angry, but looked at the audio-visual classroom behind them with their classmates: "You said, this teacher Zhuang is really the little master who can make stream-of-consciousness mechas?"

"I think it must be true, otherwise the principal would not come to pick it up in person."

"That's right."

"Besides, those students have been in the classroom for a while. If there was any problem, they came out long ago."

"Stream-of-consciousness mecha... I really want to have one. Damn, it makes me want to choose another manufacturing department."

Zhang Jun and his friend Ah Hao did not go far, but walked to a corner and stared in the direction of the audio-visual classroom.

In addition to them, Zhang Jun also saw many students who had participated in the protests being stopped and not allowed to enter.

He originally thought that Zhuang Zhou was just talking harshly, but he didn't expect that what he said was true.

I really recorded the identity of each of them, and resolutely refused to let them in.

Ah Hao also saw the students who entered the classroom. They haven't come out for a long time. If Zhuang Zhou's level is really problematic and he doesn't know how to make mechas, these students should have come out long ago.

Ah Hao said uneasy: "Zhang Jun, that Zhuang Zhou, shouldn't it be true..."

Zhang Jun interrupted him coldly: "Impossible! How old do you think he is? Master Gruen made mechas for more than 50 years before he became a master of the generation. His apprentice Han Qingxiao, Master Han, is the most talented disciple he admits. I can't make a stream of consciousness mecha, Zhuang Zhou has never been to school before, and he is so young, how could the little master be him?!"

Having said that, when it comes to the back, Zhang Jun is also a little flustered.

Why didn't the fourth-grade seniors who entered the classroom come out

Shouldn't they soon see the fact that Zhuang Zhou is illiterate

At this time, in the audio-visual classroom.

The first to take Zhuang Zhou's class were seniors who were about to graduate from the fourth grade.

Principal Delson considers that the fourth-grade students know the most about mechas, and their graduation project is to make a complete mecha by themselves before they truly graduate.

Therefore, it is most suitable to teach students in fourth grade first.

So, when Zhuang Zhou took the stage, all the seniors and seniors in the fourth grade felt an inexplicable strange feeling in their hearts.

Because Zhuang Zhou looks really good... It seems small!

Is he really an adult

Can he really be their teacher

Is he really the legendary little master

Such a child is here to teach them

One by one big questions weighed on the hearts of all seniors and seniors.

Looking at him up close... It's really good looking!

But all the people who came to take classes here were instructed by Principal Delson. If they didn't take classes well, they would not graduate. They could only sit obediently.

Zhuang Zhou, who had never been a teacher, stood on the podium and looked at the crowd of people under the stage, subconsciously thinking of these people as clients.

Once the consciousness is covered, you can give them dreams at night.

No, hold on!

Interstellar dreams are becoming more and more useless.

He blushed and said a little embarrassedly: "Well... Hello everyone, my name is Zhuang Zhou, and I will be your teacher in the future."

Seniors and sisters: Bad, bad! Why do you think this kid is so cute! Obviously when I heard that he was at the school gate, he was very fierce!

This must be fake! Obviously so soft and cute!

After Zhuang Zhou introduced himself, he introduced Han Qingxiao: "This is my teaching assistant, Han Qingxiao, you can call him Assistant Han."

Seniors and sisters: Ah, the voice is so nice, standing with Mr. Han... Wait, what is his name Mr. Han? !

I originally thought that Han Qingxiao was here to do handover work for Zhuang Zhou, but I didn't expect to be a teaching assistant? !

sky! Who is Teacher Han!

The chief disciple of Gruen, the first mecha maker in the empire!

The teacher from the mecha manufacturing department that their school invited at a high price!

Obviously I was still teaching them yesterday!

Become a teaching assistant? !

Han Qingxiao was very calm: "Hello everyone, I don't need to introduce myself. Mr. Zhuang has no experience. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me first. If I don't understand, I'll go and ask Mr. Zhuang for you."

Seniors and sisters: "...?"

Mr. Han, are you serious

Zhuang Zhou said a few words, and his nervousness gradually eased: "There is also a teaching assistant..."

He looked towards the door.

All the seniors and seniors followed his gaze.

Zhuang Zhou finally showed a smile, and his eyebrows were curved: "It's called Xiaozhuan, and it also knows how to make mechas. Come here Xiaozhuan and say hello to everyone."

The little junk changed a speaker, which is the voice of an uncle with vicissitudes of life, which seems to be more mature and stable: "Hello."

Ever since he knew that Zhuang Zhou was going to school as a teacher to teach humans how to make mechas.

The little junk couldn't sit still.

The owner can make the 4.0 version of the little junk at home, if it doesn't follow, will it be version 40.0.0? !

So, Little Junk put on a loudspeaker and volunteered to follow.

Zhuang Zhou was also very happy after knowing that the little junk would change the speaker to speak, and didn't think much about why it didn't have a speaker before.

All the seniors and sisters stretched their necks and carefully stared at the empty teacher's door.

Huh? What about people

And what about a teaching assistant

Isn't it already in

They all heard his voice!

Little Junk: "… "

Little tattered: "Please bow your head and look at a 45-degree angle."

All seniors and sisters: "...!!!"

Little Junk: "See?"

All seniors and sisters: FUCK!

A robot to be their teaching assistant

Wait, why is this robot so familiar

All of them are students from the mecha manufacturing department. How could they miss the mecha competition? Even more than 80% of them are contestants.

And this little junk, isn't it the stream-of-consciousness mecha that Cheng Jinxue's adjutant took the stage to challenge Hong Shijun!

It is said that it can be controlled by mental power!

For a time, the eyes of all the seniors and seniors became hot.

No matter if Zhuang Zhou is that little master or not, they are satisfied to see the stream-of-consciousness mecha appear in front of them!

The little tatters are so discerning, when they see the fiery eyes in their eyes, they immediately understand that they regard themselves as 4.0.

Small junk is annoying.

It decided to give itself a modification of the armed system later.

Then go and beat 4.0 down and let them see who is the boss.

Zhuang Zhou didn't know his shabby mood. After introducing himself, he started the class.

"Before the class, there are a few words I want to say to everyone. I'm a little stingy. Others don't like me, and I won't like him either."

He knocked on the blackboard, and pictures immediately appeared on the screen of the blackboard. Looking closely, they were all people who had just participated in the protest at the school gate.

Zhuang Zhou said: "I said, I don't allow them to touch the knowledge I teach, the mechas I make, and the energy devices I make. If some of you are their friends, you can choose not to like them. I, then you can walk out of the classroom, if you choose to believe me, you must remember from today, you can't tell them half a word, and you can't give them what I taught you to do."

When he said this, he paused, smiled with a frown, and said a threat that didn't look like a threat: "If you agree to me now, and then go back, there will be punishment."

His smile was so good-looking and so approachable that no one really took it as a threat, just as a joke.

Then the class officially started.

Zhuang Zhou asked them if they brought energy stones. Most of the students brought their own energy stones. Improper use of energy stones could easily cause radiation pollution, so their energy stones were stored in special devices.

Only a few students are from poor families and do not have their own energy stones.

Zhuang Zhou asked Xiao Jun to give one to each person who did not have an energy stone, but the energy stone that was distributed needs to be recycled.

"I will teach you how to 100% shield energy stone radiation today."

With a simple sentence from Zhuang Zhou, the seniors and seniors who were still staring at the little tattered rags returned to reality in an instant!

What is he saying? !

Teach them how to 100% shield energy stone radiation? ! !

Holy crap, this is true, is it that big

They also thought that Zhuang Zhou would first introduce the history of learning mecha, and by the way, talk about his views on mecha, and then talk about the teaching plan.

The result is nothing, come up and say this!

Seeing how serious he was, everyone began to slowly turn serious, and there was a hunch in their hearts that this young teacher Zhuang might really bring miracles to them!

Zhuang Zhou carried the little junk to the podium, and the little junk immediately dismantled his skull by himself to reveal the energy device inside.

"Anyone who can handle energy devices knows that it is particularly important to connect the energy stone power to the mecha energy line. People with higher mental power levels can shield more radiation when dealing with energy stones. But everyone may have overlooked that trying to compress and shield it will not have much effect. It is like air, which is all-pervasive, so in fact, we can build a circulation system inside the energy stone to guide the self-circulation of radiation... "

In fact, Zhuang Zhou doesn't know how to teach himself very well. He is very simple. He tells everyone what he does step by step.

As he spoke, he led the students to try it together. As the class progressed, the faces of the seniors and sisters in the fourth grade became more and more solemn, and each one was more shocked in their hearts!

From the beginning of doubt and disbelief, to the shock and admiration later, in less than half a class, no one dared to doubt whether Zhuang Zhou was a 'little master'!

Classes in the audiovisual classroom are going on.

More and more people gathered outside the classroom.

Many of them have participated in the protests. They don't believe that Zhuang Zhou is a little master, waiting for him to be kicked out by the seniors and sisters of the fourth grade.

They waited and waited, but before Zhuang Zhou was driven out, they suddenly heard an exclamation from the audio-visual classroom!

"I succeeded! Teacher Zhuang, please help me to see if I succeeded!"

"I also succeeded! Teacher Han, where is the testing equipment? I want to test whether it is 100% shielded from radiation!"

"Wuwuwu Teacher Zhuang, I'm just short of the last step, why is this, is it because my mental power is not enough? My mental power is clearly A!"

With the exclamations, the students who participated in the protest became more and more uneasy.

The senior of the combat department, who was guarding outside the classroom, was even more enthusiastic: "It seems that Teacher Zhuang must be the mysterious master! I'm so special, I'm really afraid that I can't afford a stream-of-consciousness mecha, you said I'll go to the teacher now How about a minor in mecha manufacturing?!"

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and many onlookers also began to think about changing departments.

But the transition is not so simple.

With everyone's different thoughts, Zhuang Zhou's class finally ended.

But no students came out.

After a while, a delicate and good-looking boy walked out of the classroom with a blushing face.

Behind him, a group of seniors and seniors from the fourth grade surrounded him with reluctance and admiration on their faces.

"Mr. Zhuang! When is your next class? Why didn't I see your class schedule announcement?"

"Mr. Zhuang, are you still going to class in this classroom next time! I'll be living in this classroom from today!"

"Mr. Zhuang, when will you teach us how to make stream-of-consciousness mecha..."

The enthusiasm of the students made Zhuang Zhou very embarrassed: "I will discuss with the principal again about the class time, and a notice will be issued. Also,"

Zhuang Zhou's little face became serious and said, "Don't forget what I said today."

Who told those who participated in the protest what he taught.

He will take back all that has been given to them.

He has already left the imprint of his divine consciousness on them, and no one can deceive him.

Surrounded by everyone, Zhuang Zhou and Han Qingxiao left together.

As soon as he left, the fourth graders who had just started class were surrounded by everyone.

"Senior, is he really that mysterious little master?"

"What did he teach you when he was in class?"

One question after another, everyone was dying of curiosity.

The senior and senior of the fourth grade did not hide: "Mr. Zhuang taught us to only make 100% energy radiation shielding devices, and some of our classmates have already succeeded. Teacher Zhuang is really great! He taught us these precious technologies for free. He is the little master who made the stream-of-consciousness mecha, and from today onwards, I will be his fan!"

Different from the excitement of the senior and senior sister who just finished the class, all the students who participated in the protest before, this time all changed their faces.

They couldn't help thinking of what Zhuang Zhou said.

He and their family, their friends, no one would want to get all this from him!

When stream-of-consciousness mechas become mainstream, and when 100% energy radiation shielding devices appear in the market, who would want the previous mechas? Who wants to be ravaged by radiation again

In particular, there are many students in the combat department. Their purpose is to join the military, and their wish is to have a mecha!

But now, when stream-of-consciousness mecha first appeared, they had to pay for their stupidity!

The ones who are most afraid are the students of the Mecha-making Department.

As a student of the mecha production department, what student's wish is not to become a well-known master like Gruen? Who doesn't want to build a mecha that will catch the world's attention? !

But now, their classmates are already learning state-of-the-art technology, and they can't!

When all their classmates are making stream-of-consciousness mechas, the mechas they make may not even be sold!

Zhang Jun's face is very ugly. He is different from others. His family is one of the mecha manufacturers.

If what the seniors and sisters say is true, and if Zhuang Zhou really does what he says, then he and his family...

Zhang Jun gritted his teeth and turned to his friend: "Ahao, now..."

As a result, just after the words came out, he saw Ah Hao suddenly hurriedly ran away, away from him, and said while backing away, "I'm sorry Zhang Jun, if there is no family behind me, I will definitely... I will definitely continue to stand with you through life and death. , but I'm not alone... You made a mistake, I can't let my family bear it with you, I... I'm sorry!"

After he finished speaking, Ah Hao had run away far away, never to return.

Zhang Jun's expression became even paler. He understood Ahao's meaning too well. This meant that he wanted to break up with him and stop contacting him in the future.

The same situation also appeared around Zhang Jun.

Those students who participated in the protest suddenly found that their relatives and friends suddenly thought they did not know them, and they were far away from them, as if they had never known them.

Anger, regret, and all kinds of emotions surged up in my heart, but they were all useless. They did things, and everyone had to pay for their mistakes, instead of saying sorry and pretending that nothing happened.

#Zhuangzhou Stream of Consciousness Mecha#

#Zhuang Zhou as a teacher teaches students to make energy devices#

#Zhuang Zhou's true identity#

With the end of the course, Zhuang Zhou once again rushed to the hot search of All Star Network with lightning speed.

Even more popular than Wen Xiaoyun's official announcement!

In the top ten popular entries, he alone accounted for more than half!

Principal Delson personally posted a message, expressing his welcome to Zhuang Zhou to become a teacher at the First Military Academy, and praised Zhuang Zhou's selfless sharing with countless praise words.

Gruen also quickly forwarded the news, saying that he said at the time that he is a very young master. This young man is not joking, but is really young.

With Dellson's certification and the affirmation given by Master Gruen, Zhuang Zhou's identity is no longer doubted!

Even when people from other countries know about it, they go crazy on the star website @文晓云…

Whoever made Zhuang Zhou not have a public dynamic account, they can only @wenxiaoyun, one by one, asking Zhuang Zhou to come to their country.

"Master Zhuang, students in our country will never raise banners to protest against you, come to our country!"

"Neither will our country. Our federation is the friendliest country in the world. After you come, Master Zhuang, you are not only a teacher, you can also be a professor and a principal..."

With the public poaching of people by other human countries, the netizens of the Empire Star Network are very angry.

The masters of their own country, they have the nerve to rob it so blatantly

Thinking about the students who united to protest at the school, all of them were picked up one by one and put on the Internet to whip their corpses. It was because of them that their empire almost lost a master!

If they can keep Zhuang Zhou, their empire will be the first country with stream-of-consciousness mechas in the entire interstellar human civilization, and it is the most advanced human empire!

Some netizens even commented publicly: "I used to think that Master Zhuang was just a little good-looking, and he was not worthy of Admiral Wen... Now QAQ, I was wrong."

"General Wen is not worthy of Master Zhuang, why is Wen Xiaoyun o(╥﹏╥)o"

"I don't believe I don't believe it, I don't believe they are really together, Master Zhuang must still be single, I still have a chance!"

Duke of Bolton.

After Di Wen confirmed that Zhuang Zhou was really the little master, he was so angry that he smashed everything on the ground.

"He's playing with me!!"

The Duke of Bolton was calm: "Be optimistic, at least your suspicions at the beginning are not wrong, it really is him."

Diwen said angrily: "I have offended him now, will he still help me make mecha?"

The Duke of Bolton said: "Didn't he already teach students publicly at the school? Just find a student and ask if he is not."

Di Wen tried to calm himself down: "What would the students say? Zhuang Zhou made it clear that they are not allowed to spread it out."

The Duke of Bolton said: "How many people can he manage? He is only one person, how could he know if anyone has said it? In this world, money and status can buy a lot of things, don't try it. How do you know if it will work?"

Di Wen took a deep breath: "I heard that many students have already learned it, so all mecha makers should be able to do it as long as they control the method. That idiot Hong Shijun hasn't learned it for so long..."

After scolding Hong Shijun, Di Wen discussed with Duke Bolton what to do.

two hours later.

A student from the Mecha-making Department of the First Military Academy was brought to the Duke's Mansion.

He was brought carefully and no one noticed.

When he came to the Duke's Mansion, he was even more nervous and scared.

After a while, Duke Bolton personally met him, smiling and very kindly: "Are you classmate Liao Zhiping?"

Liao Zhiping hurriedly saluted: "I, I am..."

The Duke of Bolton smiled and said, "Don't be too polite, I believe the person who brought you here has already told you my promise, so what's your answer?"

Liao Zhiping took a deep breath and took out a 100% energy radiation shielding device from the space twist: "I made this myself when I was in class. It has been tested and it is 100% shielded..."

The Duke of Bolton smiled even more happily: "Good boy."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Mu Ah, Ruixue Zhao Fengnian, I love Erlang God 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 28 bottles of lime; 15 bottles of Xingyou; 10 bottles of comfortable advance payment; 8 bottles of Unit 8; 6 bottles of Feiyin; 5 bottles of Muah; 2 bottles of Junxihe, Chaozui, and Meng ; I want to work hard to become a rich man, 50054398, 1 bottle of raindrops;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!