Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 43: I want to kiss you and hug you


Wen Xiaoyun became revenge for Cheng Jinxue's posting of his emoji package on the Internet. On the way back, he was always in a good mood.

Zhuang Zhou only has one class a day for the time being, but the principal has already arranged for him to have two classes starting tomorrow, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

At the end of the morning class, he got off work, but Wen Xiaoyun hadn't gotten off work yet.

Zhuang Zhou followed Wen Xiaoyun to the Third Army.

On the way, his terminal rang several times. The first time Zhuang Zhou picked it up, it was a stranger who said that their master wanted to ask Zhuang Zhou to meet.

Zhuang Zhou asked who it was, but the other party didn't say anything.

He wasn't stupid either. Since the other party didn't say anything, he didn't care and hung up the terminal communication directly.

As a result, the other party kept calling with perseverance.

Zhuang Zhou did not pick up.

When the fifth call was made, a message was also sent.

"I am the steward of Duke Bolton. The Duke would like to discuss cooperation with Mr. Zhuang."

Seeing the news, Zhuang Zhou asked Wen Xiaoyun, "Who is this Duke of Bolton?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "He's looking for you?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "Yes, he said he wanted to discuss cooperation with me."

Wen Xiaoyun: "Do you remember the person who looked for you in the library?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "Remember! Commander of the First Corps!"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Well, Duke Bolton is his brother."

Zhuang Zhou made an 'oh' and hummed in his heart again, he didn't forget that Di Wen was someone who gave him a lot of faith, but he couldn't hear any of his wishes.

Such people represent evil thoughts in their hearts, so he cannot hear their wishes, and naturally he cannot bless them.

Regarding such beliefs, Wen Xiaoyun said that if you don't accept it, you won't accept it for nothing!

Zhuang Zhou blacked out the terminal number neatly.

When Duke Bolton's steward sent another message, he could not get through.

The steward's face was a little ugly: "Lord Duke, he... blocked me."

Still blocked after revealing his identity.

Duke Bolton did not answer immediately.

On the contrary, Di Wen, the commander of the First Army, was a little annoyed: "It seems that he doesn't want to cooperate with us at all."

Di Wen felt a little regretful. He knew that this Zhuang Zhou was really the little master. Even if Zhuang Zhou teased him that day in the library, he could hold back.

Duke Bolton said: "As expected."

After all, he and Wen Xiaoyun are bound together now.

As long as Wen Xiaoyun was still in the Third Army for one day, it was impossible for Zhuang Zhou to cooperate with other corps.

Diwen's face was gloomy: "then what are we going to do now?"

Duke Bolton looked at the steward: "Have all the other students in the mecha department been in touch?"

"Back to the Duke, there are already five classmates who are willing to meet."

Duke Bolton nodded, and then said, "What is the level of Wen Xiaoyun's mental power now?"

Diwen said: "No one knows that the doctors in his legion are very strict, and no one should know except himself, but in my opinion, I am afraid that the level is not high, otherwise he will not be so strict."

Duke Bolton said, "Do you remember Beiyusi?"

"Of course I remember that the former head of the Third Army Corps retired after his mental power was infected with radiation."

"Well." Duke Bolton said slowly: "Send someone to find him."

to the Third Army.

When Wen Xiaoyun went to work, Zhuang Zhou made mecha.

The two of them are busy with each other, and occasionally when they take a break, they will ask each other what they are doing, just like an old husband and wife, and the years are quiet.

Cheng Jinxue was struggling.

Since Xiaozhuan became Zhouzhou's teaching assistant, he went to work with Zhouzhou every day and got off work together.

The first thing Xiaozhan did when he arrived at the Third Army was to fight with 4.0.

Cheng Jinxue felt sorry for his robot, and was deeply afraid of being beaten by the little junk, so pitifully begged the little junk to be merciful.

Unexpectedly, the more heartache he felt, the more ruthless the little shabby was.

What's the scariest thing? !

Little junk... it's no ordinary robot!

After it dismantled 4.0, it can be put back in, but it makes you lose your temper!

Cheng Jinxue had to complain to Zhouzhou.

"Zhouzhou, you really have to take care of the little shit, it really bullies 4.0 every day! Whose mecha is distressed, hits 4.0, it hurts me!"

This is the first stream-of-consciousness mecha in the entire interstellar space, although it is a miniature type.

But think about Zhang Feng and Zhou Hongyi's, they are all robots, Wen Xiaoyun's Mecha Vos upgrade is also after his 4.0, his 4.0 is the first in interstellar history.

This is going to be an interstellar history!

Especially memorable!

Can he not feel bad?

Hearing Cheng Jinxue's accusation, Zhuang Zhou sighed, but Ren Xiao pretended to be old and said, "Cheng Jinxue, don't say this in the future."

Cheng Jinxue was puzzled: "Why can't you say it?"

Zhuang Zhou carefully considered his words: "Well... it's like this, the little junk doesn't have any friends. When he was in Junk Star, you were all serving him... Bah, you were taking care of him, and he had long regarded you as his servant. ...Bah, it's its friend, but look at you, since you have 4.0, you haven't bothered with it anymore, the little bastard is jealous!"

Cheng Jinxue was silent for a while.

Then he asked in an extremely disbelieving tone: "Is it... jealous?"

Zhuang Zhou said, "Yes!"

Cheng Jinxue: "What's so jealous about this? 4.0 is my mecha, but it's not my mecha?"

Zhuang Zhou thought to himself: But the little junk has forcibly requisitioned you into a demon servant.

Don't reason with monsters.

Monsters are useless.

Cheng Jinxue thought about it carefully, and didn't think about it, but he knew a little bit, that is... Still have to continue to serve the ragged uncle

Say a few more words to coax it to be happy, it should be able to coax it well

Cheng Jinxue touched his head and left.

Zhuang Zhou didn't expect that the little junk would care about this so much. He thought it was a little funny, and he ran to Wen Xiaoyun holding the mecha parts, intending to share this with him.

The door of Wen Xiaoyun's office was open.

Before he walked in, he heard Wen Xiaoyun as if talking to someone.

Not knowing what he was talking about, he had a faint smile on his mouth.

This smile is a little different from what he has seen before, as if with a bit of nostalgia.

Seeing Zhuang Zhou coming over, Wen Xiaoyun paused and said in a low voice, "I'll tell you later, I have something to do now."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the terminal communication.

Wen Xiaoyun got up and walked towards Zhouzhou: "Why are you here, are you bored?"

Zhuang Zhou looked at his terminal and looked at his calm expression, as if the smile just now had never existed.

He pursed his lips and couldn't help but ask, "Who were you communicating with just now?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "A friend I haven't seen in a long time."

Zhuang Zhou asked, "Have we not seen you for a long time?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Well, it's been almost a year. I'll take you to meet him in a few days."

Zhuang Zhou gave a slow 'um', and then stopped talking.

Wen Xiaoyun seemed a little unhappy when he saw him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhuang Zhou lowered his eyes and shook his head: "Nothing."

That night.

Zhuang Zhou took the statue out of Wen Xiaoyun's room, and stopped sleeping with Wen Xiaoyun. After saying hello to Wen Xiaoyun, he climbed up to the rooftop by himself.

Sitting under the starry night sky, Zhuang Zhou frowned and thought about what to do, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a good solution.

"I'm so scary, Uncle Priest." He touched his chest and said angrily, "I would be jealous of others."

The uncle of the great priest said that God wants to be fair.

Bless every believer fairly. When a believer makes any effort, as a god, he will give him a fair amount of good luck.

The harder the believer, the more blessings he will receive.

At this point, God must do it, and he cannot give him good luck without working hard.

Therefore, God cannot have evil thoughts, and a God who has evil thoughts will no longer be so fair.

He is now jealous of others.

Jealousy is also a form of evil.

He is not a qualified god.

Zhuang Zhou was in distress. When he was with the great priest before, the priest's uncle warned him more than once that God cannot have evil thoughts, and a god with evil thoughts is very scary.

What should he do

Zhuang Zhou sat in a daze for more than an hour. In the end, he really didn't know what to do, so he slowly returned downstairs with the statue again.

At the door of the room, Wen Xiaoyun didn't know how long he had been standing there.

Seeing Zhouzhou coming down from the roof, Wen Xiaoyun put a coat on him and said softly, "Zhouzhou, let's talk?"

Zhuang Zhou felt a little guilty: "What are you talking about?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "You are a little unhappy today."

Zhuang Zhou pursed his lips, feeling even more guilty.

Wen Xiaoyun opened his personal terminal, revealed the notepad marked 'Highlight must-see', and said, "Remember? You can tell me if you don't like it or if you're not happy."

Zhuang Zhou was a little confused: "I just... I just made a mistake that God can't make, I, I went to reflect... "

Wen Xiaoyun thought for a while and asked, "Maybe it's not a mistake?"

Zhuang Zhou whispered, "It's a mistake, I'm jealous."

Wen Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment: "Jealous?"

Zhuang Zhou lowered his head and lowered his voice: "I hate that you laugh at others, I want you to laugh at me alone..."

After he finished speaking, he blushed, and when he blushed, he was very tangled: "God can't have evil thoughts, I'm jealous of others, I'm not a qualified god."

Wen Xiaoyun didn't expect this to be the reason.

He was stunned for a while before he recovered from Zhouzhou's annoyance.

As a general, he was absent for so long for the first time, which was a fatal mistake on the battlefield.

But it was never as good as what Zhouzhou said, which caused waves in his heart.

Seeing that Xiaoyun didn't speak, Zhouzhou's head dropped even lower, feeling shameless.

He's so embarrassing.

"Zhouzhou." Wen Xiaoyun finally spoke, his voice was a little hoarse: "I remember you said that there are many kinds of evil thoughts..."

Zhuang Zhou nodded sullenly: "Yeah."

Wen Xiaoyun took the idol in his hand, put it on the table, and then took out the incense burner and candles from the space torque, all of which are the same as his.

Wen Xiaoyun obviously had no faith, and he didn't know when he prepared it.

Zhuang Zhou was wondering what Wen Xiaoyun wanted to do when he saw Wen Xiaoyun lit candles and incense, and bowed to Zhuang Zhou's statue.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened suddenly: "You..."

What is he doing

He clearly, clearly said...

After Wen Xiaoyun paid his respects seriously, he put the incense into the incense burner. When he turned to look at Zhuang Zhou again, he took Zhuang Zhou's hand and put it on his chest: "Listen now, you can hear me. Wish?"

The heartbeat under the palm of the hand was beating very fast. When Wen Xiaoyun worshiped him, he felt that his belief collector also beating a bit, and a very pious and pious belief surged up, this power of belief , even more than the richness of the small tatters.

The man who once said he had no faith, now gave him all his faith.

However, he really didn't hear Wen Xiaoyun's wish.

Zhuang Zhou was a little dazed: "I can't hear..."

"Because I also have evil thoughts in my heart." Wen Xiaoyun said softly, "I was guilty of greed, I like you, I like you so much, so I greedily want to keep you by my side for the rest of my life,"

Zhuang Zhou's face turned red little by little.

Wen Xiaoyun said: "I also have a desire to think about it. I want to kiss you, hug you, and... offend you."

The author has something to say: PS—

Wen Xiaoyun: The god of 'blasphemy' in various senses.

The stupid author of the emotional drama is very scumbag. After several hours of writing, writing, writing, deleting, and deleting, it finally came out... I'm sorry, it's late!

The writing power is limited, and the writing is also limited QAQ, if you feel that this confession scene is not well written, just treat it as my sister wrote it o(╥﹏╥)o

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 5 sinking boats;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Naluwa; outside Chang'an City, I heard there was a power outage? , _5 bottles of yellow kaka; 3 bottles of ink dyeing; 1 bottle of Yuluotong, Inchun, Henghai, and the eighth unit;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!