Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 41: Jealous! ! !


Liao Zhiping is a fourth-year student at the Imperial First Military Academy.

As a student of the mecha manufacturing department, he is now in a very awkward period.

Some of the classmates in the same group as him, some with excellent grades, have signed a contract with the mecha manufacturer, and they can go to work directly after graduation.

The family has a bit of a relationship, and they have also found a position in the military department. The military department has a lot of demand for mechas, and the number of maintenance and manufacturing is more. Coupled with a little relationship, it is just around the corner.

Then there were only them. Their grades were not very good, and their family had nothing to do with them. After graduation, there was nothing but a daze.

Let's take part in a mecha competition, the results are also mediocre, ranked in the 20th or 30th place, not very far behind, but not particularly outstanding.

There are only a few large mecha manufacturers, and those who want to recruit are also recruited with excellent results.

Before today, Liao Zhiping was at a loss, like half a bucket of water, unable to get up or down, where would he go to work after graduation

It is said that as long as he graduates from the First Military Academy, he will not worry about finding a job anywhere, especially when he returns to his hometown, he will definitely become a talent on their planet.

But he didn't want to.

He also had arrogance in his heart as he graduated from the First Military Academy, and wanted to stay in the Capital Star and make a breakthrough.

After taking Mr. Zhuang Zhou's 100% energy device class today, he knew that the opportunity was coming.

He prayed that their teacher Zhuang Zhou would only teach them the fourth grade, so that there would not be so many mecha masters who knew how to make this energy device.

In that case, the treatment he received after he completed his studies would definitely be different.

When the Duke of Bolton sent someone to the school, it was not him, but a female classmate in the class.

He remembered that when the female classmate came out, her face was still a little ugly, so he went up to ask.

The female classmate said in a low voice, "Someone came to us for a 100% energy device, but I didn't agree."

Liao Zhiping asked, "Who is it?"

The female classmate looked around carefully and saw that no one noticed them, so she lowered her voice and said, "They are quite well hidden, but I have attended my cousin's birthday party before, and I have seen many aristocrats' exclusive Peugeot badges. The person who came seems to have the family crest of the Duke of Bolton on him."

Liao Zhiping's pupils opened slightly: "Duke Bolton?! Such a good opportunity, how do you..."

The female classmate frowned and said, "You forgot, Lord Diwen, the head of the First Army Corps, is the younger brother of Duke Bolton. Lord Diwen has publicly brought the rhythm on the Internet, otherwise, how could Teacher Zhuang be protested by the student organization when he came to school? Teacher Zhuang has made it clear that we can't tell or hand over to any of them what he taught us, and even if they give me benefits, I will definitely not agree!"

Liao Zhiping reminded her, "But haven't you decided where to work after graduation?"

The female classmate said indifferently: "This is not in a hurry, let's take a look at it later."

Liao Zhiping wanted to say something, and suddenly thought that the cousin of the female classmate had married a very powerful nobleman. Otherwise, he would not have met Duke Bolton at the birthday party.

Seeing the difference in Liao Zhiping's expression, the female classmate couldn't help but ask: "Don't you think... Liao Zhiping, we promised the teacher, besides, Mr. Zhuang and General Wen, we were the first batch to attend. The people in Teacher Zhuang's class, Admiral Smell will definitely pay more attention to us, don't you... what the hell."

Liao Zhiping smiled at her: "No, don't worry."

The female classmate then left with confidence.

After she left, Liao Zhiping looked at her back in a trance.

They are still different from themselves.

Of course they are not in a hurry, because as long as they want to work, someone will naturally find a good job for them.

Because they are related and have access.

And he can only rely on himself, everything can only rely on himself.

Liao Zhiping turned around and walked in the direction where the female classmate came.

He believed that Admiral Wen was a very busy man. There were so many students in the fourth grade. In the audio-visual classroom today, there were more than 260 students selected by the principal to attend the class.

Everyone has their own relatives and friends, how could Admiral Wen take care of so many of them.

Seeking wealth and danger, he just wanted to stand out in the capital city.

When handing over the energy device, Liao Zhiping didn't care too much, but reconfirmed the regulations that Duke Bolton gave him.

Duke Bolton simply asked someone to draw up a contract and sent it to Liao Zhiping's terminal.

"You can sign the contract, and this contract will be valid forever." Duke Bolton said, "To be honest, the only people in the whole interstellar world who can make such a 100% energy radiation shielding device, except Zhuang Zhou, are only you students. You must know how precious you are, because you are one of the few people in the entire interstellar human civilization. This duke is still waiting for you to join the duke's family business after you graduate. Maybe you will rebel at that time. Come and refuse."

Hearing this, Liao Zhiping breathed slightly faster.

He thought that the benefits in the contract were enough, but he didn't expect the Duke of Bolton to want to hire him.

If I could join the Duke of Bolton's family...

Liao Zhiping gritted his teeth, firmed up his thoughts again, and signed his name.

The Duke of Bolton smiled: "Good boy, can you show me the energy device now?"

Liao Zhiping felt more relaxed due to Duke Bolton's kindness and kindness, and said, "Yes, according to the contract, I will also tell you the production method."

Zhuang Zhou was completely unclear about his own hot search on StarNet again.

Because he went to the 3rd Corps after work, the little junk got into a fight with 4.0.

It was Cheng Jinxue who came to pick him up from get off work and sent him to the 3rd Corps. 4.0 happened to be in the military headquarters. I don't know what happened. The two little rascals started fighting as soon as they met.

Zhuang Zhou tried to persuade him, but he couldn't persuade him.

Cheng Jinxue was worried that his 4.0 would be broken by the little junk, and he kept saying, 'Don't hit the junk grandpa', "Big junk, if you don't do well in 4.0, just hit me and don't hit it!" '

The little broken heart is even more unhappy.

Cheng Jinxue had clearly requisitioned the demon servant! He obviously served himself well, but now he doesn't take himself seriously at all!

Therefore, it also beat Cheng Jinxue together.

Cheng Jinxue sat pitifully beside Zhuang Zhou with two big dark circles under his eyes, and did not dare to go over to persuade the fight: "Zhou Zhou, what should I do? They won't break up, right?"

Zhuang Zhou was also worried: "It shouldn't be?"

Cheng Jinxue thought about it: "Yes, even if it falls apart, it can be reassembled."

Zhuang Zhou: "...?"

It seems like hey.

Little Junk is a monster, not an ordinary robot.

Then Zhuang Zhou was relieved, let them fight, and even began to listen to the little tattered heart, wondering why it was so irritable, and the more he listened, the more surprised he became.

Cheng Jinxue was very worried: "Hey, I really don't know why Xiaodao is so angry all of a sudden."

Zhuang Zhou glanced at Cheng Jinxue and said slowly, "I think... I know the reason."

Cheng Jinxue quickly asked, "What's the reason?"

Zhuang Zhou covered his mouth, how could it be said.

He could say that it was because the little junk was angry, and he felt that 4.0 took away the servant who served it. Not only that, but the servant really didn't serve it anymore, so he was upset.

As for who this servant is...

Zhuang Zhou glanced at Cheng Jinxue with some sympathy in his eyes.

Cheng Jinxue looked stunned: "Zhouzhou, what is your expression? Why do you say it quickly, 4.0 is about to be demolished by the little junk!"

Zhuang Zhou whispered: "Well, I must be jealous..."

Cheng Jinxue: "????"


What kind of jealousy is the little junk eating

Zhuang Zhou wanted to say something, but suddenly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he didn't know what he was sensing, and his face became more unhappy.

At the same time, Wen Xiaoyun called him a terminal communication.

Zhuang Zhou picked it up glumly.

Seeing his gloomy look, Wen Xiaoyun immediately reacted: "You already know?"

Zhuang Zhou made an 'um', and was unhappy all over his body.

Wen Xiaoyun said, "I just wanted to tell you too."

Perhaps many people think that Zhouzhou's warning is just a verbal warning and can only serve as a deterrent.

Not to mention that he would really stare at each of them.

But how could they know that Zhuang Zhou's affairs were always number one with him.

Even if it is difficult, even if it is troublesome, he will find a way to do everything he promises to the children.

Wen Xiaoyun asked: "This person is Liao Zhiping, do you want me to ask someone to bring him over to see you?"

Zhuang Zhou said: "No, I have promised God, and no one can go back on it."

Repentance will be punished.

The world can't say how fair it is, but God is trying to be fair.

Give you things, exchange promises with you.

Something was given to you, but you didn't deliver on the promise.

Zhuang Zhou said slowly: "He will regret it."

Wen Xiaoyun saw that he was still unhappy, and comforted softly: "Then leave him alone, Zhouzhou will be happy."

Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun in the terminal, itching in his heart, he simply left that Liao Zhiping behind, and asked in a low voice, "What if I'm always unhappy?"

Wen Xiaoyun said seriously: "I will find a way to make you happy."

Zhuang Zhou thought about it and said, "Okay, then you make a face with me and make me laugh, and I'll be happy."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

He was silent for a moment.

Zhuang Zhou asked with wide eyes, "Aren't you good at making faces?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "This is indeed a bit beyond my ability."

Zhuang Zhou finally laughed, and looked at the man in the video terminal with frowning eyes: "playing with you..."

Wen Xiaoyun interrupted him: "But since I have promised you, I will try my best to do it."

Zhuang Zhou was really stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Is he really going to make faces at himself

Wen Xiaoyun said in a low voice, "Wait for me for a while."

After that, I hung up the terminal communication.

Zhuang Zhou blinked, wait for him

Is he going to practice how to make faces first

Zhuang Zhou was inexplicably looking forward to it!

On that side, the battle between Little Rack and Little Rack 4.0 is over.

The result of the battle is that starting from today, Little Junk 4.0 and Cheng Jinxue will serve Little Junk as their ancestor.

Zhuang Zhou was in a better mood.

After just waiting for a while, he looked at the unresponsive terminal with some doubts, why hasn't Wen Xiaoyun replied yet, is he not finished yet

Just thinking about it, the door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in, it was Wen Xiaoyun.

As usual, Zhuang Zhou rushed towards Wen Xiaoyun as soon as he saw Wen Xiaoyun. He ran halfway, and suddenly stopped abruptly—

I saw that Wen Xiaoyun was still the same Wen Xiaoyun, but he wore a mask on his face.

Zhuang Zhou looked at the mask, almost dumbfounded.

The mask is made of Wen Xiaoyun's photo, but this photo has been edited. The handsome face and sharp eyes have been transformed into giant panda eyes. There are also two puppy ears on the head and thin lips. Slightly opened, a tongue P was on his lips, like a pug's tongue, long and honest.

It is inexplicably similar to the fierce and cute husky emoji that was very common on the Internet before! !

Zhuang Zhou: "Pfft."

Zhuang Zhou: "Who made you look like this!"

Behind the mask, Wen Xiaoyun said in a low voice, "I'm from P."

Who dares to make a spoof emoji package of Admiral P

I'm afraid I don't want to be invited to the military headquarters for tea!

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened: "Your P??"

Wen Xiaoyun calmly said, "I can't make faces, so I can only P."

He took off the mask and looked at Zhuang Zhou: "Are you happy?"

Zhuang Zhou was overjoyed: "Don't take it off! Hahaha, it's funny!"

Wen Xiaoyun saw him smiling, her thin lips raised slightly, and she put on the mask again: "Okay, wear it, until you get bored."

"Fuck! Old Wen, why are you doing this!"

When Cheng Jinxue came over with dark circles under his eyes, he found Wen Xiaoyun and suddenly exclaimed.

Wen Xiaoyun secretly screamed badly, but he forgot that Cheng Jinxue was also there.

He just wanted to take off the mask, but it was too late. He heard a 'click' and Cheng Jinxue had already photographed his dark history.

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Cheng Jinxue: "Well hahahahaha, who is P., this god! This god! Laugh at me!"

However, Zhuang Zhou still covered his mouth and snickered, while tearing down the stage: "He made it himself, he said he wouldn't make faces to coax me... So I made this, hehe."

Cheng Jinxue: "Hahaha...????"

Laughing and smiling, Cheng Jinxue was sour.

Grass, there is actually a feeling of being shown.

Cheng Jinxue didn't want to eat dog food by himself, so he posted Wen Xiaoyun's mask on Xingwang's personal news.

Cheng Jinxue V: Sour and sour, Lao Wen made his own emoji package by himself in order to make Xiao Zhouzhou happy... [Picture. 】

【Today is another day to cry for other people's love.JPG】

Netizens who came to hear the wind were indeed shown!

"Sure enough, sweet love belongs to someone else."

"Other people's love is always sweeter o(╥﹏╥)o"

"Just like other people's boyfriends are always better than their own."

"To be honest, I also felt sweet when I knocked them out..."

While netizens were crying for the love of others, an accident happened at the Duke of Bolton's mansion.

When Liao Zhiping handed over the 100% energy radiation shielding device he had made in the course to Duke Bolton, the energy device suddenly exploded!

The energy contained in the energy stone is very large, otherwise it will not be used in various fields.

With this explosion, one of Liao Zhiping's hands was directly blown away!

The energy radiation in the energy stone spread directly, and the Duke of Bolton, who was closest, changed his face and stepped back a few steps!

Energy radiation is not a trivial matter, the radiation pollution monitor in the Duke's mansion immediately sounded an alarm!

"Lord Duke!"

The guards of the Duke's Mansion hurried in, covering Duke Bolton while propping up a shielding device beside Duke Bolton.

When the shielding device was opened and the protective suit was put on, Duke Bolton broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the siren of 'Di Di Di'. If it was any later, it would be contaminated by radiation!

Looking at the ground again, Liao Zhiping rolled on the ground clutching his bleeding arm.

"Ah, it hurts! It hurts!"

He immediately fainted.

After confirming the safety of Duke Bolton, the guards only thought of taking care of Liao Zhiping.

Duke Bolton's face was gloomy: "Send him to the medical warehouse."

After carrying Liao Zhiping to the medical warehouse, the private doctor of the Duke's Mansion checked Liao Zhiping's condition and said in a low voice, "Lord Duke, his mental power is contaminated by radiation."

Duke Bolton gave a cold 'um'.

When the energy stone exploded, Liao Zhiping was at the center of the explosion, and the radiation pollution was the first to bear the brunt of it. The pollution was an accident.

"Look at his hands," he said.

No matter why the energy device exploded, these hands can be used as energy devices.

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's too shattered and can't be retrieved. Only the artificial arm can be installed."

It's just that the artificial arm is not as flexible as his own arm, not to mention that he is infected with radiation pollution. It seems that the future of this young man will be difficult.

Hearing that the doctor said that Liao Zhiping's hand could not be cured, Duke Bolton's face became even more ugly.

after an hour.

Liao Zhiping woke up from the medical warehouse, he looked at his hand subconsciously, and then the whole person froze.

"My hand... my hand!"

The voice of Duke Bolton came from overhead: "I can't take it back. What's going on? Why did it explode suddenly?"

Liao Zhiping seemed stunned: "My hand..."

Duke Bolton's face sank.

The guard standing behind him stepped forward, slapped him in the face, and asked angrily, "Speak! Why did the energy device explode? Are you here to assassinate the Duke?!"

This slap in the face made Liao Zhiping come back to his senses, and he suddenly remembered what happened before. Looking at Duke Bolton's gloomy face, he broke out in a cold sweat: "Of course not, I... Your Excellency Duke, you know... "

He didn't even care about the loss of his right hand.

If he was charged with assassinating the Duke, he would probably lose his life.

Duke Bolton asked the guards to step back, put on a kind tone on his face, and said slowly: "Of course I know you didn't come to assassinate me, but this Duke doesn't understand, why did it explode suddenly?"

"I don't know either!" Liao Zhiping said quickly: "Mr. Zhuang didn't say anything during class! During class, what our classmates did, it didn't explode..."

Duke Bolton's eyes flickered, looking at Liao Zhiping's flustered appearance, he said kindly: "Good boy, don't be nervous, maybe there is a problem with the production method, so let me tell you the production method now, I will call other mecha production. Master, try it."

Liao Zhiping was at a loss at the moment, thinking that this was an atonement for his merits, and quickly said: "The production method is very simple, that is..."

Suddenly, his mind went blank.

It was as if some memory was leaving his brain little by little.

Liao Zhiping's face was pale: "It's... it's..."

Duke Bolton gradually narrowed his eyes: "What is it?"

Liao Zhi was bloodless on the plane, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar, because he found that he had forgotten all the production process!

No matter what he thinks, he can't remember!


Why can't I remember it all of a sudden

He clearly always remembered it firmly.

It is obvious that each step must be clearly remembered.

Why do you suddenly forget!

He beat his head hard, knocked hard, but still couldn't remember anything.

Suddenly, a voice resounded in his mind, like a spiritual imprint, deeply imprinted into his spiritual consciousness—

- If you agree to me now, and then go back, you will be punished.

There will be punishment.

This soft and harmless voice became the deadliest reminder in his mind at this moment.

Liao Zhiping froze for a moment, and his face became terrified.

Duke Bolton looked impatient: "Speak!"

Liao Zhiping bit his lip and said in horror, "Forget, forget..."

Duke Bolton stared at him coldly for a while: "Playing with this Duke?"

"No... I didn't..." Liao Zhiping wanted to explain, but in extreme panic, he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Duke Bolton lost his patience and turned to leave.

The guards chased after him: "Lord Duke, what should I do now?"

A cold light flashed in Duke Bolton's eyes: "Make arrangements, I want to see Zhuang Zhou."

"As for this Liao Zhiping..." He nodded slightly.

The guard immediately understood: "Yes!"

The author has something to say: PS—

I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Unit 8, 6 bottles of Xinghe curtain; 2 bottles of current drunk and tide drunk; 1 bottle of Yuluotong, Tianji, and Dream;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!