Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 50: Dream? Or real?


Once the department to cure radiation pollution was established, Zhuang Zhou was even busier.

During the day, I have two classes at the school. In the afternoon, I will go to the palace to cure the radiation-contaminated patients.

Zhuang Zhou simply lived in the Temple of Wealth built by Wen Xiaoyun and did not return home.

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Wen Xiaoyun, who is alone in the empty boudoir, is very opinionated about this.

But Zhuang Zhou's coaxing people is also a set: "But it is also very important to consecrate the statue. This is what I really mean here. It is a statue of the people of the whole star, so be very careful."

What he wants to do is not a simple sex, but a real idol.

Some Buddha statues still need to chant for forty-nine days. Their statues are different from Buddha statues, so they don’t need to chant for such a long time, but in order to bless their spiritual thoughts and create a real statue, they need to be immersed in their own divine power.

To put it simply, it is similar to raising jade, people raise jade, and after jade has aura, it will in turn nourish human beings.

What he has to do is such a god statue, like his body, returning to this god statue can also restore divine power.

Zhuang Zhou's voice was soft: "You gave it to me, because it's you, so I think it's different from other gods."

Wen Xiaoyun's heart softened when he heard this.

Because it was him, even the statue he sent, Zhouzhou wanted to make the statue different.

So Wen Xiaoyun softened his heart and silently accepted the fact that he was alone in the empty boudoir.

Zhuang Zhou brought his own body god statue directly into the god statue built by Wen Xiaoyun and infused it with divine power. In order to prevent Zhuang Zhou's behavior from making people feel weird, Wen Xiaoyun also specially instructed the workers who built the Temple of Fortune, at night. After reaching the point, you will be guarded outside the temple and not allowed to enter.

And in order to avoid suspicion, he pretended to take Zhuang Zhou to check the 'progress' every day, and when he left, he directly drove the suspension car from the Temple of Fortune, making a look like he and Zhuang Zhou went home together.

On this day, the military opened a court to deal with Beiyusi, but Wen Xiaoyun was unable to go to the palace to pick up Zhuangzhou.

He originally wanted to send Cheng Jinxue to pick up Zhuang Zhou, but Zhuang Zhou felt that it would be troublesome for Cheng Jinxue to send him off when he was sleeping in the statue at night. He had to run again later, so he rejected Wen Xiaoyun's proposal.

"I already know the way, I can go by myself." Zhuang Zhou said: "You asked Cheng Jinxue to pick me up, and I have to sit back and go home with him. He is now helping Xiaojun to upgrade his weapon equipment system. He should Very busy too."

Wen Xiaoyun was a little helpless: "Zhouzhou, how many days are you going to stay there?"

It seems that he could hear the resentment in Wen Xiaoyun's voice, and Zhuang Zhou also felt a little guilty: "...you can live until the day of consecration, um... The statue you built is a bit big, and it requires more divine power to consecrate it."

Wen Xiaoyun even regretted creating such a statue.

But seeing the child so happy, he will do it again once again.

"Okay, then be careful."

"Know it."

After hanging up the communication, Zhuang Zhou also sighed, this is probably a sweet trouble, Wen Xiaoyun always treats him as a fragile item, he is obviously very powerful.

Zhuang Zhou packed his things by himself, greeted His Majesty Krill, and took the public suspension car to leave.

Zhuang Zhou is very popular now, and he himself is afraid of being watched, so he wears the mask that His Majesty Krill prepared for him.

Fortunately, the public suspension car is very spacious, and there are not many people inside, and no one seems to notice him.

As soon as his destination arrived, he got out of the car and rushed to the Temple of Fortune.

He didn't notice that after he got out of the car, several people in the public suspension car looked at each other, and followed him out of the car without any sound.

Watching Zhuang Zhou enter the Temple of Fortune with their own eyes, the four of them began to investigate outside the Temple of Fortune.

"Are you sure this person is that Zhuang Zhou?"

"Yes, Duke Bolton's people followed him out of the palace."

"According to the intelligence, he came to check the progress of the construction of the Temple of Fortune every day, and he would leave after an hour. Wen Xiaoyun was there before, so we dared not follow too closely."

Wen Xiaoyun is very strong and sensitive. Although they have never dealt with Wen Xiaoyun before, they have long heard of Wen Xiaoyun's vigilance level. In order not to let him find out, they were basically dormant during this time.

Wen Xiaoyun's absence today is a good time for them to start.

"Notice, let's start tonight, only success is allowed, not failure!"


The four of them lay in ambush outside the Temple of Fortune. In order not to fail the mission, they also called in three other teammates.

The sky is getting darker, and night is coming.

The workers who built the Temple of Wealth left work one after another, leaving only those who were specially ordered by Wen Xiaoyun to stay and guard.

Even the mechanic goes dormant.

They waited, waited, waited, waited, and waited from evening to late at night. The surroundings became more and more quiet, and the lights in the Temple of Fortune went out. The boat they were waiting for, but since they entered the temple, they came out again.

"What's the matter? Did he go through another door?"

"People have been arranged around the Temple of Fortune. I haven't seen him appear before. He is still in the Temple of Fortune."

"There is no one in the temple."

They feel a little weird.

As the best agents of the Federation, they are first-class in both strength and reconnaissance ability.

The mission this time is very important. When they set out for the empire, they were told by thousands of instructions that they could only succeed and not fail.

After following Zhuang Zhou to this place, they paid close attention to everyone who came in and out of the Temple of Fortune, and were sure that Zhuang Zhou did not come out.

The leader pondered for a moment and said, "Go to the temple to find him, he must still be in the temple, maybe he found us."

Because they were discovered, they hid in the Temple of Fortune and did not dare to come out, waiting for rescue.

At this time, their actions must be fast.

And in fact, they did reveal it.

But it wasn't Zhuang Zhou who discovered them.

After the soldiers guarding the Temple of Wealth found something suspicious, they reported to Wen Xiaoyun, who immediately communicated to Zhuang Zhou's personal terminal.

However, the communication didn't get through. Zhuang Zhou was already inside the statue, soaking the huge statue made of pure gold with divine power. This place has become a completely isolated and closed space, and there is naturally no signal from the personal terminal.

Wen Xiaoyun rushed over while sending a message to Zhuang Zhou, telling him not to leave the temple.

At this point, federal agents had already infiltrated the Temple of Fortune.

It was dark in the Temple of Fortune, and nothing could be seen, not to mention the existence of people.

"Boss, don't you think it's a little weird here?"

In the interstellar era, how can there be such a dark place that the naked eye can hardly see it, and somehow they feel some infiltration.

"Look for it seriously." The boss was calm, although he felt strange, but the task came first.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly lit up in the eyes of the huge pure gold statue.

When the light came on, the face of the god statue also lit up. In the empty eyes, there was no wave in the ancient well, but two clusters of lights shone strangely.

The federal agents were all stunned, and the soles of their feet were inexplicably cold.

The boss's face was sinking like water: "Go over and take a look, there should be lights in the eyes of the statue, go and turn off the lights."

The main reason is that the lamp is installed in the eyes, and it is too infiltrative in the middle of the night.

The two agents climbed on the statue's shoulders to see how the 'light' was turned off.

When I climbed up, I found...

"Grass! Boss, it has no lights in its eyes!"

"No lights?"

"Boss... It, it seems to be emitting light by itself, damn it, this is too scary! I have heard and heard records in the ancient earth culture, ghosts and ghosts... "

The boss is still very calm: "The refraction of the light source, as well as the visual drop, may cause the flash phenomenon, don't think too much."

The other agents wanted to say that there were no lights around! Where is the light source refraction

But seeing the boss came to check in person, they were a little relieved.

in the statue.

Zhuang Zhou closed his eyes, and the divine power on his body was spreading continuously, covering the entire statue.

As his divine power spread more and more, the faith collector on his neck gradually lit up with a blue light.

This light was exactly the light that the federal agents saw in the eyes of the giant statue.

Zhuang Zhou used divine power to nourish the statue as usual, but tonight he entered a strange state, as if he had entered meditation.

The divine power continued to spread, and with the loss of his physical and divine power, the blue light emitted by the belief collector on his neck converged into blue rivers and entered his body.

Divine power seems to have formed a cycle, endlessly.

Zhuang Zhou, who was in a state of meditation, only felt that he was in a very strange sphere of light, and he also saw a familiar figure in the sphere of light.

"Uncle Grand Priest?"

The long-haired young man turned his head and looked at Zhuang Zhou.

Seeing the great priest, Zhuang Zhou was overjoyed: "Uncle priest, is it really you? Do you know where I am now?"

The Grand Priest said, "I know."

Zhuang Zhou's eyes widened: "Did you know that I went to the interstellar age? I seem to have traveled to the interstellar time two thousand years later."

The great priest smiled.

Zhuang Zhou was a little aggrieved: "It's been a long time since the era of the earth, and the civilization has recovered after the extinction. They say that the earth has disappeared, how can the earth disappear? If the earth disappears, where will you be? There are so many priests on the earth, We can protect the earth well, how can the earth disappear?"

The great priest did not speak, but raised his hand and touched his head.

Zhuang Zhou was puzzled: "Uncle priest, why don't you speak?"

Just after I finished asking, the world in front of me changed again.

Once again, he went back to the day before he was ready to go to the world for an internship.

The surrounding gods are all in a hurry, and their faces are not good-looking.

I don't know if I am not familiar with Zhuang Zhou, and no god came to greet him, and they all ignored him, as if he did not exist.

Zhuang Zhou was not familiar with them either, so naturally he would not take the initiative to say hello.

Until the great priest appeared, with a slightly tired look.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up: "Uncle Great Priest."

"Is everything packed?"

"Packed up."

Repeating the process before departure again and again, Zhuang Zhou didn't understand why, but the surrounding environment changed again.

Back to the junk planet.

Back to the day I met Wen Xiaoyun for the first time.

Zhuang Zhou became more and more dazed.

How could he remember these things again

He is not dreaming now.

The more in a trance, the more Zhuang Zhou felt that something was wrong.

Zhuang Zhou controlled his consciousness and once again recalled the day before his departure.

He was sitting there alone, the gods around him were in a hurry, no gods came to talk to him, and all the gods ignored him...


Zhuang Zhou was stunned for a moment, and finally understood where the breach was.

Maybe they didn't ignore him because they didn't know them well, but... they couldn't see themselves.

Zhuang Zhou was startled by his own guess and woke up from the meditation.


How could it be impossible to see him

If, if they can't see themselves, why can the priest uncle see

Zhuang Zhou's whole person began to be in a trance, and he felt that everything before he left was fake and didn't exist.

At this moment, he felt someone shaking the idol.

He had just nourished the statue with divine power, and when he woke up from the meditation, he was frightened again. He was a little dazed, thinking that Wen Xiaoyun had come to accompany him, and couldn't help but say, "Are you here to accompany me? ?"

outside the statue.

Federal agents are examining the statue.

In the darkness, the idol suddenly made a sound.

-Are you here to accompany me

The voice was soft, and there was a faint odor in the darkness, which made the scalp numb, and the coolness rose from the soles of the feet.

The federal agent froze all of a sudden, and reflexively took out his weapon and shot at the statue.


Two light energy bullets were fired.

But something weird happened.

Shooting at such a close range, the light energy bullet was stopped!

I saw a pure white light curtain lit up outside the statue, inlaid with two luminous energy bullets.

Federal agents saw this scene: "Fuck!"

What the hell! !

The author has something to say: PS—

The typo waits to be corrected!

Happy Goddess Day~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: there is a bandit gentleman, 2 bottles of the eighth unit;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!