Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 49: That's the real surprise


Zhuang Zhou had a temple of wealth, and his mood was flying for several days.

I used to go back to Wen Xiaoyun's villa as soon as class was over, watch cartoons with Little Junk, and make mechas.

Now go to the Temple of Fortune after class, touch here and look over there, it's like getting some kind of treasure.

Song Qingyu also often comes out to brush his presence.

When Zhuang Zhou was out of class, he stood guard outside the gate of the First Military Academy, holding a handful of flowers in his hand. As soon as Zhuang Zhou came out, he brought flowers to him.

"Mr. Zhuang, you have worked hard for a day's class."

The students who came and went outside the school gate widened their eyes when they saw that it was not Wen Xiaoyun but Song Qingyu who sent flowers to Zhuang Zhou. What's the situation? !

Is the commander of the second army trying to pursue Teacher Zhuang? !

Look at Wen Xiaoyun next to him, go ahead! Smell Admiral's face darkened.

Zhuang Zhou didn't collect the flowers, he just smiled at him with his eyebrows bent: "Thank you!"

Song Qingyu: "Mr. Zhuang is going to the Temple of Fortune, right? Let's go together."

Zhuang Zhou consciously ran to Wen Xiaoyun's side: "I have made an appointment with Wen Xiaoyun to go together!"

Song Qingyu: "Ah, that's a coincidence. I'm also going to see how the Temple of Wealth is going to be completed. Let's go together."

After a pause, he looked at Wen Xiaoyun: "Marshal won't mind, right? Because this Temple of Wealth is very important to me, and it is also very important to Teacher Zhuang, I have to take a look at it, and the follow-up improvement work must be done to the best of its ability. it is good."

Very good, in one sentence, he clearly stated how much he cared about the Temple of Fortune and Zhuang Zhou.

Wen Xiaoyun smiled: "I don't mind."

Regarding the repair project, the boss is still Song Qingyu, and the boss wants to see the project he repaired, which is quite normal.

If Wen Xiaoyun refused, he would appear stingy.

So the three of them set off together.

On the way, Song Qingyu chatted and laughed, and chatted with Zhuang Zhou about Chinese civilization, talking and laughing. Obviously, he had done enough homework before departure. He knew that Zhuang Zhou liked the Chinese civilization of the ancient earth, so he made up for this knowledge so that he could follow up with him. Zhuang Zhou talked eloquently.

When he arrived at the Temple of Fortune, Zhuang Zhou was in a better mood.

Wen Xiaoyun saw how he was floating when he walked, and naturally knew that Zhuang Zhou couldn't be more happy.

However, this surprise was originally prepared by himself, and now that someone has picked peaches, how can he be happy.

The first temple of wealth in the interstellar space, the meaning of this 'first' is very different.

He originally wanted to give Zhouzhou the best.

But now, no matter how hard he built the Temple of Wealth in the future, it was not the first one.

The name alone can only rank second.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't say anything, and while he was happy for Zhuang Zhou, he was already making plans in his heart.

Seeing that Zhuang Zhou was happy, Song Qingyu thought that this thigh was well hugged, and while not forgetting the tea, he said to Wen Xiaoyun: "I can rest assured that Mr. Zhuang is happy, ah, Master Marshal, you won't mind, right? I I have no other ideas for Teacher Zhuang, I just hope that he will be happy, this is just a simple blessing, no other ideas."

Wen Xiaoyun smiled slightly: "I don't mind."

Of course Wen Xiaoyun wouldn't mind, he didn't do anything on the table.

Seeing that Zhuang Zhou accepted Song Qingyu's gift and successfully broke into Master Xiaozhuang's heart, other dignitaries refused to give up.

Song Qingyu can be nice, why can't I

Teacher Zhuang must have other things he likes, so he can't just let Song Qingyu get cheap.

So they all turned around and asked Wen Xiaoyun for advice.

Before the change, Wen Xiaoyun must have refused or even ignored it.

But this time he inexplicably accepted the invitation.

One of these invitations is the invitation of the third prince.

At the moment in the mansion of the third prince.

The other dignitaries and the third prince were waiting for Wen Xiaoyun.

"Third prince, Wen Xiaoyun is really coming? Did he really agree to the invitation?"

"He doesn't seem to have ever attended such a party, does he?"

The third prince said, "He has already agreed, and he should come."

His radiation-contaminated mental strength has improved, and he has always wanted to thank Zhuang Zhou, so he can be said to be one of the leaders.

Several people were talking when they saw the housekeeper coming to report, Wen Xiaoyun came.

After a while, a tall man in a military uniform walked in.

When everyone saw Wen Xiaoyun coming, they first said hello one after another, and then used Wen Xiaoyun's mouth to say hello to Teacher Zhuang, flattering.

Wen Xiaoyun accepted their flattery one by one, and then started the topic.

The dignitaries said: "Admiral Song Qingyu gave this gift to Teacher Zhuang, but we are envious. I wonder if the Marshal can tell us what Teacher Zhuang likes, so that we can also give some teachers Zhuang likes."

Wen Xiaoyun smiled slightly: "Who said that when Admiral Song sent it, Zhouzhou would definitely be happy?"

VIPs: "???"

But this was obviously the first gift I was willing to accept.

Wen Xiaoyun's tone was worried: "I heard that Admiral Song built this temple of wealth in a hurry, and I don't know if the quality can pass the test..."

After a pause, he immediately retracted the sentence and said a little apologetically: "Sorry, I don't mean to suspect that the quality of the Temple of Wealth built by General Song will be bad, but I am worried, after all, there will be people coming and going there in the future. Something is wrong."

Wen Xiaoyun clicked to stop.

Others just got through.

A feast quickly ended in a hurry.

Wen Xiaoyun drank some wine, returned to the villa, and told Zhouzhou to feel distressed for a while: "Why do you still need to be entertained when you become a marshal?"

Wen Xiaoyun said as if nothing had happened: "Well, in the future, I can push it all, and I will accompany you at home."

Zhuang Zhou looked at the floor with red ears: "This is what you said!"

the next day.

There was a problem with the Temple of Fortune just completed by Song Qingyu.

First, there were workers cleaning, and after preparing to clean it, it could be opened to the interstellar people. For some reason, the roof suddenly collapsed.

Fortunately, the worker was lucky and was not crushed by the roof and was not injured, but he was also startled.

Because although the labor was not hit, it hit the mechanic and broke several robots.

But this matter is not over yet, and the idol has a problem again.

The statue that Song Qingyu asked people to build, for some reason, the appearance actually began to shed its skin!

The idol sheds its skin!

How can the gods shed their skin when they are so good!

The workers were dumbfounded and hurriedly informed Song Qingyu.

When Song Qingyu arrived, he saw the scene was in a mess. He planned to block the scene first and told the workers, "No one is allowed to speak out!"

As a result, the worker said in a panic: "However, Mr. Zhuang Zhou said that if there is any problem in the temple, he must be notified in time..."

Song Qingyu: "..."

So soon, Zhuang Zhou and Wen Xiaoyun came to the scene.

Not only them, but also other dignitaries, as well as the three princes all came.

As soon as he saw the mess on the scene, the third prince said yin and yang, "Admiral Song, you are fine, why did it collapse all of a sudden, isn't it because the workers cut corners?"

Song Qingyu: "..."

When the workers heard it, they panicked even more: "We absolutely don't have any. All the materials were personally reviewed by General Song, and there was absolutely no cutting corners!"

Other dignitaries: Of course you don't, but they specially asked someone to collapse it, and then fake it to look like cutting corners.

You guys are really cutting corners, we still need counterfeiting

But he said: "Ah, this, it seems that the construction is not detailed enough. This kind of architecture, especially the buildings of the ancient earth, the interstellar civilization knows too little about the ancient earth civilization, and it should be taken seriously. It’s really going to be created. It hasn’t been opened yet, and something like this happens. What if it opens up and hits other people? How dangerous is it, Mr. Zhuang, do you think I’m right?”

Song Qingyu: "..."

has been connoted.

Zhuang Zhou nodded seriously: "This is indeed very dangerous. Fortunately, it has been discovered now, and it will not hurt tourists, but it seems that it will be completely renovated now."

Other dignitaries: "And this statue, which actually sheds its skin... Admiral Song, what material did you use to make it? Shouldn't it be covered with a layer of copper? I asked the professors of ancient earth civilization, and they all It is said that the statue is best made of pure gold, and the shedding of skin is an unlucky phenomenon, and the God of Wealth will blame it."

Zhuang Zhou said quickly: "That's not true. The statue has not been consecrated. It is unlucky if such a problem occurs after it is consecrated."

The other dignitaries hurriedly flattered: "Wow! Teacher Zhuang knows so much! I admire it!"

However, there is such a problem in the Temple of Wealth, and Zhuang Zhou is still a little regretful and lost.

The third prince immediately said: "Teacher Zhuang, to tell you the truth, since I met you, I have also been very interested in the ancient earth civilization. Knowing that you believe in the ancient earth culture, I was very moved, and I also built a temple of wealth. , I wonder when you are free, let's go take a look together?"

Other dignitaries found the opportunity and said, "Mr. Zhuang, to be honest, we also respect the ancient earth culture, and we also built a temple of wealth..."

Song Qingyu: "..."

Fuck, it's you who did it!

With so many more temples of wealth, Zhuang Zhou was a little confused: "Have you all built them?"


"It's all the Temple of Wealth?"


Zhuang Zhou was in a trance, why is this feeling of suddenly becoming rich so unreal

Although the surprise of the first Temple of Wealth in the whole interstellar space has already been experienced.

But with so many more Temples of Wealth coming, Zhuang Zhou is also very happy!

So, led by the three princes, the temple of wealth went to visit one by one.

Because it is a temporary rush, the interstellar machine transportation is developed, but it is naturally impossible to build a decent one in one night. The fastest construction progress is the third prince. In one night, hundreds of mechanical workers and laborers are all on the way. At that time, the progress seemed to be half of what Song Qingyu had built.

This is already quite fast.

However, the Temple of Wealth built by Song Qingyu has now collapsed, so it seems that the progress of the third prince is the fastest.

I don’t know if it’s the connotation, the third prince first sent people to guard around the Temple of Wealth, and then said slowly: “Teacher Zhuang, don’t worry, the Temple of Wealth I built will never have any problem of cutting corners, let alone any problem of cutting corners. There are problems with the roof collapsing and the idol shedding its skin."

Zhuang Zhou said seriously: "Well, you must pay attention to this. It can't be as problematic as what Admiral Song built before. The problem with the statue is small, and it is not good to cause casualties."

The third prince said solemnly: "Of course, the reason why we built the Temple of Wealth is to promote the ancient earth culture, not to add congestion to the people. Naturally, it is safe to come here."

Song Qingyu: "..."

Your uncle's deceitful fox!

After reading the Temple of Wealth built by the Third Prince, he went to see what other dignitaries built.

Everyone is aiming at one goal, that is, to be 'fast' and 'steady', at least in terms of speed and 'quality' to surpass Song Qingyu's.

But it is precisely because of the pursuit of speed that they cannot build too large, and they are basically the same size as the one built by Song Qingyu.

And the ones built later were modeled after Song Qingyu's construction.

They all thought that maybe Zhuang Zhou liked this, so he would accept the Temple of Wealth sent by Song Qingyu.

So everything was built according to Song Qingyu's.

Zhuang Zhou's family looked down. Although they were very happy, they didn't have the surprise they had when they saw the first one.

Maybe this is aesthetic fatigue.==

However, the first Temple of Wealth had another 'quality' problem, which resulted in the failure to open as hoped, and the eagerness in Zhuang Zhou's heart faded.

After visiting all the Temples of Fortune, Zhuang Zhou met their expectations, added everyone's terminal numbers, and then followed Wen Xiaoyun back.

Wen Xiaoyun fell on the sofa as soon as he came back, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he seemed to smile, but it was not obvious.

He said, "Aren't you happy? So many temples of wealth."

Zhuang Zhou: "Happy!"

He turned over, met Wen Xiaoyun's deep eyes, and beeped softly: "But I found that I've become greedy!"

Wen Xiaoyun sat down with a very patient tone: "How do you say it?"

Zhuang Zhou said: "I think what they do is pretty much the same, just..."

He chooses his words carefully: "There's no such thing as an eye-catching feeling."

This is what Wen Xiaoyun wanted.

He laughed again, his voice very soft: "It's not greed, but they don't understand ancient earth culture, they know a little bit of superficial things, so they mess around according to the pictures, so you don't expect so much."

Zhuang Zhou blinked at him.

Wen Xiaoyun is always like this. Whenever he feels that he has bad intentions, he can always comfort him from another angle and tell him that he is not wrong.

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head: "In short, although they built the Temple of Wealth, they are not authentic and seem a bit nondescript."

Zhuang Zhou whispered: "But the Earth civilization has disappeared for so long, I know what they have done is very good."

This is interstellar, not Earth.

He is actually satisfied to have such a temple of wealth.

So the first time he saw the Interstellar Temple of Wealth, he would be so happy.

Wen Xiaoyun said softly: "Don't think too much, sleep well tonight, tomorrow is the weekend, you don't have to go to class, I'll take you to play."


After washing, he hugged the idol and consciously shrank into Wen Xiaoyun's arms and closed his eyes comfortably.

Wen Xiaoyun paused and wanted to do something that could be done between couples. Seeing that the child was so 'without distractions', he sighed silently, shrank his body back, and thought to himself when he could offend him. God in his arms.

Zhuang Zhou slept well all night, more and more people will make 100% energy radiation shielding devices, and his fame is also growing, so his beliefs are also increasing.

When he woke up, he was more powerful.

Standing at the door of the bathroom in high spirits, waiting for Wen Xiaoyun to go out after washing up.

When Wen Xiaoyun was brushing his teeth, he urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, you are so slow!"

After waiting for the floating car, Wen Xiaoyun drove the floating car very fast, and he worried again: "Slow down, don't drive so fast!"

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows: "You are the one who wants to be fast, but now you think it's too fast and want me to be slower, Zhouzhou, do you want me to be fast or slow?"

Zhuang Zhou blushed a little: "I don't think so, I just hope you pay attention to safety!"

Wen Xiaoyun smiled: "Okay."

After I didn't know what to think, I muttered to myself: "I don't know when I will hear this in bed."

He spoke in a low voice, but Zhuang Zhou heard it, but didn't understand: "What?"

Wen Xiaoyun didn't explain, just drove seriously with his lips hooked, with a seductive smile in his eyes.

Zhuang Zhou is not stupid. Seeing him smile like this, he suddenly understood, and his cheeks blushed: "Wen Xiaoyun!"

Wen Xiaoyun looked calm: "Well, I'm driving seriously."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

So what kind of car are you really driving

Roller coaster? !

Zhuang Zhou's thoughts were successfully distracted, and when he thought of getting in another car, his face was red all the way down.

After getting off the hover car and arriving at the destination, Wen Xiaoyun saw that his little eyes were still messing around, but he didn't look at himself, so he couldn't help laughing: "Little God of Wealth, look at your future world?"

Zhuang Zhou glared at him: "What future days..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of it is a vast temple hall, the roof of the temple is splendid, and the square copper tripod incense burner is simple and solemn. The red walls and blue tiles, the carved dragons and the pillars, and the newly completed golden statues of 10 meters high stand among them, solemn and solemn.

For a moment, Zhuang Zhou thought that he had returned to the ancient earth, and the temple in front of him was a palace that could be seen everywhere in China, with a strong classical atmosphere, which was what he remembered.

Wen Xiaoyun said, "It's only half finished, I should have brought you here when it's finished, but..."

He smiled helplessly: "I don't want to be preempted again."

Wen Xiaoyun was actually a little nervous.

After all, Zhouzhou saw so many Temples of Wealth yesterday.

For the design drawings, he asked several professors who studied ancient earth culture.

But he has never been to Earth, so I don't know if Zhuang Zhou will like it.

Zhuang Zhou rubbed his eyes, too surprised to say a word.

As Wen Xiaoyun said last night.

The temples of wealth he saw yesterday were actually a bit nondescript, and they didn't have a pure temple atmosphere.

The one in front of him was different. Even if it wasn't really finished, he could see that it was built with great care, and it was built exactly in the style of the ancient earth, which made people feel friendly at first glance.

And most importantly, it's... HUGE! !

Which fairy doesn't want to have a super super temple to worship!

The bigger the temple, the stronger the incense!

If I have to make a metaphor, one is shoddy, and the other is meticulously crafted.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes were straight.

If he hadn't seen so many nondescript temples of wealth yesterday, he might not have had such a big emotion when he saw this one today.

But it was because he watched too much yesterday that such a carefully crafted, 100% restored ancient earth-style temple suddenly appeared. He couldn't believe that Interstellar really had such an authentic Temple of Wealth.

"Is this... did you do it?" He looked at Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun 'um': "Do you like it?"

Zhuang Zhou replied loudly: "I like it!"

He hugged Wen Xiaoyun and hugged tightly: "I like it very much."

Wen Xiaoyun only felt his heart warm, and all the previous unhappiness disappeared at this moment.

He put his chin on Zhuang Zhou's head and said softly, "Just like it."

He sighed: "Otherwise, I'm really afraid that you will be hooked up by someone else's Temple of Wealth."

Zhuang Zhou suddenly understood why Wen Xiaoyun was not very happy when Admiral Song sent him the Temple of Fortune.

With a hot face, he justified himself in a low voice: "I didn't... I won't be hooked up so easily... "

He has to apply to the uncle of the great priest for the first marriage, and again, the uncle of the priest will probably scold him to death.

He thought, Wen Xiaoyun must be insecure!

How to give the object a sense of security

Zhuang Zhou thought of something and said softly, "Wen Xiaoyun, shall we just register for marriage?"

Wen Xiaoyun's body was shocked, and then a little annoyed: "Zhouzhou, I should come to the proposal."

Zhuang Zhou smiled and said, "It's the same."

Wen Xiaoyun wanted to say something else, but Zhuang Zhou suddenly raised his head, and a kiss fell on his lips, blocking what Wen Xiaoyun was about to say.

This was the first time he was so active, and he was also very shy, his face was almost burning red, he kissed and then backed away immediately, whispering: "Well... I, I don't think you have bad skills..."

Wen Xiaoyun only felt that the blood all over his body was boiling, all the words he wanted to say were preempted by the children, so he didn't even have a chance to express, so he could only hug people tighter.

"Don't tease me..." he said, his voice a little hoarse: "I'll listen to you."

The marriage registration thing is so settled.

Zhuang Zhou went to count the days by himself, and calculated that the date on the 7th of next month would be suitable for marriage.

Now on the 24th, there are still more than ten days.

Coincidentally, this day is also the right day to consecrate the gods.

The main temple of the God of Wealth Temple built by Wen Xiaoyun has been completed, and the two side temples next to it have not yet been built, but the statue has been completed and placed in the main temple, just suitable for consecration.

Therefore, when Song Qingyu and the third prince and other dignitaries thought about making an appointment with Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Zhou was no longer available.

He has to prepare for the consecration, and also prepares to get married, how can he still have time to manage those nondescript temples of wealth they have built.

Seeing this, the third prince and others felt that it was not good. After further inquiries, they found out about the temple built by Wen Xiaoyun.

They compared the Temple of Wealth they built with the one built by Wen Xiaoyun, and immediately understood that they were all used by Wen Xiaoyun as spearmen.

This thing can't be compared. Compared with theirs, the temple built by Wen Xiaoyun is incomparably tall. He successfully slapped a group of their shoddy products on the wall, which made Zhuang Zhou feel the biggest surprise.

Using them to deal with Song Qingyu not only solved Song Qingyu, but also wiped them all out.

"Uncle's! I didn't expect Wen Xiaoyun to look mature and stable on the outside, but he was so dark inside!"

Song Qingyu was also depressed, if these guys hadn't destroyed his Temple of Fortune, he would have hugged Zhuang Zhou's thigh now!

But he refused to admit defeat, and snorted coldly: "You deserve it."

The powerful people can't do anything, especially because of Beiyusi's incident last time, their children were contaminated by radiation in the first military academy of the Empire. If they weren't for their own children, how could they rush to win relations with Zhuang Zhou every day.

Now that Zhuang Zhou is not easy to handle, they can only go to His Majesty Krill.

"Your Majesty, what Beiyusi did last time at the First Military Academy... You know, I'm just such a son, he is so good and still so young, he is studying at school well, and the sky is in trouble... Now he is contaminated by radiation. , woohoo, if something happens to him, I don't want to live anymore..."

Because His Majesty Creel is unwilling to disclose who the person who cured the radiation pollution is, and they dare not come to the door to ask for a boat with great fanfare, so they can only ask His Majesty Creel.

His Majesty Krill has long been prepared: "I have discussed with the master, the palace has set up a department to take care of this, and everyone who is contaminated by energy radiation can go to that department to register, and the master will press the radiation Depending on the severity of the pollution, queue up for treatment, and if it is serious, priority will be given to treatment.”

When everyone heard this, their hearts were instantly relieved. Just line up in line, it's better than not being able to find someone to treat them.

So, as soon as this department was opened, all the radiation-contaminated people from all over the country rushed to the Capital Star, with this glimmer of hope, wanting to regain the light.

The outside world is more curious about this master who can cure radiation pollution, who is he and how he cured it.

But His Majesty Krill covered Zhuang Zhou's vest, especially when he knew that people from other countries were already asking about Zhuang Zhou, and ordered everyone not to reveal that it was Zhuang Zhou.

The Duke of Bolton's House.

Duke Bolton and Diwen naturally also saw that His Majesty Krill valued Zhuang Zhou.

He failed to bring Wen Xiaoyun down from power and made him a marshal. In addition, what Zhuang Zhou said that day made Di Wen really think about it once, and wanted to vomit blood once.

"Now we have completely torn apart our face with Wen Xiaoyun. He is now the Marshal. After Marshal Huo handed over everything to him, he will definitely be the first to attack my First Army." Di Wen Leng With a face: "Zhuang Zhou can't possibly cooperate with us anymore, brother, what do you say?"

The Duke of Bolton remained silent.

The students he got from the school were all the same as Liao Zhiping at the beginning. It was obvious that the cooperation had been negotiated, but when they wanted to give him the energy device or told them how to make it, accidents would always happen.

Either the energy device exploded, or they all suddenly forgot the specific production method.

This is really too evil, and it makes the Duke of Bolton have to think more.

After a few tries, the news somehow leaked, and now no students are willing to do business with them.

Because those students thought it was their ghosts and wanted to kill people after they got something.

Speaking of which, Duke Bolton felt angry. He wanted to kill someone, but he also wanted to get something!

They got nothing and were almost contaminated with radiation several times!

Duke Bolton was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Isn't the Federation also trying to get Zhuang Zhou?"

Diwen was surprised: "brother, you want to..."

Then he shook his head: "Impossible, Wen Xiaoyun is from the Empire, and Zhuang Zhou has a good relationship with him. It is impossible for Zhuang Zhou to go to the Federation."

Duke Bolton said lightly: "The Federation has always been domineering and ruthless. If they can't get it, they will want to destroy it."

Diwen's heart froze, and he immediately understood what Duke Bolton meant.

The author has something to say: PS—

Duke: What the Federation doesn't get will be destroyed.

Zhouzhou: Wow! people from other countries! new customer! !

Weekend, today's update is earlier hehe.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Xingyou; 7 bottles of Muzixi; 1 bottle of Yuluotong and KL;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!